LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Lake County District Attorney's Office has released a full report on the in-custody death of a Santa Rosa woman in August.
District Attorney Don Anderson's report concluded that the Aug. 2 death of 56-year-old Elizabeth Dara Gaunt was a suicide.
Anderson's final report explained that Gaunt was taken into custody on the afternoon of Aug. 1 after deputies responded to a report of a suspicious female in Nice banging on residential yard gates.
Gaunt was arrested for giving deputies false identification and being under the influence of a controlled substance, Anderson said.
Anderson said Gaunt was taken to the Lake County Jail for booking, during which she denied being suicidal when questioned by jail staff.
Shortly after 1:30 p.m. Aug. 1 Gaunt was placed in a sobering cell where she remained for just over 24 hours, until her death, based on the report.
From shortly before 4 p.m. Aug. 1 until just before 12:30 p.m. Aug. 2 Gaunt had another woman as a cellmate, the report said.
The report explained that at about 1:45 p.m. Aug. 2, just over an hour after her cellmate was moved out, Gaunt tried to get the attention of correctional officers; she is believed to have said something like, “Please help me,” and in a followup exchange with a sergeant began yelling and asking for help. She also stated she did not feel good.
At approximately 2:09 p.m., a correctional officer did a cell check, and could see Gaunt's feet moving and heard her making noise. Anderson's report said the officer went to the booking area and asked another officer to check the monitor.
It was another 15 minutes before still another correctional officer entered Gaunt's cell and found her on the floor, a strip of her torn up cell blanket around her neck and also tied to the sink, Anderson said.
The correctional officers began CPR on Gaunt, Anderson said, with paramedics arriving at 2:36 p.m. and transporting her to the nearby Sutter Lakeside Hospital, where she was pronounced dead at 3:12 p.m.
An autopsy ruled that Gaunt died from asphyxia due to hanging, and a drug screen found that she had a level of methamphetamine in her system that was potentially toxic, Anderson reported.
Anderson's report included a chronology based on law enforcement personnel reports and interviews, statements of a fellow inmate, as well as jail records and video surveillance.
“It is the finding of the Lake County District Attorney’s Office that Elizabeth Dara Gaunt died of self inflicted injuries as a result of her attempt to commit suicide,” Anderson wrote. “It is further our finding that correctional officers and medical staff at the Lake County Correctional facility acted appropriately in their care of Ms. Gaunt and made every effort to save her life. No wrong doings have been found and there shall be no criminal charges filed on any individual in this matter.”
Gaunt was a native of Indiana who had come to California in 1990, according to her obituary. She received a master's degree in counseling and worked as a substance abuse counselor in Santa Rosa.
Anderson's full report is posted below.
Email Elizabeth Larson at . Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.
On August 1, 2015, at about 1:27 p.m., Officers of the Lake County Sheriff’s Department arrested Elizabeth Dara Gaunt at Lakeshore Blvd. and Sayre Street in Nice, California, for violation of Penal Code Sections 148.9, producing false identification to a peace officer and Health and Safety Code Section 11550, use or being under the influence of a controlled substance.
On August 2, 2015, at about 2:26 p.m. officers from the Lake County Correctional facility discovered Elizabeth Dara Gaunt hanging in her sobering cell. Life saving measures was attempted by correctional officers and medical staff; however, such efforts were not successful and Ms. Gaunt succumbed to her injuries.
It is the finding of the Lake County District Attorney’s Office that Elizabeth Dara Gaunt died of self inflicted injuries as a result of her attempt to commit suicide. It is further our finding that correctional officers and medical staff at the Lake County Correctional facility acted appropriately in their care of Ms. Gaunt and made every effort to save her life. No wrong doings have been found and there shall be no criminal charges filed on any individual in this matter.
On August 1, 2015 at about 11:39 a.m. Lake County Sheriff’s Dispatch Center received several calls of a suspicious female in the area of Lakeshore Blvd. and Sayre Street in Nice, California. It was reported that this white female adult was banging on different yard gates to residences in the area. Deputies Kalen Brockwalder and Michael Davis were dispatched to this incident.
At about 12:13 p.m. deputies Brockwalder and Davis contacted Elizabeth Gaunt. They were later joined by Deputies Alvear and Kruetzer. In questioning Ms. Gaunt she gave deputy Brockwalder the false name of Carrey Scott and maintained that name throughout his contact with her.
Deputy Brockwalder also noted other incorrect information from Ms. Gaunt, such as it was the year 2005, they were in Florida and George Bush was president. Ms. Gaunt denied taking drugs; however, after a drug evaluation test by deputy Brockwalder he formed the opinion Ms. Gaunt was under the influence of a controlled substance.
Elizabeth Gaunt was placed under arrest for being under the influence of a controlled substance and booked under that charge. After determining her true identity an additional charge of providing false information to a peace officer was added.
At booking, deputy Brockwalder asked Ms. Gaunt if she wanted to hurt herself or had any suicidal thoughts. Her response was “No”.
Below is a chronological account of the events after Elizabeth Gaunt arrived at the Lake County Correctional Facility. This account is evidenced by officer’s reports and interviews, jail records and video surveillance.
August 1, 2015
1:07 p.m. Elizabeth Gaunt arrives at the booking desk where she was searched and booked into the facility. In her Pre-Booking Medical Report, Ms. Gaunt replies that she is not suicidal but does acknowledge she is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. There are no notations or information gathered from the Sobering Cell Inmate Assessment Forms, Booking Forms and Sobering Cell logs that would alert correctional officers or medical personnel that Ms. Gaunt was considering harming herself.
1:34 p.m. Elizabeth Gaunt is placed in sobering cell number 2.
3:47 p.m. April Holland is placed in sobering cell number 2 with Ms. Gaunt.
7:20 p.m. Nurse Briggs does a medical review for Ms. Gaunt.
8:46 p.m. Nurse Briggs does a medical review for Ms. Gaunt.
10:22 p.m. Nurse Quillen does a medical review for Ms. Gaunt.
August 2, 2015
3:33 a.m. Nurse Quillen does a medical review for Ms. Gaunt
5:21 a.m. Nurse Quillen does a visual check on Ms. Gaunt.
9:56 a.m. Officer Prince does a cell check, notes “nurse in” on log.
10:07 a.m. Nurse Robbins does medical review for Ms. Gaunt with Officer Prince.
12:21 p.m. April Holland is removed from Sobering Cell number 2 for release. April Holland later reports that Ms. Gaunt was nice with her and did not see anything that appeared out of the ordinary. She did describe her as being a little “Out there”.
12:58 to 1:20 p.m. Ms. Gaunt first picks up her blanket and goes behind the wall examining it. She starts tearing the blanket, and then starts examining and testing the strength of the sink.
1:09 p.m. Ms. Gaunt starts tearing blanket into pieces again.
1:19 p.m. Ms. Gaunt starts examining the sink and again tries to take apart sink fixtures.
1:23 p.m. Sgt Leffler does a cell check, Ms. Gaunt gets up and walks to the door to talk to her.
1:28 p.m. Ms. Gaunt returns to the sink and starts examining it again.
1:38 p.m. Sgt. Leffler has a conversation with Ms. Gaunt.
1:44 to 1:46 p.m. Ms. Gaunt tries to get correctional officer’s attention and said something sounding like “Please help me”. Sgt Leffler comes to door and speaks with Ms. Gaunt. Ms. Gaunt becomes agitated and continues to yell through the door asking if they can hear her and asking for someone to help her. Sgt. Leffler later states she told Ms. Gaunt to remove the blanket strips from her feet. Sgt. Leffler said she could not talk to Ms. Gaunt because Ms. Gaunt would only scream at them. She did recall Ms. Gaunt indicate she was not feeling good. She reported this to Nurse Robbins.
1:52 p.m. Nurse Robbins walks up to cell door then walks away after making a log entry.
1:53 p.m. Nurse Robbins gets contact information from Ms. Gaunt regard her ex-husband and son.
1:55 to 2:07 p.m. Ms. Gaunt takes strips off the blanket and starts looking at the toilet, then starts talking to herself. She walks to the front of the cell and picks up strips of blanket, she then attempts to secure a strip of blanket to sink nozzle, then goes to the cell door. She picks up a strip of blanket from the front of the cell and goes back to the sink. Ms. Gaunt attaches a strip of blanket to the sink nozzle. She wraps the strip of blanket around her neck. She lays down between the toilet and the wall and ties a knot in the strip of blanket that is around her neck. She struggles for a short time and turns onto her left side.
2:09 p.m. Officer Prince arrives at cell window and does a cell check. Ms. Gaunt's feet are visible from the window as they extend past the wall. Ms. Gaunt’s feet are moving and she is making noise. Office Prince returns to booking area and asks Officer Aleman to check the monitor.
2:24 to 2:26 p.m. Officer McCollough does a cell check by entering the cell and observes Ms. Gaunt on the floor. He calls for assistance, then removes the blanket from the sink. Officers move Ms. Gaunt to the center of the cell and start CPR.
2:36 p.m. Paramedics arrive and begin treatment. Ms. Gaunt is transported to the hospital.
3:12 p.m. Ms. Gaunt is pronounced dead at Lakeside Hospital.
Independent investigations are conducted by the Lake County Sheriff’s Department and the Lake County District Attorney’s Office. Although the investigations are independent of each other, interviews, evidence, records and investigations are shared between the departments.
A review of the Observation Logs concerning Ms. Gaunt show that in the two hours prior to discovering Ms. Gaunt, cell checks were conducted by correctional officers eight times, at 12:23, 12:38, 12:53, 1:10, 1:25, 1:40, 2:07 and the last on 2:25 p.m.. This is consistent with Lake County Sheriff’s Department policy.
On August 5, 2015, an autopsy was conducted by Arnold R. Josselson. The autopsy findings are as follows:
1. Multiple cutaneous abrasions and contusions.
2. Abrasion furrow of neck.
3. Bilateral hemothoraces, most likely caused by CPR.
4. Hemopericardium, most likely caused by CPR.
5. Bilateral rib fractures, most likely caused by CPR.
The cause of death is stated as Asphyxia due to hanging, (minutes).
Central Valley Toxicology completed a drug screen from Blood submitted by the Lake County Sheriff’s Department. The reports stated that Elizabeth Gaunt had a methamphetamine level of 0.80 mg/L and amphetamine level of 0.09 mg/L. The report states that a potentially toxic level of methamphetamine is 0.2 – 5 mg/L.
Medical records from the California Forensic Medical Group indicate notations for Ms. Gaunt of substance abuse and chronic pain on May 17, 2011. Medical reports also show a history of substance abuse.
Information obtained from the Sonoma County Correctional Facility states that Elizabeth Gaunt was booked into their facility on November 6, 2013 and again on April 13, 2015. On both occasions Ms. Gaunt says that she is not thinking of killing herself now. Sonoma County Correctional Officers also report they do not believe she is a suicide risk.
It is the findings of the Lake County District Attorney’s Office that Elizabeth Dara Gaunt entered the Lake County Correctional Facility at a time when she was highly under the influence of methamphetamines. Her behavior was at times described as nice and at other times she appeared hysterical.
For an unknown reason, Ms. Gaunt tied a strip of blanket with one end secured to a sink nozzle and the other around her neck. She purposely laid back in an effort to strangle herself. Death is determined to be the result of a suicide.
Officers and medical staff at the Lake County Correctional Facility conducted security cell checks on a routine basis and within the policy of that facility. There were no indications or observations by correctional officers or medical staff that Ms. Gaunt was a risk to herself or others.
Therefore, it is the findings of this office that the death of Elizabeth Dara Gaunt was the result of a suicide and was not contributed to, or caused by any member of the Lake County Sheriff’s Department or Correctional Facility personnel.
Don A. Anderson
Lake County District Attorney