Saturday, 08 March 2025


LAKEPORT, Calif. – Sutter Lakeside Hospital announced a pilot neonatal telemedicine program in partnership with Sutter Santa Rosa Regional Hospital (SSRRH), beginning June 6.

Through generous philanthropic funding at SSRRH, Sutter Lakeside Hospital’s Family Birth Center received one telemonitor unit, which connects an on-call neonatologist with the on-site newborn care team, should the need arise for immediate expert consultation.

“Immediate access to a neonatologist will help support specialty care for our infants born at Sutter Lakeside,” said Jackie Rad, RNC, MSN, Sutter Lakeside Hospital Family Birth Center manager. “A neonatologist specializes in caring for sick or premature babies. On-site telemedicine allows the specialist to visually assess sick infants and provide real time care recommendations to our doctors.”

Each telemonitor comes equipped with one stationary and one mobile camera, which allows nurses to manipulate the neonatologist’s view as directed. The teams communicate via video live stream.

“Giving the neonatologist a visual on an unusual rash or other abnormal symptoms can help our team make informed decisions on whether or not we should transfer a patient,” said Rad. “In addition, when time is critical, a visual assessment allows the specialist to better determine the most appropriate level of care for a sick baby.”

“The rural setting of Lake County can present barriers that only the most innovative technology can overcome,” said Siri Nelson, chief administrative officer, Sutter Lakeside Hospital. “We’re thankful for the ability to partner within the Sutter system to access the necessary care when our patients need it most.”

The Family Birth Center, which averages about one transfer per month, has already facilitated training on how to operate the telemonitor for its nurses and doctors.

“We love how easy the monitor is to use,” said Dee Allison, RN, Family Birth Center. “It’s an added safety measure that we can’t wait to get up and running.”

Sutter Lakeside Hospital will serve as the pioneer satellite campus for the neonatal telemedicine partnership, with the goal of providing feedback to help form a program for all qualifying Sutter affiliates.

The grant provides funds for two years, and aims to expand beyond Sutter Lakeside Hospital during year two of the project.

“This technology is truly cutting edge,” said Rad. “Because of our partnership with Sutter Santa Rosa Regional Hospital, we’re able to provide care above and beyond the current standard while reducing unnecessary transfers and improving response times. We’re thrilled to be the pilot affiliate, and excited to help shape neonatal telemedicine within the Sutter system.”

To learn more about Sutter Lakeside, or schedule a tour, please visit or call 707-262-5121.

Morgen Wells is Community Relations & Fund Development specialist for Sutter Lakeside Hospital.


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Erin Norton, 57, of Kelseyville, passed away April 19, 2016, in Red Bluff, Calif., with her husband, Mark at her side.

Erin was born in Redwood City, Calif., to Richard and Roseline O’Brien on July 30, 1958. She attended Kelseyville High School, graduating in 1976.

She loved to do beading, and especially loved making trips to Hawaii with Mark. During their marriage they visited the Islands more than 30 times.

Erin is survived by her loving husband of 30 years, Mark; her son, Jared Norton (Christy); granddaughters, Tera and Aubrie Norton; and father-in-law, Russell Norton (Jan). She was predeceased by her parents.

Please join the Norton family in a celebration of Erin’s life on Saturday, June 4, from 1 to 5 p.m. at 5180 Third St. in Kelseyville.

WASHINGTON, DC – Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert McDonald has granted equitable relief to more than 24,000 veterans following a national review of traumatic brain injury (TBI) medical examinations conducted in connection with disability compensation claims processed between 2007 and 2015.

This action by the secretary allows the Department of Veterans Affairs to offer new TBI examinations to veterans whose initial examination for TBI was not conducted by one of four designated medical specialists and provides them with the opportunity to have their claims reprocessed.

Equitable relief is a unique legal remedy that allows the secretary to correct an injustice to a claimant where VA is not otherwise authorized to do so within the scope of the law.

“Traumatic brain injury is a signature injury in veterans returning from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and VA is proud to be an organization that sets the bar high for supporting these, and all, Veterans,” said Secretary McDonald. “Providing support for veterans suffering from a TBI is a priority and a privilege, and we must make certain they receive a just and fair rating for their disabilities.”

To ensure that TBI is properly evaluated for disability compensation purposes, VA developed a policy in 2007 requiring that one of four specialists – a psychiatrist, physiatrist, neurosurgeon or neurologist – complete TBI exams when VA does not have a prior diagnosis.

Since 2007, medicine around TBI has been a rapidly evolving science. VA designated particular specialists to conduct initial TBI exams because they have the most experience with the symptoms and effects of TBI.

As more research became available, VA issued a number of guidance documents that may have created confusion regarding the policy. VA has confirmed that its TBI policy guidance is now clear and being followed.

“We let these Veterans down,” Secretary McDonald said. “That is why we are taking every step necessary to grant equitable relief to those affected to ensure they receive the full benefits to which they are entitled.”

VA understands the importance of an accurate exam to support veterans’ disability claims. The secretary’s decision to grant relief will enable VA to take action on any new examinations without requiring veterans to submit new claims. If additional benefits are due, VA will award an effective date as early as the date of the initial TBI claim.

VA will contact veterans identified as part of this national TBI review to offer them an opportunity to receive a new examination and have their claims reprocessed.

More than 13,000 of these affected veterans are already receiving service-connected compensation benefits for TBI at a 10-percent disability evaluation or higher, which means that the diagnosis has already been established.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – Lakeport's annual Memorial Day Parade once again drew many people to the city's downtown to enjoy the kickoff to the summer season.

The parade took place on Saturday, May 28.

This year's theme was “Lake County Strong.”

Parade winners are listed below.


Best of Division: Mendo Lake Credit Union


First place: Mendo Lake Credit Union                   


First place: Operation Tango Mike
Second place: Lake County Special Olympics
Third place: Miss Lake County Scholarship Pageant


First place: Vietnam Veterans of America, Lake County Chapter 951   
Second place: Lake County Pearl Harbor Survivors   
Third place: 40 & 8 Voiture 912 of Lake County


First place: Lakeport Elks Lodge 2704
Second place: (Tie) Lakeport Host Lions, Lakeport Senior Center   

Best of Division: Lakeport Disposal


First place: Corvettes of Lake County No. 1


First place: Bob Lininger, Lakeport   
Second place: HS Ranch   
Third place: David Kacharos, U.S. Navy veteran


First place: Lakeport Disposal


First place: Spyder Owners Group


Best of Division: Junior Giants


First place: Junior Giants


Best of Division: Hidden View Gypsy Ranch


First place: Hidden View Gypsy Ranch


First place: Lonne Sloan


First place: Lake County Horse Council



Mendo Lake Credit Union


Mendo Lake Credit Union


Winner: Operation Tango Mike

I'd like to thank the thousands of voters that supported my successful bid in the 2014 open jungle primary for the United States House of Representatives District 5 seat.

Thanks again, to the 40,000 plus that voted for me over Mike Thompson in November 2014. Unfortunately the Wall Street-funded incumbent notched me.

Since Mike Thompson's reelection, he's taken pride in sponsoring legislation to repeal the COOL Act (country of origin labeling on meat products, HR 2393). In the wake of recent local meat inspecting scandals, this legislation is unacceptable.

In an age of information, we deserve to know where our food is coming from. Most people would prefer beef from California or Montana to beef from a third world country. Unfortunately thanks to Congressman Mike Thompson, we won't have that information any more.

I debated challenging Thompson again but chose to focus on local politics instead. I am running for Napa County supervisor.

I know many of you are feeling the Bern. Win or lose, Bernie Sanders is going to be working in Washington DC next year, as president or senator. Either way he is going to need support from Congress.

I'm endorsing Nils Palsson for Congress.

Nils Palsson will work with Bernie Sanders to overturn Citizens United. He'll sponsor legislation to regulate Wall Street. Nils will fight for a $15 an hour minimum wage. Palsson will be a leading voice against the war on drugs and the prison industrial complex.

I encourage you to vote for Nils Palsson for U.S. Representative District 5.

James Hinton lives in Napa, Calif.

SACRAMENTO – Sen. Mike McGuire’s legislation – modeled after a successful Sonoma County program – that would save residents money on their water bills was approved overwhelmingly by the Senate.

Senate Bill 1233 – The Water Bill Savings Act – will allow residents to finance water efficiency energy upgrades in their homes, which will significantly reduce their water and energy use while saving money on their monthly utility bills as well.

“Californians want to be water and energy efficient, but in many cases, the upfront costs of installing efficiency projects and appliances creates a barrier that prevents property owners and renters from doing the right thing,” Sen. Mike McGuire said. “For the first time, because of this bill, all Californians will be able to easily advance proven water and energy upgrades that are good for the environment and pocketbooks up and down this state.”

The “Pay As You Save” program will allow residents to finance energy efficient hot water systems, gray water systems, high efficiency toilets, aerators, hot water recirculation pumps, irrigation controllers, commercial dishwashers and several other water efficiency measures on their water utility bills including removing their water hog lawns and replacing the turf with drought tolerant landscapes.

The way the program works is simple. The local government agency, for example the city’s water authority, issues bonds and then issues payments for approved projects once they are completed. The customer pays their monthly bill that includes a line item for the efficiency measures.

In the town of Windsor, under this program the average family will pay $6 on the efficiency utility charge and save an average of $20, equaling a net savings of $14 a month.

“This is a proven program for reducing water consumption and allowing residents on tight budgets to make smart upgrades which will reduce their carbon footprint and save them money,” Sen. McGuire said. “This model is currently operating in 13 utilities in six states and to date, these programs have funded over 18 million dollars in projects, and collectively have only seen $3,000 in default, which is less than .02 percent.”

SB 1233 was approved on a bipartisan vote by the Senate with a 34-2 vote. The bill now moves to the Assembly for consideration.

We are writing to voice our support for Monica Rosenthal for District 1 supervisor.

After careful consideration of the strong field of candidates this year, we feel that Monica’s focus on economy, jobs and business development is what our county needs right now.

Monica is a good communicator, a caring community member, and she works efficiently and responsibly.

Let’s elect Monica for supervisor.

Beth and Mark Rudiger lives in Middletown, Calif.


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