LOWER LAKE, Calif. – The students and staff of Carlé High School would like to thank all who were involved in the Clayton fire control and helping to get our neighborhood and schools back up on our feet.
We reached out to Sheriff Brian Martin and will work with his department to utilize our school-based enterprise to make plaques for every first responder, police agency, fire department, Red Cross and all other people, groups and agencies who have worked so hard to help us all out.
Many designs have been put together and we hope to begin producing the plaques this week.
Carlé would like to thank the wonderful Ms. Barbara Dye, a Konocti Unified district employee of the year a few years back, for 20 wonderful years of being our beloved secretary and “queen of Carlé.” We all wish her well in her new job at the district office. We love and will miss you Barbara.
Many students of the design class showered her with goodbye plaques and a mouse pad and mug to use in her new office. We wanted her to remember us and understand how much she meant to so many students and staff over these 20 years where she always stabilized our ship.
We would like to give a big warm welcome to Lilli Edson, our new counselor; Heather Koehler, our new principal; and Lance Christens, our new math and portfolio teacher.
Within the next few weeks this article will be speaking in depth about our new staff members including a new secretary not yet determined.
Carlé had our annual trip to Highlands Springs on Sept. 2. The entire school participated in spending the whole day doing fun activities and swimming.
Lower Lake High School’s Homecoming has come and gone but this year something new happened. Carlé High School was invited to join the fun.
The floats this year were masterfully done. Carlé High School created a 3D Steam Boat Willie and we made a few signs such as: #LowerLakeStrong, Konocti Strong, Carlé High School and We Rise From The Ashes.
These students of Carlé work exceptionally hard on our float: Lloyd Bridges, Stacie Clemons, Alvaro Duran, Angle Fernandez, Emily Greig, Cece Hendern-Brown, Nicholas Kieffer, Ashton Legg, Brianna E. Legg, Riley Nielsen, Nicholas Phipps, Cyrus Pouladdezh, Candice Safreno, Jacob Walker and Cheyanne West.
We also would like to thank Sears for all the building blocks aka boxes, for a beautiful float. Thank you so much again. Our design class is currently working on a thank you to Sears. We also made a plaque for student’s Candice Safreno’s dad who did so much to make this a success.
Brianna E. Legg is a student at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake.
Ultra-lights and fixed wing aircraft harassing wildlife
Question: We live around the Imperial Wildlife Area (Wister Unit) and over the past two years we’ve seen an influx of ultra-light air craft flying over the Imperial Wildlife Area, sometimes very low.
For example, on June 15 we saw three ultra-light crafts fly from a local airport and circle all of the wildlife area where there’s water, sometimes getting as low as 25 feet. This spooked all of the waterfowl and shore birds, and most of the shore birds were nesting and harassed by this.
I know there are harassment laws in place for this (Fish and Game Code, section 3003.5) as I contacted California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) wildlife officers, but all of us were uncertain how or if there are any height restrictions for aircraft flying over state wildlife areas.
This has also happened during waterfowl season where the ultra-lights were flying within feet of hunters’ spreads of 2,000 or more snow goose decoys.
Can you please help us determine whether there are any height restriction codes prohibiting such activities over state wildlife areas? I have Googled this and have only found Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) results for federal lands and know now that the FAA doesn’t have state wildlife areas listed. (Richard F.)
Answer: While there is no specific section in the Fish and Game Code regarding these low-flying aircraft, section 2009 may apply.
This section makes it a misdemeanor to willfully interfere with someone who is engaged in the sport of hunting. Given the circumstances you described, this section could be used to prevent these low-flying aircraft from interfering with hunters on state wildlife areas during the open season.
There are also two regulations that may apply to the actions you describe. “No person shall pursue, drive, herd or take any bird or mammal from any type of motor-driven air or land vehicles, motorboat, airboat, sailboat or snowmobile” (California Code of Regulations Title 14, section 251.1). Also, “No person shall harass, herd or drive any game or nongame bird or mammal or furbearing mammal. For the purposes of this section, harass is defined as an intentional act which disrupts an animal's normal behavior patterns, which includes, but is not limited to breeding, feeding or sheltering” (CCR Title 14, section 251). These regulations are punishable as misdemeanors.
Low-flying aircraft are regulated by FAA Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) and the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Generally, when flying over other than congested areas (i.e. cities, towns or settlements), they may be operated at an altitude not lower than 500 feet above the surface, except when over open water or sparsely populated areas where they may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle or structure (FARs, CFR Title 14, section 91.119(c)).
Shipping sport-caught fish home
Question: We have chartered a sportfishing party boat for 25 of our out-of-town clients.
If they get their daily bag limits and want their fish shipped home via overnight carrier, would each person have to be present at the shipping office with their fish? If so, would each person need to show their fishing license to the clerk at the shipping office?
Would each person’s fishing license need to be packed inside the box with the fish being shipped out? Or could someone from our business have each person’s fishing license/ID and just ship everyone’s fish home for them? (Annette T.)
Answer: Each person would need to be present to check their fish into the shipping office because it is unlawful for someone to transport more than one limit of fish (FGC, section 2347). It’s also illegal for someone to ship more than one limit of fish (FGC, section 2346).
While each angler will need to be at the shipping office with their fish, they are not legally required to show their fishing license to the shipper, nor do they need to include a copy of their fishing license inside the box containing their fish (but it’s not a bad idea to do so). The carrier may have their own policy on this, but CDFW does not regulate it.
The outside of the package containing the fish must clearly and conspicuously indicate the name and address of the shipper, name and address of the consignee and the number and kind of fish inside the package (FGC, section 2348).
Making your own abalone irons
Question: I would like to make my own abalone irons. What are the specifications to do so legally? (Jim B., Oakdale)
Answer: Abalone irons must be less than 36 inches long, straight or with a curve having a radius of not less than 18 inches, and must not be less than 3/4 inch wide nor less than 1/16 inch thick. All edges must be rounded and free of sharp edges (CCR Title 14, section 29.15[e]).
Carrie Wilson is a marine environmental scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. While she cannot personally answer everyone’s questions, she will select a few to answer each week in this column. Please contact her at CalOutdoors@wildlife.ca.gov .
KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – The Oct. 2 Fiddlers’ Jam at the Ely Stage Stop & Country Museum welcomes the return of the Ely Stage Stop Marketplace.
This free, family friendly, fun-packed day can be enjoyed by all, young and old alike. The marketplace, just outside the Ely barn, will feature local handcrafted goods and will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. As usual, musicians will jam from noon to 2 p.m. inside the barn.
Admission is free and there will be fun for all ages. Enjoy music, refreshments, and the opportunity to browse and purchase the wares of local craftsmen and artists. Food will be available for purchase on site from the Cactus Grill in Clearlake.
Items available at the marketplace will include jewelry, beauty products, wood and metal products, local honey, books, and more.
The Lake County Model A Club plans to display several Ford Model A vehicles during the Marketplace. Approximately 5,000,000 were made and approximately 1,000,000 are still on the road today according to club member Dick Munger.
Beverages and tasty treats will be provided by the docents in the barn. Take a ride up to the house on the hay wagon where you can enjoy the newest displays of Mason and Ball canning jars and antique kitchen gadgets.
Donations made during the fiddling benefit both the Ely Stage Stop, helping to fund the blacksmith shop, and the Old Time Fiddlers Association, District 10, who uses it to partially fund their scholarship programs.
Lake County Historical Society’s Ely Stage Stop & Country Museum is located at 9921 State Highway 281 (Soda Bay Road) in Kelseyville, near Clear Lake Riviera, just north of Hwy 29-Kit's Corner.
Current hours of operation are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each Saturday and Sunday. Fiddlers’ Jams occur the first Sunday of every month from noon until 2 p.m.
Come join the Lake County Historical Society and become a volunteer at Ely or our sister museum, the Gibson Museum & Cultural Center in Middletown. Applications will be available during the day. Join the fun!
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Several dogs that have been held and cared for since being found in the Clayton fire area are now being offered for adoption by Lake County Animal Care and Control, along with several other dogs.
The Clayton fire dogs are at the top of the list below.
The available dogs from Lake County Animal Care and Control this week include mixes of boxer, Chihuahua, Doberman Pinscher, Great Dane, hound, Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler, pit bull and terrier.
Dogs that are adopted from Lake County Animal Care and Control are either neutered or spayed, microchipped and, if old enough, given a rabies shot and county license before being released to their new owner. License fees do not apply to residents of the cities of Lakeport or Clearlake.
If you're looking for a new companion, visit the shelter. There are many great pets hoping you'll choose them.
The following dogs at the Lake County Animal Care and Control shelter have been cleared for adoption (additional dogs on the animal control Web site not listed are still “on hold”).
Labrador Retriever mix
This young male Labrador Retriever mix has a short black coat with white markings.
He was found in the Clearlake area on Aug. 15.
He's in kennel No. 18, ID No. 5861.
Labrador Retriever mix
This female Labrador Retriever mix has a short black coat.
She was found in the Clearlake area on Aug. 15.
She's in kennel No. 19, ID No. 5862.
Labrador Retriever mix
This female Labrador Retriever mix has a short white coat.
She was found in the Clearlake area on Aug. 15.
She's in kennel No. 20, ID No. 5860.
Labrador Retriever mix
This young male Labrador Retriever mix has a short black and white coat.
He was found in the Clearlake area on Aug. 15.
He's in kennel No. 21, ID No. 5863.
Terrier-Chihuahua mix
This male terrier-Chihuahua mix has a short red and white coat.
He was found in the Lower Lake area on Sept. 12.
He's in kennel No. 22, ID No. 6096.
Pit bull terrier mix
This female pit bull terrier mix has a short black and white coat.
She was found in the Lower Lake area on Aug. 20.
She's in kennel No. 33, ID No. 5878.
“Daisy” is a boxer-pit bull terrier mix with a short red and white coat.
She's in kennel No. 3, ID No. 6167.
Hound mix
This young female hound mix has a short brindle and white coat.
She's in kennel No. 8, ID No. 6133.
Doberman Pinscher-Labrador Retriever mix
This male Doberman Pinscher-Labrador Retriever mix has a short tan and brown coat.
He's in kennel No. 10, ID No. 6163.
Pit bull terrier mix
This male pit bull terrier mix has a short black and white coat.
He's in kennel No. 12, ID No. 6094.
“Taz” is a male pit bull terrier with a short black and white coat.
He's in kennel No. 24, ID No. 6164.
Rottweiler mix
This female Rottweiler mix has a black coat with some brindle markings.
Shelter staff said she need some training and is manageable on a leash. They said she is a very nice dog and knows not to jump when excited. After proper introductions, she has gotten along with other dogs she has met, including off-leash play. She would do best in a home with no cats.
She's in kennel No. 25, ID No. 5947.
“Dakota” is a female pit bull terrier mix with a short blue and white coat.
She's in kennel No. 27, ID No. 6142.
“Lucky” is a male hound and Great Dane mix with a short black and white coat.
He's in kennel No. 30, ID No. 6026.
“Flor” is a female Labrador Retriever mix with a short black and white coat.
She already has been spayed, which should lower her adoption cost.
Lake County Animal Care and Control is located at 4949 Helbush in Lakeport, next to the Hill Road Correctional Facility.
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday. The shelter is open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
A dozen years have passed since the forgettable sequel to “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” and a fair question might be why there is a need for a third installment titled “Bridget Jones’s Baby” if not for a payday?
There’s not a whole lot more to this latest chapter than a romantic guessing-game as to where the lovelorn Bridget, who has an unplanned pregnancy, will cast her future life plans.
Hugh Grant apparently opted out of a return engagement as the caddish Daniel Cleaver, and as a result he no longer has to compete with Colin Firth’s uptight barrister Mark Darcy for the affection of Bridget Jones.
His absence could be to the good, considering that his playboy character would more likely be drawn to exotic European models looking like partially-clothed centerfold candidates for the newly revamped Playboy magazine.
In fact, the filmmakers have some fun with Hugh Grant’s disappearing act, staging a funeral service for him after a plane crash in which no body was found. But many of the bodies attending the funeral could be members of the Swedish Bikini Team.
Fun fact: Emma Thompson, doing double duty as co-author of the screenplay and the role of Dr. Rawlings, is the sole artist thus far to have received an Academy Award for both acting and screenwriting.
Another fun fact: At age 47 and slipping comfortably, it may appear, into middle age, American actress Renee Zellweger, reprising her role as Bridget Jones, is no longer an ingénue by any measure, but still has a lot of spunk for a character celebrating a 43rd birthday.
Writing herself a good part as a snarky obstetrician, Emma Thompson is such an amusing delight for her limited screen time that one wishes she had more to do than lob some nicely timed barbs during prenatal exams with the expectant mother.
It’s left to Colin Firth’s bewigged lawyer to apply some dry wit to the proceedings, which may be the only thing he has going for himself in a competition with American tycoon Jack Qwant (Patrick Dempsey) for the renewed attention of the lovely Miss Jones.
Befitting any romantic comedy, there are some complications to the emerging love triangle. For one, Mark is now married but a divorce from a wife barely seen at all is in the offing.
Meanwhile, as the film opens, Bridget, a top producer of a TV news show, may be a lonely spinster who celebrates her birthday alone with a single candle on a cupcake, but at least she’s not reduced to the cliché of having a cat for a companion.
Bridget’s close friend at the studio is Miranda (Sarah Solemani), who encourages a weekend trip to a music festival with outdoor camping (a British Woodstock without the big name rock bands).
Getting stuck in a mud hole, Bridget is rescued by the gallant Jack Qwant, a billionaire developer of a dating Web site that applies an algorithm to determine the probability of a successful match.
Keep in mind that Jack is dashing, charming, funny and handsome, because after all he is Patrick Dempsey. Contrast him to the haughtiness of Mark, a brainy, clever person who comes across as prickly, and you get a sense there is no real competition between the two men.
In fact, Jack’s algorithm for love arrives at a likely conclusion that, at least from surface appearances, he and Bridget match up 97 percent, so they should be together, whereas Bridget and Mark match up only 8 percent.
Of course, love is not so easily reduced to mathematical equations, and the absence of empirical certainty of a match-up based on science goes a long way to explain how Bridget could have relations with both men during a short window of time.
As it turns out, if the film’s title is not enough of a clue, Bridget ends up pregnant after a tryst with the fun-loving Jack in a one-night stand at the music festival and then shortly thereafter a night of drunken revelry with Bridget winding up in bed with Mark.
You’d think the confusion would be cleared up quickly with a DNA test to determine the father, but this is a romantic comedy in which Bridget is not exactly forthcoming about her predicament, particularly to the two men and her doting parents (Gemma Jones and Jim Broadbent).
We’re treated instead to funny moments at the workplace where Bridget is coping with the annoying hipsters now running the network who insist on vapid news coverage reducing foreign affairs to an Instagram or something equally inane.
But again, some of the best moments belong to the deadpan delivery of Emma Thompson’s obstetrician who insists that Bridget is a “geriatric” mother who should pay more attention to resolving the paternity issue.
Without a doubt, “Bridget Jones’s Baby” is a chick-flick but it is not overbearing and annoying like some of the female-centric shows found on cable television. It actually turned out better and funnier than I initially thought possible.
Tim Riley writes film and television reviews for Lake County News.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Lake County Zoning Administrator will consider approving MINOR USE PERMIT 12-02 of Mark Tanti in accordance with Lake County Code to allow a Collector’s Permit for a 3,600 square foot storage building with an unfinished storage room above and to allow the garage to exceed the accessory height limitation of 20 feet, for a total structure height of 30 feet on property located at 5190 Lakeshore Blvd., Lakeport, APN 029-281-40 and 029-291-15.
The Zoning Administrator will approve this MINOR USE PERMIT with no public hearing if no written request for a public hearing is submitted by 5:00 P.M., October 5, 2016 to the Community Development Department, Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport, California.
Should a timely request for hearing be filed, a public hearing will be held on October 12, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. in Conference Room C, 3rd Floor of the Courthouse.
By: ______________________________________ Danae Bowen, Office Assistant III
“I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it.”– William Shakespeare
“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson
LOWER LAKE, Calif. – I had the good fortune to hike the Cache Creek Nature Trail at Anderson Marsh State Historic Park recently.
The hike was led by Anderson Marsh Interpretive Association's (AMIA) docent and certified naturalist, Billy Gear, who did an excellent job of leading the group on the walk. He was well-informed of the nuances of Anderson Marsh.
As I state in my Anderson Marsh book, “Anderson Marsh is comprised of over 1,000 acres of wetlands, oak woodlands. And grasslands. It is located in Lake County, California, on Clear Lake. There are at least 30 Native American archaeological sites located here, some of which are over 10,000 year old. Along with its prehistoric past, Anderson Marsh has a rich history of European settlement – the Grigsbys in the 1850s and the Andersons in the 1880s.”
Nature walks are led by AMIA trained docent volunteers on the second Saturday of each month, with the exceptions of September, December and January.
Once you enter Anderson Marsh State Historic Park a world of wonder opens up to you.
You are bombarded with sensory perceptions that are seemingly swirling about. The vistas that have been enjoyed for millennia, the Ranch House that has sat in this spot since before the Civil War, the abundant flora and fauna all conspire to take you on multi-faceted tours set right here, right now.
For example, the cool, green colors that paint Cache Creek's edges with willow, tule reeds, berries, cottonwoods and oak draw you in for further inspection.
You sense the live creek and wetlands before you even peer into this other world of moisture. Now you find turtles, ducks, and herons all “making a living” day in and day out, every day.
While walking the Cache Creek Nature Trail be sure to look up, so that you don't miss the kettle of turkey vultures that someone once called “black butterflies” (was it Mary Oliver's phrase?).
Then, gaze out, over the grasslands to the oak woodlands and imagine what tasks those Pomo Indians were achieving back in the day – chipping obsidian arrowheads, gathering acorns for food, playing games or fishing nearby.
Looking closely at the flora along the creek you see Himalayan blackberries. These are not native to California, and were introduced by a botanist to the U.S. in 1870s.
The creek is rife with hawks, warblers, mourning doves, hummingbirds, egrets and more.
Come to Anderson Marsh to walk any of its trails, and find out why native people, history-lovers and bird-watchers all treasure what Anderson Marsh has to offer.
AMIA, according to its Web site at http://www.andersonmarsh.org/index.html , “has been in existence for many years with a primary objective of preserving and enhancing the use of Anderson Marsh State Historic Park. Joining as a member will help insure those who wish to protect and conserve this great educational, cultural and environmental resource have the means to do so.”
Kathleen Scavone, M.A., is a retired educator, potter, writer and author of “Anderson Marsh State Historic Park: A Walking History, Prehistory, Flora, and Fauna Tour of a California State Park” and “Native Americans of Lake County.” She also writes for NASA and JPL as one of their “Solar System Ambassadors.” She was selected “Lake County Teacher of the Year, 1998-99” by the Lake County Office of Education, and chosen as one of 10 state finalists the same year by the California Department of Education.
SACRAMENTO – A new law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown will help California meet the growing demand for water supply reliability and healthy ecosystems.
The law, known as the Open and Transparent Water Data Act, was authored by Assemblyman Bill Dodd (D-Napa) and creates a transparent and universal platform for sharing water data across the state.
In the midst of the most devastating drought in California history, this law will help move California towards a more effective water management system.
"The drought has exposed the need for a modern water information system to address the state’s water supply,” said Dodd. “California does not suffer from a lack of water data, but from a lack of usable water data needed to make smart decisions. This bill will create instant and accessible water information that will better enable water managers to cope with future drought conditions.”
“As California rapidly approaches a population of 40 million, with the world’s sixth largest economy, and in an era of climate change, we need to do a better job of measuring and managing the water we use,” said Lester Snow, senior advisor with the Water Foundation. “Only with long-term policy changes like the Open and Transparent Water Data Act of 2016 can we guarantee enough water for California’s farms, cities and environment.”
California has a number of databases containing information on hydrology, biology, water quality, the physical environment, and water use.
Unfortunately, this information is not uniformly collected, easily accessible, or publicly shared. This has largely prevented water managers from making timely and science-based decisions to lead California into a more sustainable water future.
“This landmark legislation will be a game changer for managing California’s most precious resource for decades to come,” said Jim Wunderman, president and CEO of the Bay Area Council. “California's current water transfer market is inefficient and Assemblymember Bill Dodd’s legislation will create a fair, efficient and functional water marketplace with the power to ease the impact of drought and reduce water waste.”
"I would like to acknowledge Assemblymember Dodd's leadership on this important aspect of water data collection and management. I also appreciate his willingness to continue working with the water community to refine and improve upon the proposal,” said Grant Davis, general manager of the Sonoma County Water Agency. “The value of creating a statewide clearinghouse is that it allows us to make informed decisions based on data that already exist but are currently out of reach.”
The act passed the legislature last month on a bipartisan vote, and was supported by leading environmental, business and water management groups.
The new law also requires the development of open-data protocols for data sharing, transparency, documentation, and quality control that will avoid misunderstandings, reduce disputes, and increase the effectiveness of management decisions.
Dodd represents the Fourth Assembly District, which includes all or portions of Napa, Yolo, Sonoma, Lake, Solano and Colusa counties. You can learn more about Dodd and the district at www.asm.ca.gov/dodd .
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The Lake County Wine Auction's winning combination of wonderful wines, locally produced food and an exciting atmosphere once again inspired people from all over the region to help support worthy local causes.
The auction was held on Saturday, Sept. 17, at Cache Creek Vineyard and Winery in Clearlake Oaks.
“It was a beautiful night under the moon,” said Wine Alliance director Marie Beery, “and people were very generous under its influence.”
The bidding was fast and furious as auctioneer Shaun Hornby racked up some impressive totals during the live auction part of the program.
John Clarke's 2016 painting, which featured a quartet of musicians playing in a vineyard, earned a top bid of $5,000. Eleven other items went for $2,000 or more making for some impressive numbers.
A preliminary tabulation indicates that the evening's activities brought in more than $67,000, which includes both the live and silent auctions.
“Thank you to all of our ticket holders and bidders,” said Wine Alliance director Sharron Zollar.
Over the next few weeks, the auction figures will be combined with numbers from ticket sales, sponsorships and expenses, to provide a final accounting.
Last year, despite the cancellation of the auction because of the Valley fire, the Lake County Wine Alliance raised enough money to give $87,800 to local charities and community organizations.
Based on preliminary figures,the Wine Auction board expects to meet or beat last year's figures, organizers said.
During the auction, attendees were treated to tasty treats from 10 of Lake County's finest food purveyors, and a three-course meal produced under the supervision of chefs Rob Cabreros, Ann-Marie Pleskaczewski and Gordon Upfold.
The meal was complemented by a pair of Cuvee wines blended by Jed Steele of Steele Wines and Mark Burch of Chacewater.
The Lake County Wine Alliance, producer of this event, wished to thank the more than 450 volunteers, sponsors and participants who made the evening possible.
Announcing this year's beneficiaries, Wine Alliance President Kaj Ahlmann said: “To build a strong community, we need to help the next generation respect Lake County’s agricultural tradition and improve their educational skills. With our grants, the Wine Alliance is working towards those goals.”
This year's beneficiaries are the five comprehensive high schools of Lake County for their arts programs, People Services, Any Positive Change, The Lake County Hunger Task Force, Catholic Charities, the Lake County Symphony Association, the Lake County Arts Council, Friends of the Lake County Museum, the Lake Community Pride Foundation, the Children's Museum of Arts and Sciences, the Lake County Literacy Coalition, the Lake County Sheriff's Activity League, Woodland Community College (Lake Campus) Culinary Club, the Clearlake Gleaners, Operation Tango Mike, Sponsoring Survivorship and Meals on Wheels at the five Lake County senior centers.
Sponsors of the 2016 Lake County Wine Auction were Calpine, PG&E, Sutter Lakeside Hospital, Beckstoffer Vineyards, the Lake County Winegrape Commission, Six Sigma Vineyard & Winery, Cache Creek Vineyard & Winery, Sysco Foods, Tribal Health Consortium, John Clarke, Mendo-Lake Credit Union, Umpqua Bank, Bella Vista Farming, Boatique Winery, Saw Shop Bistro, Servpro, Shannon Ridge Vineyards & Winery, TricorBraun WinePak, Congressman Mike Thompson, Kelseyville Pharmacy, Brassfield Estate Winery, C-Line Express Trucking and Savings Bank of Mendocino County.
Members of the all-volunteer Wine Alliance Board are Kaj Ahlmann, president; Dr. Judy Luchsinger, vice president; Sharron Zoller, secretary; Rob Roumiguiere, treasurer; and Marie Beery and Bill Groody, directors.
A simple question from his wife – Does physics really allow people to travel back in time? – propelled physicist Richard Muller on a quest to resolve a fundamental problem that had puzzled him throughout his 45-year career: Why does the arrow of time flow inexorably toward the future, constantly creating new “nows”?
That quest resulted in a book to be published today, NOW: The Physics of Time (W. W. Norton), that delves into the history of philosophers' and scientists' concepts of time, uncovers a tendency physicists have to be vague about time's passage, demolishes the popular explanation for the arrow of time and proposes a totally new theory.
“Time has been a stumbling block to our understanding of the universe,” said Muller, a UC Berkeley professor emeritus who for many years taught a popular introductory course, “Physics for Future Presidents,” which he turned into a 2008 book of the same name. “Over my career, I've seen a lot of nonsense published about time, and I started thinking about it and realized I had a lot to say from having taught the subject over many decades, having thought about it, having been annoyed by it, having some really interesting ways of presenting it, and some whole new ideas that have never appeared in the literature.”
In commenting on the theory and Muller's new book, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, host of the 2014 TV miniseries “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey,” wrote, “Maybe it's right. Maybe it's wrong. But along the way he's given you a master class in what time is and how and why we perceive it the way we do.”
Muller’s new idea: Time is expanding because space is expanding.
“The new physics principle is that space and time are linked; when you create new space, you will create new time,” Muller said.
Time kicked off by Big Bang
Ever since the Big Bang explosively set off the expansion of the universe 13.8 billion years ago, the cosmos has been growing, something physicists can measure as the Hubble expansion. They don't think of it as stars flying away from one another, however, but as stars embedded in space and space continually expanding.
Muller takes his lead from Albert Einstein, who built his theory of general relativity – the theory that explains everything from black holes to cosmic evolution – on the idea of a four-dimensional spacetime. Space is not the only thing expanding, Muller says; spacetime is expanding. And we are surfing the crest of that wave, what we call “now.”
“Every moment, the universe gets a little bigger, and there is a little more time, and it is this leading edge of time that we refer to as now,” he writes. “The future does not yet exist ... it is being created. Now is at the boundary, the shock front, the new time that is coming from nothing, the leading edge of time.”
Because the future doesn't yet exist, we can't travel into the future, he asserts. He argues, too, that going back in time is equally improbable, since to reverse time you would have to decrease, at least locally, the amount of space in the universe.
That does happen, such as when a star explodes or a black hole evaporates. But these reduce time so infinitesimally that the effect would be hidden in the quantum uncertainty of measurement – an instance of what physicists call cosmic censorship.
“The only example I could come up with is black hole evaporation, and in that case it turns out to be censored. So I couldn't come up with any way to reverse time, and my basic conclusion is that time travel is not possible,” he said.
Black hole mergers create a millisecond of new time
Muller's theory explaining the flow of time led to a collaboration with Caltech theoretician Shaun Maguire and a paper posted online June 25 that explains the theory in more detail – using mathematics – and proposes a way to test it using LIGO, an experiment that detects gravitational waves created by merging black holes.
If Muller and Maguire are right, then when two black holes merge and create new space, they should also create new time, which would delay the gravitational wave signal LIGO observes from Earth.
“The coalescing of two black holes creates millions of cubic miles of new space, which means a one-time creation of new time,” Muller said. The black hole merger first reported by LIGO in February 2016 involved two black holes weighing about 29 and 36 times the mass of the sun, producing a final black hole weighing about 62 solar masses. The new space created in the merger would produce about 1 millisecond of new time, which is near the detection level of LIGO. A similar event at one-third the distance would allow LIGO to detect the newly created time.
Whether or not the theory pans out, Muller's book makes a good case.
“(Muller) forges a new path. I expect controversy!” wrote UC Berkeley Nobel laureate Saul Perlmutter, who garnered the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the accelerating expansion of the universe. Muller initiated the project that led to that discovery, which involved measuring the distances and velocities of supernovae. The implication of that discovery is that the progression of time is also accelerating, driven by dark energy.
Over his career, Muller founded two major experimental programs that elucidated our understanding of time: a measurement of the cosmic microwave uniformity, for which he was awarded a MacArthur Prize, and the discovery of dark energy, for which he shared the 2014 Breakthrough Prize.
Muller and his daughter Elizabeth co-founded Berkeley Earth, a nonprofit that reanalyzed Earth's temperature record confirming global warming, and which now is a repository for historical data on global temperature and air pollution.
For his newest endeavor, Muller explored previous explanations for the arrow of time and discovered that many philosophers and scientists have been flummoxed by the fact that we are always living in the 'now”,:from Aristotle and Augustine to Paul Dirac – the discoverer of antimatter, which can be thought of as normal matter moving backward in time – and Albert Einstein. While philosophers were not afraid to express an opinion, most physicists basically ignored the issue.
“No physics theories have the flow of time built into them in any way. Time was just the platform on which you did your calculations – there was no 'now' mentioned, no flow of time,” Muller said. “The idea of studying time itself did not exist prior to Einstein. Einstein gave physics the gift of time.”
Einstein, however, was unable to explain the flow of time into the future instead of into the past, despite the fact that the theories of physics work equally well going forward or backward in time. And although he could calculate different rates of time, depending on velocity and gravity, he had no idea why time flowed at all.
The dominant idea today for the direction of time came from Arthur Eddington, who helped validate Einstein's general theory of relativity. Eddington put forward the idea that time flows in the direction of increasing disorder in the universe, or entropy. Because the Second Law of Thermodynamics asserts that entropy can never decrease, time always increases.
Entropy and time
This idea has been the go-to explanation since. Even Stephen Hawking, in his book A Brief History of Time, doesn't address the issue of the flow of time, other than to say that it's “self-evident” that increasing time comes from increasing entropy.
Muller argues, however, that it is not self-evident: it is just wrong. Life and everything we do on Earth, whether building houses or making teacups, involves decreasing the local entropy, even though the total entropy of the universe increases.
“We are constantly discarding excess entropy like garbage, throwing it off to infinity in the form of heat radiation,” Muller said. “The entropy of the universe does indeed go up, but the local entropy, the entropy of the Earth and life and civilization, is constantly decreasing.”
“During my first big experiment, the measurement of the cosmic microwave radiation, I realized there is 10 million times more entropy in that radiation than there is in all of the mass of the universe, and it's not changing with time. Yet time is progressing,” he said. “The idea that the arrow of time is set by entropy does not make any predictions, it is simply a statement of a correlation. And to claim it is causation makes no sense.”
In his book, Muller explains the various paradoxes that arise from the way the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics treat time, including the Schrodinger's cat conundrum and spooky action at a distance that quantum entanglement allows.
Neither of these theories addresses the flow of time, however. Theories about wormholes that can transport you across the universe or back in time are speculative and, in many cases, wrong.
The discussion eventually leads Muller to explore deep questions about the ability of the past to predict the future and what that says about the existence of free will.
Muller admits that his new theory about time may have observable effects only in the cosmic realm, such as our interpretation of the red shift – the stretching of light waves caused by the expansion of space – which would have to be modified to reflect the simultaneous expansion of time.
The two effects may not be distinguishable throughout most of the universe's history, but the creation of time might be discernible during the rapid cosmic inflation that took place just after the Big Bang, when space and time expanded much, much faster than today.
He is optimistic that in the next few years LIGO will verify or falsify his theory.
“I think my theory is going to have an impact on calculations of the very early universe,” Muller said. “I don't see any way that it affects our everyday lives. But it is fascinating.”
Robert Sanders writes for the UC Berkeley News Center.
LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Lake County Fair Board will meet on Monday, Sept. 26.
The meeting will begin at 4 p.m. at the fairgrounds administration office, 401 Martin St., Lakeport.
The board will select the 2017 fair theme and discuss this summer's event, along with the Blue Ribbon Dinner and appreciation dinner, and the Lake County Fair Foundation.
Other agenda items include consideration of refunding overpayments of entry fees and committee reports.
The fair board's membership include Janeane Bogner, Steven Brown, Marcia Chauvin, James Cochrane, Katherine McDowell, Annette Hopkins, Meyo Marrufo and Jerry McQueen.
LAKEPORT, Calif. – Just a year ago the Falling Leaves Quilt Show almost didn’t have a venue, when the Lake County Fairgrounds became a fire camp.
This year the fires are out and the Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild is in final preparation mode for the show’s opening day on Oct. 1.
The Falling Leaves Quilt Show, which draws hundreds of quilt-loving guests from all over northern California, will take place at the Lake County Fairgrounds at 401 Martin St., in Lakeport.
Show hours are Oct. 1, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Oct. 2, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information contact show Linda Morrison at 707-263-4504 or visit the Web site, www.LLQG.org .
The show will feature nearly 200 quilts, some only a few inches across and others made to fit a king-size bed, executed in a variety of techniques and in all colors of the spectrum.
Guests will find an array of styles from traditional to modern to innovative. Imagine strolling through aisles and aisles teeming with works of art that can fill a wall – that’s what a quilt show is. Quilts have come a long way from being just bedcovers and are now recognized as art.
Each year the quilt show committee selects one noted quilter for special recognition. This year’s featured quilter is Tami Benevedes-Graeber, a “local girl who made good” showing off her work in her old hometown.
Benevedes-Graeber is a fourth generation quilter who grew up in Lakeport and still has family ties here. In 2005, after retiring from a career in nursing, she discovered free-motion machine quilting and unleashed her imagination, producing fifteen quilts in her first year alone.
Her work has won numerous national and two international awards. Guests who wish to talk with can visit her in the featured quilter location and she will be speaking about how she went from entering the Lake County Fair to entering prominent national shows.
Quilt guild members wearing hostess ribbons or white gloves will circulate through the show to answer questions and help guests. Please feel free to ask them for help.
“Cross and Crown” the 2016 opportunity quilt will be on display and tickets will be on sale. Seven members of the LLQG made from Civil War-era reproduction fabrics in using a pattern by Jill Shaul of Yellow Creek Designs.
The Falling Leaves Quilt Show has more ways to entertain its guests.
The Country Store Boutique is a great place to find recycled quilting, sewing and craft items and one-of-a-kind country collectibles. Other attractions are gift baskets featuring themes like yarns and crafts, Christmas, birds, games, babies, gardening, sewing, coffee and tea, quilting, and Lake County treasures.
In the silent auction corner guests can bid on a variety of tempting items including fabric kits, quilt kits, several sewing machines and a quilting frame. Guests can enter their names for a door prize drawing and can vote for their favorite quilt.
For those eager to improve their quilting skills, the demonstration booth will offer presentations on prairie points, mitered corners and strip paper piecing.
In the vendor mall, 12 vendors will show off fabric, sewing machines, patterns, notions and all manner of things that interest quilters. La Penquita Mexican restaurant will cater lunch Saturday and Sunday in Barty’s Café in the fairgrounds.
The winners of the opportunity quilt, the door prize, the theme baskets, the silent auction items and the Viewers’ Choice award will be announced on Sunday afternoon.
Guests will note ribbons on many quilts in the show. Quilters who enter the Falling Leaves show can choose to have their quilts judged by professional quilt judges so they can get helpful criticism. Those judges award ribbons based on standard judging criteria.
The show also has five non-professional judges, local VIPs who have no expertise in quilting, they just know what they like and they award ribbons to the quilts that they would like to take home.
This year’s VIP judges are Brock Falkenberg, Lake County’s superintendent of schools; Rick Davis of Davis Tire, Marci McDaniel-Davis of Chatoff Properties and Davis Tire; Dave Faries of the Lake County Record-Bee; and Clinton Karp of Pet Country.
This diverse group will have an advance look at the show as they make their selections. Watch for the VIP ribbons on their favorites.
Shelley Aldrich founded the Falling Leaves Quilt Show in 2002, and beginning this year, Aldrich will present the Founder’s Award to the quilt of her choice.
Membership in the Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild is open to anyone interested in quilting, regardless of skill level.
The purpose of the guild is to promote and encourage quilting and to perform community service through quilt making. Each year quilt guild members make and donate baby quilts to the birth center at St. Helena Hospital Clear Lake and doll quilts to Toys for Tots.