Wednesday, 19 March 2025


LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild will hold its 16th annual Falling Leaves Quilt Show on Saturday, Oct. 7, and Sunday, Oct. 8.

The show will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Lake County Fairgrounds, 401 Martin St., Lakeport.

Admission for adults is $8 presale or $10 at the door, and $2 for children under age 12.

This year’s featured quilter is Lynn Wilder; visit her Web site at .

The event will include a judged, open-entry show of 200-plus quilts, plus a vendor mall, country store, opportunity quilt, challenge and round robin exhibits, door prizes, silent auction, demonstrations, food and more.

Entry deadline is Aug. 12. Quilts must be ready to hang on Thursday, Oct. 5.

Download entry forms and get entry information at , or contact show chair Linda Morrison at 707-263-4504 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The Democrats' gnashing of teeth and renting of garments over the election is getting really tiresome.

Instead of the constant and vociferous complaining about President Donald Trump (which achieves absolutely nothing), why not do something about it?

There is plenty of time. Why not knuckle down and find a viable candidate that can win for you in 2020?

Want a woman? She's out there. I've met her. Her name is Tulsi Gabbard, and she's a congresswoman in Hawaii's Second District. She's razor sharp smart, sincere and attractive. A political trifecta.

I listened to her speak last spring when she was in Ukiah stumping for Bernie Sanders. Her sincerity is what really impressed me.

Although I didn't agree with everything she said, this was no phony politician spouting hot air just for the sake of it. She was very candid, looked me in the eye and meant what she said. Very refreshing.

She's a rising star, that much is obvious.

Michael McInerney lives in Ukiah, Calif.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – Watershed Books will host a book signing for local author Steve Bartholomew on Friday, June 2.

The event will be held at 5 p.m. at the store, located at 305 N. Main St. in Lakeport.

Featured will be Bartholomew’s book, “Finding Joaquin: A Tale of Old California.”

Bartholomew is the author of several other books, including “The Imaginary Emperor,’ “The Woodcutter,” “Tunnel 6,” “Gold: A Tale of the California Gold Rush” and “Black Bart Reborn,” among others, all of which are available on Amazon.

For more information call Watershed Books at 707-263-5787.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Lake County is one of the undiscovered gems in California: its beautiful mountains, the slow pace of life, friendly people and fresh clean air, the cleanest in the nation.

Swaddled in the midst of stock and agriculture, it’s a great place to live and raise your children, but it can be a bit challenging to raise a home garden.

If you’re new to Lake County or to gardening in general, this article will address some of the local difficulties.

For starters, Lake County is a land of microclimates. Everyone says that about where they live, but it’s truer here.

We’ve got the banana belt around the lake where some people can grow citrus. We’ve got high upper valleys where cold pools and settles in, so that some years the length of the growing season is just 4 months.

The east side of the lake is more temperate than the west because of moderating winds across the lake. USDA growing zones show the east side of the lake 8b (normal winter temperatures average 15F) while the west side is 8a (average 10F).

What diverse microclimates mean to the gardener is that it’s difficult to know what will grow where you live. You could figure it out by trial and error: buy it, plant it, watch it die… buy it, plant it, watch it die. But, dang, that’s a lot of money down the tubes.

Another way is to look at what your neighbors are growing, peek over the fence: if it grows down the street, it’s likely to make it in your yard. In addition, you can consult the UC Master Gardener Program of Lake County. We have lists of plants that grow well here, even ones that are deer and gopher resistant. 

One of the most difficult challenges in Lake County is what I like to call spastic weather or psychotic temperature extremes.

March and April can sport several weeks of wonderful sunny days with temperatures soaring into the 70s and above and then bam – a sudden blast of arctic air comes barreling down sending nighttime temperatures into the 20s.

Some plants get tricked into budding out too early only to have their leaves frozen back. In Lake County the general rule of thumb is that it rarely frosts after the ides of May (that’s Latin for May15).

In those high valleys isolated from the lake’s influence, trees, such as cherries, can be tricked into budding out by the lovely March weather. But after several years of being frosted back, they start to decline and eventually die. The trick is to grow trees that don’t get tricked, like those plants smart enough to wait until May to bud out.

Your UC Master Gardeners’ Office has an extensive list of both ornamental and fruit tree cultivars that can save you from plantings that don’t do well here, and that translates to saving lots of time, money and heartache.

Most people would agree that Lake County has hotter sun than elsewhere, eh? And, while there are those that would think that statement doesn’t make sense, I would say those folks aren’t gardeners.

Think about it, if the last day for a killing frost is May 15 and by June we’re having heat waves, that doesn’t give plants much time to equilibrate.

If you’ve ever grown vegetables here and wondered why the skins were so tough, it’s the sun, coupled with the thinner atmosphere.

Vegetables are tougher here, because they produce extra lignin in an effort to protect themselves from sunburn. Extra lignin makes the skin tough and gnarly to eat.

This atmosphere can also produce a weird condition in tomatoes call physiological leaf roll, where the leaves curl upward, turn brown and die. Although this condition doesn’t affect the yield, it does get your attention. In both situations, a little shade cloth will go a long way.

Winter flooding and summer drought is standard here in California. You’ve heard the song “It never rains in California, but when it pours, man, it pours!” Ain’t that the truth!

So you need to be mindful of how, both, no water in the summer and too much water in the winter, can affect what you plant. For example, I just learned Deodar cedars don’t like to be flooded.

Would you believe that UC Master Gardeners can help you with all these challenges? Yep. Give us a call, that’s what we live for.

Here is a sampling of some of the types of information we can provide: a planting schedule for vegetables, trees to avoid, trees that do well, native plants for carefree landscapes, veggies that grow in the fall, deer resistant plants, gopher resistant plants, and soil and compost.

Karole Ward is a member of the UC Master Gardener Program of Lake County. For more information, stop in at the UC Cooperative Extension, 833 Lakeport Blvd. in Lakeport, or call 707-263-6838.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – The winners of the annual Lakeport Memorial Day weekend parade, which took place on Saturday, have been announced.

This year’s parade theme was “Honor Our Veterans.”

Operation Tango Mike won both the grand sweepstakes and judges’ choice awards.

The winners, reported by the Lake County Chamber of Commerce, are listed below.


Best of Division: Operation Tango Mike       
First place: Operation Tango Mike
Second place:     Lakeport Elks Lodge
Third place: Lake County Rodeo Association


First place: Lake County Pearl Harbor Survivors   
Second place:     Vietnam Veterans of America   


First place: Tie – Sons in Retirement, SEIU 2015
Second place: Lakeport Senior Center


First place: Mountain Vista Middle School   
Second place: United States Sea Cadets
Third place: Lake County Sheriffs Activities League

Best of Division: Lake County Funeral Honors


First place: Corvettes of Lake County   
Second place: Cadillac Pat
Third place: Red Cross


First place: Lake County Funeral Honors
Second place: David Kacharos


First place: 40 & B Voiture 912 of Lake County

Best of Division: Mountain Vista Middle School


First place: Mountain Vista Middle School


Best of Division: Lake County Rodeo Association


First place: Lake County Horse Council


First place: Lonne Sloan


First place: Lake County Rodeo Association   


The University of Minnesota Press has published a wonderful new collection of bee poems, “If Bees Are Few,” which may in some small way help the bees and will certainly offer some honey to poetry lovers.

Here's just one poem, by Heid Erdrich, who lives in Minnesota. Her most recent book is “Cell Traffic: New and Selected Poems” from the University of Arizona Press.


She couldn't help but sting my finger,
clinging a moment before I flung her
to the ground. Her gold is true, not the trick
evening light plays on my roses.
She curls into herself, stinger twitching,
gilt wings folded. Her whole life just a few weeks,
and my pain subsided in a moment.
In the cold, she hardly had her wits to buzz.
No warning from either of us:
she sleeping in the richness of those petals,
then the hand, my hand, cupping the bloom
in devastating force, crushing the petals for the scent.
And she mortally threatened, wholly unaware
that I do this daily, alone with the gold last light,
in what seems to me an act of love.

American Life in Poetry does not accept unsolicited submissions. It is made possible by The Poetry Foundation ( ), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2016 by Heid Erdrich, “Stung,” from If Bees Are Few: A Hive of Bee Poems (Univ. of Minnesota Pr., James P. Lenfesty, Ed., 2016). Poem reprinted by permission of Heid Erdrich and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2017 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction's author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

