A broken basketball hoop in the Clear Lake High School gym in Lakeport, Calif., on Monday, June 17, 2019. Photo courtesy of the Lakeport Police Department. LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Lakeport Police Department is seeking leads in a case involving vandalism at Clear Lake High School.
The agency reported that at 7 a.m. Monday its officers responded to Clear Lake High School regarding vandalism to the gymnasium basketball hoops.
Officers found that one of the hoops had been destroyed over the weekend, police said.
Police said the hoop had been placed in an upright position on Thursday so it could be worked on, but when school staff arrived on Monday morning, they saw that the hoop had been broken.
School staff also reported that various individuals have keys to gym, without the school’s consent, and believe that one or more individuals had been the cause of the damage.
If anyone has any information regarding the incident, contact investigating Officer Joe Medici at 707-263-5491, Extension 120 or by email at jmedici@lakeportpolice.org .
You can also send an anonymous message from your cellular device by texting the word TIP LAKEPORT followed by your message to 888777 or by sending us a private message on Facebook.
LAKEPORT, Calif. – The new fiscal year budget, action to abate weeds and a new generator purchase are on the Lakeport City Council’s agenda this week.
The council will meet in closed session at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, to discuss negotiations for property at 916 N. Forbes St. before the public portion of the meeting opens at 6 p.m. in the council chambers at Lakeport City Hall, 225 Park St.
On Tuesday, Finance Director Nick Walker will present to the council the recommended 2019-20 budget, totaling $16,325,994. The budget message starts on page 43 of the agenda packet posted below.
The council also will consider approving the appropriations – or Gann – limit of $12,842,004 in Fiscal Year 2019-20.
In other business, Utilities Superintendent Paul Harris will present the Lakeport Dam Emergency Action Plan to the council, with council members expected to direct staff to incorporate comments and concerns received at the meeting into the plan before it is completed and submitted to the state for final approval.
The council also will consider purchasing an 80 kilowatt generator for the Lakeport Boulevard lift station at a cost of $40,000.
Also on Tuesday, the the council will consider a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2431 (2011) and designating the locations of two-hour limited parking zones in the city, and also will discuss a proposed resolution declaring that dry weeds, brush and similar vegetation create a fire hazard on vacant and large lots throughout the city and direct staff to utilize the administrative citation procedures to abate the weeds.
On the consent agenda – items considered noncontroversial and usually accepted as a slate on one vote – are ordinances; minutes of the regular council meeting on June 4; the June 12 warrant register; confirmation of the continuing existence of a local emergency for the Mendocino Complex fire; confirmation of the continuing existence of a local emergency for the February 2019 storms; approval of a resolution rescinding Resolution 2681 (2019) and revising the master pay schedule in conformance with California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Section 570.5; authorize the cancellation of the regular meeting of July 2, 2019.
Email Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.com. Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.
A drive-by shooting at Trombetta's Resort in Clearlake, Calif., early on the morning of Monday, June 17, 2019, resulted in one death. Photo courtesy of the Clearlake Police Department.
CLEARLAKE, Calif. – The Clearlake Police Department is seeking leads on an early Monday morning drive-by shooting at Trombetta's Resort that resulted in a man’s death.
Steven Stone, 40, Clearlake, was the victim of the shooting, according to a police report.
At 12:30 a.m. Monday, Clearlake Police officers responded to Trombetta’s Resort, located at 5865 Old Highway 53, on reports of multiple shots fired with one subject down, police said.
When officers arrived, they located Stone on the ground with a gunshot wound. Police said an officer administered CPR to Stone until Lake County Fire personnel arrived on scene and took over.
Stone was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead, police said.
Detectives from the Clearlake Police Investigations Bureau responded to the scene, where they conducted interviews with witnesses and processed the scene for evidence, authorities said.
Based on the information police had on Monday, they believe the shots were fired from a vehicle that drove on the main driveway of the resort.
The vehicle fled in an unknown direction on Old Highway 53, authorities said.
The Clearlake Police Department is actively pursuing leads and said it was not releasing further details on the case.
“Our focus is on conducting a thorough investigation and bringing the suspect(s) involved to justice,” the report said.
If you have information regarding this incident, contact Det. Leonardo Flores at 707-994-8251, Extension 315.
Clearlake Police investigators at a crime scene in Clearlake, Calif., early on the morning of Monday, June 17, 2019. Photo courtesy of the Clearlake Police Department.
CLEARLAKE, Calif. – The Clearlake Police Department is urging the community to be aware of phone scams that recently have been circulating locally and targeting residents.
The agency said it has become aware of two scams in particular.
In one of them, an individual telephones the intended victim, claiming to be a police officer but not identifying their agency or providing a police badge number.
The phony police officer tells the intended victim that they have a family member in need of urgent medical care. The scammer tries to get the intended victim to provide personal information about this family member.
Fortunately, when a community member recently was targeted, they recognized the call to be a scam and hung up with the scammer before providing any personal information. The caller identification showed the caller was using an international phone number.
In a second scam, the caller telephones the victim claiming to be a kidnapper.
The phony kidnapper says they are holding one of the intended victim's family members hostage and not to get law enforcement involved. The scammer then demands money to be sent via wire transfer for the safe return of the hostage.
The police department said that there was no actual kidnapping and the family member was located by police safe and unharmed. This call also originated from an international phone number.
Police said these scams are just two of the many types of similar phone scams criminals use to try to get personal information or money from people.
With your personal information, criminals can obtain credit or services in your name, access financial account information or just steal your identity for a variety of nefarious activities.
Criminals can use local numbers and have ways of spoofing local numbers so their calls appear local. They may also target potential victims via text messages or emails.
The Clearlake Police Department warns community members not to give their personal identifying information or any financial information to unknown persons over the telephone or email.
If in doubt about a suspicious call, text message or email you received, please contact your local law enforcement agency.
Mount Konocti as seen from Redbud Park in Clearlake, Calif. Photo by Kathleen Scavone.
CLEARLAKE, Calif. – Since wilderness is our middle name here in Lake County, we are always privy to wildlife viewings such as elk, bear, bobcat, fox and more, as well as unforgettable bird watching opportunities at every turn.
At the city of Clearlake's Redbud Park the morning's magnificent stillness presents mirror images of hills and trees – quite a different show than that of most afternoons on the lake, when winds kick up and create whitecaps across its surface.
Redbud Park is a perfect spot for a picnic or to launch your boat. Fishing at Redbud may net you some catfish, bluegill or crappie. There are restrooms available, water and plenty of parking.
By visiting one of our county's 29 parks you are practically guaranteed an outstanding bird-watching experience.
There are more than 300 bird species which can be viewed on Clear Lake, which is located on the Pacific Flyway, a migratory passage which spans from South America to Alaska. White egrets, green herons, great blue herons, cormorants, Western and Clark's grebes may be seen upon the lake diving for fish and nesting material.
You may spot the brilliant pigments contained in a wood duck's feathers, or happen upon the prehistoric-looking American white pelicans as they patrol the lake. Our “lake eternal” shimmers with vitality, and each day is alive with something new to the eye.
Redbud Park's namesake, the redbud tree was a key plant for use in basket-making in Lake County's native cultures for centuries.
Many other American Indian groups also used this unique plant for their baskets, as well. Then, they harvested the branches in spring or summer. The branches were split, then cleaned and put to use in both the warp and weft of the coiled or twined baskets.
Make it a point to visit one of our county parks, such as Redbud Park. Then, you can boast that you toured the oldest lake in North America at half a million years, and if those bragging rights were not sufficient, our lake is the largest natural freshwater lake located entirely in the state, with close to 70 square miles of surface area.
Kathleen Scavone, M.A., is a retired educator, potter, freelance writer and author of “Anderson Marsh State Historic Park: A Walking History, Prehistory, Flora, and Fauna Tour of a California State Park” and “Native Americans of Lake County.”
The docks at Redbud Park in Clearlake, Calif. Photo by Kathleen Scavone.
Ramiro Fernando Mendez, 28, of Lower Lake, Calif., was arrested for a shooting that occurred early on the morning of Sunday, June 16, 2019. Lake County Jail photo. LOWER LAKE, Calif. – A Lower Lake man has been arrested for an early Sunday morning shooting that injured another man.
Ramiro Fernando Mendez, 28, was arrested shortly after 2 a.m. Sunday, within two hours of authorities responding to the shooting report.
Lake County Sheriff’s Lt. Rich Ward said at 12:19 a.m. Sunday the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Central Dispatch Center received a call of a gunshot victim in the 9000 block of Pebble Road in Lower Lake.
Upon arrival, deputies contacted a male victim who appeared to be suffering from a gunshot wound to the leg, Ward said.
Ward said the male gunshot victim was transported out of county via air ambulance to a medical trauma center.
Based on statements from the victim and witnesses on scene, Ward said deputies placed Mendez under arrest for felony assault with a firearm on a person.
Mendez was later transported to the Hill Road Correctional Facility for booking, Ward said.
Mendez’s bail was set at $50,000, and he later posted the required portion of bail and was released, according to jail records.
Booking records showed he is tentatively scheduled for arraignment in Lake County Superior Court on Monday.
Any individuals with information regarding this case are encouraged to contact the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes Unit at 707-263-2690.
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Lake County Animal Care and Control has three kittens waiting for new homes and many more that will be available in the days to come.
The following cats at the Lake County Animal Care and Control shelter have been cleared for adoption.
This brown tabby kitten is in cat room kennel No. 43a, ID No. 12332. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Brown tabby kitten
This brown tabby kitten has a short coat and green eyes.
He’s in cat room kennel No. 43a, ID No. 12332.
This male tabby kitten is in cat room kennel No. 43b, ID No. 12333. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Brown tabby kitten
This male tabby kitten has a short brown and black coat and gold eyes.
He’s in cat room kennel No. 43b, ID No. 12333.
This male gray tabby kitten is in kennel No. 43c, ID No. 12338. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Gray tabby kitten
This male gray tabby kitten has a short coat and gold eyes.
He’s in kennel No. 43c, ID No. 12338.
Lake County Animal Care and Control is located at 4949 Helbush in Lakeport, next to the Hill Road Correctional Facility.
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday. The shelter is open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Fathers often place more emphasis on their role as head of household than their health. Marmion/Shutterstock.com
If you had to choose, which would you rather have: a healthy father or a good father?
Studies suggest men often choose being a good father over being healthy.
Becoming a father is a major milestone in the life of a man, often shifting the way he thinks from being “me focused” to “we focused.” But fatherhood can also shift how men perceive their health. Our research has found that fathers can view health not in terms of going to the doctor or eating vegetables but how they hold a job, provide for their family, protect and teach their children, and belong to a community or social network.
As founder and director of the Center for Research on Men’s Health at Vanderbilt University and as a postdoctoral fellow from Meharry Medical College, we study why men live shorter lives than women, male attitudes about fatherhood, how to help men engage in healthier behavior – as well as what can be done to reduce men’s risk of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Work, sex and health
Working with men to try to get them to be more physically active, eat healthier and maintain a healthy weight, we found that for many, their own physical and mental health is not high on their list of priorities. Men, we found, treat their bodies as tools to do a job. Health is not always important or something they pay much attention to until poor health gets in the way of their ability to go to work, have sex or do something else important to them. These roles and responsibilities are often the ways they define themselves as men and how others in their lives define their worth.
While many aspects of gender roles have changed, we have found that many men still recognize they are often defined as good or successful if they have paid employment that is enough to take care of their children and other responsibilities. Fathers generally aspire to be able to look after their children, spouse, partner or other loved ones. That may mean less sleep, longer hours at work and less free time for hobbies and exercise.
Wanting to be a great dad can motivate men to push themselves to work longer and harder than they may have thought possible, but these choices can come at a cost, particularly if they also are not making time to take care of themselves.
We have seen evidence of despair, such as depressive symptoms, having thoughts of suicide, heavy drinking and marijuana use, among adults in their 20s and 30s. These behaviors tend to be higher in men during the time when they tend to become fathers for the first time. Consistent with this pattern, unintentional injuries and suicide are leading causes of death for men across racial and ethnic groups in their 20s and 30s. This is not the case for women.
By age 45, heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death for all groups of men. These chronic diseases can be prevented, to some degree, by not smoking, eating healthier foods and drinking less alcohol. Also, improving sleep, sitting less and moving more are important behaviors for good health.
Rather than trying to restart these behaviors after taking a break from them for a number of years, studies have found that it is important to help men keep healthy behaviors a part of their lives as they age.
As men age, they may not make deliberate choices to engage in less healthy behavior, but they may just do so because their lives and environments make unhealthy choices easier than healthy ones. Policymakers have to think about how to make it easier to make healthy choices in men’s daily lives and to incorporate health into the time fathers spend with children and family or at work. Men don’t have equal access to healthy foods or the same opportunities to go to the doctor, be physically active or earn a living wage, and yet, if asked, they all want to be healthy and have a positive influence on their children and families.
Where does making time for their own mental and physical health fit into dads’ busy, stressful lives? We have found that it will be different for every father, but loved ones have to help them find a way. Based on our research, we believe that families, particularly women in men’s lives, can play an important role in encouraging fathers to eat healthier and take better care of their health.
Wives in particular often provide emotional support, offer advice, facilitate men going to the doctor and promote healthy behavior. Wives, daughters and other women in fathers’ lives are important sources of information about men’s health, and they often play a key role in helping fathers and other men better understand and cope with stress.
As we celebrate fathers, it is important to recognize that fathers, generally speaking, may not place health at the top of their priorities. Many fathers gladly sacrifice to see their children happy, safe and successful. The problem is that if fathers think only about these goals, their own health can often suffer.
LAKEPORT, Calif. – Facing the probability of repeated public safety power shutoffs this summer, the Board of Supervisors this week will discuss purchasing backup generators for county facilities.
The board will meet beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, June 18, in the board chambers on the first floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.
The meeting can be watched live on Channel 8 and online at https://countyoflake.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx . Accompanying board documents, the agenda and archived board meeting videos also are available at that link.
At 9:45 a.m., the board will discuss backup generators for county buildings due to Pacific Gas and Electric public safety power shutoffs.
Public Services Director Lars Ewing’s memorandum for the meeting explains that on June 11 staff received direction from the Board of Supervisors to bring forward for the backup generator discussion.
“Staff will present the actions taken thus far along with information related to the scope of providing backup generators at County facilities,” Ewing said.
In other business, in an item timed for 9:30 a.m., the board will continue a discussion first held on June 4 regarding a request from the board of directors of Lake County Community Radio KPFZ for a rate reduction in tower fees on Mount Konocti.
The full agenda follows.
5.1: Adopt proclamation declaring June 18, 2019, as Wildfire Preparedness Day in honor of Phil Bayles.
5.2: Approve the minutes of the Board of Supervisors meetings held Jan. 29, 2019, May 7, 2019, May 14, 2019, and May 21, 2019.
5.3: Sitting as Lake County Air Quality Management District Board of Directors, authorize the air pollution control officer to sign and submit an application for Carl Moyer Program Year 21 funding and sign all other program documents.
5.4: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the agreement between the county of Lake and Lake County Office of Education - Safe Schools Healthy Students Program for school-based specialty mental health services for a decrease of $200,000 and a new contract amount of $50,000 for FY 2018-19 and authorize the chair to sign.
5.5: Approve Amendment No. 2 to the agreement between the county of Lake and Crestwood Behavioral Health for adult residential support services and specialty mental health services for fiscal year 2018-19 for an increase of $170,000 and a new contract amount of $1,220,000 and authorize the chair to sign.
5.6: Adopt resolution to approve the Amendment 01 to the standard agreement between the county of Lake and the Department of health care services for fiscal year 2017-18 through Fiscal Year 2020-21 and to authorize the Behavioral Health Services administrator to sign the amendment.
5.7: Adopt resolution amending Resolution No. 2018-132 establishing position allocations for Fiscal Year 2018-2019, Budget Unit No. 2110, District Attorney.
5.8: Approve budget transfer in Budget Unit 7011, Parks & Recreation, to object code 62.74 to capitalize three security systems in the amount of $5,956.78 (Upper Lake Park), $5,418.50 (Lucerne Harbor Park), and $5,112.84 (Alpine Park) and authorize the chair to sign.
5.9: Sitting as Lake County Watershed Protection District Board of Directors, (a) approve new capital asset in the amount of $5,974.08 to purchase a new dump trailer; and (b) approve the purchase of a new dump trailer and authorize the department head to sign.
6.2, 9:08 a.m.: Presentation of proclamation declaring June 18, 2019 as Wildfire Preparedness Day in Honor of Phil Bayles.
6.3, 9:11 a.m.: Consideration of continuing a proclamation of a local emergency due to an atmospheric river event of 2019.
6.4, 9:12 a.m.: Consideration of continuing a proclamation of a local emergency due to the Mendocino Complex fire incident (River and Ranch fires).
6.5, 9:13 a.m.: Consideration of continuing a proclamation of a local emergency due to the Pawnee fire Incident.
6.6, 9:14 a.m.: Consideration of continuing a proclamation of a local emergency due to the Sulphur fire incident.
6.7, 9:15 a.m.: Consideration of continuing a proclamation of a local emergency due to Clayton fire.
6.8, 9:16 a.m.: Consideration of continuing a proclamation of a local emergency due to the atmospheric river storm of 2017.
6.9, 9:17 a.m.: Consideration of continuing the declaration of a local health emergency and order prohibiting the endangerment of the community through the unsafe removal, transportation, and disposal of fire debris for the Mendocino Complex fire.
6.10, 9:30 a.m.: Continued from June 4, consideration of request from the board of directors of Lake County Community Radio KPFZ for rate reduction in tower fees.
6.11, 9:45 a.m.: Discussion and consideration of backup generators for county buildings due to PG&E public safety power shutoffs.
7.2: Consideration of appointments to First Five Lake County Commission.
7.3: Consideration of an agreement between the city of Clearlake, city of Lakeport and the county of Lake relative to operation of a local public, educational, governmental (PEG) cable television channel.
8.1: Conference with legal counsel: Existing Litigation pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54956.9(d)(1): County of Lake, et al. v. PG&E, et al.
8.2: Conference with legal counsel: Decision whether to initiate litigation pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54956.9(d)(4): One potential case.
8.3: Public employee appointment pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957(b)(1): (a) Interviews of Water Resources director (b) appointment of Water Resources director.
Email Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.com. Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.
Henry Valentine Snowbelt in his younger days, before becoming a Lake County Sheriff’s deputy. Courtesy photo.
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A Lake County deputy sheriff who died in the line of duty nearly 82 years ago after sustaining a mortal wound while stopping a man who had gone on a shooting rampage in Lower Lake is receiving long overdue recognition for his sacrifice.
The death of Henry Valentine Snowbelt, killed in October 1937 at the age of 57, had been overlooked for decades when it came to honoring fallen local law enforcement officers.
However, after a year’s worth of effort by officials with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Snowbelt’s name was added last month to the state fallen officers’ memorial, to the Lake County memorial and to the national memorial.
“It is so amazing,” said his granddaughter, Janet Van Wert.
Van Wert, her son Jim, and her cousin, Shirley Carpenter, and Carpenter’s boyfriend Bob Pickle were guests at the state ceremony on May 6.
“It was beautiful. It was wonderful. We enjoyed it,” said Carpenter.
On May 10, Snowbelt’s name was added to the Lake County Safety Officers Memorial in Museum Park in downtown Lakeport. Undersheriff Chris Macedo unveiled a plaque with Snowbelt’s name; he is now listed among five law enforcement officers and two firefighters who have died serving the county.
Lt. Corey Paulich of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, who took the lead on getting Snowbelt’s name added to the memorials, said Snowbelt’s name was added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC. His name was read at a candlelight vigil on May 13 attended by thousands on the Capitol Mall, which Paulich attended.
Paulich said the national memorial includes a new museum opened this year, which has a “Hall of Remembrance,” with etched glass markers with the names and pictures of those who are honored.
At the California Peace Officers' Memorial ceremony on Monday, May 6, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif., family members of Lake County Sheriff’s Deputy Henry Valentine Snowbelt were joined by Lake County Sheriff’s Office representatives to honor his addition to the memorial. From left, front row, Snowbelt’s granddaughters Janet Van Wert and Shirley Carpenter; back row, from left, Lt. Corey Paulich, whose research led to Snowbelt’s addition to the monument; Jim Van Wert, Snowbelt’s grandson and Janet Van Wert’s son; Bob Pickle, boyfriend of Carpenter; and Lake County Undersheriff Chris Macedo. Photo courtesy of Jim Van Wert. Early history
Snowbelt was born in Austria on Valentine’s Day, 1880, to Eda Schnaubelt. He came to the United States with his mother in 1883, when he was a small child.
Carpenter said her great-grandmother was reported to have been a lady in waiting in the Viennese royal court who was banished after having her son out of wedlock.
He took his mother’s maiden name and later Americanized it. Van Wert said that was a result of the anti-Germanic sentiment in the country in the early years of the 20th century.
Veterans Administration records state that Snowbelt was a veteran of the Spanish-American War in 1898, having served in the US Navy.
In 1902, Snowbelt married Danish-born Amelia Petersen at her family’s home in Elmhurst. Together they had three children – Anita, Thelma and Peter.
Two years after his marriage, at age 24, he signed a declaration of intention in Alameda County to become a United States citizen.
The 1910 Census shows the Snowbelts – with their children, Anita, age 6, and Peter, age 5, – living in Alameda County. Henry Snowbelt’s trade at that time was listed as “saloonkeeper.”
Amelia died at age 39 in 1918. She is buried at San Lorenzo Pioneer Memorial Park. Carpenter said her grandmother died of botulism after eating at a restaurant. Her children also became sick but survived.
Henry Snowbelt continued to live in the Bay Area for some time to come. The 1930 Census shows him at age 50 living alone as a widower in San Francisco. At that time he was working as a chauffeur.
Lake County News was not able to determine at what point after that he moved to Lake County; Van Wert said she didn’t recall when he came to the area.
Van Wert, whose mother was Snowbelt’s daughter Anita Reed, was a young girl when her grandfather died. She said she remembered him visiting her family at their San Francisco home.
During one visit he was cleaning his gun, which he thought was empty, and it went off. “My mother, in very salty language, told him he could never come again if he brought the rifle with him,” Van Wert said.
Anita and her husband, Lloyd Reed, often brought their children to Lake County for visits. Reeds brothers lived in Santa Rosa.
Van Wert recalls her grandfather playing with her and her siblings – including a brother and twin sisters – and chasing them into Clear Lake.
“I can remember him saying he was going to get us, and we said you can’t because you have your shoes on,” she said, noting she later realized he was wearing wading boots.
The California Peace Officers' Memorial ceremony on Monday, May 6, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif. Photo by Jim Van Wert. The shootout
The story of the shootout in downtown Lower Lake on Saturday, Oct. 2, 1937, that claimed Snowbelt’s life reads like an embellished tale of the rough and ready Old West.
“Citizens awed by Lower Lake fatal gun duel Saturday,” said the headline in the Lake County Bee of Thursday, Oct. 7, 1937.
The circumstances that led to the fatal shooting between Snowbelt and 32-year-old John Bert Thompson, an ex-convict who spent four years in San Quentin State Prison for a robbery in Calpella four years before Snowbelt’s shooting, developed over the course of that October day.
According to accounts of the incident given at the coroner’s inquest, Snowbelt – who also was a caretaker at Camp Lakeview – had gone on a drive that afternoon with Thompson and a friend, Walter Walker, to a place at Point Lakeview where Snowbelt repaired a radio. Thompson had with him a .22-caliber rifle which investigators said was the weapon he later used to kill Snowbelt.
That evening, they returned to Lower Lake, where Snowbelt had planned to cash his veteran’s check. Thompson and Walker went to Bill Millsap’s hamburger restaurant for a sandwich and Snowbelt went to the Wheeler Cafe.
Longtime Lower Lake resident Phil Adamson told Lake County News that the Wheeler Cafe was located on the north side of Main Street and east of the old jail. He did not recall the location of Millsap’s place. Based on newspaper accounts, Millsap’s appear to have been across the street from the Wheeler Cafe.
While at Millsap’s, Walker had reportedly used profanity and been asked by Millsap to stop, as he said ladies were present. Walker apologized, Thompson grew angry and told him not to, then he began to swear. Millsap told Thompson to either stop or to leave, and Thompson refused both demands, “and said there was nobody there that could put him out,” according to the newspaper report.
Millsap grabbed Thompson in an effort to remove him and did so with the help of Harvey Knauer, 23, of Lower Lake who was eating at the restaurant.
“After reaching the sidewalk, Thompson threatened to get them both for throwing him out,” the newspaper account explained.
Not long afterward, at about 9:40 p.m., Knauer was playing pool in the Big Oak pool room with friends, with Roy Adams standing at the front bar.
Journalist and longtime county resident Roberta Lyons said the Big Oak was located where county offices are now located on Main Street in the 16100 block of Main Street, also on the north side. Adamson added that it was directly oppose the former Bank of America building.
When Thompson came in the Big Oak with his rifle, throwing a shell into the barrel, Adams asked what he was going to do with the gun, and Thompson reportedly replied, “Nothing.”
He then walked into the area where Knauer was playing pool, told him, “I’ve got you now,” and when Knauer – who was about to make a shot in a pool game – looked up, Thompson shot him between the eyes, with the bullet shattering the bridge of Knauer’s nose.
As Knauer collapsed, another young man in the pool room – Clearlake Highlands resident James Cassidy, a cook in the cafe – tried to leave out the back door when Thompson pointed the gun at him and called him back. Cassidy would escape a short time later.
Others escaped from the cafe while Thompson ordered Adams and Knauer – who had managed to get to his feet despite being shot in the face – to march. “I sure did march,” Adams said later of the experience.
Adams would escape into the night while Thompson forced Knauer to walk across the street and sit on the curb in front of Millsap’s place.
A candlelight vigil at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC, on Monday, May 13, 2019. Photo by Corey Paulich. “I am going to stay and watch you die, and if you don’t die, I’ll put another bullet in you,” Thompson is reported to have told Knauer.
Knauer is reported to have replied, “There is nothing I can do about it, go ahead and kill me.”
Thompson’s attention would be diverted as Roy Garner and Alta Crawford started to drive away from the front of the Big Oak Cafe in Garner’s car to get the constable.
As the car started, Thompson was reported to have shot five times at the vehicle, hitting it twice – once on the fender and once in the back of the car. Crawford ducked in her seat as the shooting started.
Thompson believed he had hit her, saying, “I got the woman, anyway.”
While Thompson was busy shooting at the car, Knauer escaped to seek help. Cassidy found him and took him to a doctor.
After Knauer fled, Thompson went to the Wheeler Cafe. Snowbelt was in the rear of the cafe and as Thompson came in, his friend, Walker, tried to convince him to put down the gun. “You shot one man tonight and that’s enough. Give me that gun.”
Thompson replied that he wouldn’t give the gun to anyone but Lake County Sheriff Taylor Day. “I will not give up the gun to you or anybody else. I will surrender to him.”
Snowbelt left from the rear of the building and went to borrow a gun from Millsap, who initially said he didn’t own one. But Snowbelt saw a deer gun, a .30-.30 rifle, in Millsap’s home, showed his badge and demanded it.
With the loaded rifle, Snowbelt returned to the cafe, entering through a side door and telling Thompson to throw up his hands. At that point, Thompson’s rifle was on a piano next to where he stood. He went to reach for it and Snowbelt told him to lay the gun down.
The Lake County Safety Officers Memorial in downtown Lakeport, Calif. Deputy Henry Snowbelt’s memorial plaque, at bottom left, was unveiled by Undersheriff Chris Macedo during an annual ceremony on Monday, May 10, 2019. Photo by Elizabeth Larson/Lake County News. Thompson got the gun and fired one shot at point blank range at Snowbelt, striking him in the lower chest. At the same time, Snowbelt fired twice at Thompson, according to the account of the shooting.
“With the first shot from the heavy deer gun, Thompson was sent into the air off the floor for several feet. As he was falling the officer shot him again in the neck. Either bullet would have been fatal, it was later disclosed,” according to the newspaper account.
Walker, who was seated in a chair between Thompson and Snowbelt, fell to the floor when the shooting started.
Snowbelt was still on his feet after being shot. Walker asked him if he was hurt.
‘“I think I am shot,” exclaimed Snowbelt as he weakened and swayed and then slumped to the floor. Blood started streaming from his mouth. He died within a moment from a bullet through his lungs, when Walker ran outside the place to seek assistance and a physician,” the newspaper account stated.
Coroner H. M. Jones called the inquest into the shooting. The jury’s ultimate finding was that Snowbelt’s death was a homicide, and that he died of a fatal gunshot to the heart.
Thompson’s death, a gunshot to the heart fired by Snowbelt, was ruled a justifiable homicide, as it occurred as Snowbelt was performing his duties as a sheriff.
Following a local funeral, Snowbelt would be buried in the San Francisco National Cemetery.
Over the course of the following year, his family suffered more tragedy.
In May 1938, seven months after her father was killed, Anita Reed died after giving birth to twins, one of whom died.
Three months later, her husband, Lloyd Reed, died while working on a brother’s house in Santa Rosa. Van Wert said the cause of her father's death was ruled “inconclusive.”
The couple left behind five children. “We all went to live with different aunts and uncles,” said Van Wert, who lived with her aunt, Thelma, the mother of Carpenter.
Knauer survived his wound and lived to be 80 years old. Adamson said he knew Knauer, who went on to become a crane operator in the Bay Area.
Lyons said the building that housed the Big Oak Saloon burned down in the Lower Lake Main Street Fire of 1987. By that time, it had gone through a number of different names, including Lucy’s, Carol’s Disco, the VIP Lounge and Five Brothers, according to former Lake County resident, Fran Ransley.
Deputy Henry Snowbelt’s name on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC. Photo by Corey Paulich. Giving belated honors
In February 2018 Lake County News Editor and Publisher Elizabeth Larson presented Sheriff Brian Martin with information about Snowbelt.
Her publication had featured a story several years ago about the shootout as part of a series on Lake County history. A reader, Tom Quinn, later pointed out to her that Snowbelt wasn’t on the local safety officers’ memorial.
The information she presented to Martin included scans of newspaper microfilm about the shootout as well as a photo of the deputy in his younger days.
Martin turned the information over to Lt. Paulich, who also went to the library to look through the materials for himself. He then found where Snowbelt was buried and began going through public records to identify next of kin.
“That was the big thing, to let the family know,” that Snowbelt’s name will be honored forever, aulich said.
Carpenter said she had a message on her answering machine from Paulich – who only left his name and asked her to call him – and was apprehensive, wondering why the Lake County Sheriff’s Office would be calling her.
“Two days later I got up my nerve and called him,” she said.
She said it was hard to believe. Ultimately, however, having honors bestowed now on her grandfather – who she didn’t remember, as he died the year after her birth – is “marvelous.”
Van Wert laughed when recalling getting contacted by Paulich.
“We all thought he was nuts,” she said, explaining that her family hadn’t thought about Henry Snowbelt in many years.
“It is so amazing,” she said.
For Van Wert, the honors for her grandfather had opened up memories that she hadn’t thought about in years, noting that she had shut down many of her recollections from that period following the loss of both of her parents.
Paulich said it took about a year to complete the process to have Snowbelt’s name added to the state and federal memorials. He had just gone through the process the year before to have Deputy Rob Rumfelt’s name added.
The applications for the state and national memorials were submitted at the same time, and had to be completed by the end of 2018. Paulich submitted a package with newspaper articles and Snowbelt’s death certificate, showing that the shooting occurred and Snowbelt was acting in his capacity as a deputy sheriff.
The materials subsequently were reviewed by committees and Snowbelt was approved for addition to the memorials, Paulich said.
Carpenter and Van Wert, joined by Paulich and Undersheriff Chris Macedo, attended the state memorial last month.
Paulich said one of Snowbelt’s great-great-grandsons – who couldn’t make it to the event due to college finals – is considering a law enforcement career.
“We were so impressed,” Van Wert said of the ceremony.
At the state event, there was another officer who, like Snowbelt, was being honored after decades.
Deputy City Marshal Maurice William Halloran of the Vernon Police Department, who died in November 1913 at age 35, also was added to the memorial.
Van Wert said she chatted with members of Halloran’s family who, like her, were amazed that after so much time, their relative was being honored for his sacrifice.
“I felt quite honored,” Van Wert said.
Email Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.com . Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Lake County Animal Care and Control has numerous dogs looking for new (human) dads and families.
Dogs available for adoption this week include mixes of boxer, Chihuahua, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, pit bull and shepherd.
Dogs that are adopted from Lake County Animal Care and Control are either neutered or spayed, microchipped and, if old enough, given a rabies shot and county license before being released to their new owner. License fees do not apply to residents of the cities of Lakeport or Clearlake.
If you're looking for a new companion, visit the shelter. There are many great pets hoping you'll choose them.
The following dogs at the Lake County Animal Care and Control shelter have been cleared for adoption (additional dogs on the animal control Web site not listed are still “on hold”).
This male Chihuahua is in kennel No. 2, ID No. 12393. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Male Chihuahua
This male Chihuahua has a short tricolor coat.
He’s in kennel No. 2, ID No. 12393.
These Doberman Pinschers in kennel No. 4, ID Nos. 12384 and 12385. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Male and female Doberman Pinschers
These Doberman Pinschers, one male named Capulin and a female, have short black and brown coats.
They are in kennel No. 4. Capulin is ID No. 12384; the female is ID No. 12385.
This female shepherd is in kennel No. 6, ID No. 12343. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Female shepherd
This female shepherd has a short black and brown coat.
Shelter staff said she smiles.
She’s in kennel No. 6, ID No. 12343.
“Houdini” is a male pit bull in kennel No. 8, ID No. 12386. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. ‘Houdini’
“Houdini” is a male pit bull with a short black coat.
He already has been neutered.
He’s in kennel No. 8, ID No. 12386.
‘Beau’ is a male shepherd in kennel No. 14, ID No. 6745. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. ‘Beau’
“Beau” is a male shepherd with a medium-length black coat.
He has been neutered.
He’s in kennel No. 14, ID No. 6745.
This young male Doberman Pinscher is in kennel No. 16, ID No. 12374. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Doberman Pinscher
This young male Doberman Pinscher has a short black and brown coat.
He’s in kennel No. 16, ID No. 12374.
This male Chihuahua is in kennel No. 18, ID No. 12396. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Male Chihuahua
This male Chihuahua has a short tan coat.
He’s in kennel No. 18, ID No. 12396.
This female boxer is in kennel No. 19, ID No. 12326. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Female boxer
This female boxer has a short brown and white coat.
She already has been spayed.
She is in kennel No. 19, ID No. 12326.
“Nikkie” is a female pit bull terrier in kennel No. 20, ID No. 12369. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. ‘Nikkie’
“Nikkie” is a female pit bull terrier with a short black coat.
She already has been spayed.
She’s in kennel No. 20, ID No. 12369.
“Jack” is a male German Shepherd in kennel No. 24, ID No. 12376. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. ‘Jack’
“Jack” is a male German Shepherd with a medium-length black and brown coat.
He’s in kennel No. 24, ID No. 12376.
This male pit bull is in kennel No. 28, ID No. 12355. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Male pit bull
This male pit bull has a short brown coat.
He is in kennel No. 28, ID No. 12355.
This male German Shepherd is in kennel No. 30, ID No. 12314. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Male German Shepherd
This male German Shepherd has a short black and tan coat.
He’s in kennel No. 30, ID No. 12314.
This female pit bull is in kennel No. 32, ID No. 12383. Photo courtesy of Lake County Animal Care and Control. Female pit bull
This female pit bull has a short brown coat.
She already has been spayed.
She’s in kennel No. 32, ID No. 12383.
Lake County Animal Care and Control is located at 4949 Helbush in Lakeport, next to the Hill Road Correctional Facility.
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday. The shelter is open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday and on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.