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Oakland man gets life term for 2013 North Coast double homicide

NORTH COAST, Calif. – This week an Oakland man was sentenced to life in prison for killing a Bay Area couple in 2013 in Fort Bragg.
On Wednesday, US District Court Judge Charles R. Breyer sentenced 53-year-old Wing Wo Ma to life in prison for the killings of Jim Tat Kong and Cindy Bao Feng Chen, according to a report from Lt. Andrew Porter of the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office.
Also known as Mark Ma or Fat Mark, Wing Mo Ma was convicted of the killings in the fall, according to the US Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California.
Mendocino County Sheriff’s deputies found the bodies of Kong and Chen, his wife, in a minivan in the 31000 block of Highway 20 in Fort Bragg on the afternoon of Oct. 17, 2013, Porter said.
Porter said both were determined to have been killed by gunshots to the backs of their heads.
The Mendocino County Sheriff's Office was assisted by the California Department of Justice Criminalists and the Mendocino County District Attorney's Office, Porter said.
The investigation led Mendocino County Sheriff's detectives to the Bay Area, where Porter said they worked largely in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigations’ Asian Organized Crime unit out of San Francisco.
On Oct. 22, 2015, Ma was arrested by Mendocino County Sheriff's Detectives and the FBI outside his home in Oakland, for a federal arrest warrant alleging manufacturing and distribution of a controlled substance, an enhancement for the previous section with more than 100 marijuana plants and conspiracy to commit above charges, Porter said.
Porter said Ma was held without bail in federal custody, and on April 6, 2017, a federal grand jury gave a superseding indictment on Ma for two counts of causing the death of a person through the use of a firearm. Ma also was federally indicted for multiple counts of corruption, bribery of officials and conspiracy.
On Nov. 7, 2019, Ma was found guilty of all counts following a three-week trial in federal court in San Francisco, officials said.
According to the evidence submitted at trial, Ma shot and killed Kong and Chen on Oct. 17, 2013, while the couple was seated in their minivan. Beginning in January of 2013, Ma had borrowed money from Kong for several business ventures including a marijuana grow and a real estate scheme in Mendocino County.
Fearing retribution from Kong upon finding himself unable to repay the money, Ma met with Kong and Chen on Chen’s birthday. While seated in the car, Ma shot each of the victims with a single gunshot to the head and then left their bodies in the minivan parked in a secluded, wooded area in Mendocino County.
The evidence also showed that Ma bribed Harry Hu, an inspector employed by the Alameda County District Attorney and a former lieutenant in the Oakland Police Department.
Ma bribed the inspector with airfare for multiple trips to Las Vegas, free accommodation at high-end suites and hotel rooms at Las Vegas casinos, meals and entertainment in Las Vegas and San Francisco, female hostesses at private room bars in Las Vegas and San Francisco, music concert tickets, use of a new Mercedes Benz, and labor for the remodel of the DA investigator’s personal residence.
Prosecutors said Ma bribed Hu in an effort to protect himself from prosecution and investigation by Hu and other law enforcement agencies. Ma also collected money from criminal associates for the purpose of bribing Hu and represented to criminal associates that Hu was an investor in Ma’s fraudulent investment projects.
As part of the bribery scheme, Ma used Hu’s name and reputation to attract investors to Ma’s fraudulent schemes, officials said.
In handing down Ma’s sentence on Wednesday, Judge Breyer called the murder of Kong and Chen a "cold-blooded assassination."
Porter said the case was prosecuted federally by the United States Attorney's Office in San Francisco due to the far-reaching crimes connected to the murders committed in Mendocino County.
The primary agencies involved in the investigation were the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office, the Mendocino County District Attorney's Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Porter said.