Saturday, 08 March 2025


GoFundMe, the world’s largest social fundraising platform, has announced a new contest to celebrate the holiday season.

During this time of thankfulness and giving back, GoFundMe is challenging people to #GoBeyondGiving by starting a GoFundMe for those in need, community improvement projects, or a charity.

By using the hashtag #GoBeyondGiving, campaign organizers will be entered to win a $10,000 donation to their cause.

As part of this holiday initiative, GoFundMe wants to show thanks to campaign organizers who are giving back.

Every month, GoFundMe gives over $100,000 to deserving campaigns nominated by GoFundMe employees as part of our Gives Back program.

This month, GoFundMe employees will nominate #GoBeyondGiving campaigns, and surprise more than 100 campaigns on Giving Tuesday, November 29, with $1,000 donations.

In addition, all GoFundMes started on behalf of charities will be part of a new partnership with PayPal Giving Fund, with more than one million charities to select from.

“Now more than ever, we need to focus on kindness, empathy, and paying it forward by giving back,” said Rob Solomon, GoFundMe CEO. “From Fidencio the Paleta Man to Chauncy’s Chance, we’ve seen how ordinary people who start GoFundMe campaigns can change someone’s world. With our #GoBeyondGiving challenge and Giving Tuesday donations, we are aiming to build on the incredible, life-changing momentum we see every day on our platform.”

Campaigns with the hashtag #GoBeyondGiving will be entered into the contest for a chance to win a $10,000 donation. The contest ends on Dec. 9, and the winner will be announced the week of December 12.

It takes just three simple steps:

– Start a GoFundMe for someone in need, a community project, or a charity.

– Add the hashtag #GoBeyondGiving to your campaign description and tell us why you are giving thanks by helping out.

– Share your GoFundMe on social media to start raising money.

NORTH COAST, Calif. – Caltrans reports that the following road projects will be taking place around Lake County and the North Coast during the coming week.

Included are Mendocino County projects that may impact Lake County commuters.

Caltrans will suspend work on Northern California highways from Wednesday, Nov. 23, through Sunday, Nov. 27, in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, it may be necessary for Caltrans Maintenance forces to respond to emergency situations.


Highway 20
– Pavement repairs from Sayre Avenue to Glenhaven Drive will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

Highway 29
– Pavement marker replacement from .3 miles north of the Siegler Canyon Bridge to just north of Cruikshank Road will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.


Highway 1
– PG&E has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility repairs near Iverson Road beginning Thursday, Dec. 1. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays. LC#P1AA

– Bridge deck repairs at the Brush Creek will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.
– AT&T has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility repairs from Maple Avenue to Oak Street beginning Tuesday, Nov. 29. A shoulder closure will be in effect from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

Highway 20
– Pavement repairs from the North Calpella Overcrossing to Cold Creek Bridge #3 will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect overnight from 6 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate 20-minute delays.
Highway 101

– Routine maintenance near Frog Woman Rock will continue. Northbound traffic will be restricted to one lane 25 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

– Bridge deck repairs at the Korean War Veterans Memorial Bridge will continue. Traffic will be restricted to one lane in both directions from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

– Bridge rail upgrades at the South Willits Overhead will continue. Northbound traffic will be restricted to one lane 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

– Emergency culvert repairs just north of the north Willits railroad crossing will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

– Emergency slide repairs just south of Standish-Hickey State Park will continue. One-way traffic control with a temporary signal will be in effect 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

The Caltrans Traffic Operations Office has reviewed each project and determined that individual project delays are expected to be less than the statewide policy maximum of 30 minutes, unless noted otherwise above.

For information pertaining to emergency roadwork or for updates to scheduled roadwork, please contact the California Highway Information Network (CHIN) at 1-800-GAS-ROAD (1-800-427-7623).

Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. has issued a proclamation declaring Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016, as Thanksgiving Day in the state of California.

The text of the proclamation is below:


The first Thanksgiving in 1621 was a celebration of the harvest that brought together the Pilgrims of Plymouth Plantation and the Native Americans who helped them adapt to their new environment. Over the years Thanksgiving became an American tradition and one of the first holidays we celebrated as a free and independent nation. In 1789, George Washington proclaimed the first Thanksgiving observance in the newly formed United States of America, writing that "it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor."

Thanksgiving has continued to be one of our most cherished observances, a day to join with family and friends and feast on traditional delicacies from roasted turkey to pumpkin pie, and commemorate the joining of the Old World and the New that brought about that First Thanksgiving long ago.

It is most fitting that we set aside a special day for gratitude. As Americans, we have every reason to give thanks for the wonderful bounty of our land, the strength of our fellow citizens and our system of government that protects our basic freedoms.

NOW THEREFORE I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of California, do hereby proclaim November 24, 2016, as Thanksgiving Day.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of California to be affixed this 21st day of November 2016.

Governor of California


Secretary of State

Thanksgiving is upon us and Cal Fire is reminding Californians about the dangers that can happen this holiday season.

“At Thanksgiving we tend to have multiple items cooking on the stove,” said Chief Ken Pimlott, Cal Fire director. “While we are with our family and friends, it is so important to not get distracted and to always stand next to the oven or stove when you are cooking. Thanksgiving Day is one of our busier days responding to home cooking fires, and we would like to reduce that number by practicing fire safety. Hopefully, we can prevent less cooking fires and you can enjoy your Thanksgiving with family and friends.”

According to the National Fire Protection Association, Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day and Christmas Eve.

In 2014, nearly four times as many home cooking fires occur on Thanksgiving as on a typical day.

“Unattended cooking is the leading cause of home cooking fires,” said Lynne Tolmachoff, chief of Public Education. “That is why it is important to always watch what you are cooking and never leave it unattended. One critical safety measure is to ensure you have working smoke alarms installed throughout your home. It’s an added measure to protect you and your family from fires in your home. ”

To help reduce the chance of fire and injuries associated with holiday cooking fires, Cal Fire offers the following tips:

· Remain in the kitchen while you’re cooking, and keep a close eye on what you are cooking! Always stay in the kitchen while frying, grilling or broiling food. If you have to leave the kitchen for even a short period of time, turn off the stove. Regularly check on food that is simmering, baking or roasting, and use a timer to remind you that you’re cooking.

· Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove. Someone walking by is less likely to bump them or pull them over.

· Keep children away from the stove. The stove will be hot and kids should stay 3 feet away.

· Make sure kids stay away from hot food and liquids. The steam or splash from vegetables, gravy or coffee could cause serious burns.

· When using a turkey fryer, be sure to follow instructions closely. Don’t exceed the recommended oil level and only use the device outdoors!

· Make sure a fire extinguisher is handy at all times. Never use water to put out a grease fire.

· Ensure you have working smoke alarms installed in your home.

For the cooking fire safety fact sheet, visit .

A roughly 120-mile portion of the commercial Dungeness crab fishery in Northern California that was scheduled to open Dec. 1 will remain closed at the recommendation of state health agencies, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife announced.

But the fishery will open Dec. 1 north of Humboldt Bay to the Oregon state line and remains open from Point Reyes southward. The closed portions of the coast may open once testing by state agencies shows that the area is safe with regard to domoic acid levels.

On Dec. 1, commercial Dungeness crab season will open as scheduled from the north jetty at the Humboldt Bay entrance (40° 46.15' N. lat.) north to the Oregon/California state line (District 6). The opener will be preceded by a 64 hour pre-soak period commencing at 8 a.m. on Nov. 28.

The area between the north jetty at the Humboldt Bay entrance south to Point Reyes (38° 00' N. lat.) in Marin County will remain closed until the CDFW Director receives a recommendation from the state health agencies that levels of domoic acid – a naturally occurring toxin – do not pose a public health risk. Last fall and winter, domoic acid along the West Coast interrupted Dungeness and rock crab fisheries from Santa Barbara to the Oregon state line.

Under an emergency rulemaking, the area between Point Reyes and the Mendocino/Sonoma county line has been closed since Nov. 15 and remains closed due to elevated domoic acid levels, which can sicken people who consume crab.

At the recommendation of the state Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), CDFW Director Charlton H. Bonham submitted to the Office of Administrative Law an emergency rulemaking to keep the commercial Dungeness crab fishery closed north of Point Reyes (38° 00' N. lat.) and to close the commercial rock crab fishery north of Pigeon Point (37° 11' N. lat.).

State and federal laws prohibit the commercial distribution of seafood products that contain domoic acid levels above the federal action level of 30 parts per million in the viscera.

Because of this, on Nov. 8, OEHHA in consultation with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) recommended to CDFW to close or delay the start of the commercial Dungeness crab season north of Point Reyes and close the commercial rock crab fishery north of Pigeon Point.

The recreational season for Dungeness crab opened on Nov. 5 and remains open with a warning from CDPH to recreational anglers to avoid consuming the viscera of Dungeness crab caught north of Point Reyes.

Closure of the above-referenced commercial fisheries shall remain in effect until the Director of OEHHA, in consultation with the Director of CDPH, determines that domoic acid levels no longer pose a significant risk to public health and recommends the fisheries be open, and the director of CDFW provides notification to the commercial fisheries. Recreational fisheries will remain open under a warning to anglers not to eat the viscera of crab caught in the affected areas.

CDFW will continue to coordinate with CDPH and OEHHA to test domoic acid levels in crab along the coast to determine when the fisheries can safely be opened.

CDPH, in conjunction with CDFW, has been actively testing crabs since early September and results from the most recent tests showed that select crabs from the closed areas had elevated levels of domoic acid in their viscera.

Domoic acid is a potent neurotoxin that can accumulate in shellfish, other invertebrates and sometimes fish. It causes illness and sometimes death in a variety of birds and marine mammals that consume affected organisms. At low levels, domoic acid exposure can cause nausea, diarrhea and dizziness in humans. At higher levels, it can cause persistent short-term memory loss, seizures and can in some cases be fatal.

The states of Washington and Oregon have acted to delay their respective 2016 Dungeness crab seasons.


Lake County is a special place. And, as I look forward to Thanksgiving and reflect on my blessings, I’m especially thankful that I’ve had the honor to represent you as your Assemblymember.

My term in the Assembly ends this month, and I’ve been taking stock of my time as your Assemblymember. I decided to run for the Legislature because I was concerned about the state we were on track to leave our children and grandchildren.

We need to have economic opportunity and a robust, sustainable environment – now, and for future generations. It’s fair to say that these needs are amplified here, and that over the years the state of California has not paid enough attention to the residents of Lake County.

I was very fortunate to begin my term as your representative two years ago along with Sen. Mike McGuire. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in the Legislature than Mike. He is a tireless advocate, and we resolved that we would fight to put the spotlight on addressing Lake County’s needs.

Together, we opened the first legislative office here in memory. And, at the federal level, Congressman Mike Thompson has been a tremendous partner. Over the last two years, we’ve seen meaningful progress towards addressing some of our most critical challenges. However, we know that there is still much to do.

Unfortunately, we have had to deal with the aftermath of several devastating wildfires, pushing the state to help impacted residents and communities. From visiting the evacuees in the early days of the Valley fire to assessing the damage after the Clayton fire, these disasters have been truly heartbreaking. But it has also been heartening to see the way that people have come together to help each other through difficult times.

While Lake County isn’t in my new Senate district, I will continue to fight for your interests in Sacramento. You cannot get to know this beautiful place and the spirit of its people without being permanently impacted. I will be a strong supporter of Senator McGuire as he continues to fight for you. I know our Assembly District is in good hands with Assemblymember-elect Cecilia Aguiar-Curry. With her joining the team, we will gain another advocate.

As I sit down for Thanksgiving dinner with my wife Mary, our kids and grandkids, I will be saying a special thanks to all of you for allowing me carry your voices to our Capitol. Thank you and God bless.

Assemblyman Bill Dodd (D-Fourth Assembly District) of Napa County is finishing his first term in the California Assembly and in December will take his seat representing the Third Senate District in the State Senate.

As we wrap up November as National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, I would like to express my gratitude for our community’s support of Hospice Services of Lake County since 1979 and for our opportunity to serve the people of Lake County.

Because of our wonderful community, our partners, staff, volunteers and supporters, we are fortunate to continue our compassionate work.

Hospice Services of Lake County has a fantastic group of people performing the day-to-day tasks involved in caring for individuals with terminal illnesses or life-threatening injuries and in supporting their loved ones.

It is difficult yet rewarding work, and we are grateful to be able to provide the care and compassion in our community.

Our Hospice “family” includes our health care providers, social workers, counselors, and volunteers, as well as the many community partners, donors and supporters.

Repeating a message I shared earlier this month, the Hospice Services of Lake County staff and I encourage you to know your options for care and to share your wishes with family, loved ones and your professional health care providers. We have many services to assist you.

We invite you to see how our compassionate team can assist you and your loved ones. We are happy to talk with you about the services that we provide and how we can help. Call us at 707-263-6222, or visit us at 1862 Parallel Drive, Lakeport. Additional information is also available on our website, .

Thank you, Lake County, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Corrigan Gommenginger is a Certified Hospice Administrator and the chief executive officer for Hospice Services of Lake County, Calif.

HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE, Calif. – The Hidden Valley Lake Ladies 40-9ers Golf Club played nine holes on Nov. 17.

The results are as follows:

– Flight one: first place, Bonnie Eagleton, net 32; second place, Barbara Harris, 35; third place, Mariana Bendinelli, 37.

– Flight two: first place, Adele Curtin, 34; second place, tie, Sharon Compartore and Kit Hoss, 37.

– Flight three: first place, tie, Elaine Fauser, Roberta Villnow and Gwen DeRosa, 37.

– Flight four: first place, Denyse McCracken, 39; second place, Diana Schneider    , 40.


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