Thursday, 13 March 2025


UKIAH, Calif. – The Mendocino College Board of Trustees will hold its first regular meeting of the year on Wednesday, Jan. 11.

The meeting will begin at 4 p.m. in Room 1060 in MacMillan Hall at the Ukiah campus, 1000 Hensley Creek Road.

Agenda items include a report from the superintendent/president, the fiscal report as of Nov. 30, the 2017-18 Board Budget Parameters and the acceptance of a donation Nicholas Petti.

Action items include the quarterly ratification of contract and agreements, a proposed nonresident fee for 2017-18, the second reading and adoption of the board policy additions and revisions and an update on Mendocino College cultural events.

There also will be reports from the Mendocino College Foundation and constituent groups, a first reading of revisions and additions to board policies, and trustee reports.

The next regular board meeting will take place at the Ukiah campus on Feb. 8.

Persons with disabilities needing assistance, please notify the Superintendent/President's Office at 707-468-3071 no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Meetings are held in locations which are wheelchair-accessible.
The agenda packet and supporting materials can be viewed in the President’s Office, Room 1070, Mendocino College, 1000 Hensley Creek Road, Ukiah.

Robert A. McDonald, Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) secretary, has announced a concentrated 30-day effort by VA staff and partners to house as many homeless veterans in their communities as possible.

To accomplish this, Secretary McDonald charged VA’s network of federal, local and nongovernmental partners to target available housing and supportive services to the nation’s most vulnerable veterans.

Secretary McDonald made the announcement from Los Angeles, the city with the most homeless veterans last year, during a forum with community leaders.

Since 2010, ongoing efforts to assist veterans who lack stable housing have resulted in a 47-percent reduction in homelessness among veterans.

Between 2015 and 2016 alone, veteran homelessness decreased by 17 percent – four times the previous year’s decline.

While these statistics indicate that the efforts of VA and its partners are producing successful outcomes for many veterans, more must be done to accelerate progress.

“We have made significant progress in dramatically reducing homelessness among Veterans in recent years, but we know there is more to be done,” Secretary McDonald said. “For the next 30-days – during a time of year when temperatures in many parts of the country can become dangerously cold – I challenge VA and all of our partners to strategically target available resources to help our nation’s homeless Veterans. Together, we can find where the needs are greatest among Veterans in each community and ensure that every veteran has access to safe, permanent housing.”

The 30-day surge comes from a best practice Secretary McDonald observed in Tampa, Fla., where local housing officials hosted a one-day event to find homes for as many homeless veterans as they could. Tampa officials called this Operation Reveille, referencing the French term for a bugle call to action. VA officials have adopted the term.

Operation Reveille builds on the all-in, surge concept VA uses during its homeless stand downs, which provide homeless veterans with a one-stop shop for medical care, support services and needed clothing and toiletries. 

From prioritizing unsheltered veterans for immediate placement into safe housing, to organizing homeless stand downs and rapid rehousing events in their communities, there are many actions VA staff and partners can take to help veterans quickly exit homelessness.

For more information on how to help veterans in your community find permanent housing over the next 30-days, please download this one page overview of the 30-day surge and contact your local VA medical center to find out about specific needs of homeless veterans in your community.

To learn more about VA programs and services that support homeless and at-risk veterans, visit .

LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Soper Reese Theatre continues its popular Classic Cinema series in the new year with films screening on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month.

Each film shows at 1 and 6 p.m. at the theater.

The concession stand will be open with freshly made popcorn and drinks.

Tickets are not sold for these shows, however, donations are gratefully accepted.

The theater staff and volunteers express gratitude to the community for its continued support of Classic Cinema. They hope everyone finds at least one personal favorite on the 2017 schedule.

The lineup for the first half of 2017 is as follows:

• Jan. 10: “All About Eve.” Sponsored by Craig Waters.

• Jan. 24: “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.” Sponsored by John H. Tomkins Tax Consultants.

• Feb. 14: “To Have and Have Not.” Sponsored by H&R Block, Lakeport.

• Feb. 28: “Sunset Boulevard.” Sponsored by John H. Tomkins Tax Consultants.

• March 14: “Another Thin Man.” Sponsored by Michael Lorenzini and Michael Adams.

• March 28: “Harold and Maude.” Sponsored by Dancing at the Crossroads Counseling.

• April 11: “We’re No Angels.” Sponsored by Michael Lorenzini and Michael Adams.

• April 25: “Blow-Up.” Sponsored by Annie Snow and Michael Adams.

• May 9: “Bringing Up Baby.” Sponsored by Peggy Campbell, CPA.

• May 23: “Arsenic and Old Lace.” Sponsored by Jim’s Back-Flow Testing and PK Erickson.

• June 13: “East of Eden.” Sponsored by Karen Weston and Jean Mead.

• June 17: “Houseboat.” Sponsored by Bill Kranz.

The Soper Reese Theatre is located at 275 S. Main St., Lakeport,telephone 707-263-0577, .


CLEARLAKE, Calif. – Patsy (Pat) Ruth Diener, beloved Mother and Grandma, passed away peacefully in Clearlake on Jan. 3, 2017. She was 87.

Born on Aug. 12, 1929, in Fayetteville, Ark., to William and Cleopatra Allen.

Pat migrated with her family to Long Beach, Calif., in 1935 and eventually made it to her forever home, Lake County, in 1970, where she met and wed husband William Diener (former fire chief of Lower Lake).

Pat enjoyed working at the Diener Ranch during walnut season, as well as becoming a foster grandparent at Lower Lake Elementary for 16 years.

She leaves behind daughter, Vivian, and son-in-law, Ruffin Gauthier; stepsons, William and Charles Diener, along with their families; and grandchildren, Richard and Melody Ness, and Christal and Allen Hutcheson.

Pat is preceded in death by husband, William, and daughter, Patricia Hutcheson.

Condolences can be sent to the family at P.O. Box 37, Lower Lake, CA 95457

Arrangements under the care of Jones & Lewis Clear Lake Memorial Chapel.

Please share your loving memories of Patsy by signing her online guestbook at and .

MENDOCINO NATIONAL FOREST, Calif. – The U.S. Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest and Pacific Southwest Research Stations have released the draft Northwest Forest Plan, or NWFP, science synthesis, with the deadline now extended for public input.

The draft NWFP science synthesis is online at .

The draft synthesis, when finalized, will help to provide a scientific foundation for land management plans for 17 national forests within the NWFP area.

The due date for public input on the science content of the draft science synthesis has been extended by two weeks – from Jan. 6 to Jan. 20.

A recording of a Dec. 6 draft science synthesis public forum is available online at .

Provide input on the draft science synthesis at .

The synthesis is a highly influential science document as defined by the Office of Management and Budget.

As part of the requirements for such a document, an independent peer review is under way. It is being coordinated by the Ecological Society of America.

Peer reviewers will provide their reviews to the synthesis authors in the spring of 2017. The draft will be revised and published in late 2017.

A listing of the draft synthesis’ peer reviewers can be found at .

If you have any questions, please contact Becky Gravenmier at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 503-808-2851.


David Mills
May 25, 1961 – Dec. 27, 2016

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – David was a free spirit who saw the good in everyone. He had an open heart and an open door to anyone less fortunate. He was very creative and loved working with wood and rocks. If he had something you needed it was yours.

David had a special love for his wife and his mom, but loved everyone. He was a good-hearted charmer who never met anyone he didn't like. David was a kickback frontiersman who will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

He is survived by his wife, Pamela Mills, and step-daughter, Krystal Lockwood; parents, Gerry and Fran Mills; siblings, Gregg (Candy), Kimberley (Rick) Perez, and John Mills; nephew Ricky Perez; and many friends and other family members.

A celebration of life will be scheduled soon.

Arrangements by Chapel of the Lakes Mortuary, 707-263-0357 or 707-994-5611, or visit .

LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club's January meeting will feature a program on bonsai gardening.

The club will meet at noon, Tuesday,  Jan. 17, at the Lakeport Scotts Valley Women's Club House at 2298 Hendricks Road.

A light lunch will be served.

Dr. Susan Cannon, veterinarian and owner of the Wasson Memorial Veterinary Clinic, will  demonstrate caring for bonsai trees.

Dr. Cannon is a lifelong resident of Lake County and a member of the Redwood Empire Bonsai Society and NorCal Bonsai Study Group, which is made up primarily of Lake and Mendocino County hobbyists.

She will bring several of her trees and provide a handout with basic information for beginners.

The club welcomes new members and information can be found by visiting . For more information please call Dana at 707-275-3500. 

The Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club is a member of the Mendo-Lake District of the California Garden Club Inc.-Pacific Region and National Garden Clubs Inc.


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