Tuesday, 18 March 2025


CLEARLAKE, Calif. – The Clear Lake/Callayomi Masonic Lodge No. 183, Free and Accepted Masons, hosts the “best breakfast in Lake County” on the third Sunday of each month at the Masonic Center, located at 7100 South Center Drive in Clearlake.

The next breakfast will be served April 17.

The lodge serves a full, sit-down breakfast from 8 to 11 a.m.

Choose your breakfast from a large menu including eggs (any style), omelets, hash browns, biscuits and gravy, hot cakes, breakfast meat, toast, juice and coffee.

The cost is $8 for adults, $4 for children ages 6 to 12. Children under age 6 may eat for free and are served a special “kids” breakfast.

LAKEPORT, Calif – The Lake County First 5 Lake Commission will meet on Wednesday, April 20.

The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. at Legacy Court, 1950 Parallel Drive in Lakeport.

Agenda items include an update on succession planning for Executive Director Tom Jordan, public hearings on the review of the strategic plan and approval of the 2015-16 First 5 Lake Long-Range Financial Plan, and a program presentation on AmeriCorps.

There also will be reports from the executive director and commissioners, and public comment and announcements.

Commissioners include Jim Brown, Laurie Daly, Brock Falkenberg, Carol Huchingson, Susan Jen, Pam Klier, Ana Santana and Jeff Smith.

For more information call the Lake County First 5 Lake Commission at 707-263-6169 or visit www.firstfivelake.org .


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Lake County Zoning Administrator will consider approving Minor Use Permit (MUP 16-02) of GREG CLOUSE in accordance with Lake County Code to allow a collector’s permit for construction of two accessory structures that will exceed the square footage of a primary residence and a front yard setback reduction to allow a twenty-two and a half foot setback.

The project is located at 15495 Hwy 175, Cobb, and further described as APN 013-050-15. 

The Planner processing this application is Tricia Shortridge, (707) 263-2221 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The Zoning Administrator will approve this Minor Use Permit with no public hearing if no written request for a public hearing is submitted by 5:00 P.M., April 13, 2016 to the Community Development Department, Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport, California. 

Should a timely request for hearing be filed, a public hearing will be held on April 20, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. in Conference Room C, 3rd Floor of the Courthouse.

Scott DeLeon, Interim Director
By: ______________________________________
Danae Bowen, Office Assistant III

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Effective Monday, April 18, the Seigler Canyon Road bridge over Seigler Creek will be closed to all traffic in order to replace the bridge.

Lake County Public Works said this is a 24/7 closure expected to be in place through May 6.

Signs and barricades will be in place in order to advise traffic of the need to use alternate routes.

The preferred detour is Highway 175.

For more information contact Lake County Public Works at 707-263-2341.

MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – The Middletown branch of the Lake County Library will host a financial literacy seminar “Self-Directed Retirement Plans for Wealth Development” on Saturday, April 23.

The seminar will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the library, located at 21256 Washington St.

Lamarr Baxter of Alternative Investments and Consulting LLC will be the speaker for this free program.

Baxter is a licensed and knowledgeable real estate professional with 30 years of financial experience who specializes in establishing self-directed retirement plans.

He regularly conducts educational seminars and webinars outlining the benefits and rewards of investing with a self-directed retirement plan.

For more details call 707-263-8817.         

The Lake County Library is on the Internet at http://library.lakecountyca.gov and Facebook at www.facebook.com/LakeCountyLibrary .

On April 14, 2016, the United States Fish & Wildlife Service concluded that West Coast populations of fisher are not facing extinction and recognized that collaborative voluntary conservation efforts by state agencies and private landowners are providing conservation benefits for fisher on millions of acres across the range of the fisher in three states.

The service found that the threats to fisher were significantly less than feared, and did not warrant a listing under the Endangered Species Act.

“We applaud the service’s decision not to list the fisher because it is good for the fisher,” said Kristina McNitt, president of Oregon Forest & Industries Council. “Forest landowners in Oregon are committed to protecting fish and wildlife and preserving habitat for species like the fisher. This progressive development underscores the dedication of the Oregon forest industry and the United States Fish & Wildlife Service to work collaboratively to achieve common environmental goals. We look forward to implementing the industry’s pledged conservation goals to protect and expand fisher habitat and hope this collaborative effort acts as a model for the future.”

The service recognized that there were a number of federal, state, tribal and private partners that came together in California, Oregon and Washington to conserve fisher habitat and restore the population.

"The work we did together is a testament that landowners, the state, tribal and federal governments can develop voluntary measures that protect wildlife species, and the forestry business at the same time,” said Mark Doumit, executive director of the Washington Forest Protection Association.

“I applaud the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for recognizing that the voluntary efforts between California, Oregon and Washington to preserve and enhance the habitat of the pacific fisher are beyond what is needed to maintain a robust population. Our collaborative efforts show our commitment to the long-term stability of the species. We’ve found that these types of successful partnerships are best enhanced through both public and private landowner participation, and we look forward to continuing our efforts across jurisdictional boundaries in the West,” said David Bischel, 0resident of the California Forestry Association.

The fisher is among the larger members of the weasel family that also includes the marten, otter and mink. It is found in much of the northern United States, including populations in Washington, Oregon and California.

The fisher’s historic range was significantly curtailed toward the turn of the last century due, primarily, to trapping and pest control.

Today, healthy populations persist in the southern Sierra Nevadas, in northern California and southwest Oregon, and on the Olympic peninsula in Washington.

Recognizing that abundant fisher habitat exists on private and public lands throughout the Coast and Cascade mountain ranges, landowners have worked with the service to protect existing populations, and to reintroduce fisher in suitable habitat outside of its current range.

In Washington, reintroduction efforts have been underway since 2008, and a programmatic candidate conservation agreement with assurances (“CCAA”) that would protect fisher found on state and private lands for 20 years is nearing completion. More than 25 landowners and 1.4 million acres have enrolled in the CCAA.

In Oregon, landowners have indicated their intention to enroll more than three million acres of forestland under a template CCAA that requires fisher protection measures for 30 years. Oregon landowners have also offered significant financial support for proposed fisher monitoring and reintroduction efforts.

Similarly, California landowners have successfully reintroduced fisher on private lands, enrolled more than one million acres in CCAAs and related projects benefiting the fisher, including efforts to enroll additional lands.


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