Friday, 28 March 2025


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – All branches of the Lake County Library system will be closed Saturday, Jan. 14, to observe Martin Luther King Day.

Normal hours at all branches will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 17. Call your local branch if you have any questions.

Even though the library will be closed you can still go online to the library Web site at to download ebooks, audiobooks, movies music and magazines.

You also can check on your account, renew any items you have checked out or requests books from libraries in Lake, Sonoma and Mendocino to pick up at your local branch when the library does reopen.

Lakeport Library, located at 1425 N. High St., is normally open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The phone number is 707-263-8817.

Redbud Library, 14785 Burns Valley Road, Clearlake, is normally open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Wednesday, noon to 7 p.m. The phone number is 707-994-5115.

Middletown Library, 21256 Washington St., is normally open Tuesday through Friday noon to 5 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The phone number is 707-987-3674.

Upper Lake Library, 310 Second St., is normally open Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The phone number is 707-275-2049.

The Lake County Library is on the Internet at and Facebook at .

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will accept applications from veterans interested in competing in the 2017 National Veterans Golden Age Games beginning Feb. 1.

Veterans ages 55 and older and enrolled in VA health care may complete applications online at .

Applications will be accepted through March 1.

“VA is committed to offer sports and fitness as an integral part of a successful health care program, and I encourage every eligible veteran to take advantage of this opportunity,” said Carla Carmichael, National Veterans Golden Age Games director. “There are significant health benefits to leading an active lifestyle, and in keeping with the Games motto, we want every veteran to achieve 'Fitness For Life.’”

The 2017 National Veterans Golden Age Games will take place in Biloxi, Miss., May 7 to 11. Nearly 800 athletes are expected to compete in the national multi-sport competition for senior veterans, embracing the “Fitness for Life” motto.

The event encourages participants to make physical activity a central part of their lives, and supports VA’s comprehensive recreation and rehabilitation therapy programs.

Competitive events include air rifle, badminton, bocce, bowling, cycling, golf, horseshoes, nine ball, powerwalk, shuffleboard, swimming, table tennis, and track and field. Exhibition events include: air pistol, archery, basketball, blind disc golf and pickleball.

VA research and clinical experience verify that movement and exercise are important to maintaining good health, speeding recovery and improving overall quality of life.

The games encourage participants to continue in local senior events in their home communities and every other year serve as a qualifying event for competition in the National Senior Games.

VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System will host this year’s games. The Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System provides care for more than 50,000 veterans throughout Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.

For more information visit and follow VA Adaptive Sports on Twitter at @VAAdaptiveSport or on Facebook at .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – If you are a low income military veteran in need of repairs to your home, Habitat for Humanity Lake County may be able to help.

Funds are available through the Home Depot Foundation to allow for health and safety related repairs, accessibility modifications for disabilities, and a variety of other repair services. 

But time is running out for this funding year, so applications must be submitted promptly to receive consideration.

Contact Habitat for Humanity Lake County for an application, or with questions, at 707-994-1100, visit them online at or come by their office at 15312 Lakeshore Dr. in Clearlake.


I'm fond of poems in which we see people working together, helping one another. I've never folded a sail, nor seen anybody fold one, but here I get to watch it happen, and feel it happen, too.

Alan Feldman is from Massachusetts and his most recent book is “Immortality” (University of Wisconsin Press, 2015).

Love Poem

The sail is so vast when it's laid out on the driveway.
I stake it with a screwdriver through the shackle
at the tack to stretch it smooth,
pulling on the head and clew. Now it's smooth
as a night's worth of new snow.
My wife, my partner, has been torn from her busy day.
We face each other across the sail's foot
and with my right hand and her left hand
(I'm right handed, she's left handed)
we pull an arm's length of the sail
down over itself, then do this again,
keeping my left hand, and her right hand, towards the foot.
Each fold is easier since the sail grows narrower
near the top. Then we fold towards each other
and I wrap my arms around it, while she holds the bag's mouth open,
the gray bag that will cover it through the winter.
Then I thank her. And the driveway is visible again
as it is in spring, when all the snow has melted.

American Life in Poetry does not accept unsolicited submissions. It is made possible by The Poetry Foundation ( ), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2014 by Alan Feldman, “Love Poem,” from Immortality (University of Wisconsin Press,2015). Poem reprinted by permission of Alan Feldman and the publisher. Introduction copyright © 2017 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction's author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-06.


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – On Friday, Jan. 6, and Saturday, Jan. 7, the Clear Lake Cardinals entered wrestlers into two separate, two-day tournaments.

Five boys went to the Dennis Jensen Invitational in Middletown and eight girls to the 19th annual True Wrestler Napa Valley Girls Classic, held at Vintage High School.

At the Middletown tournament wrestlers competed in a round robin format the first day to determine seeding for the second day medal tournament. 

Justin Cantrell (152 lbs.) went 3-0 on day one with one pin and was the No. 1 seed. On day two he made the finals again, but lost an exciting triple overtime match by one point, taking the silver medal, going 2-1 with one pin.

Brandon Dickey (145 lbs.) went 1-2 with one pin on day one and on day two came back with a vengeance going 3-1 with three pins to win the bronze medal against a wrestler that had previously beaten him.

Frankie Sturr (132 lbs.) went 2-2 with one pin on day one and on day 2 was 1-2 with one pin to win a fourth place medal.

Ozod Ermatov (138 lbs.) was 2-2 on each day with one pin to win a fifth place medal and Hayden Eastham (126 lbs.) finished with a sixth place medal.

At  the prestigious Napa Valley Girls Tournament featured 120 teams and 620 wrestlers, and was loaded with state medalists, state qualifiers and section medalists.

Ashley Vasquez (189 lbs.) made it to the second day, going 1-2 with one pin. Mavis Pyorre (111 lbs.) went 2-2 and Shelby Butcher (189 lbs.) went 1-2 with one pin.

Also wrestling some hard-fought matches for the Cardinals were Mackenzie Markham (101 lbs.), Scarlett Ballard (121 lbs.), Merari Alvarez (160 lbs.), Samantha Bruno (235 lbs.) and Kally Vinson (235 lbs.).



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