LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Democratic Party of Lake County has opened a campaign office in Lakeport at 390 Main St. and welcomes all voters to join the effort to elect Democratic candidates to local, state and national office.
The office will be open from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3, to allow visitors to explore the available volunteer opportunities from now through Nov. 8 and to purchase campaign materials. Speakers will be on hand to address what’s at stake in this election.
A special welcome is extended to those who supported Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary and are now committed to working closely together to ensure Democratic wins in November, up and down the ticket.
In endorsing Secretary Clinton, Sen. Sanders said, “Trump would be a disaster as president of the United States. I cannot believe, and I say this with all sincerity, that Republicans would have a candidate for president in the year of 2016 who makes bigotry and discrimination a cornerstone of his campaign.”
In her nomination acceptance speech, Secretary Clinton thanked Sen. Sanders and welcomed his supporters to her campaign. “I’ve heard you. Your cause is our cause. Our country needs your ideas, energy and passion.”
“This election our bedrock values and rights as Americans are on the line,” Rebecca Curry, chair of the Lake County Democratic Party, said. “At stake is the balance of power of the Supreme Court, how we effectively address climate change, systemic racism, criminal justice reform and rampant gun violence, equal rights for women, income equality, attacks on social security, the threat of global terrorism and so many other major issues facing this country. This is the time to unite, not splinter, to hold on to the progress we've made and to push our country forward. We have a nominee who is strong, compassionate and experienced. Together, let's get her elected.”
To join the effort, learn about upcoming events, regular office hours and stay up-to-date on campaign activities, please visit or Facebook page .
You also can visit the group at the Lake County Fair from Sept. 1 to 4.
For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 707-533-4885.