- Lake County Sheriff’s Office
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Lake County Sheriff’s Office expands Kincade fire evacuation warning area

MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – The Lake County Sheriff’s Office on Monday evening expanded the south county evacuation warning area in response to the Kincade fire.
At 5:50 p.m., the sheriff’s office issued an alert reporting that the evacuation warning – which is not a mandatory order – had been expanded to include all residents in the Middletown area south of Butts Canyon Road and Highway 175 to the Napa/Sonoma County lines.
This includes all roads off Highway 175 between Middletown and McKinley Drive as well as all of Butts Canyon Road including side streets.
The evacuation warning for the Cobb Mountain area, which was issued Friday, remains in effect, the sheriff’s office said.
“We are asking everyone to take preparations in the event that a mandatory evacuation order is issued,” the sheriff’s office said in its alert. “Preparations should include gathering all medications, important documents, making plans for pets, and notifying family members where you may be going. Those requiring additional time to evacuate or those with pets or livestock should leave the area as soon as possible.”
The report continued, “During a mandatory evacuation, it will be extremely hectic and traffic conditions will be very congested. By evacuating early, you do your part in keeping yourself, your neighbors, and our first responders safe. This is not an evacuation order and is only a warning.”
The alert is published below in Spanish.
“La ADVERTENCIA DE EVACUACIÓN relacionada con el incendio de Kincade se está ampliando para incluir a todos los residentes en el área de Middletown al sur de Butts Canyon Road y la autopista 175 a las líneas del condado de Napa / Sonoma. Esto incluye todas las carreteras fuera de la autopista 175 entre Middletown y McKinley Drive, así como todas las calles de Butts Canyon Road, incluidas las calles laterales. La advertencia de evacuación para el área de Cobb Mountain sigue vigente. Les pedimos a todos que se preparen en caso de que se emita una orden de evacuación obligatoria. Los preparativos deben incluir reunir todos los medicamentos, documentos importantes, hacer planes para mascotas y notificar a los miembros de la familia a dónde puede ir. Aquellos que requieren tiempo adicional para evacuar o aquellos con mascotas o ganado deben abandonar el área lo antes posible. Durante una evacuación obligatoria, será extremadamente agitado y las condiciones del tráfico estarán muy congestionadas.Al evacuar temprano, usted hace su parte para mantenerse a salvo a usted, a sus vecinos y a nuestros socorristas. Esta no es una orden de evacuación y es solo una advertencia.”