Saturday, 22 March 2025



Sidney Albert Brown, son of William B. Brown and Silvia F. (Smittcamp) Brown, was born in Sacramento, Calif., on March 10, 1912.

He died on Oct. 25, 2016, in Northridge, Calif., at the age of 104.

His wife, Opal Rose (Clayton) Brown, preceded him in death in 1990.

Sid was in the Merchant Marines in World War II. At the time of his death he was a member of the Bouse, Arizona VFW Post 2537, where his son, Sid, had been a member.

Sid and Opal moved to Clearlake, Calif., in the 1950s. Sid remained a resident of Clearlake until after his 100th birthday in 2012, when he moved to Northridge to be near his family.

He was a past member of the Clearlake Elks Lodge 2299, and the Clearlake American Legion Post 437.

He is survived by three sons, Sidney James Brown of Visalia, Calif., Leland William Brown of Cheney, Wash., and Terrence Ashley Brown of Houston, Texas; one niece; five granddaughters; four great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren.


I am voting for Moke Simon for Lake County District 1 supervisor and I urge you to support him also.

Moke was born and raised in Middletown and has been an active participant in community events, meetings and programs.

As the tribal chairman of the Middletown Rancheria for 20 years, Moke has shown his excellent  leadership skills.

He serves the community with competence, compassion and a commitment to ensure the well-being of all.

Moke will use his extensive business experience to work on growing jobs that spur our economic development while keeping a close watch on our county's vast natural resources.

He has created hundreds of local jobs and has negotiated million-dollar contracts that have benefited Lake County's economy.

Moke responded immediately during the Valley and Clayton fires and opened up the Twin Pine Hotel & Casino to provide housing and support to hundreds of  victims of these fires.

I trust Moke to represent us and I hope you will join me in voting for Moke as our District 1 supervisor. 

Audrey K. Martin lives in Hidden Valley Lake, Calif.

In this Caltrans News Flash, spokesperson Myles Cochrane talks about Caltrans’ “Share the Road, Arrive Alive” public safety campaign.

The campaign encourages pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists to practice safe behaviors while traveling on or near California’s roadways.

The campaign’s Web site, hosts public service announcement videos, radio spots, safety tips, and educational materials to use at home or in the classroom with audiences of all ages.

I am voting for Monica Rosenthal for many reasons.

Here are just a few: she is familiar working with the county having served on the District 1 planning commission, she has a strong agricultural background, she is an advocate for local jobs and is committed to attracting quality jobs and business to Lake County, she is an independent leader who focuses on solutions, not politics and finally, she will be a voice for all of District 1, not just Middletown.

I encourage everyone to vote for Monica Rosenthal on Nov. 8.

Stephanie Codling lives in Clearlake, Calif.


LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club invite the community to its annual Chrysanthemum Show on Friday, Nov. 4.

The show will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Lakeport Yacht Club, 15 Fifth St.

This is a free event and is one of the club's gifts to the community.

This year's theme is “Flower Friends with Mums.”

Come and enjoy some cider and cookies while viewing a variety of mums that have been grown in Lake County. Arrangements will be presented for your enjoyment using creative flower designs.

Come with a camera or questions about gardening. Expert gardeners will be on hand to answer your questions. Community members also are invited to attend the club's regular meetings held at the Scott's Valley Club House on most third Tuesdays of the month. 

The Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club is a member of the Mendo Lake District of the California Garden Club Inc., Pacific Region and National Garden Clubs Inc.

The club welcomes new members and information can be found by visiting or call Dana at 707-275-3500.

I am writing to express my support for Moke Simon as the candidate for Lake County District 1 supervisor.

Moke has been a leader in the community for years, and a coach of the Middletown High School football team for 15 years.

During the Valley and Clayton fires, Moke stepped up immediately to provide temporary housing and support for hundreds of the victims of these fires.

Moke identified urgent needs throughout the community and took action to provide assistance before anyone had to request help.

In the aftermath of the Valley fire, Moke and his team showed up to help the Anderson Springs Water Masters reconstruct and restore the water system.

Moke was named the 2015 Lake County "Man of the Year" and also received recognition for his many humanitarian efforts throughout the trying times following these destructive fires.

Despite the enormous devastation, Moke provided the courage, leadership and strength needed to help bring the community together and remain positively focused on recovery efforts.

Moke has my vote and I encourage all District 1 residents to join me in voting for Moke. 

Joan Clay lives in Hidden Valley Lake, Calif.


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