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Hidden Valley Lake man arrested for perjury

HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE, Calif. – The Lake County District Attorney’s Perjury Intervention Unit has made another arrest, this time of a Hidden Valley Lake man involved in a child custody dispute.
District Attorney Don Anderson said that on Thursday perjury unit investigators arrested Russell Earl Ellis, 46, for one count of perjury and one count of perjury by affidavit. The arrest was made at a Hidden Valley Lake area coffee shop without incident.
The Perjury Intervention Unit alleges that Russell Earl Ellis committed perjury in an affidavit filed with the court on Dec. 12, 2017, and then again from the witness stand on March 2, 2018. Anderson said Ellis is involved in a custody dispute with his estranged girlfriend with a child they have in common.
Ellis had obtained restraining orders against his former girlfriend by submitting an affidavit under oath that he was accosted by the former girlfriend and her attorney in the hall way of the courthouse, Anderson said.
Anderson said Ellis also stated that two bailiffs had to come out of the courtroom and escorted the girlfriend and attorney away. Then at a hearing on the same matter, Ellis testified on the stand to the same set of facts.
Investigators from the District Attorney’s Office reviewed the videotape of the incident from the courthouse video system and interviewed witnesses to the incident. Anderson said it was determined that the attorney did not accost Ellis and the former girlfriend never came within 12 feet of him.
The District Attorney’s Office obtained an arrest warrant for Ellis based on the investigations, Anderson said.
Ellis was booked into the Lake County jail for perjury, with bail set at $20,000. He later posted bail and was released, based on jail records.
Anderson said Ellis faces a maximum sentence of four years and eight months if convicted.
Anderson established the Perjury Investigative Unit in June of 2016 in an attempt to curb false testimony in all types of court cases.
Since the inception of the unit, the District Attorney’s Office have made several arrests and have received conviction in every case, according to Anderson.
“Perjury is a serious crime that affects the effectiveness of our judicial system and the public confidence in the courts. Every time a witness purposely commits perjury it is an insult to every person who takes the stand and tells the truth,” Anderson said.