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City of Lakeport closes City Hall and police department lobbies, announces temporary operational changes
Assistant City Manager Kevin Ingram said that, as a means to aid in stopping the continued spread of COVID-19 – the illness caused by the novel coronavirus – the city is implementing social distancing practices recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“The city’s priority during this declared emergency is to continue to protect the public, as well as our employees, so we may continue to serve, by limiting the spread of COVID-19. We appreciate your understanding and your patience,” Ingram said.
As a result, Ingram said the city is closing the public lobbies of Lakeport City Hall and Lakeport Police Department until Monday, April 13.
On Friday, City Manager Margaret Silveira issued a state of emergency declaration due to the threat of COVID-19, which the Lakeport City Council is due to consider at its Tuesday evening meeting.
The city of Clearlake and county of Lake took similar actions on Friday, and on Sunday Lake County school superintendents closed all public schools through April 10, as Lake County News has reported.
As of Monday afternoon, Public Health Officer Dr. Gary Pace said there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Lake County.
Ingram said the city of Lakeport remains committed to the provision of high-quality essential services during this evolving emergency.
“With the safety of the citizens and the employees of the city of Lakeport in mind, those seeking services from the city are requested to conduct activities through the phone or by email,” Ingram said.
Specific contact information for city services is provided below.
Police services
The Lakeport Police Department will continue to respond to emergency calls and non-emergency calls for service.
For emergencies, call 911 and non-emergencies, call 707-263-2690.
For general administrative business (e.g. evidence and records requests, tow retrieval, etc.) please call 707-263-5491, Extension 8, or email info@lakeportpolice.com .
Fire and emergency medical services
For all fire and medical-related emergencies call 911. For all other fire and administrative services, call 707-263-4296 or email mhuff@lakeportfire.com .
Utility payments and account services
To speak with a Lakeport Finance Department representative regarding utility billing or account services, please call 707-263-5615 ext.305 or email financeinfo@cityoflakeport.com .
Utility payments may be made online at https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/lakeportca or by phone at 1-833-208-7229.
Building and planning services, permitting and inspections
For assistance related to building and planning services, permitting and inspections, please call 707-263-5615, Extension 204, or email CDD@cityoflakeport.com . Building permit submission and inspection services may be scheduled through special arrangements.
Public Works
For the reporting of utility and infrastructure problems, please call 707-263-3578 or email admininfo@cityoflakeport.com .
Business licensing
For payments, obtaining a license or general business licensing inquiries, please call 707-263-5615, Extension 204, or email businesslicensing@cityoflakeport.com .
Special events scheduling and reservations
Reserving public spaces and requesting street closures for special events during this continuing emergency will be limited.
For more information please call 707-263-5615, Extension 102, or by email at admininfo@cityoflakeport.com .
Public meetings
The city of Lakeport is working on alternative procedures for the administering of upcoming public meetings, including Lakeport City Council meetings.
Additional information will be issued prior to the Tuesday, March 17, Lakeport City Council meeting, which begins at 6 p.m.