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This Week in History: The Father of the Santa Fe Trail

“Every man will fit himself for the trip with a horse, a good rifle and as much ammunition as the company may think necessary,” read the advertisement in the “Missouri Intelligencer” in the late summer of 1821. “Every man will furnish an equal part of the fitting out for trade, and receive an equal part of the product.”
A certain William Becknell placed the ad. An enigmatic figure whose past is still to this day buried deep in the Ozark Mountains where he lived, he was typical of the type of men who moved out west as part of the first migration following the Louisiana Purchase.
That purchase, in a single swipe of a pen, opened the vast heartlands of America to enterprising sojourners like Becknell.
We know he was born in Virginia, but lived his adult life in the Missouri country, having moved there with his wife sometime in 1810. He served as a Ranger for about a year during the War of 1812 and afterward settled in Boone’s Lick in central Missouri.
Like many who lived on the frontier in those days, Becknell sought his fortune where he could, becoming a salt trader and peddler in other goods, buying and selling what he could.
Also like many of his fellow frontiersmen, Becknell foundered terribly and racked up a significant debt – a debt he hoped to wipe clean with this latest trading venture of his.
In his advertisement, Becknell sought hardy men willing to travel with him southwestward, in the wilds of the southern Rockies, "for the purpose of trading for Horses and Mules and catching Wild Animals of every description.”
His real intention was more daring than a simple hunting trip. News travelled fast along the porous border of America and the Spanish territories in the southwest, an interaction between countries that the Spanish government, for one, had been relentlessly trying to control ever since the first Americans began nosing around New Mexico in 1806.
The news that reached William Becknell in 1821 was that Spanish authorities were too busy dealing with a rebellion within their Mexican territories to worry overly much about a trading caravan of Americans.
Seeing potential profits to be had, Becknell began organizing just such a caravan.
Only four men took him up on his offer to head west, but that was enough for Becknell, who was happy to get anywhere outside the clutches of the persistent debt collectors. In September 1821, he and his brave few set out towards Santa Fe.
After a difficult journey along the Arkansas River, which cut into southeastern Colorado, Becknell and his party turned south. Shortly after making it through the Raton Pass, the beleaguered travelers encountered a troop of 400 soldiers – not the sort of welcome they had hoped for.
Fortunately for them, these soldiers were now part of the new Mexican government, which had overthrown the Spanish.
They informed Becknell and his party that Santa Fe, which had been kept isolated by the Spanish, would now welcome their trade. Hurrying on, Becknell arrived in Santa Fe on Nov. 16, 1821, becoming the very first American to open up what would become known as the Santa Fe Trail – a thoroughfare that connected Missouri and the rest of America to the isolated southwest.
His daring paid off in a big way. His $300 in tradable goods, which he had hauled with him, sold for $6,000 in gold and silver coin. When he returned to Missouri in January of 1822 and paid off the entirety of his debt, other men took notice. It wasn’t long before regular caravans made their way to the golden country of Santa Fe.
Becknell himself would make three additional trips along the route he had blazed, serving as an official for the U.S. Congress during his final trip and marking off for the record the Santa Fe Trail.
He later retired with his family to the Texas territory and played a role in the Texas War for Independence that followed.
He died in 1856, having earned the title “the Father of the Santa Fe Trail.”
Antone Pierucci is curator of history at the Riverside County Park and Open Space District and a freelance writer whose work has been featured in such magazines as Archaeology and Wild West as well as regional California newspapers.