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This Week in History: The courage of Nathan Hale

By all accounts, it was a moving speech.
Frederick MacKensie, a British officer who witnessed it, wrote in his diary, "he behaved with great composure and resolution, saying he thought it the duty of every good Officer, to obey any orders given him by his Commander-in-Chief; and desired the Spectators to be at all times prepared to meet death in whatever shape it might appear.”
The “Essex Journal” reported, "he made a sensible and spirited speech." No one has been able to flesh out the complete contents of Nathan Hale’s final speech before being hanged a spy, but several bits were recorded and have since been etched into our national consciousness.
The “Essex Journal” reported Hale as saying, "if I had ten thousand lives, I would lay them all down in defense of this injured, bleeding country." But by far the most oft-quoted line Hale spoke that day at the gallows was reported by “The Independent Chronicle and the Universal Advertiser.”
According to this newspaper, Hale remarked, "I am so satisfied with the cause in which I have engaged, that my only regret is that I have not more lives than one to offer in its service."
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He is remembered more as a martyr than a spy. In fact, his espionage career lasted only a few weeks, but when Nathan Hale was hanged on Sept. 22, 1776, it sent shockwaves through the embattled colonies, affecting the hearts and minds of Americans far more than any act of espionage could.
The war, such as it was, had only just commenced and the execution of an unarmed combatant robbed the patriots of any remaining illusions that what was about to follow would be anything but brutal. War is hell, and in hell anything goes – the execution of a spy was a matter of course.
Nathan Hale came from a generally-well-to-do family in Connecticut. At 18 years old, he graduated from Yale University and began teaching school upon graduation.
When the first shots of the Revolutionary War rang out in the Connecticut countryside, Hale’s five brothers were in the thick of it, fighting the British at Lexington and Concord.
Eager to make his mark in the nascent revolution, Nathan Hale joined the Continental Army as a first lieutenant. In a matter of months, he was promoted to captain.
The early years of the revolution went poorly for the Americans, with the British evacuating Boston only to show up and invade New York City.
Washington’s humiliating retreat from the city cast a pallor over the country and seemingly confirmed the British belief that the rebellion would soon be over.
It was during these dark times that Capt. Nathan Hale volunteered to cross behind enemy lines and serve his country in what at the time was considered a somewhat dishonorable position: he would be a spy.
As any spook worth his salt will tell you, all good lies contain an element of truth. For Capt. Hale, this meant posing as a Dutch schoolteacher. For a while, his ruse worked, and the captain gathered information on enemy troop numbers and movement.
However, Hale was not trained for spying and he appears to have made some mistakes. Here the story of Nathan Hale slips in and out of legend.
One account says that a cousin of his, who was a loyalist, recognized him and turned him into the British authorities.
Another version paints Hale in a slightly more naïve light. In this version, British Major Robert Rogers encountered the disguised Hale and smelled something fishy. Getting Hale to trust him by saying he himself was a spy for the Americans, Rogers appears to have tricked Capt. Hale into letting on about his mission.
Regardless of the cause, we know that Capt. Hale was captured and interrogated sometime around Sept. 20 or 21 – the very day or shortly after a large portion of New York City was set alight by suspected American spies.
The burning of their winter quarters set the British on edge and orders were soon issued for the execution of the only spy they had in custody: Nathan Hale.
It is fair to say that Nathan Hale was not a very good spy. It is also fair to say that by all accounts, this 21 year old was a brave and patriotic young man who faced death with the type of stoic composure reserved for legends.
It is this quality, and the fact that he was the first American spy to die in service to his country, that a statue of Nathan Hale stands outside the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency in McLean, Virginia.
Antone Pierucci is curator of history at the Riverside County Park and Open Space District and a freelance writer whose work has been featured in such magazines as Archaeology and Wild West as well as regional California newspapers.