- Elizabeth Larson
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Lakeport City Council to discuss Lakefront Park amenities, naming city walking path
The council will meet in closed session at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3, to discuss with legal counsel existing litigation, City of Lakeport et al. v. Amerisourcebergen Drug Corporation et al., before the public portion of the meeting begins at 6 p.m.
The meeting will be by teleconference only. The city council chambers will not be open to the public.
The agenda can be found here.
To speak on an agenda item, access the meeting remotely here or join by phone by calling toll-free 669-900-9128 or 346-248-7799. The webinar ID is 973 6820 1787, access code is 477973; the audio pin will be shown after joining the webinar. Those phoning in without using the web link will be in “listen mode” only and will not be able to participate or comment.
Comments can be submitted by email to virtualhost@cityoflakeport.com. To give the City Clerk adequate time to print out comments for consideration at the meeting, please submit written comments prior to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 3.
Indicate in the email subject line "for public comment" and list the item number of the agenda item that is the topic of the comment. Comments that read to the council will be subject to the three minute time limitation (approximately 350 words). Written comments that are only to be provided to the council and not read at the meeting will be distributed to the council prior to the meeting.
On Tuesday, the council will consider approving the site plan and amenity features designed for the new Lakefront Park at 800 and 810 N. Main St. and discuss a budget adjustment to cover the costs for the park’s development.
In April, the city received a $5.9 million state grant to purchase the seven acres for the park and develop amenities including a promenade along the lakeshore, basketball court, ninja gym, amphitheater, splash pad, skate park, multiuse lawn area, large sheltered picnic area, bathroom/concession building, public art, parking lot, landscaping and lighting throughout the park and a dedicated area for the future boathouse.
City Manager Kevin Ingram reported that the city is working with SSA Landscape Architects, hired earlier this year, to aid in the planning, design, engineering and project management of the park. The city approved the park’s site plan in August.
“Shortly after that approval of the site plan, SSA began developing engineered project plans to be utilized for the construction of the project. As a result of various factors, most importantly
extremely high construction costs and unfavorable geotechnical issues, it was determined pretty quickly that the project as presented in August far exceeded the grant construction award amount of $4.5 million,” Ingram wrote in his report.
“Over the last several weeks SSA and City staff have conducted an in-depth value engineering process to get the project back within budget,” Ingram said.
As a result, several amenities saw a reduction in scope. Ingram said one option the staff is proposing is that the council consider using some general fund reserve monies to cover the cost of adding back some of the amenities and features that were either reduced or removed from the project.
The amenities that have been reduced in cost include the parking lot, lighting, splash pad, skate park, fitness area, restrooms/concessions, the picnic area, large shade shelter and shade sail, according to Ingram’s report.
He said the council can choose to add back some of those reductions. Use of general fund reserve monies could range up to $805,570.
“Following the approval of the revised site plan and budget by City Council, staff will continue to work closely with SSA Landscape Architects in the development of engineered construction level design plans for the project,” Ingram wrote. “Engineered construction level plans are expected to be completed and the project put out to bid for construction within the next few months.”
Also on Tuesday, Public Works Director Doug Grider will ask the council for approval on a resolution naming the downtown walking path “The Ann Blue Walking Path” in honor of Ann Blue.
Blue is credited with having played a key role in developing the walking path while a member of the city’s Parks and Recreation Committee.
She is a longtime community volunteer, having also served on the Lakeport Planning Commission and the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, among other organizations.
The council also will consider relocating the two 20-minute designated parking spaces adjacent to City Hall from Park Street to Second Street and adopt revisions to the Green Zones, or limited parking areas, and two-hour parking resolutions to reflect requested change.
On the consent agenda – items considered noncontroversial and usually accepted as a slate on one vote – are ordinances; minutes of the regular council meeting on June 16; confirmation of the continuing existence of a local emergency for the Mendocino Complex fire; confirmation of the continuing existence of a local emergency for the February 2019 storms; confirmation of the continuing existence of a local emergency for the October 2019 public safety power shutoff; confirmation of the continuing existence of a local emergency for the COVID-19 public health emergency; and adoption of the resolution accepting construction of the Spray Field Fence Replacement Project by Thompson Contracting and authorize the filing of the notice of completion.
Email Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.com. Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.