Monday, 10 March 2025


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – It’s “flu” season and the Lake County Public Health Division will once again host its community influenza vaccination clinics.

Getting vaccinated is a great way to avoid getting the flu. Anyone 6 months of age or older is encouraged to get a flu vaccine.

Being careful to use good hygiene is another way to protect yourself and those around you. If you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or the crook of your arm instead of your hands.

A virus can easily be passed from your hands to the things you touch. Wash your hands often and use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available. Try not to touch your face with your hands. A virus can enter your system through the membranes of your eyes, nose and mouth. Protect yourself by avoiding close contact with anyone who is sick.

Choosing a healthful lifestyle can also help to keep you well. Getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, drinking plenty of water and staying physically active can help to maintain a healthy immune system. Together, we can help to decrease the spread of influenza in our community.

The symptoms of the flu include a temperature of over 100 degrees F combined with a cough, sore throat, body aches, headache and a lack of energy. If you are ill, stay home to keep from infecting others.

Lake County Public Health is offering seasonal flu vaccines for $2.

Scheduled clinics for the seasonal flu vaccines are as follows:


• Tuesday, Oct. 25, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Senior Community Center, 3245 Bowers Road.


• Thursday, Oct. 27, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Calpine Visitors Center, 15500 Central Park Road.


• Tuesday, Nov. 1, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Public Health Division, 922 Bevins Court.
• Wednesday, Nov. 2, from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Public Health Division, 922 Bevins Court.

Flu vaccinations also are available in a variety of locations such as your primary care provider and local pharmacies.

The Lake County Public Health Division wishes community members a healthy and happy fall and winter season.

Please call 1-800-794-9291 or 707-263-1090 with questions.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The Sons in Retirement club is hosting a series of upcoming events through the end of this year.

Through the remainder of October, the club plans for a golf tournament in Hidden Valley Lake on Wednesday, Oct. 26, and a trip to see “The Sound of Music” in Sacramento on Thursday, Oct. 27.

On Nov. 9, SIR will host its final golf tournament of the year at Black Rock Golf Course in Cobb.

The group's regular meeting on Nov. 11 will include a talk by special guest, Sheriff Brian Martin.

From Nov. 29 through Dec. 1, the group will travel to Reno to see “Miracle on 34th Street” and do some Christmas shopping.

The SIR Christmas dinner meeting will take place on Dec. 9, with a “Mexican Christmas” theme.

Sons In Retirement is a social organization for men of retirement age who are pursuing the goal of enjoying their later years.

Branch 168 holds a Luncheon on the second Friday of each month at TNT Restaurant in Lakeport.

If you are interested in learning more about Sons In Retirement contact Larry Powers, chair of the membership committee, at 707-263-3403 or visit the state Web site at .

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is now accepting applications for apprentice pheasant hunts in 17 counties throughout the state.

The hunts, which will be held on various dates throughout November and December, are specially designed to provide an educational and memorable experience for new hunters, youth hunters, women hunters, mobility-impaired hunters and families.

These CDFW-sponsored opportunities are available at the following locations:

• Fresno County (Mendota Wildlife Area);
• Imperial County (Imperial Wildlife Area);
• Kern County (Bakersfield and Stockdale Ranch);
• Los Angeles County (Peace Valley);
• Madera County (Chowchilla and Hensley Lake);
• Merced County (O’Neill Forebay Wildlife Area and Merced);
• Napa County (Napa-Sonoma Wildlife Area);
• Plumas County (Green Gulch Ranch);
• Riverside County (Robinson Farms and San Jacinto Wildlife Area);
• San Bernardino County (Camp Cady Wildlife Area);
• San Diego County (Oak Grove);
• San Joaquin County (White Slough Wildlife Area);
• San Luis Obispo County (Santa Margarita and Ray Azbill);
• Siskiyou County (Shasta Valley Wildlife Area);
• Solano County (Grizzly Island Wildlife Area);
• Tehama County (Sacramento River Bend Area);
• Yolo County (Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area).

More details – including hunt dates, types of hunts offered and how many hunters each event will accommodate – can be found online at .

These apprentice hunts are provided by CDFW’s Upland Game Bird Special Hunt Program, in cooperation with many volunteer organizations. They provide a high-quality, educational experience that builds upon the lessons taught in hunter education classes.

They also provide additional public hunting opportunities for upland game birds on both public and private lands.

Applicants are reminded that nonlead ammunition is required for hunting pheasant in California, unless the hunt is taking place at a licensed game bird club.

Before venturing out to hunt, please review the new nonlead requirements at .

For more information about the application process, please call 916-445-3452.

Monica Rosenthal, candidate for District 1 supervisor, has been involved in many different agencies and organizations within Lake County for over 20 years. She has depth of knowledge that will enable her to hit the ground running as our County representative.

Examples include serving on the Lake County Planning Commission, the Lake County Farm Bureau Board and on the Napa/Lake Workforce Investment Board.

When I compare Mr. Simon’s resume to Ms. Rosenthal’s, she wins hands down. Monica’s extensive volunteer activities provide a much broader base of knowledge and relevant experience.

As a resident of Hidden Valley Lake I have discussed a few of our most pressing county-related problems with her.

One is the water moratorium, which has rendered our undeveloped lots worthless because no new water service can be provided. She has investigated the issues behind the water moratorium and has a strategy for working with relevant state agencies to resolve this edict.

Another high priority issue is the county building permitting process. With local residents trying to rebuild after the Valley fire, many complain of the disorganization in our county building department. Monica’s planning background combined with the relationships she has developed over the years will foster a proactive approach with higher expectations and better oversight to enable residents’ recovery efforts.

I am supporting Monica because experience and qualifications matter.

Join me in voting for Monica Rosenthal as our next District 1 supervisor.

Susan Cameron lives in Hidden Valley Lake, Calif.

On Monday, Congressman John Garamendi (D-Fairfield, Davis, Yuba City), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, announced a series of efforts to protect nearly 10,000 soldiers from attempts by the Department of Defense to reclaim the enlistment bonuses they were paid upon reenlisting during our nation’s wars Iraq and Afghanistan.

“These brave men and women signed up to serve our country, and believed that the country would have their back in return,” said Garamendi. “It is beyond my comprehension that our veterans are being forced to repay the bonuses that they have relied on. I will do everything in my power to require the Department of Defense and the California National Guard to allow our veterans to keep the money they were promised. If the Pentagon says this requires a change to the law, then let’s change the law.”

He continued, “Bottom line: our veterans should not pay the price for mistakes that were made by recruiters. I am authoring legislation today to prevent the Department of Defense from seeking to force our veterans to pay back these bonuses, and I am publicly urging the National Guard Bureau, the Department of Defense, and Office of Management and Budget to get a head start by granting waivers on any erroneously paid enlistment bonuses that fall within their authority.”

The Department of Defense claims that they are required by law to seek to reclaim bonuses that were paid in error or through misrepresentation.

Garamendi's first legislative fix involves amending the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 as follows: "None of the funds authorized to be appropriated in this act may be used to recoup any monetary incentive or associated interest issued for the purpose of recruitment or reenlistment given to any member of the National Guard of any state between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2008."

This language would put a halt to the recoupment of incentive payments until a permanent solution can be implemented.

Garamendi is continuing to investigate the legal barriers and mechanisms which led to this misguided policy and will pursue every avenue to ensure that guardsmen are better protected in such matters going forward.

On Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016, the voters in the Konocti Unified School District (KUSD) will be asked to consider Measure Y, a local school bond. 

KUSD has increased enrollment by 300 students in the past three years and we are running out of classroom space.

Measure Y funds will be used to build new classrooms and science labs to accommodate our growing student enrollment.

Funds will also replace or improve our older school buildings, help ensure the safety and security of our students and our staff, and provide better access to modern technology.

Measure Y provides for strict accountability. We will conduct annual audits to ensure bond funds are spent properly and an independent citizens’ oversight committee will be appointed to monitor and report to the community on all bond expenditures.

The oversight committee, composed of local residents, will ensure that all bond funds are spent as planned for the benefit of local elementary and high school students. 

The district has been successful with bond funds in the past. The district completed all projects promised to voters in 2004 and the district also secured almost $14 million in state matching and joint use funds. If Measure Y is successful, the district will be eligible additional matching funds from the state.

Measure Y provides local control and funding, and increases the number of classrooms for our student population. Quality schools protect and enhance our property values and our community. 

Please vote yes on Measure Y.

Sue Burton lives in Clearlake Oaks, Calif. She is a member of the Konocti Unified School District Board of Trustees.


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