Saturday, 08 March 2025



LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A Homeland Security grant has provided the Northshore Dive Team with several new pieces of important equipment to use in recovery and rescue operations in local waters.

Northshore Fire Capt. John Rodriguez said the team received the $16,000 grant at the end of December.

Diver Keith Hoyt said Willie Sapeta, Lake County's interim Office of Emergency Services coordinator and – beginning in January – the new Lake County Fire Protection chief, was important in the work of securing the grant.

In early January the team purchased the new equipment, Rodriguez said.

The new items include two air bags that can be inflated with scuba tanks, each with the capacity to lift 2,000 pounds underwater. Hoyt said the bags can be used to lift sunken cars or other vehicles out of a lake or other water body.

Rodriguez said the team also purchased four complete face mask sets that allow the divers to talk to each other, and their surface team, wirelessly. Recently the team has been practicing with the masks at the Westshore Pool in Lakeport.

In addition, they purchased hardwired communication ropes and an accompanying Aquacom communications box that also can be used for diver-to-surface and diver-to-diver communication.

In fact, Rodriguez said the special rope allows divers to speak to each other and the surface at the same time – a kind of underwater conference call.

In a practice this past Saturday in Nice, the team tried out the hardwired communication rope for the first time.

It went great. It went even better than expected,” said Rodriguez

The grant is a major development for the team, which has been in existence for eight years and now has a total of nine members – five divers and four “tenders” who work on shore to assist the divers.

The entire team is swift water certified, with all of the divers having gone through a public safety diving course, Rodriguez said.

Team members are first responders whenever water-related incidents are reported – whether it's collisions involving vehicles going into one of the local lakes or a missing swimmer, he said.

They've worked on recovery missions in Clear Lake, Blue Lakes, Hidden Valley Lake and Lake Pillsbury, and also have assisted with operations in the Ukiah area, Rodriguez said.

We respond to any of the lakes in Lake County,” he said.

During the team's eight-year existence, it's been supported mostly through donations and the team's beer booth at the annual Wild West Day in Upper Lake, according to Rodriguez. At the upcoming Wild West Day all of the new gear will be on display.

He said all donations go toward gear and training.

The team normally trains the first Friday and third Sunday of every month, Rodriguez said.

Donations can be made to the team at Northshore Fire Protection District's main office in Lucerne, located at 6257 Seventh Ave., telephone 707-274-3100.

Visit the team's Facebook page at!/pages/Northshore-Dive-Team/289897949089 .

Email Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .




Almost all the sediment-associated chemical concentrations found in 131 of the nation's rivers that drain to the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf Coasts are lower than worldwide averages, according to a new study by the U.S. Geological Survey.

These coastal rivers are a significant pathway for the delivery of sediment-associated chemicals to the world’s coastal zones and oceans.  

"I hope that the results of this new study will remind everyone that it is not only river water that can transport chemicals and pollutants, but also the associated sediment load," said USGS Director Marcia McNutt. "Our citizens expect high environmental quality as compared with worldwide averages, but clean water alone will not suffice if river sediments are host to toxic heavy metals and concentrated organics that can produce dead zones."

Though overall levels are better than worldwide averages, about half the rivers draining to the Atlantic Ocean have elevated concentrations of nutrients and trace and major elements in their sediment. About a quarter of the rivers draining to the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico also have elevated levels.  

"Suspended sediment and sediment-associated chemical concentrations and transport are not well quantified in most U.S. coastal rivers." said Dr. Arthur J. Horowitz, USGS research chemist and lead author on the study. "This study is the most comprehensive study to date that documents the chemical make-up of sediment in coastal rivers across the entire nation, and serves as a baseline comparison for understanding whether conditions are improving or getting worse. These baselines also may be used in the future to assess the impacts of climate change."

The U.S. coastal zone is a major economic resource and has substantial esthetic value. At the same time, these waters are under considerable environmental pressure from increasing population densities, urbanization, and various forms of commercial exploitation.  

Historically, sediment erosion and flow was viewed solely as a physical, engineering issue. Sediment-associated chemical quality has added a major new driver for monitoring suspended sediment.  

Suspended sediment in rivers often accounts for a significant portion of the chemical constituents transported downstream to coastal zones and oceans.

For example, in the Mississippi River Basin, suspended sediment accounts for the annual transport of at least 75 percent of the nutrient phosphorus, other major elements and trace elements, 50 percent of the carbon and 30 percent of the nitrogen delivered to the Gulf of Mexico.

This study examined concentrations and annual fluxes for trace elements, major elements and total nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, organic carbon, inorganic carbon, and sulfur for 131 coastal river basins.

Other major findings include:

  • Elevated concentrations of trace elements like copper, zinc, lead and mercury frequently occur in association with present or former industrial areas and urban centers, particularly along the northeast Atlantic coast.
  • Elevated carbon and nutrient concentrations occur in sediment all along both the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, but primarily occur in rivers in the urban Northeast and Southeast, as well as in Gulf Coast “blackwater” streams, which are loaded with organic matter, because they drain swamps and marshes.
  • Elevated calcium, manganese, potassium, and sodium distributions tend to reflect local geology, whereas elevated titanium, sulfur, iron and aluminum concentrations are ubiquitous, possibly because they have substantial natural, as well as anthropogenic, sources.

This study was completed as part of the USGS Climate and Land Use Change Mission Area.


CLEARLAKE, Calif. – Lake County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Task Force detectives arrested two Clearlake residents this week after findings drugs, paraphernalia and weapons at the home they shared.

Ricky Lawrence Bryan, 52, a truck driver, and 67-year-old Janie Lou Easterbrook, a rancher, both from Clearlake, were arrested following a warrant search on Wednesday, April 4, according to Sgt. John Gregore of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

Gregore said Lake County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Task Force detectives secured a search warrant for the home and person of Bryan this past Tuesday. They served it at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday and contacted Bryan as he was driving to his home.

Bryan had $3,360 in currency in his wallet and pockets. Gregore said narcotics detectives also found evidence related to drug sales in text messages on Bryan’s phone.

Narcotics detectives located glass pipes used to smoke methamphetamine, a small bag with suspected Oxycontin pills and a digital scale with suspected methamphetamine residue in Bryan’s bedroom, Gregore said.

The detectives also located a loaded stainless steel Smith and Wesson .357 revolver under the cushion of a chair in the room, according to Gregore.

He said the detectives found a small amount of suspected methamphetamine in a room belonging to Easterbrook.

In addition, approximately 5 ounces of suspected methamphetamine were found in the garage of the residence, Gregore said.

Gregore said Bryan’s currency and his burgundy Corvette were seized by narcotics detectives at the scene for possible asset forfeiture proceedings.

Bryan was arrested for possession of a controlled substance for sales, felon in possession of a firearm, possession of a narcotic controlled substance and felon in possession of ammunition. Gregore said the sheriff's Web site lists an incorrect subsection stating ammunition sales to a minor on Bryan's booking sheet.

Jail records showed Bryan remained in custody on Saturday on a no-bail hold.

Easterbrook was arrested for possession of a controlled substance for sale, with bail set at $25,000. She later posted bail and was released, according to jail records.

Bryan also was arrested by narcotics detectives at his home in February, as Lake County News has reported.

At the time of his February arrest, detectives found drugs, currency, a loaded .22 caliber pistol and paraphernalia, officials reported.


HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE, Calif. – The Hidden Valley Lake Community Services District Board of Director has dismissed the district's longtime manager and is now working to secure an interim manager while the recruitment process moves forward.

The district provides sewer and water to the Hidden Valley Lake community's estimated 7,000 residents.

At a special meeting held March 20, the board went into closed session and emerged to announce that General Manager Mel Aust “will be dismissed for cause, effective immediately,” by a unanimous vote of the board, according to board documents.

Aust recently had overseen a nearly $2 million solar project for the district's water reclamation plant, as Lake County News has reported.

According to State Controller John Chiang's Web site tracking local government pay rates, Aust's salary in 2010 had been $184,424, making him one of the highest paid officials in the county at that time.

Finding Aust's successor has been the topic of several special board of directors' meetings since late March.

On March 24, the board discussed a possible succession plan, a discussion held over to the board's next special meeting on March 28, at which time board members also discussed hiring a temporary general manager.

Last Thursday, April 5, following a closed session, the board announced that it had agreed on a short list of candidates from among the resumes board members reviewed for the interim general manager position, according to district documents.


I conducted a little survey on Facebook recently.

Since two major holidays are celebrated this time of year – Easter and Passover – I asked which fruit, veggie, nut, grain, herb or spice comes to mind when they think of the holiday they celebrate.

Of the dozens of varied answers, three people mentioned cloves.

Readers who cook a traditional Easter ham today will have homes smelling deliciously of clove if they’ve studded the meat with this powerful spice.

Other than eyesight, smell is arguably the most powerful human sense.

A whiff of a passing fragrance can evoke strong memories from the past, and cloves, with their strong and pleasant scent, are no doubt responsible for many.

Cloves are the dried buds of an evergreen tree native to the Maluku (formerly Spice) Islands of Indonesia.

The immature flowers begin light pink in color and later turn bright red, which is when they’re harvested.

The name derives from a Latin word, clavus, meaning nail. The buds do resemble small, irregularly shaped nails, and the stem end is sharp enough to pierce meat and the flesh of fruit.

Cloves were highly prized in Roman times, and there are records from ancient China indicating that courtiers placed cloves in their mouths when addressing the emperor so as not to offend him with their breath.

This spice is beloved around the world and has been part of the cuisine of many a nation since ancient times.

Cloves are popular as a flavoring in the cuisines of both northern and southern India. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of recipes for the northern Indian spice blend, garam masala, but cloves will nearly always be a component.

Dried cloves are a key ingredient in masala chai, a spiced Indian tea that was the inspiration for the chai tea sold in the U.S., which also contains cloves.

In Vietnamese cuisine, cloves often are used to flavor the broth of Pho, a noodle dish.

In Mexico, cloves are most often used in combination with cinnamon and cumin to season savory dishes.

Because the Dutch at one time controlled the Indonesian spice trade, cloves are used in the Netherlands on a widespread basis, including in cheese and traditional stews and to flavor speculoos, a shortcrust biscuit traditionally served at Christmas.

In Europe and the U.S., cloves are perhaps most often used in sweet foods, such as gingerbread or pumpkin pie.

Chinese five-spice powder, the only spice blend used in China, is a combination of cloves, cinnamon, fennel, star anise and Szechuan pepper.

A variety of other spice blends rely on cloves, such as quatre epice (four spices in French), which contains white peppercorns, nutmeg and ginger in addition to cloves.

Quartre epice is used to flavor charcuterie such as sausages or terrines, or to add peppery spice to beef stews cooked with red wine. A sweet version contains allspice in place of peppercorns and is used in rich cakes and puddings.

Cloves add flavor to bean and lentil dishes, pickled beets, pork roasts, cranberry sauce, mulled cider or wine, chutney, and a variety of other foods.

They pack a strong flavor punch, so it’s not necessary to use many when cooking, whether in whole or powdered form. A few whole cloves or a pinch of powder will usually do the trick. The longer they stand in warm foods, the more intense their flavor grows.

Tom Stobart, author of “The Cook’s Encyclopedia” (1980), says that the addition of a clove to beef stock or to a stew gives it a richness whose source will be unidentified.

He opines, “As a flavoring, cloves are best when kept below the level of recognition.”

I can agree with this! An otherwise perfectly beautiful stew was ruined the other evening by overly strong clove flavor when I added too many to the pot. (One or two would’ve done the trick, but I added three or four.)

Try studding a clove or two into a generous slice of orange peel as a secret flavoring for the next beef stew you cook. (But don’t make my mistake and go overboard.)

Another thing: Since whole cloves don’t dissolve in liquid, it’s a good idea to utilize a “vehicle” for cloves when flavoring dishes with them for easy removal.

For savory dishes such as stews, soups, or broths, a whole, peeled onion can be studded with them.

They can be inserted into the rind of orange slices for hot cider or mulled wine. This helps one avoid biting into a whole clove when dining, which can be an unpleasant experience.

Cloves are considered a nutrient dense spice, full of phytonutrients (nutrients derived from plant material that have been shown to be necessary for sustaining human life), as well as traditionally-recognized nutrients like manganese, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin K, dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium.

They’ve been used in medicinal applications throughout the world since ancient times, such as in Indian Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines.

Modern scientific research has shown them to be an effective anti-inflammatory, thanks to their active component, eugenol.

Eugenol also has anti-microbial properties, and is a mild anesthetic. For these reasons, this compound is used in a variety of applications in dentistry, as well as an ingredient in mouthwashes and throat sprays.

Studies also indicate this component of cloves may be effective in the prevention of toxicity from certain environment pollutants, digestive tract cancers, and joint inflammation.

The flavor in whole cloves typically lasts longer than when it’s ground, and airtight containers help preserve its pungency in either case.

Interestingly, if whole cloves are fresh, they’ll float vertically in a cup of water. Stale cloves will typically sink or float horizontally.

There are many interesting recipes that include cloves, and today I’ve included two, a sweet one, chocolate spice cookies, and a savory one, curried chickpea salad. I hope you enjoy them.

And before I go, did you know Clove Chewing Gum, made by Adams, first came to market during Prohibition? It became popular as a breath freshener to cover the smell of alcohol.

Perhaps they got their inspiration from the courtiers in the Chinese emperor’s court.

Curried chickpea salad

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

2 onions, medium sized, minced

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 teaspoons fresh ginger root, finely chopped

6 whole cloves

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground coriander

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon ground turmeric

2 – 15 ounce cans garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed

¼ cup water

Salt to taste

1 cup chopped fresh cilantro

Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium heat, and fry onions until tender.

Stir in garlic, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, cumin, coriander, cayenne and turmeric. Cook for one minute over medium heat, stirring constantly.

Mix in garbanzo beans and the water. Continue to cook and stir until all ingredients are well blended and heated through. Add salt to taste and remove whole cloves.

Remove from heat. Stir in cilantro just before serving, reserving one tablespoon for garnish.

This salad is wonderful when served slightly warm. It may also be served cold.

Esther’s note: To peel ginger before mincing, use the back of a spoon, which can easily navigate the bumps and knobs on the root.

This recipe is courtesy of “Cookography” at .

Chocolate spice cookies

½ cup natural cocoa powder (not Dutch cocoa)

2/3 cup unbleached all-purpose flour

¼ cup granulated sugar

½ cup finely ground almonds

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon ground cloves

1 teaspoon baking soda

¼ cup honey

¼ cup molasses

¼ cup dry red wine (or water)

For glaze:

1 cup confectioner’s sugar

¼ cup water

Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

Blend cocoa powder, flour, sugar, almonds, spices and baking soda. Mix lightly to combine.

Add honey, molasses and wine, and mix until a smooth, sticky dough forms. Allow to stand for one minute to absorb the liquid, then refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Turn the dough onto a generously floured surface, and pat into a 6 x 10-inch rectangle about ¼ inch thick. Flour the dough lightly, and roll it once or twice with a rolling pin to even it out.

Cut the dough into 2-inch squares. With a dry pastry brush, wipe off any excess flour.

Line a sheet pan with parchment paper or a silicone liner, and transfer squares to the pan. Bake for 15 minutes.

Remove pan from oven and let sit for one minute. Then, lift the parchment paper (with the cookies on it) and place it on a cooling rack.

While the cookies are still warm, combine confectioner’s sugar and ¼ cup water in a small bowl. Stir until smooth to make a glaze. Paint the surface of each cookie using a pastry brush; the glaze will soak in. In a minute or two, paint on a second coat of glaze.

Allow the cookies to cool completely; they will remain chewy on the inside.

This recipe makes 15 cookies. Leftovers should be stored in an airtight container.

Esther’s note: To grind almonds, use a coffee grinder dedicated for cooking purposes (such as for grinding spices) or a food processor. Be careful not to over grind into almond butter.

Recipe is courtesy of “The Perfect Pantry” at .

Esther Oertel, a freelance writer, cooking teacher, and speaker, is passionate about local produce and all foods in the vegetable kingdom. She welcomes your questions and comments and may be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

LAKEPORT, Calif. – It's nonstop action for these two little female pups.

The girls, now about 12 weeks old, are border collie mixes.

They came to the shelter with their mom, Delilah.

Both of the girls have short coats; one is chocolate colored, the other is black. They are expected to be medium-sized dogs like their mom.

The puppies also have been spayed.

They are in kennel No. 25, ID No. 32045.

Lake County Animal Care and Control is located at 4949 Helbush in Lakeport, next to the Hill Road Correctional Facility.

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday. The shelter is open from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and on Saturday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Visit the shelter online at .

To fill out an adoption application online visit .

For more information call Lake County Animal Care and Control at 707-263-0278.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – Looking for a new companion? Now is a good time to find one.

Lake County Animal Care and Control has a full house of puppies and adult dogs needing a new home to call their own.

Thanks to Lake County Animal Care and Control’s new veterinary clinic, many of the animals offered for adoption already are spayed or neutered and ready to go home with their new families.

Dogs that are adopted from Lake County Animal Care and Control are either neutered or spayed, microchipped and, if old enough, given a rabies shot and county license before being released to their new owner. License fees do not apply to residents of the cities of Lakeport or Clearlake.

If you're looking for a new companion, visit the shelter. There are many great pets hoping you'll choose them.

The following dogs at the Lake County Animal Care and Control shelter have been cleared for adoption (additional dogs on the animal control Web site not listed are still “on hold”).



“Hooch” is a 10-month-old male pit bull terrier mix.

He came to the shelter as a stray. He had been with another dog that had been hit and killed by a car. Hooch stayed by his friend's side all night in the pouring rain, shelter staff reported.

Hooch is about 70 pounds, has a short, chocolate-colored coat and is not yet neutered.

He is a “low energy” dog and loves to be with other canines.

He's in kennel No. 27, ID No. 32256.



“Lobo” is a 1 and a half year old male German Shepherd mix.

He is a very active dog who loves to play ball; shelter staff said he would play ball all day long if he could.

Lobo has lived with kids cats and other dogs, and is neutered.

Find him in kennel No. 33, ID No. 32234.


Heeler-border collie mix

This male blue heeler-border collie mix is 8 months old.

He is black and tan in color, weighs just under 35 pounds and has been neutered.

This pup must have a home with other dogs, and a big yard to run. He has a moderate energy level and enjoys playing.

Find him in kennel No. 7, ID No. 32009.



“Ike” is a 6-year-old male German Shepherd mix.

He weighs nearly 79 pounds, and has a long black and tan coat.

Shelter staff said Ike is great with other dogs, large and small. He is a low energy, well mannered canine who also has lived with horses.

Find Ike in kennel No. 11, ID No. 32187.


Female shepherd mix

This 10-month-old female shepherd mix is ready for a new home.

She is about 66 pounds, has a long coat and is not yet spayed.

She was found with an old injury to her front left leg. Although she is quiet and mellow she seems to get by just fine and loves to play with other dogs her size, but may be too rough for small dogs.

Find her in kennel No. 28, ID No. 32270.


Female lab-shepherd mix puppy

This female Labrador Retriever-shepherd mix puppy is 8 weeks old.

She has black coloring and is not yet altered.

Find her in kennel No. 17d, ID No. 32265.


Female lab-shepherd mix puppy

This female puppy, also a Labrador Retriever-shepherd mix, is 8 weeks old.

She is not yet altered. She has a short, black coat.

She is in kennel No. 17c, ID No. 32264.


Female lab-shepherd mix puppy

This female Labrador Retriever-shepherd mix puppy is 8 weeks old.

She has a short, reddish coat and is not yet spayed.

She is in kennel No. 17b, ID No. 32263.


Labrador Retriever-Shar Pei puppy

This male Labrador Retriever-Shar Pei mix puppy is 8 weeks old.

He has black and tan coloring and is not yet neutered.

Find him in kennel No. 17a, ID No. 32260.


Male Labrador Retriever-Shepherd puppy

This 8-week-old puppy is a Labrador Retriever-shepherd mix.

He has a short dark coat, and is not yet neutered.

Find him in kennel No. 16e, ID No. 32262.


Male Labrador Retriever-Shepherd puppy

This male puppy is a Labrador Retriever-Shepherd mix.

He is 8 weeks old and is not yet altered.

He is in kennel No. 16d, ID No. 32261.          


Male Labrador Retriever-Shepherd puppy

This male puppy is a Labrador Retriever-Shepherd mix.

He is 8 weeks old has black and tan coloring. He is not yet altered.

He is in kennel No. 16c, ID No. 32259.          


Male Labrador Retriever-Shepherd puppy

This male Labrador Retriever-Shepherd mix puppy is 8 weeks old.

He has black and tan coloring and is not yet altered.

He is in kennel No. 16b, ID No. 32258.


Labrador Retriever-Shar Pei mix

This male Labrador Retriever-Shar Pei mix is 8 weeks old.

He has a short black and tan coat, and is not yet neutered.

Find him in kennel No. 16a, ID No. 32257.


Border collie mix pup

This female border collie mix puppy is 12 weeks old.

She has black coloring, a short coat and has been spayed, and weighs about 12 pounds.

She's full of energy and looking for a good home.

She's in kennel No. 15b, ID No. 32048.


Border collie mix pup

This 12-week-old female border collie mix puppy is the sister to the puppy in kennel No. 15b.

She is around 11 pounds, has chocolate coloring and a short coat, and has been spayed.

Both she and her sister are expected to be medium-sized dogs.

Find her in kennel No. 15a, ID No. 32045.

Adoptable dogs also can be seen at or at .

Please note: Dogs listed at the shelter's Web page that are said to be “on hold” are not yet cleared for adoption.

To fill out an adoption application online visit .

Lake County Animal Care and Control is located at 4949 Helbush in Lakeport, next to the Hill Road Correctional Facility.

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday. The shelter is open from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and on Saturday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Visit the shelter online at .

For more information call Lake County Animal Care and Control at 707-263-0278.


CLEARLAKE, Calif. – The upcoming Heron Festival slated for Saturday, May 5, at Redbud Park in Clearlake, offers a unique opportunity for visitors to travel in to Anderson Marsh on pontoon boats and enjoy excellent speakers and presentations, including one by renowned wildlife photographer Phillip Greene.

The annual Heron Festival, presented by the Redbud Audubon Society, is returning to the south part of Clear Lake this year, where it was born 18 years ago.

Pontoon Boat passengers will enjoy a wonderful trip on Cache Creek, through Anderson Marsh, to view great-blue herons, egrets, and much more including double-crested cormorant and osprey, Western and Clark’s grebes and a variety of other ducks.

Each boat carries about 10 people and is accompanied by an experienced Redbud Audubon birding guide who shares expertise on birds and wildlife observed on the trip.  

The boat rides last about 90 minutes and cost $20 per person.  

Given the popularity of the rides, advance reservations are advised and may be made by going to or by calling 707-263-8030.

The festival is only one day this year, and one of the featured speakers will be Philip Green, internationally known photographer of herons and egrets.

His spectacular photos and lecture focus on the nesting cycle of herons, with special emphasis on mating behaviors, nest building, and fledging. His presentation will be at 11 a.m. at the festival event tent at Redbud Park.

Many other activities are planned for the Heron Festival, including a nature fair, children’s activities, and “Raptor Speak – a live owls and hawks presentation by Native Bird Connections,” that will give visitors a rare opportunity to see raptor behavior up close.

For a complete schedule of activities or to reserve your space for a boat ride go to or call 707-263-8030.

Nature’s Notebook needs you to get outside this spring, join many other observers across the nation, and help it reach its millionth observation of plant and animal life events.

People like you – gardeners, farmers, birders, hikers, anglers, joggers, or all-around nature enthusiasts – are already recording the recurring events they see in the lives of the plants and animals around them – such as when cherry trees or lilacs blossom, when robins build their nests, when salmon swim upstream to spawn, or when leaves turn colors in the fall.

And the millionth observation is imminent – as of the week of April 1-7, citizen-scientists around the country have already clocked in with the 900,000th observation of 16,000 individual plants and animals at 5,000 sites. Each entry represents important scientific information about an actual event in a specific plant or animal’s life.

“Hitting the one millionth observation will be quite exciting, because large sets of data ultimately result in better, more informed policy and management decisions about our environment,” said Jake Weltzin, executive director of the USA-National Phenology Network, which manages Nature’s Notebook. “Clean water and healthy wildlife are everyone’s goal, but scientists and land managers need your help to gather observations that we can’t do alone.”

Knowledge of when recurring life stages occur is referred to as phenology, and people have tracked phenology for centuries for the most practical of reasons: when to hunt and fish, when to plant and harvest crops, and when to navigate waterways.

Tracking phenology is just as critical today for the same reasons and for new ones too.

The data in Nature’s Notebook are helping researchers understand how plants and animals are responding to climate change and, in turn, how those responses are affecting people and ecological systems.

This information is already being used or will be used in ways that benefit society, including developing more accurate indicators of spring, forecasting the onset of allergy season or the chances of western wildfires, managing wildlife and invasive plants, and setting baselines for performance when restoring habitats.

Phenology and climate change

Changes in phenology are among the most sensitive biological indicators of global change.

Across the world, many springtime events are occurring earlier – and fall events happening later – than in the past. These changes are happening quickly for some species and more slowly, or not at all, for others, altering relationships and processes that have been stable for thousands of years.

Some wildlife – like caribou and butterflies – are becoming mismatched from their plant food resources, which are responding differently.

Migrations for some birds are changing too, as they can now overwinter instead of moving south for the winter, or as they fly north more quickly to keep pace with an advancing front of spring flowering.

Working farms and ranches need phenology information too: pollination by native insects contributes more than $3 billion in agricultural crops each year.

Climate-driven changes in the phenology of crops and native insects could change the effectiveness of insect pollination for the better or for the worse, and certainly complicates management decisions.

However, we know very little about how pollinator phenology is changing, which makes it difficult to predict how crops will be affected and how farmers might best adapt their management practices.

By collecting observations of insect phenology and crop phenology together, the USA-NPN is contributing to our understanding of the changes taking place and helping to ensure the viability of crops across the country.

In short, scientists need more and better information about the pace and pattern of nature – locally to nationally – to answer important scientific and societal questions, and to build the tools and models needed to help people understand and adapt to the changes.

Nature’s Notebook, by providing a place for people to enter, store, and share their observations, makes it possible for the general public to help researchers improve the understanding about how changes in phenology relate to changes in climate our environments.

And this is where you come in

“The more data the better,” said Weltzin who, as an ecologist, has contributed his share of observations to Nature’s Notebook by tracking flowering and fruiting of cactus near his Tucson home.

“By compiling observations from our participants, we’re starting to be able to piece together large-scale changes, like the early spring in 2010, which stretched from Missouri to Maine,” Weltzin said. “And, as you probably already know, 2012 is shaping up to be just as unusual … in most places, winter was weak, and spring is soon upon us, bringing not only early birds and beautiful flowers and a new batch of maple syrup, but also allergies and invasive plants and insect pests like mosquitoes.”

So if you are interested in becoming a citizen-scientist, there are four simple steps: learn about the plants and animals you can observe in your area, learn how to observe, sign up, and log in to Nature’s Notebook and record your observations. And maybe, just maybe, you will record the one millionth observation.

More importantly, Nature’s Notebook is an exciting way for you to experience plants or animals you see all the time in a brand new way.

Participating can help you:

  • Advance your knowledge and more intimately connect with plants and animals in your area.
  • Experience nature up close in a way few people have the opportunity to do.
  • Organize and interpret your own observations of seasonal change using cutting-edge mapping tools.
  • Contribute to a historic effort that benefits future generations.

By joining the program, you ultimately empower your hobby to benefit scientific discovery. To get started, check out the Nature’s Notebook Web site, .

The USA National Phenology Network is a partnership among governmental and nongovernmental science and resource management agencies and organizations, the academic community, and the public.

There are more ways to get involved – partner your organization with us, let us know about legacy phenology data sets, or even share a dataset you may have already collected.

For more information visit or contact Jake Weltzin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Other USGS Citizen-Science programs

USGS citizen-science programs want you to be the scientist. The public helps collect data used by emergency responders, scientists, and resource managers.

Here are some other USGS citizen-science programs:

– Did You Feel It? After earthquakes or shaking events, “Did you Feel It?” ( ) collects Web-based citizen responses to help provide rapid intensity assessments for earthquake science and response. The involvement of citizens is key because decisions made during and immediately after an earthquake can save lives and protect property. If you are a tweeter, consider using “Did You Tweet It?” to record what you are experiencing in real time. The USGS Twitter Earthquake Dispatch (@USGSted) application helps the USGS discern how severe an earthquake might be.

– Breeding Bird Survey: Since 1966, thousands of volunteers have contributed data used by the USGS’s North American Breeding Bird Survey, , to monitor populations of more than 400 bird species. This citizen-science program helps identify conservation priorities and inform sound management practices.

– North American Bird Phenology Program: Between 1880 and 1970, volunteers collected information about migratory birds across North America. Now, citizens worldwide are helping the North American Bird Phenology Program rescue and curate the data from this historical collection of six million bird migration card observations, illuminating migration patterns and population status of birds across the continent.

– Wildlife Health Event Reporter: The Wildlife Health Event Reporter (WHER), , enables anyone with an Internet connection to report sightings of sick or dead wildlife. The site has enhanced its mobile phone application “Outbreaks Near Me,” . to accept and relay wildlife health reports to the WHER site. These tools can lead to the detection and containment of wildlife disease outbreaks that may pose a health risk to wildlife, domestic animals, or people.


The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has produced the most detailed image so far of Messier 9, a globular star cluster located close to the center of the galaxy.

This ball of stars is too faint to see with the naked eye, yet Hubble can see over 250,000 individual stars shining in it.

Messier 9 is a globular cluster, a roughly spherical swarm of stars that lies around 25,000 light-years from Earth, near the center of the Milky Way, so close that the gravitational forces from the galactic center pull it slightly out of shape.

Globular clusters are thought to harbor some of the oldest stars in our galaxy, born when the universe was just a small fraction of its current age.

As well as being far older than the sun – around twice its age – the stars of Messier 9 also have a markedly different composition, and are enriched with far fewer heavier elements than the sun.

In particular, the elements crucial to life on Earth, like oxygen and carbon, and the iron that makes up our planet’s core, are very scarce in Messier 9 and clusters like it. This is because the universe’s heavier elements were gradually formed in the cores of stars, and in supernova explosions.

When the stars of Messier 9 formed, there were far smaller quantities of these elements in existence.

Messier 9, as its name suggests, was discovered by the great French astronomer Charles Messier in 1764.

Even through the most advanced telescopes of the day, none of the stars in the cluster could be seen individually.

Messier, seeing only a faint smudge, therefore classified the object as a nebula – or “cloud” in Latin.

It was only later in the 18th century that astronomers, most notably William Herschel, began to spot stars within the cluster.

The contrast between Messier’s equipment and the tools at the disposal of today’s astronomers is stark.

Hubble’s image, the highest resolution image yet made of Messier 9, is able to resolve individual stars, right into the crowded center of the cluster.

More than 250,000 of them are neatly focused on the detector of Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys, in an image which covers an area no bigger than the size of the head of a pin held at arm’s length.

As well as showing the individual stars, Hubble’s image clearly shows the different colors of the stars.

A star’s color is directly related to its temperature – counter-intuitively, perhaps, the redder it is, the cooler it is; and the bluer it is, the hotter.

The wide range of stellar temperatures here is clearly displayed by the broad palette of colors visible in Hubble’s image of Messier 9.

Messier 9’s neighborhood is interesting too, and is marked by two vast and dark nebulae. These pitch-black clouds of interstellar dust are known as Barnard 259 (to the south-east of Messier 9) and Barnard 64 (to the west), and are clearly visible in wide-field images of the cluster.

The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.


LAKEPORT, Calif. – A Kelseyville man who earlier this week was alleged to have been attempting to illegally sell firearms at a Lakeport grocery story was arrested Thursday not just on weapons charges but also for allegedly molesting children in foster care.

Benjamin Asher Rose, 22, was arrested in the case, according to a report from Sgt. John Gregore of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

On Tuesday, April 3, sheriff’s detectives received information that Rose allegedly was carrying a firearm and attempting to sell firearms unlawfully at the Grocery Outlet in Lakeport, Gregore said. Detectives worked on obtaining additional information and a search warrant for Rose’s home.

While detectives were conducting the investigation, they also received a report alleging that Rose sexually molested two young girls while they were in foster care in 2008 and 2009, according to Gregore.

Detectives then set up surveillance on Rose to place him under arrest on the molestation charges and serve the search warrant, Gregore said.

On Thursday, April 5, at approximately 4:30 p.m., detectives spotted Rose as he left his home in a black Lexus sedan, Gregore said.

Because of the possibility that the suspect was in possession of firearms, Gregore said sheriff’s deputies and detectives conducted a high risk traffic stop on Rose on Soda Bay Road, near Steelhead Drive, in Kelseyville.

Rose had a loaded 9 millimeter handgun in a holster on his right hip, Gregore said.

Gregore said detectives searched Rose’s home and found five loaded rifles, three loaded handguns and a loaded shotgun in his room.

Rose was arrested for lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14 and continuous sexual abuse of a child, Gregore said.

In addition, Rose was charged with carrying a concealed weapon in a vehicle and carrying a loaded firearm in a public place, Gregore said.

On Saturday Rose remained in custody at the Lake County Correctional facility on $500,000 bail.

California law grants a surviving spouse special rights and obligations concerning the probate estate and personal debts of a deceased spouse.

These are governed by community property laws. The same rules apply to California registered domestic partners.

Community and quasi community property is divided equally at death, and separate property belongs to the owning spouse.

Assets acquired while married and living together are either community or quasi community property.

Any property acquired before marriage, or by gift or inheritance while married, is the separate property of that spouse.

Accordingly, a surviving spouse owns one-half of all the couple's community property and quasi community property. The decedent may thus bequeath his or her one-half of the community property, and all his or her separate property, as he or she pleases.

If the deceased spouse attempts to give all of a community property asset to someone other than the surviving spouse, the surviving spouse must elect between inheriting under the deceased spouse's will or trust and receive those gifts, or else enforce her community property rights.

When a deceased spouse dies intestate (i.e., without a will) owning an interest in community property assets not held in joint tenancy or trust, the surviving spouse owns the entire community property estate.

After 40 days, the surviving spouse has complete control, unless, in the case of real property, someone has filed a notice claiming an inheritance under the deceased spouse's will.

Probate is never required to transfer property from the deceased to the surviving spouse. The surviving spouse can use either the affidavit procedure for small estates or file a spousal property petition. Small estates are those appraised at under $150,000.

Affidavits may not be used for real property appraised over $50,000, even in small estates.

Sometimes, however, a surviving spouse will probate the entire community property and the decedent's separate property. This is because, generally, the surviving spouse is personally liable for all the debts of the deceased spouse, up the value of any community and separate property received without probate.

Through probate the surviving spouse can avoid personal liability and have the debts allocated. If any such assets are held in a trust, the trustee can transfer them to the executor. Community property in joint tenancy would presumably need to be transferred too.

In a probate, the surviving spouse can petition to have debts allocated between the spouses. They are typically allocated as if a divorce had occurred at date of death.

Generally, the community property answers for all the debts incurred during marriage. There are exceptions.

The deceased spouse's funeral expenses and expenses of last illness are allocated to the decedent's estate only, and not to the surviving spouse's one-half interest in the community property or separate property.

Debts from before marriage are allocable to the debtor spouse's separate property, and, any excess is allocated to the debtor spouse's one-half interest in the community property estate.

Upon petition in a probate the surviving spouse may receive a family maintenance allowance as necessary to maintain the surviving spouse and dependent children in their accustomed manner of living.

Upon petition, the court, at its discretion, may also grant a family homestead. A family homestead allows the surviving spouse, and any minor children, to live in a residence for a period of time as the court finds proper; sometimes the surviving spouse's remaining lifetime.

Interestingly, the foregoing spousal protections apply even if the deceased spouse's probate estate is all separate property, and even if it is all bequeathed to someone other than the surviving spouse.

Naturally in that case the court would unlikely grant the surviving spouse a lifetime homestead as the court considers the competing interests of the decedent's heirs and beneficiaries and the decedent's own testamentary bequests.

How the surviving spouse should best proceed is something to discuss with a qualified attorney based on the facts and circumstances.

Dennis A. Fordham, attorney (LL.M. tax studies), is a State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Law. His office is at 55 First St., Lakeport, California. Dennis can be reached by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 707-263-3235. Visit his Web site at .


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