Sunday, 09 March 2025



The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Law Enforcement Division recently certified five new K-9s and their handlers.

These teams completed the extensive law enforcement K-9 training academy over the past few months in Tehama County.
Four of the teams are handlers and dogs that are both new to CDFW's K-9 program, while the fifth team is veteran wildlife officer and handler Brian Boyd and his new K-9 "Champ."

Boyd and his previous and soon to be retired K-9 "Phebe" were both featured extensively on the National Geographic TV show Wild Justice.
"The value of K-9s is greatly recognized in their ability to use scent to locate evidence, especially items that have been intentionally concealed," said CDFW Assistant Chief Christy Wurster who leads the K-9 program. "These dogs can locate evidence in a fraction of the time it would take officers. Our dogs have proven to be a significant deterrent to suspect resistance, reducing assaults on our officers. This alone makes them an immeasurable asset."
All five teams are certified to track and locate people and detect certain odors and evidence. Depending upon their assigned work locations, individual teams are trained to detect numerous items including bear, deer, abalone, invasive quagga mussels and firearms, at a minimum.

Four of the new K-9 teams are also certified to protect officers and apprehend suspects.
The K-9 teams have proven invaluable to CDFW's Law Enforcement Division. Studies show that one well-trained dog can save approximately 800 personnel hours per year, which greatly boosts the wildlife officer's efficiency and effectiveness.

Some estimates place the scenting capabilities of a dog at up to 1 million times greater than a human, which allows them to quickly find concealed evidence and items.
The five new teams include:  Warden Aaron Galwey and K-9 "Rango" (Shasta County), Warden Brian Patrick and K-9 "Karma" (Sacramento County), Warden Timothy Bolla and K-9 "Luna" (Yolo County), Warden Nick Buckler and K-9 "Indy" (Lassen County), and Warden Brian Boyd and K-9 "Champ" (Shasta County).
CDFW's K-9 program has functioned in its current capacity consistently since 2008 with 10 working teams in the field.

These five new teams will strengthen the value of the program and assure its viability for years to come. 
For more information about CDFW K-9 program please visit .

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Kelseyville's popular summertime “Kickin' in the Country” street dances begin this season on Thursday, June 16.

The Kelseyville Business Association will host the free event with live music from 7 to 10 p.m. on Main Street.

This week's featured band is Beatz Werkin', a lively bunch that plays many fun and popular dance tunes from the 1970s.

The lineup for the monthly dances is as follows:

– July 21: The Funky Dozen.
– Aug. 18: The Hip Replacements.
– Sept. 15: The Prather Brothers.

Then on Oct. 15 there will be the Kelseyville Beer, Wine & Swine Bacon Festival.

For more information contact the Kelseyville Business Association at 707-279-9022, or visit the association's Web site at or its Facebook page, .

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Finch Gardens will host its monthly organic seed planting workshop on Saturday, June 18.

The workshop will take place beginning at 10 a.m. at 6565 Live Oak Drive,just past the EV Free Church. 

This month they will be planting broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.  Containers, organic seed and soil will be provided.

Participants will take home 12 4-inch starts or three six packs. The cost is $10 per person. 

For more information call Helen Finch at 707-279-9400 or visit our .

SACRAMENTO – The California Community Colleges has expanded its guaranteed transfer agreement with historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to include an additional 12 schools.

In March 2015, the California Community Colleges Board of Governors signed the initial agreement with the leaders of nine HBCUs, guaranteeing admission for California community college students who meet certain academic criteria admission.

The California Community Colleges is the only statewide community college system to have a transfer agreement of this kind with HBCUs.

“The expansion of this historic agreement creates a tremendous opportunity for our students,” said California Community Colleges Interim Chancellor Erik E. Skinner. “HBCUs have a reputation for being among the finest and most culturally diverse institutions of higher learning in the nation. We’re thrilled we can expand the pathway for students to embrace all these historic schools have to offer.”

The new HBCUs participating in the agreement are:

• Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach, Fla.
• Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio.
• Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Ga.
• Edward Waters College in Jacksonville, Fla.
• Florida Memorial University in Miami Gardens, Fla.
• Grambling State University in Grambling, La.
• Huston-Tillotson University  in Austin, Texas.
• Kentucky State University in Frankfort, Ky.
• Lane College in Jackson, Tenn.
• Lincoln University of Pennsylvania in Oxford, Penn.
• Tougaloo College in Tougaloo, Miss.
• West Virginia State University in Institute, W.Va.

Under the agreement, students who apply to the schools and obtain a transfer-level associate degree with a GPA of 2.5 or higher and complete either the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (accepted at both the University of California and California State University), or the California State University General Education Breadth pattern, will be guaranteed admission with junior standing.

Students are also guaranteed admission by earning an Associate Degree for Transfer or by completing 30 or more CSU or UC transferrable units with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

HBCUs were founded to serve the higher education needs of African-American students, though they are open to all students. They are located mostly in the South and East Coast regions.

The nine HBCUs included in the inaugural agreement are:

• Bennett College in Greensboro, N.C.
• Dillard University in New Orleans, La.
• Fisk University in Nashville, Tenn.
• Lincoln University of Missouri in Jefferson City, Mo.
• Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Ark.
• Stillman  College in Tuscaloosa, Ala.
• Talladega College in Talladega, Ala.
• Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Ala.
•  Wiley College in Marshall, Texas.

For more information on the guaranteed transfer agreement and all of the participating colleges and universities, please visit ,

The California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the nation composed of 72 districts and 113 colleges serving 2.1 million students per year.

For more information about the community colleges, please visit , or .


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A young woman who grew up in Lake County has advanced another step in her military career.

Stevie Rhodes has been promoted to sergeant in the United States Air Force.

Rhodes is one of the emergency managers for the 19th Civil Engineer Squadron stationed at Little Rock Air Force Base. 

She recently returned from a tour of duty in an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia.

Rhodes graduated from Kelseyville High School a few years ago. She will be returning sometime the week of June 12 to attend her sister Scarlett Rhodes' graduation.


KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – The Lake County Horse Council will host its Stay Safe 2016 event on Saturday, June 18.

The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the Kelseyville Senior Center, 5245 Third St.

The format this year will include one main speaker at the event.

Dana Shackelton, DVM of the Middletown Animal Hospital will give a talk and presentation on “Lessons learned from the Valley fire.”

The Middletown Animal Hospital was activated by the California Office of Emergency Services State Operations Center and provided relief for animals from the burned areas, organizing and coordinating care for a large number of animals.

During the Valley fire almost every domestic species was treated including cats, dogs, horses, sheep, goats, chicken, cows, pigs and even some rescued koi.

Many surgeries and procedures were performed during that time addressing a huge range of needs and problems.

Dr. Smith and his associate veterinarians, Dr. Holtz and Dr. Shackelton and staff were assisted by many other animal hospitals and vet clinics from surrounding counties including UC Davis.

During the fire they were contacted and responded to hundreds of request to visit people's properties and check on their animals. They also responded to reports and requests from Cal Fire, Pacific Gas and Electric and other public entities within the burn area.

Dr. Shacklton's presentation will give information on how to prepare and pre-defend your space. She also will give helpful information on how to prepare for evacuation, prepare for the worst case scenario and develop means to transporting and confining your animals.

There will be a question and answer period after the presentation.

Water, sodas, and juice will be provided by the Lake County Horse Council.

Visit the council online at .

The tragic event which occurred in Orlando, Fla., this past weekend reminds us of the monumental task yet to be accomplished.

That monumental task is the teaching of tolerance, of love, of respect, of understanding, of compassion and of the right to choose who to be with.

Choosing to be a heterosexual or a same sex couple should be the decision of those involved.

Whether we choose to be a couple from the same ethnic origin or different ethnic origins should also be the decision of those involved.

Changing a person's heart, mind, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, et al. will never be accomplished with force, coercion, intimidation, threats or death.

We, the Lake County Unit of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, offer our sincerest condolences to the families and loved ones of all affected by the tragic events that occurred in Orlando.

Let us take a lesson from this event – all life is precious, is important, and all life matters!

Rick Mayo is a member of the NAACP's Lake County Unit. He lives in Clearlake, Calif.


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