Sunday, 09 March 2025


SONOMA COUNTY, Calif. – State game wardens arrested three Northern California women on Jan. 27 on charges of buying and selling abalone harvested under the authority of a sport fishing license.

In California, it is illegal to buy or sell sport-caught abalone, or any other fish or wildlife, because it leads to the over-harvest of the resource.

There is no commercial abalone harvest from California’s coast.

“The arrests remove another threat to California’s precious abalone resource,” said Captain Bob Farrell of the Department of Fish and Game’s (DFG) Law Enforcement Division. “The illegal harvest and commercialization of our abalone resource can devastate the abalone population if left unchecked.”

In August 2011, wardens observed Nuanrat Musser, 44, of Cotati purchase sport-caught abalone at a Cotati massage parlor. Wardens maintained surveillance on the business and observed Musser make several more abalone purchases.

In September, wardens observed her as she resold the abalone contraband to Helen B. Macariola, 55, and Kritkaew McCulley, 65, both of Sacramento.

All three women were arrested and booked into Sonoma County Jail. The case was filed with the Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office, where each defendant will face three poaching-related misdemeanor charges.

Honest anglers and members of the public can help wardens stop poaching by reporting poaching crimes to California Department of Fish and Game’s CalTIP line at 1-888-334-2258.

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MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – Workers at Calpine’s geothermal plant at The Geysers have voted against becoming union members.

After a two-day secret ballot that ended Thursday night, the campaign to join the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1245 failed.

Once the polls closed at 8 p.m., the ballots were counted at the Calpine Visitor Center in Middletown, a process that took about an hour.

The unofficial vote count was reported to be 124 against joining the union and 70 for joining. An additional 21 ballots were reportedly cast against unionizing but were challenged by the union and not included in the final tally.

Altogether, 215 of the 219 workers eligible to vote took part, according to the preliminary vote count.

“It was decisive,” said a disappointed Mike Farmer, an organizing committee member who had campaigned to join IBEW Local 1245.

The effort to hold the union election began last summer, and since then a campaign had been under way to convince the eligible Calpine employees to vote in favor of joining IBEW Local 1245.

The union even had arranged for workers to meet with Gov. Jerry Brown and former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich.

Campaign organizers accused Calpine – one of Lake County's largest employers – of trying to prevent a free and fair election by bringing in anti-union consultants.

At the same time, significant opposition came from within the ranks of the workers themselves.

Last month Tim Janke, a power plant operator at West Ford Flat, launched his own Web site – – to oppose unionization, with a total of 76 employees signing their names on his Web site in support of keeping a union-free workplace.

Janke told Lake County News this week that he was concerned that the union would add another layer of bureaucracy and cost some Calpine workers as much as $40,000 a year in lost benefits and bonuses.

On his Web site Thursday night, Janke posted a video congratulating his fellow workers for the vote.

“This crap is finally over with,” he said.

However, he went on to question if anyone really won, arguing that the union's actions damaged Calpine's reputation. Janke also urged people to focus on getting back to work.

In the wake of the election, “For most people it’s going to go back to normal,” said Farmer.

However, he said the organizing committee plans to meet on Friday.

“We have to decide whether we want to pursue some of the improprieties we feel happened during the election campaign,” he said.

While Farmer said he is leaning toward leaving things as they are and moving on, he said the organizing committee has seven days to file an objection and challenge the results.


E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Google+, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – The discovery of a suspicious-looking device along a county roadside led to a brief road closure in Kelseyville early Thursday afternoon.

At around noon on Thursday an individual discovered a sprinkler or water alarm lying in a ditch along Clark Drive, according to Officer Kory Reynolds of the California Highway Patrol.

Reynolds said the alarm, which he guessed likely fell off the back of a truck, was a piece of PVC pipe with wires coming out of it.

The device also was emitting a high-pitched sound, he said.

The CHP closed the street for about 30 minutes while they investigated the device, Reynolds said.

At the same time, they asked schools to announce to parents that Clark Drive was closed, he said.

Reynolds said schools are on a minimum day today, and with the school bus normally passing through that area on its route the CHP asked the Kelseyville Unified School District to reroute the school bus.

Once CHP determined the device was harmless the road was reopened, Reynolds said.

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COBB, Calif. – A few hours after it announced that it would contest the results of an election of Calpine workers, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1245 said Friday it will let the results stand.

The months-long process to unionize 219 Calpine employees at The Geysers geothermal power plant culminated in a two-day election on Wednesday and Thursday at Calpine.

The final tally of votes, which were counted Thursday night, showed that 124 employees had voted no to joining the union, while 70 had voted yes.

An additional 21 challenged ballots were not counted in the final tally, the union reported.

IBEW has alleged that Calpine management attempted to prevent a free and fair election, and used anti-union consultants to persuade employees to vote against unionizing.

Calpine said in a statement released to Lake County News this week that it had worked directly with its employees to provide industry-leading compensation, benefits, equity, career progression and safety programs.

However, the company also said that it respected employees’ right to consider unionization as provided under the National Labor Relations Act “in a process which assures employees make an informed decision.”

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This pickup was involved in a single-vehicle rollover collision on Highway 29 near Lower Lake, Calif., on Thursday, January 26, 2012. Photo by Lisa Sani.

LOWER LAKE, Calif. – A solo-vehicle collision on Highway 29 Thursday afternoon caused traffic snags for local drivers.

The California Highway Patrol reported that the incident involving a black pickup truck occurred at approximately 3:19 p.m.

The CHP said the crash blocked the northbound lane and that traffic in the area was backed up.

Information on injuries was not available.

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MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – By Thursday night employees of one of the county's largest employers will know if they will be represented by a union.

An estimated 219 workers at Calpine's geothermal plant at The Geysers are eligible to vote in the election, which will decide whether they will join the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1245.

The election, which began Wednesday, will have three more polling times at two locations on Calpine property on Thursday, according to Mike Farmer, a member of the Calpine Workers Organizing Committee.

Following the close of polling at 8 p.m. Thursday, the ballots will be counted at the Calpine Visitor Center in Middletown, Farmer said.

The union needs 50 percent plus one of the vote to win the secret ballot election.

Farmer, who was a polling observer on Wednesday night, estimated that 70 to 85 percent of the Calpine workers eligible to vote cast ballots on the election’s first day.

“I think a lot of people are anxious to get this over and see where we go from here,” he said.

In support of the effort, the organizing committee launched

The union drive has strong opposition from some employees.

Tim Janke, a power plant operator who has worked for Calpine for six years, agrees with Farmer that employees want the matter to be settled, but that’s one of the few opinions they share when it comes to union-related matters.

Janke launched a Web site,, last month in an effort to provide the anti-union perspective.

The site has the signatures of 76 anti-union supporters, and highlights concerns about potential financial impacts for the workers.

“The 76 people on that union-free list are taking a lot of risk,” said Janke, adding, “We’re just out there by ourselves.”

Janke, who used to be in a union, says a union adds another layer of bureaucracy, and that fighting unionization is a risk worth taking for those who oppose IBEW coming in.

According to his calculations, Janke said some Calpine employees stand to lose up to $40,000 a year in stocks, yearly bonuses and other incentives if the vote goes in the union's favor. He said anti-union workers just want to keep what they have.

Asked for comment about the election, Norma Dunn, Calpine’s vice president of corporate communications, said Calpine greatly values its employees, and works hard to to maintain good, safe working conditions, competitive compensation and one of the best benefits packages in our industry.

“Calpine also respects our employees’ right to consider unionization as provided under the National Labor Relations Act in a process which assures employees make an informed decision,” Dunn said in a written statement.

Dunn added that Calpine, working directly with its employees, has provided and remains committed to providing industry-leading compensation, benefits, equity, career progression and safety programs.

A divisive process

Farmer, a 27-year Geysers employee – 12 years at Calpine, and 15 years for Pacific Gas and Electric before that – said that the effort to unionize began last summer, with the first general meeting held Sept. 1.

IBEW Local 1245 was the union that represented PG&E employees at The Geysers before Calpine came on the scene, and the union also represents workers at Northern California Power Agency’s operations at The Geyser, Farmer said.

“They’re just a natural fit,” he said. “They know the business. They know the issues.”

There had been a previous attempt to unionize with IBEW Local 1245, both Janke and Farmer said.

Janke said the union backed out; Farmer said employees circulated a petition not to hold an election after a new Calpine chief executive officer took over, with staff deciding to give him a chance.

Farmer said the most recent push to unionize grew out of concerns that the company can do whatever it wants, with no repercussions.

“We have no way of countering anything that they decide they want to do or take away,” he said.

For Farmer, it was a human resources investigation last year – in which he alleges that several people were railroaded – that led him to decide union representation was needed. He said his boss was demoted, another manager was relocated, and some rank and file employees were disciplined based on hearsay.

“It just made me realize how little protections we have without some representation,” he said.

Farmer said there also are inequities in wages and benefits that union representation would help work out. He said the pro-union workers “just want to stop the bleeding at this point.”

He said that three weeks ago the effort to unionize wasn’t looking so good, but since then there has been an increase in support.

“At this point I’m feeling extremely optimistic about it,” he said, adding that he feels the results will be close.

If the campaign has gained momentum, it is likely in part due to IBEW’s ability to gain the ear of Gov. Jerry Brown last month as well as that of former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who met with Calpine workers in Cobb Jan. 12 to urge them to unionize, as Lake County News has reported.

Farmer said he and other Calpine organizing committee members met with the governor for about 20 minutes, discussing with him their concerns that they were not being allowed a free and fair union election.

He said that anti-union consultants were brought in by Calpine in late October and staffers have been required to meet with them for 10 to 20 minutes once a week. Farmer said the consultants have told employees that unions are bad and are “just trying to stir up fear in people.”

Janke said the consultants are experts on unions, and said reports of intimidation are unfounded. The union-free team members “are just defending what we have.”

He and Farmer also have very different perceptions of the impact of the unionization effort on employee morale.

Farmer said there is tension, but it’s not widespread, and overall the moon has been civil. He said a small group is to blame for the tension that does exist.

Janke said the impact has been noticeably negative, with relationships between coworkers strained.

“It’s bad,” he said. “It’s not a good situation.”

He said three of the Calpine power plant workers with whom he works most closely are pro-union, but the divisions aren’t affecting their work.

“We’re professional and we don’t really even talk about it,” he said.

Janke worries that “all the emotions and distractions are going to get worse” if the union gets the votes it needs.

Farmer is hopeful that workers will continue to have positive relationships, however the vote goes.

“No matter how it turns out, we’re hoping that people can still be productive and respectful,” he said.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Google+, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

COBB, Calif. – Representatives of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1245 say they will challenge the results of the election at Calpine’s geothermal plant at The Geysers.

The two-secret ballot took place on Wednesday and Thursday at Calpine.

Final tally of votes was 124 “no” votes and 70 “yes” votes, with 21 challenged ballots not counted in the final tally, as Lake County News has reported.

The union said the 21 challenged ballots were set aside based on claims that they were not eligible voters.

IBEW alleges that management’s decision to require employees to attend mandatory meetings with union busters from the firm The Alignment Group and to not allow union representatives on site compromised the workers’ right to a free and fair election.

Calpine Chief Executive Officer Jack Fusco also reportedly made several trips to the plant, as did other Calpine executives, who traveled from Texas during the union campaign.

The effort to unionize began last summer. IBEW said the Calpine workers were seeking union representation after a number of takeaways, including reducing sick leave and medical benefits. Those takeaways, the union alleged, coincided with skyrocketing pay for Calpine’s executives.

Workers sought representation to achieve a place at the bargaining table and to have a meaningful say in decisions that affect everything from compensation to safety and working conditions, according to a union statement.

At the same time, a strong opposition movement arose within the workers' ranks, with power plant operator Tim Janke operating a Web site,, to advocate against the union.

Mike Farmer, a leading member of the 25 member organizing committee said that “fear won the day.”

“Even so, we proved that far more than a handful of our co-workers support the union,” he said.

Throughout the campaign, Calpine workers gained support from union members throughout the state. They rallied at the National Labor Relations Board office in San Francisco, the Calpine office in Sacramento and even met with Gov. Jerry Brown.

The effort also had the support of District 4 Supervisor Anthony Farrington, who wrote a letter to that effect to IBEW 1245 organizer Fred Ross on Dec. 20.

“I feel strongly that when both sides, management and membership, have a say in negotiating on policies and procedures that effect the working conditions, safety and benefits of the work force, it is to everyone (sic) advantage,” Farrington wrote. “As a result, the working relationship between the two is stronger and more productive.”

“These workers waged a courageous battle and against all odds and a stacked deck. They have worked too hard and for too long to go down without a fight,” said Ross. “We will continue to stand by them for the duration.”

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COBB, Calif. – Two earthquakes measuring 3.0 and above were reported near The Geysers geothermal steamfield on Thursday.

The first quake, measuring 3.0 on the Richter Scale, occurred at 11:54 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Recorded at a depth of 2.5 miles, its epicenter was located two miles northwest of The Geysers, six miles west southwest of Cobb and eight miles west northwest of Anderson Springs, the survey reported.

By Thursday evening the U.S. Geological Survey had received a total of 10 shake reports from zip codes including Middletown, Burlingame, Calistoga, San Ramon, Cloverdale, Geyserville, Healdsburg, Citrus Heights and Sacramento.

The second quake, reported to have occurred at 9:21 p.m., measured 3.4 in magnitude according to an initial report from the U.S. Geological Survey.

As of Thursday night a seismologist hadn’t reviewed the report, which means the magnitude could be adjusted.

The quake occurred at a depth of 1.9 miles, and was centered one mile north northwest of The Geysers, five miles west southwest of Cobb and seven miles west northwest of Anderson Springs.

Shake reports were submitted to the U.S. Geological Survey from Calistoga, San Ramon, Walnut Creek, Cloverdale, Healdsburg and Paradise.

A 3.8-magnitude quake was reported Tuesday morning near Clearlake and Clearlake Oaks, as Lake County News has reported.

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Jose Carlos Iniguez, 39, of Nice, Calif., was arrested following a high-speed vehicle pursuit on Tuesday, January 24, 2012. Lake County Jail photo.


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – An early morning pursuit on Tuesday ended with the arrest of a man, after he lost control of his vehicle.

Jose Carlos Iniguez, 39, of Nice, was arrested following the rollover crash on Westlake Drive according to Sgt. Steve Brooks of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.

At 2 a.m. Tuesday deputies were responding to a report of a home invasion robbery in Upper Lake. It was reported that the suspects involved in the robbery left in a vehicle, but the victim did not see the vehicle and was unable to provide a description, Brooks said.

Lake County Sheriff’s Sgt. Andy Davidson, who was responding to the robbery, noticed a vehicle traveling southbound on Lakeshore Boulevard at a high rate of speed. Brooks said Davidson temporarily lost site of the vehicle and believed it had pulled off on a side street.

Davidson began searching the area with the assistance of the Lakeport Police Department. As he was traveling northbound on Lakeshore Boulevard near Miramonte Way, he relocated the vehicle ahead of him, Brooks said.

The vehicle was identified as a silver Chevy Impala. As Davidson caught up to the vehicle it crossed over the double yellow line and was traveling approximately 60 miles per hour in a 45 mile per hour zone, according to Brooks.

Davidson activated his emergency lights and attempted an enforcement stop near the Hill Road East Intersection. Brooks said the vehicle slowed, but continued northbound on Lakeshore Boulevard.

He said the vehicle then accelerated to approximately 80 miles per hour, ran the stop sign at the Nice-Lucerne Cutoff and crossed onto Westlake Drive.

The driver turned off all of the vehicle’s lights and accelerated to approximately 90 miles per hour, driving in the opposite lane of traffic through a left turn, Brooks said.

The driver then lost control of the vehicle and drove off the right side of the roadway, Brooks said. The vehicle left the road, went up an embankment and rolled end over end, landing upside down on the roadway.

The driver, later identified as Iniguez, exited the passenger side door and started running southbound on Westlake Drive, Brooks said. Davidson took Iniguez into custody moments later.

Iniguez was booked at the Lake County Jail for felony evading a peace officer, a felony parole violation, and misdemeanor charges of driving while under the influence, driving without a license and obstructing an officer. He was being held without bail due to the alleged parole violation, according to jail records.

Brooks said the California Highway Patrol is conducting the collision investigation.

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CLEARLAKE, Calif. – The overnight discovery of a suspicious package believed to contain explosives led to the evacuation of a portion of a Clearlake apartment complex and a request for assistance from an out-of-county bomb squad.

The Clearlake Police Department confirmed to Lake County News early Friday morning that a suspicious package had been found at the Clearlake Commons apartment complex, located at 15160 Austin Drive.

Napa County’s bomb squad was called to the scene to handle the device, the department reported.

Part of the apartment complex was evacuated while the bomb squad was en route, and a temporary evacuation center was set up at the Highlands Senior Center on Bowers Avenue, according to the Clearlake Police Department.

Lake County News received information that the device was discovered in a dumpster following a phone threat, which also warned that the device might detonate soon.

Tara Eaton, a resident in the apartment complex, posted on Lake County News’ Facebook page that the whole lower section of apartments was being evacuated. The upper area of the complex where she lives was not required to evacuate.

James Thomas, a Lake Transit driver, said on Facebook that the transit agency sent four buses – including his – to the scene to help evacuate residents.

He said he transported people to the senior center, where more than 30 people were gathered.

Thomas said he was released from the evacuation at 2:30 a.m. At that time it was estimated that residents would not be allowed to return to their homes for several more hours.

However, shortly after 3:30 a.m. the Clearlake Police Department reported that the bomb squad had disposed of the device and the apartment complex residents who had been evacuated were being allowed to return to their homes.

At approximately 3:53 a.m. Lake County Fire Protection Chief Willie Sapeta reported over the radio that all of the evacuees had been returned home and firefighters were clearing the incident.

Further details about the incident were not immediately available early Friday morning.

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MENDOCINO COUNTY, Calif. – The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a Tuesday murder in Redwood Valley.

Capt. Kurt Smallcomb said 30-year-old Jamal Andrews of Redwood Valley was shot to death, with 33-year-old Bill Norbury, also of Redwood Valley, arrested on suspicion of committing the murder.

Just before 10 p.m. Tuesday the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 telephone call regarding a shooting incident in the 1700 Block of Road B in Redwood Valley, Smallcomb said.

Sheriff’s deputies, along with Redwood Valley Fire and other medical personnel, responded to the location and found Andrews outside of his residence, dead from a gunshot wound, according to Smallcomb.

Smallcomb said deputies spoke with the victim's girlfriend and learned that a possible suspect had fled towards his residence on an ATV. They subsequently learned the suspect lived close to Andrews.

Deputies proceeded to the possible resident of the suspect, identified as Norbury, and contacted him regarding the shooting, Smallcomb said.

While at Norbury’s residence, deputies observed in plain sight items that appeared to link the suspect directly to the shooting incident, he said.

Smallcomb said Norbury was arrested and booked into the Mendocino County Jail on a murder charge.

An autopsy was conducted on Andrews on Thursday. Smallcomb said the exam showed that Andrews had two gunshot wounds – one in the head, one in the shoulder.

Mendocino County Sheriff’s detectives are requesting anyone with information regarding this investigation to call them at 707-467-9159. Callers can remain anonymous.

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SAN FRANCISCO – The California Department of Justice has cleared a backlog that slowed the analysis of DNA crime scene evidence and will now be able to perform routine analysis within 30 days, down from an average of 90 to 120 days.

Attorney General Kamala Harris made the announcement on Wednesday.

That backlog had reportedly affected law enforcement agencies across the state, including here in Lake County, as criminal cases rely on the state’s testing services.

"DNA testing is a powerful law enforcement resource – a smart on crime tool that we're using in cutting edge ways in California," Harris said. "Public safety is too important not to embrace innovation and adopt technology where needed. Crime scene evidence is too important to sit unanalyzed for months, while the victims await justice."

Harris made DNA testing a priority in 2011, because of the direct link between timely investigations and successful prosecutions.

Along with committing resources and encouraging Department of Justice labs to improve their procedures, the attorney general introduced new technology that dramatically increased the speed with which cases are analyzed.

Using robotics, an extraction method in sexual assault evidence analysis that once took two days now takes just two hours.

As a result of these efficiencies, state forensic analysts – for the first time ever – eliminated the backlog of untested evidence.

In 2011, the Department's Bureau of Forensic Services analyzed 5,400 evidence samples – an increase of 11 percent from 2010 (4,800) and 24 percent from 2009 (4,100).

As part of the DNA analysis, evidence samples are run through the CAL-DNA Data Bank. A "hit" occurs when DNA evidence from an unsolved crime sample matches a DNA profile from evidence in another case or the DNA profile of an offender or arrestee in the data bank.

The Bureau of Forensic Services operates 13 regional laboratories, seven of which perform DNA testing of biological evidence to assist local agencies in solving sexual assault cases and other crimes of violence.

The seven DNA labs are located in Ripon (near Modesto), Fresno, Redding, Riverside, Sacramento, Santa Barbara and Richmond. The Bureau serves 47 of California's 58 counties.

The CAL-DNA Data Bank contains the DNA profiles of 1.8 million offenders and arrestees in California, as well as crime scene evidence. It is the largest working DNA data bank in the United States and the fourth largest in the world.

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