Saturday, 15 March 2025



MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – A sell-out crowd enjoyed a beautiful spring day and entertainment at the second anniversary celebration of Middletown’s Gibson Museum and Cultural Center.

The event at the Middletown Mansion on Saturday, May 14, was headlined by two authentically portrayed skirmishes by the American Civil War Association.

A first in this area, the sham battles proved so well received that plans are underway to present a bigger and better reenactment next spring.

Historian Gene Paleno shared his collection of Lake County history and signed copies of his newly released book.

Barbara White took a break from her archeology duties with the U.S. Forest Service to amuse guests with the rigors of ladies’ dress in the 1860s.

Linda Lake, retired curator of Lake County museums, managed not to giggle while helping White wiggle into her corset.

Twice during the afternoon, musket and cannon smoke and thunder quelled the toe-tappin’ vintage music of David Neft, Don Coffin and Andi Skelton.

Scarlett O’Hara, played in the “drapery dress” (sans curtain rod) by Lori Cantrell of Hidden Valley Lake, waltzed on the green lawn and chatted with visitors. Her identical twin, Lisa Markell, had made a surprise visit from Indiana to help Lori create the flavor of the 1860s.

The bevy of Union and Confederate uniforms were the highlight of the day, a poignant reminder of the battles the nation has waged (and continues to wage) over states’ rights and the equality of all. They also were a reminder that May has long been the month to honor the veterans who fought in these battles.

Gibson Museum volunteers wish to send heartfelt thanks to all who helped make this event happen, as the proceeds will underwrite funding of museum operations for many months.

For further information, see or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


NORTH COAST, Calif. – Dan Jenkins, a tenured professor at Mendocino College, recently accepted the H. Sanford Gum Service Award for his tremendous efforts in the field of Cooperative Work Experience Education (CWEE).

Completing his 21 year of instructing at Mendocino College, this prestigious award came as no surprise to the college administration or Jenkin’s colleagues.

“The capacity and excellence of our instructors here at Mendocino College never ceases to amaze me,” said Mendocino College Superintendent/President Arturo Reyes. “I am both inspired and impressed by the hard work, dedication, and expertise displayed by Professor Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins works to improve student success each and every day so he is most deserving of this award. I offer him my sincere congratulations on this accomplishment.”

The H. Sanford Gum Service Award, presented by the California Internship and Work Experience Association, or CIWEA, recognizes outstanding professionals who have been in the internship and work experience field for 20 years or more and are recognized mentors and contributors in the field.

Jenkins has been the full-time CWEE director for Mendocino College since 2005, and has coordinated the college’s Human Services Programs since 1999.

Since 1996 Professor Jenkins has been the field placement seminar and practicum (internship) instructor for both the Human Services and Alcohol & Other Drug Studies Programs at Mendocino College.

Professor Jenkins also organized the first ever northern California CWEE coordinators association beginning in 2005 and served on the Chancellor’s State-Wide Advisory Committee for Work-Based Learning and Employment Services for six years.

Jenkins also served on the CIWEA Board of Directors for six years in multiple capacities, including mentoring coordinator, conference chair, president, and past president.

He has also presented at multiple CIWEA professional development conferences providing important updates from the Chancellor’s Office on legislation, regulations, and best practices.

CWEE colleagues around the state use the words “expert,” “remarkable,” “mentor,” “representative,” “amazing” and “knowledgeable” to name a few when describing Professor Jenkins.

Kathleen Clark, internship program director at Monterey Peninsula College said it best: “You have been an amazing colleague from the first time we met. I truly appreciate what you have done for me in the field of work-based learning.”

The AARP has launched a new Web site, , designed to inform the public about the California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Act (Senate Bill 1234) recently introduced by Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De León.

AARP strongly supports SB 1234, which, if passed by the legislature and signed by Gov. Brown, would create an auto-enrolled, supplemental retirement savings program for more than seven million  private sector workers in California who do not have access to a retirement savings plan through their job. will provide up-to-date information and news about SB 1234. The site  features a “take action” button that allows supporters to join a diverse coalition of supporters, such as The Small Business Majority, National Council of La Raza, SEIU, and many other organizations.

Supporters using social media are encouraged to use the hashtag #securechoiceca. AARP shares the goal of Senate President Pro Tem De León and California State Treasurer John Chiang of creating a workplace retirement savings plan that is safe, simple, and portable.

AARP California Director of Advocacy, Blanca Castro, said, “AARP is excited about the launch of, and we offer our strongest support to SB 1234, which will give millions of Californians an opportunity to save for their future. AARP’s goal is to ensure that all Californians have access to a simple way to build their assets over time so they can live their best lives as they age.”

SACRAMENTO – CDFA will begin accepting applications today from non-profit organizations, California academic institutions and California Resource Conservation Districts for grant funds to provide technical assistance to applicants  for grants from the State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP).

Applicants may apply for funding between $2,500 and $5,000. Applications must meet several minimum requirements including holding at least one technical assistance workshop within a disadvantaged community, reporting on workshop attendance to CDFA, and providing computers and Internet access to allow growers to complete SWEEP applications.

Technical assistance will be made available through a $50,000 partnership grant between CDFA and the  USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service to achieve the mutual objective of providing technical assistance to SWEEP applicants.

Technical assistance workshops that provide hands-on application assistance are critical to the success of SWEEP and the implementation of efficient irrigation systems to save water and reduce greenhouse gases.

Organizations that wish to receive funding to provide technical assistance must access the “request for applications” at .

The request for applications contains detailed information on eligibility and program requirements.

Applications must be submitted by email no later than May 20, 5 p.m. PST.

Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.


LAKEPORT, Calif. – Sharon Carol White, 58, passed away on May 13, 2016, at her home in Lakeport.

She is survived by her three sons, Nick, Tony, and KC; her parents, Bob and Nancy; her siblings, Judy and George; her fiancé, Bill; and her grandsons, Bo and Luca.

Services will be performed at Chapel of the Lakes Mortuary, 1625 N. High St. Lakeport at 11 a.m. Friday, May 20. Interment will  follow at Hartley Cemetery, Lakeport.

Donations in honor of Sharon can be made to Sponsoring Survivorship at P.O. Box 1924, Lakeport, CA 95453.

For further information call Chapel of the Lakes at 707-263-0357 or 707-994-5611, or visit .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Jamie McNair Jamieson, beloved husband, father and friend, passed on March 23, 2016.

He leaves Donna, spouse of 46 years, and daughters, Charlene Jamieson-Sparks (Sparky) and Jamie Jamieson, to carry on his memory.

Please join them at noon on May 21 at Rancho De La Fuente, 2290 Soda Bay Road in Lakeport, for a celebration of life.

Arrangements entrusted to Jones Mortuary FD311, Lakeport, CA.


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – George “Ozzie” Erlandson, 57, peacefully passed away April 24, 2016.

Formerly from Santa Rosa, Calif., he became a resident of Lake County 22 years ago.

Known to many as “Ozzie,” he was a respected contractor for 35 years.

He is survived by his father, Gordon Erlandson; sister, Candida Emerson; wife of 33 beautiful years, Julie; sons, Jon Hicks and Matthew Erlandson; daughter, Renee Erlandson; grandsons, Tyler and Cameron; granddaughters, Elizabeth and Alyssa; and many more friends and loved ones.

The family asks friends to please join them May 21 at 2 p.m. for an celebration of life at Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness, 9640 Main St. in Upper Lake.

Arrangements entrusted to Jones Mortuary FD311, Lakeport, Calif.


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