- Elizabeth Larson
- Posted On
Lakeport City Council to hold followup reading on marijuana ordinance, discuss mayoral appointments
The council will meet beginning at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 2, in the council chambers at Lakeport City Hall, 225 Park St.
The main item on the agenda is the second reading of the ordinance establishing rules for commercial marijuana, or cannabis, in the city. The ordinance had its first vote at the council’s last meeting in December.
In other business, the council will consider Mayor Mireya Turner’s appointments of council members as liaisons to various boards, committees and commissions for the coming year as well.
They’ll also vote on a resolution appointing council members to represent and vote on behalf of the city at the League of California Cities’ Redwood Empire Division Business meetings and represent the city and vote at division Legislative Committee meetings.
Items on the consent agenda – items considered noncontroversial and usually accepted as a slate on one vote – are ordinances; minutes of the council’s special meeting on Dec. 14 and the regular meeting of Dec. 19; and the Dec. 20 warrant register.
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010218 Lakeport City Council agenda packet by LakeCoNews on Scribd