- Elizabeth Larson
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Lake County falls out of top rankings in annual ‘State of the Air’ report
The American Lung Association released its 21st annual “State of the Air” report this week.
“The report finds the air quality in some communities has improved, but the ‘State of the Air’ finds that far too many people are still breathing unhealthy air,” said American Lung Association President and CEO Harold Wimmer.
“This year’s report shows that climate change continues to degrade air quality and increase the risk of air pollution harming health. To protect the advances in air quality we fought for 50 years ago through the Clean Air Act, we must again act today, implementing effective policies to protect our air quality and lung health against the threat of climate change,” Wimmer said.
Wimmer added that air pollution is linked to a greater risk of lung infection. “Protecting everyone from COVID-19 and other lung infections is an urgent reminder of the importance of clean air.”
In creating the report, the association analyzed data from 2016, 2017 and 2018, the three years with the most recent quality-assured air pollution data.
The report found that nearly half of the nation’s population – 150 million people – lived with and breathed polluted air, placing their health and lives at risk.
The association said climate change continues to make air pollution worse, with many western communities again experiencing record-breaking spikes in particle pollution due to wildfires.
Lake County is one of the areas that has been heavily impacted by wildland fires over the past several years.
In 2016, the Clayton fire ravaged Lower Lake, the Sulphur fire hit Clearlake and Clearlake Oaks in 2017, and in 2018, the Mendocino Complex – a combination of the Ranch and River fires – became the largest wildland fire since California began keeping records.
In past years, Lake County has been among the top-ranked areas in the nation. However, because of the wildland fire impacts – particularly in 2017 and 2018 – this year’s report is the first since 2007 that doesn’t rank Lake County, according to Lake County Air Pollution Control Officer Doug Gearhart.
“We didn’t miss it by much even with the fires, there were only 4 days in 3 years (during the fires) that made our average high enough to miss the top 25,” Gearhart said.
Gearhart said that, because the report relies on three years of data, he believes it will take at least two years for Lake County to get back to the top 25, especially since 2017 had the highest particulate matter levels from the fires.
“Additionally, with the shelter in place orders all around the US right now, there are a number of counties that are in the top 25 that will see even better numbers in 2020 due to the reduced activity in their area, so it will be a challenge to get there in the next two years,” said Gearhart, who is working to develop a picture of the shelter in place’s impacts on Lake County’s air quality.
How the rankings work
Each year, the State of the Air reports on the two most widespread outdoor air pollutants, ozone pollution and particle pollution. Each is dangerous to public health and can be lethal, the association reported.
Particle pollution comes from sources like wildfires, wood-burning stoves, coal-fired power plants, diesel engines and other sources. Technically known as PM2.5, these microscopic particles lodge deep in the lungs and can even enter the bloodstream.
The report said particle pollution can trigger asthma attacks, heart attacks and strokes and cause lung cancer. New research also links air pollution to the development of serious diseases, such as asthma and dementia.
The report has two grades for particle pollution: one for “short-term” particle pollution, or daily spikes, and one for the annual average, “year-round” level that represents the concentration of particles day-in and day-out in each location.
Lake County registered a “D” grade for particle pollution.
Neighboring Yolo county received a “C,” and other counties around the region registered even worse grades, with Colusa, Mendocino, Napa and Sonoma all receiving an “F.” No monitoring was collected for Glenn County.
Lake County got an “A” for ozone pollution, also known as smog, as did Colusa, Glenn and Mendocino counties. Napa and Sonoma counties received a “B” and Yolo County a “D.”
The report said ozone pollution is a powerful respiratory irritant whose effects have been likened to a sunburn of the lung. Inhaling ozone can cause shortness of breath, trigger coughing and asthma attacks, and may shorten life.
Additional findings
The report also made the following findings:
– More than 20.8 million people lived in counties that had unhealthy levels of air pollution in all categories from 2016 to 2018.
– More cities experienced more days with spikes in particle pollution, with nine western cities reaching their most days ever reported. Those notable spikes were driven in large part by smoke from major wildfires in 2018, especially in California, and some locations also saw spikes from woodsmoke from heating homes.
– Twenty-four of the 25 most polluted cities were located in the western region of the U.S.
– Nationwide, more than 53.3 million people experienced these unhealthy spikes in particle pollution.
– More than 21.2 million people lived in counties with unhealthy levels of year-round particle pollution, which is more than in the last three “State of the Air” reports.
– Thirteen of the 26 most polluted cities faced worse levels of year-round particle pollution. Some cities had so many days of short-term particle pollution spikes that the sheer number led to them having higher annual averages as well.
– Many cities experienced their cleanest ever annual average, yet remained on the nation’s most polluted list. Despite making the top 10 most polluted list, both Fresno-Madera-Hanford, California and Pittsburgh metro area tied with their previous record of cleanest air in the 21-year history of the report. And while Chicago, Cincinnati and Indianapolis made the top 25 most polluted list, each hit their cleanest ever annual average.
– Significantly more people suffered unhealthy ozone pollution in the 2020 report than in the last three “State of the Air” reports.
– More than 137 million people lived in an area earning a failing grade for ozone pollution. This shows the changing climate’s impact on air quality, as ozone pollution worsened during the global record-breaking heat years tracked in the 2020 report. However, despite making the top ten list of most ozone-polluted cities, San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, California experienced its best-ever air quality for ozone.
Email Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.com . Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.