- Elizabeth Larson
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Supervisors to discuss roads and law enforcement sales tax proposals
The board will meet beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17, in the board chambers on the first floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.
The meeting can be watched live on Channel 8 and online. Accompanying board documents, the agenda and archived board meeting videos also are available at that link.
After discussing a road sales tax measure at its meeting last week, the board at 11 a.m. will again take up that item again as well as get a report from Lake County Deputy Sheriff's Association President John Drewrey regarding the group’s plans for a sales tax measure to support law enforcement.
In other business, at 9:30 a.m. the board will discuss and give possible direction to staff concerning retail uses, formula and/or box store zoning and at 2 p.m. will discuss and review of use permit conditions pertaining to RV parks.
The full agenda follows.
5.1: Adopt proclamation recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month in Lake County.
5.2: Approve the minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting held July 16 and July 23, 2019.
5.3: Approve the amended county vehicle policy in concept, directing Human Resources to meet and confer with the appropriate bargaining units.
5.4: Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Contract between the county of Lake and Granicus Inc. for agenda management and government transparency services in the amount of $20,441.27, and authorize the chair to sign.
5.5: (a) Adopt resolution amending Resolution No. 2019-80 Establishing temporary position allocations for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020, Budget Unit No. 1123, Assessor; (b) authorize to appoint David Schwenger as interim assistant assessor-recorder; and (c) authorize to appoint Lan Dia Janakes as interim chief deputy assessor-recorder – valuations.
5.6: Adopt resolution fixing tax rates for Fiscal Year 2019/20.
5.7: Approve reissuance of tax refund checks in the amounts of $19.92 and $42.82, issued to Stephen Phipps on May 14, 2012.
5.8: Adopt proclamation designating the month of September 2019 as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month.
5.9: Approve advance step 5 increase of Paul Donovan in the position of Mental Health Specialist II.
5.10: Approve the agreement between the county of Lake and Redwood Community Services Inc. Tule House for substance use disorder perinatal residential services for Fiscal Year 2019-20 for services rendered in Fiscal Year 2018-19 in the amount of $55,430 and authorize the chair to sign the agreement.
5.11: (a) Waive the formal bidding process, pursuant to the Lake County Code Section 38.2, as it is not in the public interest due to the unique nature of goods or services; and (b) approve the agreement between the county of Lake and Konocti Senior Support Inc. for senior support counseling services for Fiscal Year 2019-20 for a contract maximum of $108,378 and authorize the board chair to sign the agreement.
5.12: (a) Waive the formal bidding process, pursuant to the Lake County Code Section 38.2, as it is not in the public interest due to the unique nature of goods or services; and (b) approve the agreement between the county of Lake and Hardeep Singh, MD to fulfill the responsibilities of the substance use disorder medical director for Fiscal Year 2019-20 for a contract maximum of $90,000 and authorize the board chair to sign.
5.13: Sitting as Lake County Sanitation District, Board of Directors (a) waive the competitive bidding process, pursuant to Lake County Code Section 2-38.2, based on the determination that competitive bidding would produce no economic benefit to the county; and (b) authorize Special Districts administrator/assistant purchasing agent to issue a purchase order not to exceed $127,726.00 to R.F. MacDonald for a New 4 Stage Assembly.
5.14: Approve equitable sharing agreement and certification between the county of Lake Sheriff's Office and the US Department of Justice; and authorize the sheriff and chair to sign.
5.15: Sitting as the Lake County Watershed Protection District Board of Directors, adopt a resolution to accept grant funds from UC Davis California for laboratory analysis for sediment nutrient samples.
5.16: Sitting as the Lake County Watershed Protection District Board of Directors (a) waive the formal bidding process, pursuant to Lake County Code Section 38.2, as it is not in the public interest due to the unique nature of the goods or services and; (b) approve the agreement between the county of Lake and Paragon Partners Ltd.in the amount of $103,400 for property acquisition services for the Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration Project and authorize the chair of the board of directors to sign the agreement.
5.17: Approve leave of absence request for Substance Abuse Counselor III Leroy Fields, from Sept. 16, 2019, through Nov. 21, 2019, and authorize the chair to sign.
5.18: Adopt a resolution amending Resolution No. 2019-80 establishing position allocations for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, Budget Unit 8695, Special Districts Administration.
6.2, 9:10 a.m.: (a) Presentation of proclamation designating the month of September 2019 as National Alcohol and Drug Recovery Month in Lake County; and (b) presentation of proclamation recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month in Lake County.
6.3, 9:15 a.m.: Sitting as the Lake County Watershed Protection District Board of Directors, (a) consideration of a resolution approving an agreement between the county of Lake, Lake County Watershed Protection District, city of Clearlake and city of Lakeport for the implementation and maintenance of the Lake County Clean Water Program; (b) designating a member of the Lake County Board of Supervisors to act as the county’s authorized representative to the Clean Water Program Management Council, and authorize an additional member of the Board of Supervisors to serve as an alternate; and (c) approval for the director of Water Resources to be the designated representative, and appoint an alternate, for the district.
6.4, 9:30 a.m.: Discussion and possible direction to staff concerning retail uses, formula and/or box store zoning.
6.5, 10:30 a.m.: Discussion regarding the process for tax defaulted land sales and tax defaulted land sale No. 157 which is Tentatively Scheduled for March 2020.
6.6, 11 a.m.: Addendum, (a) report from Lake County Deputy Sheriff's Association, or LCDSA, President John Drewrey regarding LCDSA plans for a sales tax measure to support law enforcement; and (b) continued from Sept. 10, discussion and direction about seeking to offer voters the ability to vote on a sales tax measure to improve roads.
6.7, 1 p.m.: Workshop, broadband Internet presentation by the Upstate California Connect Consortium for broadband Internet connectivity.
6.8, 2 p.m.: Discussion and review of use permit conditions pertaining to RV parks.
7.2: Consideration of resolution approving proposed revisions to the Golden State Finance Authority Joint Powers Agreement.
7.3: Discussion and consideration of an agreement to purchase tax defaulted property by and between the county of Lake and the Konocti County Water District.
7.4: Consideration of Change Order No. Four for Upper Lake pedestrian improvements for Upper Lake High, Middle and Elementary Schools Project, State Project No. ATPL-5914(103); Bid No. 18-11, for an increase of $9,334.11 and a revised contract amount of $412,458.54.
7.5: Consideration of Change Order No. Five for Upper Lake pedestrian improvements for Upper Lake High, Middle and Elementary Schools Project, State Project No. ATPL-5914(103); Bid No. 18-11, for an increase of $35,669.23 and a revised contract amount of $448,127.77.
7.6: Consideration of changes to the In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee bylaws.
8.1: Conference with legal counsel: Decision whether to initiate litigation pursuant to Gov. Code section 54956.9(d)(4): One potential case.
8.2, 3 p.m.: Public employee appointment pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957(b)(1): Interviews of Public Health officer.
Email Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.com. Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.