Tuesday, 18 March 2025


NORTH COAST, Calif. – Sen. Mike McGuire, chairman of the Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Congressman Jared Huffman will convene a special hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 4, at the Bodega Marine Laboratory to take an in-depth look at the aquaculture industry in California, as well as receive an update on the outlook for the upcoming Dungeness and rock crab seasons.

This hearing will be the first time that the Joint Committee has focused primarily on aquaculture, which can be thought of as “farming in water.”

The farmed fish, oysters and seaweed industry is larger than ever and panelists will explore finfish, shellfish, inland production and perspectives from state agencies. The public is encouraged to attend.

“A major turning point in history was reached in 2014. That was the first year humans consumed more farmed fish than wild,” Sen. Mike McGuire said. “World per capita fish supply reached a new record high due to vigorous consumer demand and growth in aquaculture, which now provides half of all fish for human consumption worldwide. This development highlights a new era, indicating that aquaculture will increasingly be a main driver of change in the fisheries sector.”

Unfortunately, 91 percent of the seafood we eat (by value) originates abroad, half of which is from aquaculture, creating a seafood trade deficit of over $11.2 billion annually.

The hearing, “Crab Season Outlook for 2016-17 and Modern Aquaculture in California,” will feature testimony and updates on the upcoming crab season and current and anticipated domoic acid levels from representatives with the Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Department of Public Health and top ocean scientists.

The hearing will include testimony on how the aquaculture industry will change with modern techniques and what challenges and hurdles the industry faces.

The hearing will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 4 at the Bodega Marine Laboratory in Bodega Bay. The hearing will be streamed live at www.senate.ca.gov . The public is welcome to attend.

For more information about the Fisheries and Aquaculture Hearing visit the Committee Web site at http://fisheries.legislature.ca.gov/ .

A full hearing agenda will be released on Friday of this week.


Marc Edward Bersie, 61, born Oct. 4, 1954, passed away quietly in San Francisco, Calif., on Aug. 16, 2016, from pancreatic cancer. He was a longtime resident of Lower Lake, Calif.

Growing up in Marin County, Calif., Marc graduated from Sir Francis Drake High School in 1973.

He had a natural gift to bring any motorized vehicle to life, either gifted to him in a box or found in a barn. He had such a talent he was able to restore a 1958 jaguar sport coupe to its natural beauty, a gift from his father, Louis E. Bersie when Marc was only 18 years old. Marc was also preceded in death by his mother, Beatrice L. Bersie, and brother Michael J. Pereira.

Molly, his cocker spaniel, his beloved dog is missing from the aftermath of the Clayton fire. We can only hope that she may have found peace together with Marc, and with him as he promised her as her "forever home.”

Marc passed as the Clayton fire inferno charred many of his close neighbors' and friends' homes, and hope some of his belongings will help aid with their recovery.

Marc's free spirit brought him many wonderful travels. He loved living in Hawaii, he enjoyed free riding to Canada, but most of all he has a great group of friends and friendships that he relished. Marc will be missed by many.

Marc is survived by his sister, Louan (Bersie) Homer; nieces, Joanna Homer and Angela (Homer) Riley; grand-nieces; sister, Nanci (Pereira) Gaffney; nephew Jon Gaffney; sister, Linda (Pereira-Griffith) Pillow; nephew, Tom Griffith; nieces, Michele (Pillow) Harrison and Kelly (Pillow) Dobbins; and nephew Jesse Pereira.

A celebration of life for family and close friends will be in October. Gifts to support pancreatic cancer study and/or animal shelters would be desired.


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – At a recent meeting of the Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club Jerry Shaul Sr., who passed away this spring, was honored for his 40 years of dedicated service.

Shaul participated in all club projects and was an advocate for planting native species.

One of his favorite projects was the Lakeport Hartley Cemetery Memorial Gardens located next to the chapel that began in l985.

Trees, bulbs and shrubs are all in memory of garden club members. Members still maintain the garden.

There are two plaques inside the chapel that list the names of deceased garden club members. The latest name added was Shaul's.

The Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club is a member of the MendoLake District of the California Garden Club Inc. Pacific Region and National Garden Clubs Inc.

FORT BRAGG, Calif. – The Mendocino Unit of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire, is preparing for the fall season at Jackson Demonstration State Forest by announcing scheduled closures of seasonal campgrounds, trails and firewood areas.

Campground closure: The seasonal closure of Jackson Demonstration State Forest, or JDSF, Camp One, Dunlap and Horse Camp campgrounds are scheduled for Monday, Oct. 3. Big River campground will remain open until which time it is deemed necessary to close.

Trail closure: Beginning Oct. 15, the “Trestle Trail” between Camp 8 and JDSF Road 1070 will be closed to mushroom gathering and other recreational activities. This trail is closed (October to May) as a precautionary measure in an attempt to slow the spread of Phytophthora ramorum, the invasive pathogen that causes sudden oak death.

Firewood area closure: The designated areas for firewood cutting will also close on Monday, Oct. 3, or prior to the first significant rain, whichever occurs first. After the closure, all firewood cutting on the Forest is prohibited until otherwise noticed.

Information regarding camping and other recreational activities such as mushroom gathering on JDSF is available at the Cal Fire Fort Bragg office located at 802 North Main St. or by calling 707-964-5674 during the following hours: Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m.

Visit the forest's Web site at http://calfire.ca.gov/resource_mgt/resource_mgt_stateforests_jackson.php .

NORTH COAST, Calif. – Caltrans will begin emergency repairs of the U.S. Highway 101 Perkins Street overcrossing in Ukiah at 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29.

The overpass was damaged on Sept. 14 when it was struck by an overheight load on a truck, Caltrans reported.

Southbound traffic on U.S. Highway 101 will be restricted to one lane, and motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns. 

The southbound onramp from Perkins to Highway 101 also will be closed, and motorists will be directed to use the southbound Gobbi Street onramp.

This traffic control is anticipated to last up to two weeks, 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

In addition, from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sept. 30 through Oct. 3,  Friday evening through Monday morning, there will be one-way traffic control on Perkins Street and motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Lakeport Public Works Department reported that a road closure on Pool Street will continue on Wednesday, Sept. 28.

The road will be closed to all traffic from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Drivers are asked to use alternate routes and drive with caution in the area.


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