LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – In 1993, a group of Lake County residents joined together to start the process of forming the Lake County Land Trust.
In May of 1994, the Land Trust was officially incorporated as a nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization.
Since then, the Land Trust has played a vital role in conservation efforts in Lake County.
It purchased and now owns and operates the Rodman Preserve on the north end of Clear Lake near Rodman Slough, spearheaded the purchase and preservation of the Black Forest on the slopes of Mt. Konocti, owns and manages the small Rabbit Hill park in Middletown, and is cooperating with The Nature Conservancy in managing The Boggs Lake Preserve on Mt. Hannah.
The Land Trust is currently working to purchase a 31-acre wetland parcel in the Big Valley Wetlands as part of its effort to preserve and protect some of Clear Lake’s last remaining shoreline areas that feature tules, riparian forests, and other vital habitat.
The Land Trust started out meeting on a monthly basis in Lower Lake. The original board was made up of Roberta Lyons, who was the first president; Mary Benson, secretary; the late John Graham who was retired from the Lake County Planning Department; the late Glenn Dishman, who was the first treasurer; Kim Clymire, now retired as parks director for the county of Lake; Sibyl Day, Ginger Kite, and Susanne Scholz.
Many of these first board members were people who had been active in conservation actions in the county and had come to the realization that the best way to protect land in the county was to simply buy it.
“We had fought our battles with developers and realized that the formation of a Land Trust was a really elegant way to permanently protect land,” said Roberta Lyons, one of the founders. “However, it’s a good thing that we didn’t heed the warnings we read in the ‘Forming a Land Trust Handbook,’ or we would never have done it!”
That is because the handbook outlined numerous reasons why a place like Lake County should probably not even have a Land Trust.
“The handbook recommended against forming a land trust in a rural county with numerous low-income residents as well as a county that already has a lot of state or federal land,” Lyons explained.
“I can say we proved them wrong,” said Lyons. “We have had fantastic support from local residents; have found numerous projects that need completion, many involving Clear Lake. Despite the large amount of federally-owned land in the county, much of the natural land near the populated areas of Lake County, areas that are part of the everyday lives of our community, lies near the lake itself and is in danger of development. It needs protecting!”
Once the Land Trust was formed, it quickly attracted other board members including local attorney Michael Friel, Pete McGee, the late Tommy Gilliam, Judy Cox, Nina Marino, Jan Parkinson, Tom Smythe, Kristine Groff, Brad Barnwell, Christian Ahlmann, Keith Petterson, Susanne LaFaver, Greg Cornish, Barbara LeVasseur and current president Jon Ambrose.
Over the years, some board members have retired and new board members have arrived. They all share the same mind set: a palpable love of Lake County and a sense of place.
Current board members include President Jon Ambrose, Hidden Valley; Vice President Bill Lincoln, Middletown; Secretary Val Nixon, Kelseyville; Treasurer John Wise, Hidden Valley; Kathy Windrem, Kelseyville; Gaye Allen, Cobb; Tom Smythe, Kelseyville; Roberta Lyons, Lower Lake; and Michael Friel, Kelseyville.
As the Land Trust grew, it added paid staff. Susanne Scholz was the Land Trust’s first executive director and Catherine Koehler now holds that position.
In addition to a part-time executive director, the Land Trust also has a part-time bookkeeper in Kathy Hall. The administrative offices have moved from donated space in Michael Friel’s law office to being at the Rodman Preserve.
The Land Trust’s first major project was purchase of the Rodman Ranch near Rodman Slough on the north end of Clear Lake. This was a complicated transaction and the Land Trust relied heavily on the expertise of Kelseyville attorney Peter Windrem who helped the trust navigate the field of options and escrows that were required to finally purchase this beautiful property.
At the time, a large great blue heron rookery was located in the tops of the oak trees on part of the property and it was this rookery (nesting site) that supplied the impetus to gain local support for the project, as well as funding from the state Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB), which is the state funding agency for land acquisition for the Department of Fish and Wildlife (then Fish and Game).
By the time the Rodman Slough project was completed, a package of seven different sources of funding was coordinated by Windrem and a core committee of Land Trust members.
The purchase of the Rodman property, now known as the Rodman Preserve, was finalized in 1999, which was also the year of the first Lake County Land Trust annual dinner, a fun event that has become a yearly “must attend,” for many supporters.
Since purchasing the property, the Land Trust has led weekly Saturday nature walks and has developed a small nature education center by remodeling an old farm house that was originally on the property where it presents two to four educational programs each year and during the summer presents a children’s nature education program on the third Saturday from June through September.
The Land Trust also annually hosts membership events at the center, like the spring “State of the Land Trust” Coffee, and a wine and cheese event during the summer.
The Trust protected 282 acres, 142 of which are now in the preserve, with 104 acres belonging to the State Department of Fish and Wildlife and 36 to the county of Lake.
The Land Trust manages the Preserve for its wildlife and natural values while at the same time providing guided access to the public on a weekly basis.
In 2007, the Lake County Land Trust produced its Land Conservation Priority Plan, which is the guiding document that the Trust uses to identify priority projects, including the current Big Valley Wetlands protection plan.
The conservation priorities were developed during two workshops attended by Land Trust board members and 17 experts in local land use and natural resources.
Workshop participants were asked to prioritize areas and/or issues they believed, based on their familiarity and experience, most worthy of conservation in light of future threats from development and conversion.
The plan summarizes the Lake County Land Trust’s efforts at identifying and ranking unique areas/ecosystems in Lake County in order to guide conservation prioritization efforts, and identifies a total of 30 distinct conservation-worthy areas/ecosystems.
At that time, three areas were identified to be of highest conservation priority: the Clear Lake shoreline between Clear Lake State Park and south Lakeport (which is the current conservation focus of the Land Trust); Mt. Konocti (now protected by the County) and the Tule Lake/Middle Creek areas upstream of Rodman Slough (protection and restoration of which are being worked on by the county).
The Land Trust will continue to revisit its conservation priorities as it makes progress in protecting the important natural lands of Lake County.
The Lake County Land Trust has enjoyed strong support over the past 20 years, and is looking forward to continuing the preservation and protection of the best parts of Lake County.
To learn more about the Land Trust or to donate and become a member, go to www.lakecountylandtrust.org or call the Land Trust office at 707-262-0707.