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CDFA Hydrilla Eradication Program seeking public comment; Jan. 29 meeting planned
The California Department of Food and Agriculture will hold an open house-style public scoping meeting regarding the statewide Hydrilla Eradication Project from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, at Lakeport City Hall, 225 Park St.
Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) is a highly invasive aquatic plant that has the capacity, by forming dense mats that restrict dissolved oxygen levels, to disrupt many of the water-based activities that are synonymous with Lake County.
Statewide efforts to eradicate hydrilla have been generally successful, with the invasive plant fully eradicated in 15 California counties.
Lake County is one of three counties currently affected by hydrilla infestation, and the California Department of Food and Agriculture is asking for the community’s help to achieve the goal of getting Clear Lake and all California waters 100-percent hydrilla free.
Since 1994, CDFA has sought to keep Clear Lake healthy and bass fishing and other water-based industries vibrant by responsibly managing the spread of hydrilla.
Periodically, CDFA is called upon to prepare an environmental impact report, or EIR, for its entire Hydrilla Eradication Project, in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act.
CDFA currently is receiving public comment toward a new draft EIR. The comment period ends at 5 p.m. Feb. 16.
At the public scoping meeting on Jan. 29, state officials and others will be present to address the comments, concerns and questions of community members as they work to develop the updated EIR.
CDFA’s Notice of Preparation is available at https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/plant/ipc/hydrilla/pdfs/Hydrilla-NOP.pdf .
If you are unavailable to attend, written comments can be submitted to CDFA at the following mailing and email addresses: Attn: ATTN: Michelle Dennis, Branch Chief Integrated Pest Control, California Department of Food and Agriculture, 2800 Gateway Oaks Drive, Sacramento, CA 95832, email IPCinfo@cdfa.ca.gov.
Please direct any questions regarding Aquatic Plant Management activities in Lake County to Invasive Species Program Coordinator Angela De Palma-Dow at the Lake County Water Resources Department at 707-263-2344, or email Angela.DePalma-Dow@lakecountyca.gov.
To stay up to date on activities and outreach, follow the Lake County Water Resources Department on Facebook, @lakecountywater.