Saturday, 15 March 2025



LAKEPORT, Calif. – To celebrate Mary Magdalene’s feast day, Saint John’s Episcopal Church will hold a discussion about the woman known as “the apostle to the apostles” on Saturday, July 23.

The discussion will be held from 10 to 11:45 a.m.

The public is invited to explore topics such as what are the differences between New Testament stories about here and those of the Gnostic gospels, what legends have evolved, how her memory may have created tension in early Christianity, and where history and myth might meet. 

After the discussion, an optional Order of Noon Day Service to commemorate her feast day will be observed.

The public is invited.

There is no charge and refreshments will be served.

St. John's Episcopal Church is located at 1190 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.

Researchers have developed an integrated, wearable system that monitors a user’s environment, heart rate and other physical attributes with the goal of predicting and preventing asthma attacks.

The researchers plan to begin testing the system on a larger subject population this summer.

The system, called the Health and Environmental Tracker (HET), is composed of a suite of new sensor devices and was developed by researchers from the National Science Foundation’s Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) at North Carolina State University.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, asthma affects more than 24 million people in the United States. Asthma patients currently rely on inhalers to deal with their symptoms, which can include often-debilitating asthma attacks.

“Our goal was to design a wearable system that could track the wellness of the subjects and in particular provide the infrastructure to predict asthma attacks, so that the users could take steps to prevent them by changing their activities or environment,” said Alper Bozkurt, the principal investigator of a paper describing the work and an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at NC State.

“Preventing an attack could be as simple as going indoors or taking a break from an exercise routine,” says James Dieffenderfer, lead author of the paper and a Ph.D. student in the joint biomedical engineering program at NC State and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The HET system incorporates a host of novel sensing devices, which are incorporated into a wristband and a patch that adheres to the chest.

The patch includes sensors that track a patient’s movement, heart rate, respiratory rate, the amount of oxygen in the blood, skin impedance and wheezing in the lungs.

The wristband focuses largely on environmental factors, monitoring volatile organic compounds and ozone in the air, as well as ambient humidity and temperature. The wristband also includes additional sensors to monitor motion, heart rate and the amount of oxygen in the blood.

The system also has one nonwearable component: a spirometer, which patients breathe into several times a day to measure lung function.

“Right now, people with asthma are asked to use a peak flow meter to measure lung function on a day-to-day basis,” Dieffenderfer said. “That information is used to inform the dosage of prescription drugs used in their inhalers.

“For HET, we developed a customized self-powered spirometer, which collects more accurate information on lung function and feeds that data into the system,” Dieffenderfer added.

Data from all of these sensors is transmitted wirelessly to a computer, where custom software collects and records the data.

“The uniqueness of this work is not simply the integration of various sensors in wearable form factors,” said Veena Misra, co-author of the paper and a professor of electrical and computer engineering at NC State. “The impact here is that we have been able to demonstrate power consumption levels that are in the sub-milliwatt levels by using nano-enabled novel sensor technologies. Comparable, existing devices have power consumption levels in the hundreds of milliwatts.

“This ultra-low power consumption is important because it gives the devices a long battery life, and will make them compatible with the power generated by the body – which is not a lot,” said Misra, who is also the director of the ASSIST Center. “It enables a pathway to realize the ASSIST Center’s vision of self-powered wearable sensors in the near future.”

Misra added, “We have tested the system in the benchtop and on a limited number of human subjects for proof of concept demonstration and have confirmed that all of the sensors work, and that the system accurately compiles the data. This summer, we plan to begin testing HET in a controlled environment with subjects suffering from asthma and a control group, in order to identify which environmental and physiological variables are effective at predicting asthma attacks.”

“Once we have that data, the center can begin developing software that will track user data automatically and give users advance warning of asthma attacks,” said Bozkurt, who as testbed leader of the ASSIST Center is overseeing HET system integration. “And that software will allow users to synch the HET to their smartphones so that they can monitor their health on the go. After these tests are completed, and the prediction software created, we are hoping that a fully functional HET system will be available”

The paper, “Low Power Wearable Systems for Continuous Monitoring of Environment and Health for Chronic Respiratory Disease,” is published in the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.

The paper was co-authored by Henry Goodell and Brinnae Bent of the joint biomedical engineering program; Steven Mills, Michael McKnight, Shanshan Yao, Feiyan Lin, Eric Beppler, Bongmook Lee, Veena Misra, Omer Oralkan, Jason Strohmaier, John Muth, and Alper Bozkurt of NC State; and Dr. David Peden of UNC-CH.

The work was done through the ASSIST Center at NC State, under NSF grant number EEC-1160483. The work was also supported by the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, under grant number 3R01-ES023349, and by the Environmental Protection Agency, under cooperative agreement number CR 83578501.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has undertaken the most comprehensive analysis of veteran suicide rates in the U.S., examining more than 55 million veteran records from 1979 to 2014 from every state in the nation.

The effort extends VA’s knowledge from the previous report issued in 2010, which examined three million veteran records from 20 states were available.

Based on the data from 2010, VA estimated the number of veteran deaths by suicide averaged 22 per day. The current analysis indicates that in 2014, an average of 20 Veterans a day died from suicide.

“One veteran suicide is one too many, and this collaborative effort provides both updated and comprehensive data that allows us to make better informed decisions on how to prevent this national tragedy,” said VA Under Secretary for Health, Dr. David J. Shulkin. “We as a nation must focus on bringing the number of Veteran suicides to zero."

The final report will be publicly released later this month. Key findings of the analysis will include:

– 65 percent of all veterans who died from suicide in 2014 were 50 years of age or older.
– Veterans accounted for 18 percent of all deaths from suicide among U.S. adults. This is a decrease from 22 percent in 2010.
– Since 2001, U.S. adult civilian suicides increased 23 percent, while veteran suicides increased 32 percent in the same time period. After controlling for age and gender, this makes the risk of suicide 21 percent greater for veterans.
– Since 2001, the rate of suicide among US veterans who use VA services increased by 8.8 percent, while the rate of suicide among veterans who do not use VA services increased by 38.6 percent.
– In the same time period, the rate of suicide among male veterans who use VA services increased 11 percent, while the rate of suicide increased 35 percent among male vterans who do not use VA services.
– In the same time period, the rate of suicide among female veterans who use VA services increased 4.6 percent, while the rate of suicide increased 98 percent among female veterans who do not use VA services.

See the VA's Suicide Prevention Fact Sheet at .

VA is aggressively undertaking a number of new measures to prevent suicide, including:

– Ensuring same-day access for veterans with urgent mental health needs at over 1,000 points of care by the end of calendar year 2016. In fiscal year 2015, more than 1.6 million veterans received mental health treatment from VA, including at over 150 medical centers, 820 community-based outpatient clinics and 300 Vet Centers that provide readjustment counseling. Veterans also enter VA health care through the Veterans Crisis Line, VA staff on college and university campuses, or other outreach points.

– Using predictive modeling to determine which veterans may be at highest risk of suicide, so providers can intervene early. Veterans in the top 0.1 percent of risk, who have a 43-fold increased risk of death from suicide within a month, can be identified before clinical signs of suicide are evident in order to save lives before a crisis occurs.

– Expanding telemental health care by establishing four new regional telemental health hubs across the VA healthcare system.

– Hiring more than 60 new crisis intervention responders for the Veterans Crisis Line. Each responder receives intensive training on a wide variety of topics in crisis intervention, substance use disorders, screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment.

– Building new collaborations between veteran programs in VA and those working in community settings, such as Give an Hour, Psych Armor Institute, University of Michigan’s Peer Advisors for Veterans Education Program and the Cohen Veterans Network.
– Creating stronger inter-agency (e.g. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Department of Defense, National Institutes of Health) and new public-private partnerships (e.g., Johnson & Johnson Healthcare System, Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation, Walgreen’s, and many more) focused on preventing suicide among veterans.

Many of these efforts were catalyzed by VA’s February 2016 Preventing Veteran Suicide – A Call to Action summit, which focused on improving mental health care access for Veterans across the nation and increasing resources for the VA Suicide Prevention Program.

Suicide is an issue that affects all Americans. Recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data reported in April 2016 that from 1999 through 2014 (the most recent year with data available from CDC), suicide rates increased 24 % in the general population for both males and females.

VA has implemented comprehensive, broad ranging suicide prevention initiatives, including a toll-free Veterans Crisis Line, placement of Suicide Prevention Coordinators at all VA Medical Centers and large outpatient facilities, and improvements in case management and tracking. Immediate help is available at or by calling the Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 (press 1) or texting 838255.

MIDDLETOWN, Calif.  – The Middletown branch of the Lake County Library will host a financial literacy seminar “Reverse Mortgages” on Wednesday, July 27.

The seminar will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. at the library, located at 21256 Washington St.

Lamarr Baxter of All Western Mortgage will be the speaker for this free program. For more details call 707-263-8817.

Baxter will explain how reverse mortgages can help people can maintain their current lifestyle through their entire retirements and prepare for unexpected medical expenses. The public is invited to learn about the benefits of the new reverse mortgage.

Seating is limited and attendees must RSVP. Call 1-855-400-EASY to register. Refreshments will be served.

Baxter is a licensed and knowledgeable real estate professional with thirty years of financial experience who specializes in establishing self-directed retirement plans.

He regularly conducts educational seminars and webinars outlining the benefits and rewards of investing with a self-directed retirement plan.

The Lake County Library is on the Internet at and Facebook at .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Lake Family Resource Center is offering a 65-hour dual domestic violence and sexual assault volunteer and response training to interested community members.
Beginning Saturday, July 30, and continuing through Saturday, Sept. 10, the training will be every Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Lake Family Resource Center said the training will be co-sponsored by Big Valley Rancheria, which will host the training at Konocti Vista Casino’s banquet room, located at 2755 Mission Rancheria Road, Lakeport.

This training is free and open to the public.

Individuals who successfully complete the training will be considered certified domestic violence/sexual assault counselors and will have the opportunity to volunteer for Lake Family Resource Center’s Domestic Violence Program and Rape Crisis Center.

Volunteer responsibilities can include working at the shelter, answering the community crisis line, supervising children during adult activities, co-facilitating support groups; accompanying domestic violence/sexual assault victims to court or to the hospital.

This is a chance to help someone during their toughest moments. This training is only offered once a year so call today to reserve your spot for this exciting opportunity.

Lake Family Resource Center is determined to raise awareness of the devastation that domestic violence and sexual assault has in our community and will continue to provide education, information, advocacy and support to those who have suffered. 

The center provides a multitude of services to build family stability and strength, and supports Lake County residents in achieving stable, self-sufficient, and healthy families and communities.

For more information call 707-279-0563.


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