Thursday, 27 March 2025


LAKEPORT, Calif. – The University of California Cooperative Extension invites community members interested in the Master Gardener Program to December orientation meetings.

Those interested in gardening and helping other gardeners in Lake County are encouraged to consider applying to become a University of California Master Gardener.

Master Gardeners are volunteer staff of the University of California who have been trained and certified to extend research-based horticultural information to the public.

The orientation meetings will provide an overview of the UCCE Master Gardener Program and what is expected of a UC Master Gardener volunteer.

The information will be presented by current UC Master Gardener volunteers and the Master Gardener Program Coordinator Gabriele O’Neill. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period.

The orientations will take place at 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1, and Friday, Dec. 2, in the conference room of the Agricultural Center, 883 Lakeport Blvd., Lakeport.

Please RSVP to one orientation date by calling 707-263-6838 or by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Only one orientation meeting is necessary to attend, not both.

If you are unable to attend, please notify them so they can arrange an alternate date by calling the UCCE office at 707-263-6838 so they can arrange an alternative time for an orientation.

SACRAMENTO – California State Treasurer John Chiang has announced the appointment of economist Jonathan V. Hall to his Council of Economic Advisors.

Hall, 32, earned a doctorate in economics degree from Harvard University in 2010.The Redwood City resident currently is head of economic research at San Francisco-based Uber Technologies. Uber’s smartphone app has transformed the way people travel in cities and suburbs.

Hall previously worked for the Google Analysis Group and Pandora Media.

Hall is well positioned to provide the Treasurer with valuable research into how the “sharing economy” is transforming the way people work, communicate and live.

“I am excited to hear from Dr. Hall when my council meets next month,” said Chiang. “His fresh perspective on how Silicon Valley is leading the technology revolution will be immensely important as we work to find ways to create more skilled, high-paying jobs across California.”

Hall received his master’s and bachelor’s degrees in economics from Harvard.

At Uber, he and his research team provide data and detailed findings that underpin the firm’s public policy, communications and legal departments.

“I am honored to be asked to join the Treasurer’s council,” said Hall. “As a data scientist and an economist, I have unique insights into how the technology industry is helping California continue to grow and prosper.”

Hall’s understanding of the impact of “innovation, technology, entrepreneurship and millennials” on California’s economy will be particularly helpful to the Treasurer and his staff, said council Chief Economist Dr. Lynn Reaser of the Fermanian Business & Economics Institute at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego.

SACRAMENTO – Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. and First Lady Anne Gust Brown will host the 85th annual Capitol Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on Monday, Dec. 5, on the West Steps of the State Capitol.

This year’s tree is a 60-foot-tall white fir from Latour Demonstration State Forest located near Redding in Shasta County, the fifth Capitol Christmas tree to come from a state forest managed by Cal Fire on behalf of the public.

The tree is decorated with 900 hand-crafted ornaments made by children and adults with developmental disabilities who receive services and support from the state’s development centers and 21 nonprofit regional centers.

The governor and first lady ill light the Capitol Christmas tree with 7-year-old twin boys, Alex and Alan Rosales of Los Angeles. It will be illuminated by approximately 10,000 ultra-low wattage LED lights.

Kitty O’Neal of KFBK Radio will emcee the ceremony, which will also feature performances by the California Army National Guard’s DET 1, 40th Infantry Division Band, Brass Quintet, the Governor’s Own; students from the Oakland Military Institute and Oakland School for the Arts; Mariachi Puente; and St. Paul’s Baptist Church Choir.

redwoodchorus2015MENDOCINO COUNTY, Calif. – The Redwood Community Chorus presents its fall concert at the Mendocino Presbyterian Church on Friday, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. and on Saturday, Dec. 10, at 2 p.m.

Admission is free. A donation is requested.

Conducted by Jenni Windsor, program highlights include:

• “A Lullaby” a song is written for all who have lost a loved one;

• “Jabberwocky,” Lewis Carol's amusing parody;

• “Harvest,” which reflects feelings of wistfulness and peace and the meaning of life;

• “Soli Deo Gloria” a beautiful choral setting  that includes a brass quintet.

The concert also features German Renaissance Christmas songs, and the African-American spiritual “Down by the Riverside.”

Mendocino Presbyterian Church is located at 44831 Main St., Mendocino.

As someone who loves always loves getting the best deal, I look forward to Black Friday and the associated sales every year. But sometimes it causes me more stress than joy.

Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, has become one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Enticed by price cuts on electronics, toys, and everything in between, people flock to stores in the hopes of completing their holiday shopping in one chaotic and savings-filled day.

Black Friday is always evolving – sales are starting earlier each year, especially online sales. Certain deals begin in early November and last throughout the month. Some stores are offering their Black Friday steals on Thanksgiving Day for customers willing to cut their turkey-fests short.

According the National Retail Federation’s annual consumer spending survey, consumers are planning on spending an average of $935.58 during this year’s holiday shopping season. With that much money on the table, businesses are doing all they can to attract customers and stand out from the competition.

Completing your holiday shopping while sticking to a budget is hard enough, so let your BBB help you navigate the complexities of Black Friday with these tips:

· Do your research. Before doing business anywhere, make sure to look up the company at to see their BBB Business Profile, which includes information about the business, complaint records, and customer reviews. Check out BBB’s Accredited Business Directory at to find a retailer that you can trust. It’s also smart to look up prices, find deals, and comparison shop online before the main event so that you can go in with a game plan. Make sure to read product reviews of potential purchases before heading out so that you don’t regret your buy.

· Protect your identity. Identity theft can happen at any time, and fraudsters might try to take advantage of the swell of shoppers on Black Friday. It’s OK to use public Wi-Fi to read product reviews and check out businesses on, but be careful entering any personal information when connected. Steer clear of online banking and social media – your log-in information could be stolen. It’s also important to be aware of your surroundings and watch your wallet – someone might try to snatch it while you’re occupied comparing TVs. You may also want to use cash or pre-paid cards while shopping in stores in case of a point of sale data breach – hackers may target stores on Black Friday specifically because of the amount of transactions taking place.

· Watch out for deceptive advertising. You’re bound to see ads for deals that seem too good to be true. Unfortunately, some of these advertisements may be misleading at best and fraudulent at worst. Make sure to read the fine print, as ads often come with a multitude of restrictions. BBB’s AdTruth campaign ( ) can help you identify and avoid common schemes and highlights bad ads. If you see false advertising while out shopping you can report it at as well.

· Read up on return and exchange policies. Before you make a purchase, make sure you understand the return and exchange policies, and keep your receipts in one place in case you need to take something back. Some stores may not let you return specific “final sale” items, charge restocking fees, or only give store credit back. If you’re shopping for presents, get gift receipts and save all warranty information in case a problem occurs.

· Watch out for phishing. You might receive emails from brands advertising huge sales. But be careful, you might get phished. Some fraudsters create fake, look-alike business websites to trick you in to entering credit card information, so search for the company’s website independently instead of clicking on a link. Be careful clicking on links from unfamiliar senders, and look up businesses you don’t know on before engaging with them.”

Rebecca Harpster works for the Better Business Bureau serving the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern Coastal California.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – AARP Foundation is looking to expand its team of volunteers for the upcoming tax season by recruiting interested individuals in Lake County.

Tax-Aide is an AARP Foundation program that offers free tax filing help for those who need it most, especially adults 50 and older, during the tax season. 
Volunteer tax preparers complete free tax preparation training and IRS certification prior to working with taxpayers.
Last year, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers in California helped thousands of people file their federal and state tax returns. The program is offered at libraries, senior centers and other sites throughout the Bay Area.  
Taxpayers who used AARP Foundation Tax-Aide received $1.41 billion in income tax refunds and more than $240 million in Earned Income Tax Credits. Taxpayers do not need to be a member of AARP or a retiree to use this program.  
To learn about our volunteer opportunities, visit or call 1-888OURAARP (1-888-687-2277). AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is offered in coordination with the IRS.  

AARP Foundation works to ensure that low-income older adults have nutritious food, safe and affordable housing, a steady income, and strong and sustaining social bonds. Learn more at .

2016kumcxmassale2KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – The four week annual Kelseyville Christmas sale begins Monday, Nov. 28, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and continues Tuesday, Nov. 29, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Kelseyville United Methodist Fellowship Hall.

“Bargain shoppers will love the variety and quality of sale items this year,” said Linda Breeding, co-manager of the Methodist Thrift Shop and church council vice chair. “In addition to Monday, for the first time we will also open on Tuesdays from 4 to 7 p.m. We want to give working people an opportunity to shop for  the holidays too.”

The Kelseyville United Methodist Fellowship Hall will be filled with specialty items and is located at the corner of Main and First streets in Kelseyville across from the Saw Shop Restaurant. 

“This is one of the largest Christmas Sales in Lake County,” said Breeding. “Our thrift shop will continue to open each Monday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. during this special sale.”

Breeding said there will be eight opportunities for folks to check everyone off their Christmas list on Nov. 28 and 29; and Dec. 5, 6, 12, 13, 19 and 20.

All sales support programs at the Kelseyville church, Breeding said.

For information about the Christmas sale and other United Methodist programs call 707-279-4664 or check out the Kelseyville United Methodist Church Facebook page.



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