- Elizabeth Larson
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Lakeport City Council gets budget update, approves finishing downtown tree project
LAKEPORT, Calif. – At its Tuesday meeting the Lakeport City Council approved budget adjustments and the completion of the downtown tree project, and appointed two members to an ad hoc committee to help select members of city committees and commissions.
Finance Director Nick Walker presented to the council a report on the unaudited actuals for the 2017-18 fiscal year, which ended June 30, and an update on surplus revenues.
He said the general fund, and the water and sewer operating and maintenance funds all exceeded expectations and ended the year with surpluses.
Walker said the general fund is anticipated to have an operating surplus of $763,023, primarily from vacant police department positions, delayed capital projects and operational savings across departments.
The water operating and maintenance fund is expected to have a surplus totaling $269,540. Walker credited staff for its work to eliminate a budgeted deficit. Operational savings, operational revenues that outperformed the budget by 6 percent and delayed capital projects contributed to that budget outcome, Walker said.
In the sewer operating and maintenance fund, the operating surplus totals $1,951,954. Walker said the closeout of the US Department of Agriculture water project in this last fiscal year resulted in $1,153,000 of repayment to the operating fund for projects that were completed under the program. It also was helped by operational cost savings, delayed capital projects and operating revenues outperforming the budget by 7 percent.
Walker said staff asked for budget adjustments including $70,000 for the Library Park playground, $90,000 for two new police vehicles and an additional $28,500 for the downtown tree project.
He said there would be another $384,000 to put into reserve.
Regarding the police vehicles, Walker said the vehicles will be fully loaded Dodge Chargers, which cost about $45,000 each. He said the city is is looking to get another Chevy Tahoe patrol vehicle through a USDA grant.
In other business on Tuesday, City Manager Margaret Silveira asked for the council to award a construction contract Nate’s Electric Inc. in the amount of $68,500 for the city’s downtown tree well electrical project.
The work will include providing outlets for the future tree lights and electrical service that will be available to vendors during community events on Main Street.
This project was part of the city’s larger Downtown Improvement Project. However, Silveira said that, due to costs coming in higher than projected, the tree installation and electrical conductor work were deleted from the downtown project in 2016.
The city did move forward with the placement of conduit and electrical panels during the main project but no power source was installed in the tree wells. The trees were planted in 2017, Silveira reported.
“Now that the trees are planted, we would really like to see the project completed,” Silveira said.
The city’s engineer had estimated the tree project would cost $35,000, and it initially came in at $40,000 in 2016, Silveira said. It’s since jumped in cost, and now totals $68,500, with staff expecting the price could rise still higher if the city puts it off again.
Nate’s Electric, based in Kelseyville, was one of two bids submitted for the project, Silveira reported.
Councilman Kenny Parlet pointed out that, every time a capital improvement project is put off, costs go up.
“It was hard to get bidders for it,” Silveira acknowledged.
Mayor Pro Tem Tim Barnes asked staff if the work could be done in house, by city staff.
“We really don’t have the expertise to do this particular electrical-type work,” said Public Works Director Doug Grider, who added that there is a lot to the project.
Grider also told the council during the discussion that Nate’s Electric has done a lot of quality work for the city. “At least the money’s staying local,” and not going to a big out-of-area contractor, Grider said.
Parlet said that, right now, with the fire rebuilding going on around the region, contractors are in the driver’s seat.
Councilwoman Stacey Mattina said the downtown project turned out great, and the trees are integral to it. She said the tree project will be worth it.
Grider explained that vendors for downtown events like the Dickens Faire and Oktoberfest will be able to easily plug into outlets at the tree wells rather than having to use a lot of other equipment.
Mattina moved to award the bid contract, which Parlet seconded and the council approved 5-0.
The council then unanimously approved the amendment to the city budget as recommended by city staff, which included the tree project.
At Tuesday night’s meeting the council also approved establishing an ad hoc committee including two council members to make recommendations to the full council for appointments to the city’s commissions and committees, with terms expiring in 2018.
The recommendations will be for the Lakeport Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, the Lakeport Economic Development Advisory Committee, Lake County Vector Control District Board of Trustees, the Measure Z Advisory Committee and the Lakeport Fire Protection District Board of Directors.
Mattina and Mayor Mireya Turner agreed to serve on the committee, with the council voting to approve their appointment to the ad hoc committee 5-0.
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