Tuesday, 18 March 2025


LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Lake County Republican Party will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 13.

The meeting will take place at Round Table Pizza, 821 11th St. in Lakeport.

Social time will start at 6 p.m. with no host food and beverages.

At 6:30 p.m. there will be a committee strategy meeting as the group prepares for the November election.

Follow the local Republican Party on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Lake-County-CA-Republican-Party-401224996588222/?fref=ts or for more information contact Lake County Chair Dee Cuney at 707-235-2902.

John Thomas Bigley
Nov. 27, 1958 – Aug. 20, 2016

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – John passed away peacefully after a long battle with lung cancer.

He is survived by his daughter, Shannon Spivack; grandchildren, twins, Kolbee and Korbin; sister, Chris (Rodney) Barnes; niece, Jessica (Dave) Estes; great-nephew, Abel Estes and mother, Sharon Hubman.

There will be no services and his ashes will be scattered as John wished.

Arrangements by Chapel of the Lakes Mortuary, 707-263-0357 or 707-994-5611, or visit www.chapelofthelakes.com .

SACRAMENTO – Legislation sponsored by Board of Equalization Member George Runner and fellow BOE members cleared the Legislature Thursday when the State Assembly voted unanimously to approve AB 1559.  

Authored by Assemblyman Bill Dodd, AB 1559 gives the Board of Equalization authority to extend emergency tax relief by up to three months in the event of a disaster.

"The last thing people need to worry about during a tragedy is taxes," said BOE Member Runner. "This bill will provide much-needed relief to those who have been affected by the recent fires and other emergencies."

Current law allows the BOE to provide a one-month extension for tax payments, and relieve any late payment penalties.

AB 1559 extends that period to up to three months, provided the taxpayer files a request for relief before or within the allotted time frame.

"This bill is good news for taxpayers, especially during this disastrous time. As residents continue to put their businesses and lives back together after these fires, I want them to know the BOE is here to help," said Chairwoman Fiona Ma. "During this terrible ordeal, BOE is doing everything we can to provide information about tax and fee relief to those affected by these fires."

AB 1559 now heads to the governor's desk.

The governor has until Sept. 30 to sign or veto the bill. As an urgency measure, the bill would take effect immediately.

NORTH COAST, Calif. – A record number of whales are suffering from entanglements in California waters – 2015 saw 57 whales entangled off our coast, which is the highest total since the National Marine Fisheries Service started keeping records in 1982.

Just in the first half of this year alone, there were another 40 reports of entangled whales off California’s coast. Many of these whales are becoming entangled in lost or abandoned crab fishing gear.

North Coast Sen. Mike McGuire’s legislation that will help permanently protect whales by removing lost and abandoned crab fishing gear from the ocean has been approved by both houses of the State Legislature and will now head to Gov. Brown’s desk.

SB 1287 received widespread and overwhelming support in the Senate and was approved Thursday by a vote of the full State Assembly.

“We need this legislation, now more than ever. Whale entanglement numbers are skyrocketing off the California coast and we’re bringing together crabbers and environmentalists to get this common sense bill signed into law,” McGuire said.

The Whale Protection & Crab Gear Retrieval Act, which was proactively initiated by the thousands of hard working men and women who make up California’s mighty crab fleet, would create a regulatory program with incentives for fishermen to retrieve Dungeness crab fishing gear that would otherwise be lost in the ocean.

It’s estimated that thousands of pots are lost every season and these pieces of gear could have hundreds of feet of rope attached to a locater buoy.

The lost gear has created marine debris and entanglement hazards for whales and other marine life, along with others in the crab and salmon fleets.

“In light of the record number of whale entanglements over the last several months, we need to get this bill passed and retrieval programs in place to ensure California’s beloved humpbacks and blue whales will have the protection they need to thrive,” McGuire said. “I’m grateful for Assemblyman Wood’s partnership to get this bill passed.”

“The people who rely on a healthy ocean environment for their living along the Pacific coast have come together to protect whales and other marine life,” said Wood, “and is it such a wonderful example of everyone understanding the mutual benefit of working together to solve this growing problem.”  

Crab fishermen continue to take the lead on the whale entanglement issue and many are already taking part in a voluntary pilot project that was initiated two years ago.

Approximately 1,500 lost crab pots have been collected in that program. SB 1287 builds upon the successful pilot project by advancing a statewide solution to the growing problem.

Based on recommendations from the Dungeness Crab Task Force, SB 1287 will call on the Department of Fish and Wildlife to establish a retrieval program. One hundred percent of the program will be paid for by industry related fees, not the taxpayers.

Dungeness crab fishermen, who obtain a retrieval permit through this program, will collect old crab traps after the crab season has closed each year. Those fishermen will be paid a recovery bounty for each trap retrieved from the ocean.

The bill also establishes a fee to be paid by the owner that lost or abandoned the crab trap. A crab fisherman who doesn’t buy back their lost or abandoned crab traps will not be able to get their vessel permit the next season.

The creation of a self-perpetuating program to recover fishing gear is a necessary action of the commercial Dungeness crab fishing industry to continue operating as a responsible, sustainable fishery.

“The Dungeness crab fishery is in the top tier of California’s commercial seafood catch and the entire industry has weathered a challenging few years, including the historic delay of this year’s Dungeness crab season,” McGuire said. “This gear retrieval program will be a great step forward in cleaning up our oceans and making a safer environment for the people who work the Pacific for their living and the whales and marine life that call the ocean home.”

A broad coalition of fishing and environmental groups are unified in supporting SB 1287 which will increase mariner safety while reducing marine debris and the potential for whale entanglement, including: Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, Sierra Club, Californian’s Against Waste, California Coastkeeper Alliance, Earthjustice, Golden Gate Salmon Association, Golden Gate Fishermen’s Association, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, The Marine Mammal Center, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Trinidad Bay Fishermen’s Marketing Assn, Crescent City Fishermen’s Assn, Half Moon Bay Seafood Marketing Assn, the Morro Bay Commercial Fishermen’s Assn, Natural Resources Defense Council, Ocean Conservancy, Oceana, Surfrider and many more.

jan2016lnufuelreductionSACRAMENTO – Cal Fire announced this week that it will be awarding nearly $16 million for fire prevention grants to local fire departments and fire safe councils to reduce the threat of large wildfires.

The 2016-17 State Responsibility Area Fire Prevention Fund and tree mortality grants are aimed at reducing the threat wildfires as well as dead and dying trees in and around communities within the State Responsibility Area (SRA).

“In just the last couple of weeks, we have seen how destructive this fire season has already been and the critical role fire prevention projects play in helping us protect lives and property,” said Chief Ken Pimlott, Cal Fire director. "As the drought continues, and millions of more trees die off, we must take every step to prepare our neighborhoods and communities from wildfire.”

The 2016-17 Cal Fire grants have a one-time appropriation of 10 million dollars that is intended to address the risk and potential impact of wildfire and dead and dying trees on habitable structures in the SRA. 

The grants also provide a one-time allocation of six million dollars for fire prevention projects that are not limited to the SRA. 

The target audiences for the grants include, but are not limited to, local government agencies, fire districts and fire safe councils to augment recent fire prevention projects.

The grant amount will be limited to a maximum of $200,000 per project. This will allow for broad distribution of grant funds to local government agencies and organizations throughout the state.

The 2016-17 grant applications are due Sept. 28, 2016, by 3 p.m.

Cal Fire is encouraging a wide range of applicants throughout the state to apply for this funding.

Interested parties can get more information at Cal Fire's grants Web page at http://www.fire.ca.gov/grants/grants.php .


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Lake County Zoning Administrator will consider approving MINOR USE PERMIT MUP 16-23 of Terry Kowing and Cheryl Brown in accordance with Lake County Code to allow a solid six (6) foot fence in the required front yard setback located at 21047 & 21057 Berry Street, Middletown, CA and further described as APN 024-362-15 & 16.

The Planner processing this application is Mark Roberts (707) 263-2221 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The Zoning Administrator will approve this Minor Use Permit if no written request for a public hearing is submitted by 5:00 p.m, on September 7, 2016 to the community Development Department, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport, CA.

Should a timely request for a public hearing be filed, one will be held on September 14, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. in Conference room C, 3rd Floor of the Courthouse. 

Robert Massarelli, Director

By: ______________________________________
Danae Bowen, Office Assistant III

LOWER LAKE, Calif. – County and fire officials are planning to move into the next phase of providing information and services for Clayton fire survivors.

The county's Clayton Fire Local Assistance Center has been extended through 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27.

The center, located the former Lower Lake Bank building at 16195 Main St., is offering a variety of services, including replacement of vital records; information on unemployment, cleanup and building; insurance counseling, help from the Red Cross; and vouchers or gift cards for those who lost their homes.

This coming week, the center will transition into a more informal mini assistance center at Lake County Adult Services, 16170 C Main Street in Lower Lake. That center will offer information and contacts for agencies.

Lake County Fire's Lower Lake Station 65 will be open until 8 p.m. Saturday for those needing to pick up protective gear for cleanup, water and other donated items, including dog and cat food.

The station plans to move out of doing daily distribution services at 5 p.m. Sunday, but will make resources available on an as-needed basis.

They also will have a bulletin board available with updated information on the recovery effort.

For more information call 707-994-2170.


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