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Absentee ballots to be mailed this week
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The Lake County Registrar of Voters Office reported Wednesday that absentee, or vote-by-mail ballots, will be going out in the mail this week.
Registrar of Voters Diane Fridley informed voters who are registered to vote as a permanent vote-by-mail voter and voters who do not have a polling place site due to residing in a mail ballot precinct that their vote-by-mail ballots are scheduled to be delivered to the San Francisco Sorting Facility by her department's printing vendor on Friday, Oct. 14.
Fridley said the absentee ballots going out total 21,532 pieces of mail.
Voters should receive their official ballots by mail within a week or so of the mailing date, Fridley said.
Registered voters who will be unable to vote at their polling place on Election Day – Nov. 8 – may request a vote-by-mail ballot by phone, fax or mail, according to Fridley.
Fridley also said that permanent vote-by-mail voters and mail ballot precinct voters who have not received their ballot in the mail by Oct. 24 are advised to either contact her staff by phone at 707-263-2372, or personally visit the Registrar of Voters Office – located on the second floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St. in Lakeport – to be issued another ballot.
She said the request for a replacement absentee ballot must be received by the Registrar of Voters office no later than Tuesday, Nov. 1, in order for the vote-by-mail ballot to be mailed.
For those not requesting replacement ballots by mail by that Nov. 1 deadline, Fridley said that, beginning on Wednesday, Nov. 2, and continuing until the close of the polls at 8 p.m. on Nov. 8, vote-by-mail ballots are available to voters who are unable to go to their polling place on Election Day.
During this period, voters must appear in person at the Registrar of Voters office to apply for and obtain a ballot, Fridley said.
Voters who are unable to appear in person during this period are advised to phone staff for instructions
on how they may be issued a vote-by-mail ballot, she added.