Monday, 03 March 2025


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Five senior centers, five high schools, three high school programs and eight nonprofit organizations have been selected as beneficiaries of this year’s Lake County Wine Auction.

Kaj Ahlmann, president of the sponsoring Lake County Wine Alliance, announced the selections on Wednesday.

This year’s Wine Auction, the 13th annual, will take place at Brassfield Estate Winery in High Valley from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15.

All proceeds from the Wine Auction activities will benefit the selected beneficiaries.

More than 40 organizations, agencies, and programs submitted their funding requests to the Wine Alliance, demonstrating the number of worthy programs in Lake County seeking financial assistance.

The recipient organizations will use their grants for these projects:

The Arts: The fine arts education programs at the five Lake County high schools (Clear Lake High, Kelseyville High, Lower Lake High, Middletown High, and Upper Lake High) will share the funds in this category.

Health: the Safe House for Homeless Youths serves youth 15-18 years of age from throughout Lake County; Hospice Services of Lake County provides physical, emotional and spiritual end-of-life support; and the five senior centers (Highlands, Live Oak, Lucerne Alpine, Lakeport, and Middletown) will support their nutrition programs for delivered meals to homebound seniors.

Community: Funds in this category will be shared by the Clear Lake Performing Arts to expand its Youth Music Education program; the Friends of the Lake County Museum to present its docent outreach program to all schools; Team DUI to purchase outreach and educational materials; Konocti Junior Tennis League to continue its operation of the annual Lake County open junior tournament; Operation Tango Mike for shipping fees and package contents for troops deployed to combat zones; and Habitat for Humanity of Lake County for its home repair program for low income residents. An additional award will go to the three high schools with Future Farmers of America (FFA) programs (Upper Lake, Kelseyville, and Middletown) that develop leadership through agricultural education.

The Wine Alliance, a nonprofit organization of wineries, wine grape growers, vineyard owners, related businesses and community supporters founded in 2000, has contributed more than $896,700 to foster the arts, benefit health services, and support the community while promoting Lake County as a premier growing region for fine wine grapes.

An all-volunteer board of directors and auction committee plan and direct the annual charity event.

The gala benefit features wine and food tastings, silent and live auctions, and dancing to the music of the LC Diamonds. Auctioneers will be Shaun Hornby and Stephanie Green.

Tickets for the Wine Auction will be available through the Wine Alliance website, , or by calling1-866-279-WINE to make reservations.
Information about sponsorship opportunities is available from Marie Beery, 707-278-0129.

Major sponsors confirmed to date are Mendo Lake Credit Union, Calpine, Sutter Lakeside Hospital, and Shannon Ridge Vineyards & Winery.

Honorary chair for the 2012 Wine Auction is Jerry Brassfield, proprietor of Brassfield Estate Winery. He will be assisted by committee co-chairs Judy Luchsinger, Lakeport, and Sharron Zoller, Kelseyville.

Members of the Wine Alliance board are Kaj Ahlmann, president; Dr. Judy Luchsinger, vice president; Sharron Zoller, secretary; Rob Roumiguiere, treasurer; and Marie Beery, Bill Groody, and Wilda Shock, directors. Luchsinger chaired the beneficiaries committee and assisted the board members in reviewing the record number of applications.

A group of 55 Senate and House lawmakers sent a letter on Monday urging the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to require the labeling of genetically engineered foods so that consumers can make informed choices about what they feed their families.

The Senate and House lawmakers wrote in support of a petition – supported by hundreds of organizations and businesses – that calls on the FDA to protect consumers’ rights by ensuring that all genetically engineered foods are properly labeled.

Polls have consistently shown that consumers are surprised to learn that genetically engineered foods are not identified and they strongly support a federal requirement to label these products.

The lawmakers wrote, “We urge you to fully review the facts, law, and science, and side with the American public by requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods as is done in nearly 50 countries throughout the world. FDA has a clear opportunity to protect a consumer’s right to know, the freedom to choose what we feed our families, and the integrity of our free and open markets with this petition.”

In addition to Senator Boxer and Congressman DeFazio, the letter was signed by Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Bernie Sanders (D-VT), Daniel Akaka (D-HI), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Mark Begich (D-AK), Jon Tester (D-MT), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and Representatives Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Richard Hanna (R-NY), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), George Miller (D-CA), Louise Slaughter (D-NY), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Peter Welch (D-VT), Hansen Clarke (D-MI), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Sam Farr (D-CA), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), Rush Holt (D-NJ), Chellie Pingree (D-ME), Jim McDermott (D-WA), Madeleine Bordallo (D-GU), James Moran (D-VA), John Olver (D-MA), Jared Polis (D-CO), Charles Rangel (D-NY), Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Pete Stark (D-CA), Howard Berman (D-CA), Robert Brady (D-PA), David Cicilline (D-RI), Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Steve Cohen (D-TN), Diana DeGette (D-CO), Bob Filner (D-CA), Barney Frank (D-NY), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Janice Hahn (D-CA), Michael Honda (D-CA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), James McGovern (D-MA), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Jackie Speier (D-CA), John Tierney (D-MA), Mel Watt (D-NC), Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Grace Napolitano (D-CA).  

The full text of the lawmakers’ letter is below:

March 12, 2012
The Honorable Margaret Hamburg
Food and Drug Administration
5100 Paint Branch Parkway
College Park, MD 20740-3835  

Dear Commissioner Hamburg,

We write to you in support of a recent legal petition, supported by over 400 organizations and businesses, to protect consumer rights and prevent consumer deception by requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods. FDA’s regulatory regime for food labeling is inadequate and uses 19th century concepts to regulate 21st century food technologies.  

As you know, in its 1992 policy statement, FDA allowed GE foods to be marketed without labeling because they were not “materially” different from other foods. In that policy statement, the agency severely limited what it considered “material” to only changes in food that could be recognized by taste, smell, or other senses. The use of novel food technologies like genetic engineering on a commercial scale has so far slipped underneath FDA’s limited threshold for “materiality” because such technologies make silent, genetic, and molecular changes to food that are not capable of being detected by human senses. In its 2009 guidance to industry, FDA applied its outdated GE food labeling policy to GE animals without revisiting the scientific or legal merits of the standard. This decision is especially troubling given FDA’s current consideration of a GE salmon that would be the first genetically engineered animal for human consumption.

At issue is the fundamental right consumers have to make informed choices about the food they eat. Labeling foods doesn’t imply a product is unsafe or will be confusing to consumers as some may argue. The FDA requires the labeling of over 3,000 ingredients, additives, and processes; providing basic information doesn’t confuse the public, it empowers them to make choices. Absent labeling, Americans are unable to choose for themselves whether to purchase GE foods. Polls have consistently shown that consumers are not only surprised to know that GE foods are not identified, but that they want the federal government to label these products. Since the labeling petition was filed in October 2011, nearly a million comments have been submitted in support of labeling.  

The FDA has the opportunity and authority to do right by the American public. When issuing its rule requiring irradiated foods to be labeled, FDA stated in broad terms that a decision to require labeling is not just based on the physical changes to the food but also on whether consumers view such information as important, and whether the omission of label information may mislead a consumer. The fact that FDA has already adopted this broad interpretation of “material” facts demonstrates that it is a reasonable—and therefore permissible—interpretation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).  

We urge you to fully review the facts, law, and science, and side with the American public by requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods as is done in nearly 50 countries throughout the world. FDA has a clear opportunity to protect a consumer’s right to know, the freedom to choose what we feed our families, and the integrity of our free and open markets with this petition. Thank you for your consideration.

Motorcyclists in California are fortunate to enjoy near-perfect riding conditions year round, and that beautiful weather is just one of several reasons why more than 1.2 million people in this state are licensed to ride.

As a result, it’s important to remember these motorcyclists are sharing California’s road with millions of other motorists.

“Regardless of your mode of travel, it is imperative that motorists are aware of their surroundings, abide by the state’s traffic laws, and safely share the road with others,” said California Highway Patrol (CHP) Commissioner Joe Farrow.

During the next several months, the CHP will use a federal grant to assist in reducing the number of people killed and injured in motorcycle-involved collision.

The Department continues to improve safety for everyone by placing an emphasis on the concept of sharing the road.  

Enforcement and education efforts through the California Motorcycle Safety Enforcement and Education grant will continue through September 30, 2012.

Motorcycle-involved collisions have decreased significantly in California.  

Statistical data retrieved from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System list the number of people killed in motorcycle-involved collisions dropped 28 percent, and the number of people injured decreased by nearly 11 percent.  

The most current final figures available are from 2009.

“It’s encouraging to see so many lives have been saved, but there is more work to be done,” added Commissioner Farrow.  “Without a continued focus on motorcycle safety education and enforcement, these numbers could rise as more Californians choose to use motorcycles as their vehicle of choice.”

To help get the word out and continue to reduce the number of people killed and injured annually in motorcycle-involved collisions, CHP personnel are appearing at public outreach events throughout the state, distributing informational brochures and providing traffic safety tips.

In addition, motorcycle safety and road-sharing presentations are being conducted statewide.

The CHP will also launch a media campaign to highlight the motorcycle safety message.

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – A Lakeport man arrested in early January for sexually assaulting a female acquaintance has entered a plea in the case.

Charles Peter Lamb, 31, on Monday entered a guilty plea to felony assault with intent to commit rape, said Deputy District Attorney Ed Borg.

A call to Lamb’s attorney, Barry Melton, was not returned.

Lamb allegedly assaulted a female acquaintance on Jan. 1, and was arrested the following morning by Lakeport Police, according to the initial police report.

He originally was charged with count of rape and one count of sodomy by force, and was held to answer to the charges following a January preliminary hearing, as Lake County News has reported.

Borg said assault with intent to commit rape is a violent felony, or a strike, and will require Lamb to serve prison time; he won’t be eligible to serve the sentence on parole. He also will be required to serve at least 85 percent of his term.

Lamb will have to register as a sex offender as well, Borg said.

The charge brings between two and six years upon conviction. However, when Lamb is sentenced on April 9 by Judge Andrew Blum he will face four years, as Borg said he and the defense agreed to a mid-term cap based on Lamb’s minimal prior criminal history.

The female victim was aware of the District Attorney’s Office’s negotiations with Lamb and was OK with the plea bargain, Borg said.

The matter has been referred to Lake County Probation, which will complete a presentence report that considers Lamb’s criminal and social history, Borg said. Blum will use that report as the basis of his decision.

Borg said that because the charge to which Lamb pleaded is a violent felony and requires sex offender registration, Lamb will have to serve his term in state prison, not the county jail, as some individuals convicted of felonies now are doing under correctional realignment.
Lamb has remained in the Lake County Jail since his arrest.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Sheriff's investigators are pursuing leads in order to find the suspects in another home invasion robbery.

Capt. Chris Macedo of the Lake County Sheriff's Office said detectives are working on the case arising from a violent robbery at a residence on Big Valley Road in Kelseyville last Wednesday, March 7.

At 1:25 p.m. that day Lake County Deputy Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the Big Valley Road residence on the report of a home invasion robbery, Macedo said.

When deputies arrived on scene, they found a male victim who resided at the residence who told them that at he was contacted by two unknown Hispanic males in front of his home, Macedo said.

One of the Hispanic males was described as approximately 5 feet in height and weighed approximately 160 pounds with no hair or facial hair and was wearing a brown long sleeve shirt with a pocket in the front stomach area and light colored pants, according to Macedo.

The second Hispanic male was approximately 5 feet, 11 inches tall and weighed approximately 180 to 190 pounds with a scar on his right cheek. Macedo said both Hispanic males were in their early to mid 20s.

There was a third Hispanic male in the driver’s seat of a dark-colored Chevrolet SUV.  The driver had a moustache and a dark beanie on his head, Macedo said.

Macedo said the SUV was a newer model, black or dark blue in color with a shark-fin like antenna on the front of the roof.

After a brief conversation in front of the residence, the first Hispanic male pulled a handgun out of his pocket and pointed it at the male victim. Macedo said the second Hispanic male also had a Taser pointed at the victim.

The suspects then forced the male victim into his house, tied him up and demanded to know where his marijuana was, Macedo said.

The victim said that approximately two to three more Hispanic males entered his house and brought his wife into the same room where he was, tying her up as well, according to Macedo.

A short while later, a male friend of victims showed up and also was tied up, assaulted and placed next to them, Macedo said.

The suspects then searched the residence and took approximately 2 pounds of processed marijuana and approximately $1,500 in US currency, Macedo reported.

He said that as the suspects were leaving the residence, one of the suspects told the victims that if they moved they would kill them. The suspects then left in the dark-colored SUV in an unknown direction.

The victims were able to free themselves shortly after the suspects left and called 911 to report the incident, Macedo said.

The second male victim suffered minor injuries to his ribs and head. Macedo said the other victims did not suffer any physical injuries but were visibly upset over the ordeal.

The incident was not reported to the sheriff’s office until approximately three hours after it occurred as all three victims were fearful because of the threat made by the suspects as they left the house.

Anyone with information on this case is encouraged to contact the Lake County Sheriff’s Office at 707-263-2690.


A Willows woman has been arrested along with a Covelo man for allegedly taking part in the abduction of two small children last week.

Melissa Fay Britton, 45, was arrested late last week along with Leonard Dale Tuttle Jr., 30, for the abductions on Friday, March 9, of 2-year-old Randi Martinez and 5-year-old Vanessa Martinez, according to the Willows Police Department.

The girls' mother, 29-year-old Nancy Martinez, reported the girls had been taken shortly before 11 a.m. by Tuttle, her former boyfriend, police said.

Martinez and Tuttle had been in a relationship and living in Covelo until Martinez fled the week before the abductions, going to be with her family in Willows, according to police.

An Amber Alert was issued for the girls early on the afternoon of March 9. Just before 2:30 p.m. the California Highway Patrol contacted the Willows Police Department to report that as a result of the Amber Alert they had contacted Tuttle and had him in custody near Covelo.

According to police, because of the Amber Alert a motorist spotted Tuttle's white Mitsubishi Lancer  northbound on Highway 101. This motorist notified CHP, whose officers contacted Tuttle, who surrendered without any resistance.

Police said the girls were recovered unharmed and later reunited with their mother.

Tuttle was transported to the Mendocino County Jail and later was picked up by a police detective who took him back to Glenn County, according to the Willows Police Department.

On Friday just after 8 p.m. the Willows Police Department arrested Britton in Willows.

Both Britton and Tuttle both were booked on felony charges of child stealing, kidnapping and conspiracy. Tuttle's bail was set at $400,000 and Britton's at $280,000.

The Willows Police Department called the Amber Alert “a prime example of law enforcement and the general public working hand in hand” to protect the community.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Two local residents have been nominated for recognition for outstanding service.

Lake County Superintendent of Schools Wally Holbrook on Tuesday announced the naming of the two outstanding school employees as Lake County’s nominees to the California 2012 Classified School Employees of the Year.

The nominees are Mary Ann Mathews for para-educator and instructional assistance and Bernardo Santana Garcia for maintenance, operations and facilities.

Mathews is an instructional aide/special education secretary for Upper Lake High Union School District, where she has worked for more than 10 years.


Superintendent Pat Iaccino writes, “…there are times when you come across one of those rare individuals who can wear a number of hats, and wear them with style. She does all of this with a tremendous professionalism and a compassion and love for students that cannot be matched.”

“Mary Ann isn’t just involved, she gets other people to be involved,” said teacher and Athletic Director Sandy Coatney.

According to Director of Alternative Education Don Boyd, “Mary Ann’s leadership and commitment are second to none.  She is definitely a ‘walk the walker’ and not a 'talker.’”

Garcia is a custodian II/groundskeeper for the Konocti Unified School District, where he has worked for more than 14 years.

East Lake Elementary Principal Debi Malley writes, “Bernardo leads by example in responsibility to his work and respect of others.”  

“Bernardo is a wonderful example of excellent leadership qualities within his community,” said office assistant Mary Massingill.

“Bernardo’s involvement in the school community extends much farther than simply being a custodian,” wrote teacher Jon Mitchem. “He is a valuable member of our staff. It is because of this attitude and care for not only his job, but also the well being of the staff and students that I recommend Bernardo for Classified Employee of the Year.”

Each of these state nominees will now undergo a state review process, Holbrook reported.


The candidate evaluation is organized in four themes: work performance, school/community involvement, leadership and commitment, and service above and beyond.  

State awardees will be announced in April.  

May 20-26 is designated as 2012 Classified Employee Week. State awardees will be formally honored at a luncheon schedule for Thursday, May 24, in Sacramento.

Mathews and Garcia were honored, along with other district classified employees of the year and district teachers of the year, at the Lake County Teacher of the Year and Excellence in Education Award Dinner held last October.

Other classified employees who received recognition for excellence at that time were Luis Martinez, head custodian, Terrace Middle School, Lakeport Unified School District; Teri Langford, middle school/high school attendance clerk, Middletown Unified School District; and Wesley “Buddy” Thomas, maintenance technician, Upper Lake High Union School District.


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A much-loved musician who for years was part of the famed rock act the Doobie Brothers has died.

Michael Hossack died Monday at his home in Dubois, Wyo., according to friends and family. He was 65 years old.

Hossack had battled cancer and finally succumbed to the disease with family by his side.

Known to friends as “Big Mike,” Hossack had local connections, having lived for many years in Lake County, where his children attended school.

Hossack was born in Paterson, New Jersey, on Oct. 17, 1946, and began playing the drums at age 12, according to his biography on the Doobie Brothers Web page, .

He would go on to serve in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam era, and upon returning home to New Jersey in 1969 was set to pursue a law enforcement career when a friend convinced him to audition for Mourning Reign, a California-based band.

He got the job and would move to California with the band. Mourning Reign would fold but a new opportunity arose when in 1971 the Doobie Brothers invited Hossack to join them, drumming alongside founding drummer John Hartman.

His work can be heard on the Doobie Brothers classics like “Listen to The Music,” “Rockin’ Down The Highway,” “Jesus Is Just Alright,” “China Grove,” “Long Train Runnin” and “Blackwater,” the band's first No. 1 single.

Hossack left the band in 1973, drumming with other bands and becoming a partner of the North Hollywood recording studio Chateau Recorders.

He and the Doobie Brothers reunited in 1987 for a series of concerns benefiting Vietnam War veterans, which led eventually to the band reforming.

Due to his health, Hossack had been on leave from the group since 2010.

In July of that year, Hossack had posted a message to fans thanking them for their support and messages. “It certainly helps to keep my spirits up during my time away.”

He had looked forward to returning to playing with the band. “It’s been hard not touring with the band but I have incredible support from my family, the Doobie Brothers, and all my friends out there. I can’t thank you enough for everything. All my best wishes to you all, and thanks for thinking of me.”

In late January, the Doobie Brothers – which have kept up a busy touring schedule – released a statement on Hossack, saying he was improving slowly. “He sends his regards to all our fans.”

A lover of the outdoors, motorcycle riding and hunting, Hossack had spent his final years based in Wyoming.

He leaves behind son Mike Jr., daughter Eric Rose Oliver, and friends and fans the world over.

See Hossack and the Doobie Brothers performing “Listen to the Music” at Wolf Trap in 2004 in the clip below (Hossack is on the drum set at the far right).

MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – A late-night fire damaged a Middletown home Sunday night.

The fire – which occurred at a residence in the 14000 block of Big Canyon Road near the intersection with Ettawa Springs Road – was dispatched at about 10:45 p.m., said Cal Fire Battalion Chief Rob Daugherty.

Firefighters arriving at the scene found the structure well involved, according to radio traffic.

Three engines, a rescue unit, two water tenders and 12 firefighters responded to the fire, Daugherty said.

Daugherty said the structure was a single story, 1,000-square-foot, wood-framed building.

It was a second residence on the property, and Daugherty said there was no one in the home at the time the fire occurred.

No injuries were reported to civilians or firefighters, Daugherty said.

Daugherty said the fire was knocked down within 20 minutes, and mop up was completed within three hours, with firefighters clearing the scene at about 2 a.m.

He credited South Lake County firefighters for their aggressive effort to save the home.

Two-thirds of the structure was destroyed, and the other one-third was heavily smoke damaged, he said.

Daugherty said the fire’s cause remains under investigation.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

CLEARLAKE OAKS, Calif. – A Tuesday night earthquake near Clearlake Oaks and Clearlake jolted some local residents.

A preliminary report from the United States Geological Survey said the quake, which occurred at 11:30 p.m., measured 3.1 on the Richter Scale.

The initial magnitude could be adjusted later upon review by a seismologist.

The quake, which occurred just under the earth's surface – the depth was listed as zero kilometers – was centered five miles east of Clearlake Oaks, five miles northeast of Clearlake and seven miles north northeast of Lower Lake, the survey reported.

Lake County News received reports via email and Facebook from residents who felt the quake, which woke a few of them up.

A 3.8-magnitude earthquake was reported four miles from Clearlake Oaks and Clearlake on the morning of Jan. 24, as Lake County News has reported.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


CORRECTION: In an initial interview the veterinarian who treated the dog indicated the dog was not altered; however, Middletown Animal Hospital reported on Tuesday that the dog had in fact been neutered. The article has been corrected to reflect that fact.

CLEARLAKE OAKS, Calif. – A Clearlake Oaks man was arrested Saturday after he allegedly used a large knife to stab a dog he encountered on a morning walk.

Brian Peter Hagan, 73, was arrested shortly before 8 a.m. Saturday, March 10, by Deputy Cynthia Radoumis on felony charges of animal cruelty, making terrorist threats, possessing a dangerous weapon and misdemeanor exhibition of a deadly weapon other than a firearm.

The Saturday incident was the third time Hagan is alleged to have stabbed a dog in the past four years, officials said Monday.

Lake County Animal Care and Control Director Bill Davidson said an on-call animal control officer responded to the scene of the incident in Clearlake Oaks along with Radoumis.

Davidson said that Hagan was walking his dog Saturday morning on Hoover Street when he walked by a house with a loose pit bull.

The pit bull’s owner and Hagan reportedly exchanged words as Hagan passed. Davidson said Hagan then reportedly went on to check his mail and then walk back past the home where the dog was located.

As Hagan was passing the home again Davidson said the pit bull returned “in a threatening manner” to the end of the home’s driveway, standing at the edge of the road.

Chief Deputy District Attorney Richard Hinchcliff said the report on the case indicated that Hagan attached the knife – which was 7 and three-quarter inches long – to the end of a four and a half foot long metal pole he was using as a walking stick. Hagan allegedly used that pole with the knife to stab the dog.

The dog’s owner told the deputy that the dog wasn’t being vicious at the time it was stabbed, Hinchcliff said.

After the dog was stabbed, Hagan and the owner had another exchange, the sheriff’s office responded and Hagan was arrested, Davidson said.

The dog suffered a serious injury and was transported to Middletown Animal Hospital where it was cared for by Dr. Jeff Smith.

Smith told Lake County News that he operated on the dog – an altered male pit bull mix estimated to be about 2 to 3 years old – later that day.

The dog had an 8- to 9-inch gash across the middle of its back that was 2 to 3 inches deep and went down to the spine, Smith said. The spinal cord was not damaged.

“It was a pretty dramatic wound,” Smith said.

He said the dog went home that evening. “It did well with its surgery and it should make a recovery.”

Smith said the dog was “somewhat aggressive” and vocal while at the vet hospital.

Davidson said Hagan was involved in two previous, similar cases that involved him stabbing dogs, claiming self-defense both times.

In the first instance, in 2008, Hagan stabbed a dog in a case that was filed with the District Attorney’s Office but ultimately dismissed because the dog had been ruled aggressive, Davidson said.

The second case occurred about a year and a half ago, according to Davidson.

In the second instance, the dog was loose and animal control officials didn’t send the case to the District Attorney’s Office. “That decision was ours,” Davidson said.

He added, “This time the deputies felt there was enough to file on.”

Hagan is reportedly a convicted felon who can’t carry firearms, so he keeps a knife with him, according to the animal control report.

Hinchcliff has charged Hagan with felony animal abuse, felony threats against the dog’s owner and a misdemeanor charge for brandishing the knife at the dog’s owner.

He’s also asked for followup investigation, including photographs of the scene and the street where Hagan was walking, in part to determine if Hagan had the option to walk a different way when returning from checking his mail.

Hinchcliff indicated he’s also going to review the 2008 dog stabbing case that was dismissed against Hagan in order to find out the particulars of that incident.

Hagan remained in custody in the Lake County Jail on Monday, with bail set at $15,000, according to jail records.

Hinchcliff said Hagan is due to be arraigned at 1:15 p.m. Tuesday in Lake County Superior Court.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


LUCERNE, Calif. – Northshore Fire Protection District firefighters spent Saturday training with a unique piece of fire equipment.

For the first time, Northshore Fire personnel were able to train with a specially constructed mobile Fireblast trailer owned by Kelseyville Fire Department.

Northshore Battalion Chief Jamie Crabtree said Kelseyville Fire purchased the trailer with a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The trailer was set up at Northshore Fire’s Nice Fire Station for the daylong training, in which about 20 firefighters took part, said Northshore Fire Capt. Dave Emmel.

The Fireblast unit is a simulator that allows firefighters to train in a realistic but safe environment.

An operator directs the action from a computer panel inside a small booth in the trailer. The trailer has two other rooms, much like the rooms inside a residence.

“This is about the safest you can make any live fire exercise,” said Emmel.

While one team of firefighters made their way through the trailer – where flames crawled across the ceiling and the walls – another group was on the roof of the unit working on creating roof vents, which Emmel said is a common plan of attack for structure fires.

Firefighters have numerous requirements that they must fulfill in order to keep current on necessary certifications, and they participate in weekly trainings, Emmel said.

He said Saturday’s training fulfilled a number of requirements involving skills such as nozzle and ventilation work, and chainsaw use.

Emmel said the district hopes to hold annual trainings with the trailer.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .




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