Wednesday, 19 March 2025


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A nationwide shoe program is helping local children.

Church Women United, or CWU, is a national volunteer Christian ecumenical women's movement initiated and carried out by women in the United States and Puerto Rico since 1941.

In 1998, Natalie Mitchell of CWU was asked if she could sponsor shoes for children in need in Lake County. This was the beginning of the Natalie Mitchell Shoes for School Children Program. 

Lake County Council of Church Women United is the fundraising coordinator for this program, which since 2010 has provided shoes and socks to Lake County children, from birth to age 18.

The group is a nonprofit organization with no salary employees. All funds collected are used for the shoe program.

Church Women United provide gift certificates redeemable at Kmart on Main Street in Lakeport. 

Partnering with Healthy Start through the Lake County Office of Education, referrals from all Lake County schools are submitted to CWU for vouchers.

The organization's purpose is to provide shoes and socks to all needy school children.

With the recent fires, changes in households and or income, the challenges are numerous. The need for support is crucial to the well-being and emotional health of children at this time.

The organization is asking for the community's support.

Donations can be mailed to Lake County Council of Church Women United, P.O. Box 3104, Clearlake, CA 95422.

For more information call 707-799-6062.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – A series of workshop sessions designed to help individuals dealing with grief, loss and mourning is scheduled for Saturdays in February, Hospice Services of Lake County has announced.

The workshop is divided into four consecutive Saturday sessions starting Feb. 4.

The 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. classes will take place at the Bereavement Center on the Hospice campus, 1862 Parallel Drive.

There is a $25 material fee to cover resources, tools and materials included in the training. Each participant will receive a variety of printed materials and a DVD. 

Offered to community members who desire to be more knowledgeable and skillful in their relationships with those who are mourning, this workshop is designed to meet the variety of needs in the community, according to workshop facilitator Linda Laing, a licensed marriage and family therapist.

It is recommended for caregivers, counselors, human service professionals, volunteers and others interested in the topic.

The number of participant seats will be limited. Registration is recommended. Complimentary snacks and beverages will be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own lunches.

To register for the workshop, contact Laing by calling 707-263-6222 or sending an email to her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

“Supporting individuals who are mourning the loss of a loved one can be challenging, especially in Lake County where so many complicated deaths occur,” said Laing. “A deeper understanding of grief, coupled with enhanced skills, will help us reach out and comfort those that are grieving.”

Laing will lead participants through topics using a bereavement support group model including guided discussions, use of DVDs, and instruction.

“Discussions involving our collective experiences with death and dying will enrich the learning environment as we journey through this group process together,” said Laing.

Guest speakers will also present at workshop sessions. 

Laing is the director of Bereavement Services for Hospice Services of Lake County. She holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology and is a registered art therapist. She earned a certification in Death and Grief Studies under the supervision of Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt at the Center for Loss and Life Transition in Fort Collins, Colo.
For more information, call Hospice Services of Lake County, 707-263-6222. Visit the organization’s Web site at .


Seeing a stranger who reminds you of someone else, well, it happens to all of us.

After my father died I saw dozens of little old men in hats like he wore, on their way here and there, not quite my dad, but close.

Here Jonathan Bracker, who lives in San Francisco, sees for a moment someone he was once in love with.

His most recent collection of poems is “This Day” (WordTech Press, 2015).

Going Down

Going down the escalator
of the subway, I glanced across
and saw on the escalator's partner
rising up
someone who looked a bit like you but with hair
not so soft and clean and warm as yours
brushing against mine
on those rare occasions
when inadvertently our foreheads
neared, making me wish it to stay.

We were not physical lovers
and never could have been.
But we were close. Moved three states away,
married happily or not, you are now
only a person I may hope to meet
momentarily, and not really then: merely
in my mind, because of what I chance to see.
But I am not unhappy about this
or think that I am not. Because of your hair.
Because of your beautiful hair.

American Life in Poetry does not accept unsolicited submissions. It is made possible by The Poetry Foundation ( ), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright© 2016 by Jonathan Bracker, “Going Down." Poem reprinted by permission of Jonathan Bracker. Introduction copyright © 2017 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction's author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.

While performing traffic enforcement during school hours in the areas surrounding the Lakeport schools, I have been noticing numerous traffic infractions being committed in the area.

During the subsequent traffic stops, it seems as if many of the students as well as the parents are not informed on the new cell phone regulations.

As of Jan. 1, it is illegal to hold and operate electronic devices, including smart phones, while driving. Such devices can still be used by drivers, but there are new restrictions.

First, the device must be mounted on the dash, the center console or in one of the lower corners of the windshield. It cannot be placed anywhere that impairs a driver’s view or blocks the possible deployment of airbags.

Second, drivers must use hands-free technology, such as voice command or Bluetooth. If they have to touch a screen, the new law only allows for “the motion of a single swipe or tap of the driver’s finger.”
Only drivers 18 or older can use hands-free devices; drivers under 18 cannot. It’s also still illegal for drivers to send text messages.

If the cellular device is in your hand for any reason you could be subject to a citation. The base fine for a first violation is $20 and $50 for any subsequent violations.

It is also classified as a moving violation and will result in one point on your driving record and possibly a higher insurance cost.

I will be in the area patrolling the school specifically looking for cell phone violations, seat belts, stop sign violations and any other dangerous driving violations.

So please remember to buckle up and stay off your phone. I will be issuing citations for these violations.

If students or parents have any questions, concerns or need any further explanation please feel free to contact me anytime in my office at Clear Lake High School.

Officer Dustin Roderick is the school resource officer for the Lakeport Unified School District in Lakeport, Calif.


UPPER LAKE, Calif. – Lake County Wine Studio is hosting a wine release party and artist show reception with Andy and Shannon Pestoni of Jelly Jar Wines and artist, Bonnie Sears on Friday, Feb. 3, from 5 to 8 p.m., and Saturday, Feb. 4, from 4 to 7 p.m.
The $15 ($12.50/per person for studio club members) wine sampler and appetizers by Chic Le Chef will showcase Jelly Jar 2013 Hearsay White Blend (Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc and Muscat) paired with herb goat cheese with fresh thyme and toasted almond crostini, 2016 Sauvignon Blanc with a salad of house smoked salmon, grapefruit, avocado and cucumber on won ton chip, 2016 Rosé with a roast chicken slider, and the 2014 Old Vine Zinfandel with five spice beef skewers with roasted butternut squash, ginger and garlic purée.

Andy Pestoni is a fourth generation winemaker whose great-grandfather, Albino Pestoni, came from Italy with his family and settled in St. Helena in the late 1890s. Making wine was part of their heritage.

Backyard vineyards were planted and family members were enlisted to harvest and crush grapes. They crafted food-friendly wines to enjoy around the family table – most often out of jelly jars.

Pestoni worked harvests at Beaulieu Vineyard while attending college and then went on to work in the cellar at Ferrari-Carrano in Sonoma County for several years.

When his father and uncle bought a winery in the town of Rutherford they asked Pestoni to join them to launch their new family winery. Pestoni became the winemaker at Rutherford Grove Winery & Vineyards in 1996.

In 2005, Pestoni and his wife Shannon founded Jelly Jar Wines, a family endeavor marking a return to early California winemaking and their family heritage, and together they handle every aspect of production from start to finish.

Jelly Jar Wines are made with Lake County wine grapes from single vineyard sites Pestoni has personally chosen for their unique character, which he crafts into food-friendly wines to be enjoyed with family and friends.

Artist Bonnie Sears returns to the Wine Studio with a showing of her photography.  A California native raised in Santa Rosa, Sears has lived in Lake County for 30-plus years and loves photographing the beautiful landscape.

When she is not at work at Beckstoffer Vineyards or volunteering as a member and officer of organizations such as the Lake County Winegrape Commission and California Women for Agriculture, she is often out and about enjoying Lake County at its finest.

Sears first began snapping photos with a point-shoot-click camera in the early 70s. It was her mom that saw the potential and purchased Sears her first SLR camera.

In 2010 she explored new ideas and information on photography at workshops hosted by Warren Photography in Lakeport, and then armed with a new camera, she has been finding beautiful scenes, flora, fauna and capturing special moments in time.

Lake County Wine Studio is a gallery for display of arts and a tasting room, wine bar and retail shop for the fine wines of Lake County.

Artist's shows are held on a monthly basis with art and wine receptions held the first Friday and subsequent Saturday of each month.
The gallery is located at 9505 Main St. in Upper Lake. It is open Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 7 p.m., and Friday from 1 to 8 p.m.

The Sears art show will be on display for the full month of February.

For more information call Lake County Wine Studio at 707-275-8030 or 707-293-8752.


Scuba diving through MPAs with lobsters in possession

Question: If a scuba diver legally enters an area for lobster, proceeds to catch lobster in that area but then is unable to exit the water safely, could they surface swim through a Marine Protected Area (MPA) zone with their catch and exit legally? (Tom)

Answer: Yes, the diver can swim through but should make sure they are clearly not actively hunting for lobsters.

For example, if when kicking in on the surface and are right in close to the rocks, they then stop and shine their lights into holes or reach into holes, they may appear to be hunting for lobsters.

If they have lobsters in their possession and a warden determines they are attempting to hunt, pursue, catch, capture or kill any lobster, they may be issued a citation for fishing in an MPA.

“Spear fishermen with or without catch shall be allowed to transit through MPAs and MMAs. While transiting MPAs and MMAs that prohibit spearfishing or while in possession of species not identified as allowed for take in the MPA or MMA being transited, spearfishing gear shall be in an unloaded condition, not carried in hand, and the diver shall remain at the surface” (California Code of Regulations Title 14, section 632(a)(8)).

Hunting with an atlatl (spear thrower)?

Question: Is it legal to use an Atlatl, or spear thrower, to hunt game animals in California? If it is legal, what are the regulations for their use? (Charlie)

Answer: No, a spear thrower is not legal to use. Only methods defined in the 2016-2017 California Mammal Hunting Regulations booklet for the take of small game (CCR Title 14, section 311, on page 26) and for big game (CCR Title 14, section 353, beginning on page 27) may be used.

Personal limits versus boat limits?

Question: When on a boat with a group of fishermen, does the bag limit apply to the boat (as I believe I’ve read in the statutes and have seen on party boats) or does it mean that anyone catching their limit must stop fishing altogether?

I ask because we were ordered off the water when some wardens told us one of our friends could no longer be out there with us since his gear was still in the boat and he was considered to still be fishing. He was the only one with a limit.

Also, since fresh and saltwater regulations are slightly different, where in your regs are the lines of demarcation for San Francisco Bay? (Jerry Z.)

Answer: Boat limits apply to anyone fishing aboard a boat in ocean waters off California or in the San Francisco Bay (CCR Title 14, section 27.60(c)). Boat limits allow fishing by all licensed persons aboard until boat limits of finfish are taken and possessed aboard the vessel. Boat limits do not apply to sturgeon, shellfish or when fishing in inland waters.

“The San Francisco Bay is the waters of San Francisco and San Pablo bays, plus all their tidal bays, sloughs, estuaries and tidal portions of their rivers and streams between the Golden Gate Bridge and the west Carquinez Bridge. For purposes of this section, waters downstream of the Trancas Bridge on the Napa River, downstream of Highway 121 Bridge on Sonoma Creek and downstream of the Payran Street Bridge on the Petaluma River are tidal portions of the Napa River, Sonoma Creek and Petaluma River, respectively” (CCR Title 14, section 27.00).

“Inland waters are all the fresh, brackish and inland saline waters of the state, including lagoons and tidewaters upstream from the mouths of coastal rivers and streams. Inland waters exclude the waters of San Francisco Bay and the waters of Elkhorn Slough, west of Elkhorn Road between Castroville and Watsonville” (CCR Title 14, section 1.53).

When fishing in inland waters, bag limits apply to each individual angler and not to the boat as a whole.

Bear skin rug and Alaskan whale bone carving for sale

Question: I have a bear skin rug, along with the head, that was the property of my mother-in-law. We also have a whale bone carving from an Alaskan artist. These are not things we wish to hold on to.

Is there any way to sell these items in another state (outside of California) even though we live in California? What are the other options? (Kathy S.)

Answer: Regarding your bear skin rug, it is “unlawful to sell or purchase, or possess for sale, the meat, skin, hide, teeth, claws or other parts of any bear in this state (Fish and Game Code, section 4758). And as far as the whale bone carving, “it is unlawful to sell or purchase a bird or mammal found in the wild in California” (FGC, section 3039).

So, if your carving comes from a whale that occurs in California waters, it may not be sold in the state.

While neither of these laws apply to transactions taking place entirely outside of California, you are encouraged to consult the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine if any federal laws may apply.

Carrie Wilson is a marine environmental scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. While she cannot personally answer everyone’s questions, she will select a few to answer each week in this column. Please contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


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