- Elizabeth Larson
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Supervisors to appoint new poet laureate, consider tourism improvement district
The board will meet beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, June 19, in the board chambers on the first floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.
The meeting can be watched live on Channel 8 and online at https://countyoflake.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx . Accompanying board documents, the agenda and archived board meeting videos also are available at that link.
In an item timed for 9:10 a.m., the board will present a proclamation appointing Richard Schmidt as Lake County Poet Laureate for the years 2018-2020.
At that time the board also will present a proclamation recognizing the 50th anniversary of Hidden Valley Lake.
At 10:30 a.m., the board will consider adopting a resolution declaring intent to establish the Lake County Tourism Improvement District, and will follow up by adopting a resolution requesting consent of the city councils of Lakeport and Clearlake to establish the Lake County Tourism Improvement District.
The full agenda follows.
6.1: Consideration of (a) Contract Change Order No. 2 to contract between the county of Lake and Granite Construction Company for Eastlake Elementary SRTS & CDBG Project, in Clearlake Oaks, CA, Bid No 16-16, Federal Aid No. SRTSL-5914(097) for an increase of $6,827.65; (b) Contract Change Order No. 3 to contract between the county of Lake and Granite Construction Company for Eastlake Elementary SRTS & CDBG Project, in Clearlake Oaks, CA, Bid No 16-16, Federal Aid No. SRTSL-5914(097) for an increase of $18,036.14; (c) Contract Change Order No. 4 to contract between the county of Lake and Granite Construction Company for Eastlake Elementary SRTS & CDBG Project, in Clearlake Oaks, CA, Bid No 16-16, Federal Aid No. SRTSL-5914(097) for an increase of $8,024.91; (d) Contract Change Order No. 5 to contract between the county of Lake and Granite Construction Co. for Eastlake Elementary SRTS AND CDBG Project, in Clearlake Oaks, CA, Bid No 16-16, Federal Aid No. SRTSL-5914(097) for an increase of $26,622.52; (e) Contract Change Order No. 6 to contract between the county of Lake and Granite Construction.
7.1: Approve minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting held June 5, 2018.
7.2.: Adopt proclamation recognizing the 50th Anniversary of Hidden Valley Lake.
7.3: Adopt Proclamation appointing Richard Schmidt as Lake County Poet Laureate for the years 2018-2020.
7.4: Adopt a resolution creating extra help videographer series classifications and a senior Human Resources (HR) analyst classification.
7.5: Approve budget transfer in the amount of $12,000 to purchase a folding machine manufactured by Pitney Bowes, and authorize the chair to sign.
7.6: Approve Amendment 2 to the agreement between the county of Lake and Manzanita House for adult residential support services and specialty mental health services for Fiscal Year 2017-18 in order to add an additional patch rate to the current agreement and authorize the chair to sign.
7.7: Authorize advanced step salary (step 5) appointment for Ronald Yoder, retired planner to storm water and grading inspector II (Extra Help).
7.8: Authorize advanced step hiring of Scott Poma as district attorney investigator II, step five.
7.9: Sitting as Lake County Watershed Protection District Board of Directors, approve waiver of the 900 hour limit for quagga mussel ramp coordinator Edward Jones.
7.10: Approve a late travel claim reimbursement for out of state airfare to Social Worker Supervisor Sandra Miller in the amount of $1095.92 to pick up a dependent child.
7.11: Authorize mileage reimbursement for on-site construction inspectors for Anderson Springs Sewer System.
7.12: Authorize advanced step 5 hiring of Mark Dellinger for extra help construction inspector.
7.13: (a) Approve agreement between the county of Lake and Megabyte Systems Inc. for FY 2018-19 MPTS property tax system maintenance and Online Business Property Filing Licensing/Support, in the amount of $186,389.35 and authorize the chair to sign; and (b) approve web services addendum to the agreement between the county of Lake and Megabyte Systems Inc. for FY 2018-19 online tax bills and e-payment processing services, in the amount of $4,413.84, and authorize the chair to sign.
8.2, 9:10 a.m.: (a) Presentation of proclamation appointing Richard Schmidt as Lake County Poet Laureate for the years 2018-2020; and (b) presentation of proclamation recognizing the 50th anniversary of Hidden Valley Lake.
8.3, 9:15 a.m.: Hearing, nuisance abatement hearing request for Toby Coleman; 3905 Gaddy Lane, Kelseyville CA, APN: 008-028-34.
8.4, 9:30 a.m.: Public hearing, consideration of appeal of planning commission’s approval of Deviation DV 16-01 for Parcel Map PM 15-03; AB 18-01 APNs 024-049-07 and 10 Supervisor District 1.
8.5, 10 a.m.: Presentation to the board by County of Lake Environmental Health and Eric Rapport of the State Water Quality Control Board regarding the Lake County Local Agency Management Programs for onsite wastewater treatment systems.
8.6, 10:30 a.m.: Consideration of a) adopt resolution declaring intent to establish the Lake County Tourism Improvement District; and b) adopt resolution requesting consent of the city councils of Lakeport and Clearlake to establish the Lake County Tourism Improvement District.
9.2: Consideration of (a) Eastlake Sanitary Landfill solid waste disposal fees and (b) amendment one to franchise solid waste hauler contracts.
10.1: Employee disciplinary appeal (EDA 18-01) Pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54957.
10.2: Conference with legal counsel: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54956.9(d)(2)(e)(3): Claim of Global Discoveries Ltd.
10.3: Public employee appointment pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957(b)(1): (a) Appointment of Water Resources director (a) appointment of Community Development director.
Email Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.