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Local officials issue reminder to keep pets and people safe around blue-green algae
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – While a connection to blue-green algae has not been confirmed, the recent illness and euthanization of a dog earlier this week has prompted local officials to remind residents and visitors to take precautions while recreating in and around Clear Lake.
The dog was euthanized following a brief severe illness that began one day after swimming in the Konocti Bay area, according to county health officials.
Although the cause of the illness is still being evaluated, Lake County Water Resources has obtained samples for testing of the water in the area where the dog and its owners were recreating.
Lake County Public Health has arranged for specialized testing at the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory in Davis in order to determine if the illness was caused by cyanotoxins.
Although this was not the first time the family and dog contacted lake water in the Konocti Bay area, and the overall water conditions appeared improved compared to previous years, the dog did enter an area usually avoided because of swampier conditions with plants and possible clumps of blue-green algae.
Symptoms in the pet included vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy. Humans recreating nearby have not reported illness.
There has never been a laboratory documented case of cyanotoxin-related illness in Lake County, although this case is an indication that caution might be needed even when algal accumulations do not appear as severe as in previous years.
Accumulations of blue-green algae are a common and familiar sight in freshwater lakes, ponds and streams throughout the country, including Clear Lake.
Most frequently visible as green, soup-like water, oily-appearing surface scum or foamy mats, cyanobacteria tend to flourish or collect in sunny areas where water is shallow and undisturbed, or in locations where wind and currents cause surface blooms to collect.
Some blue-green algae produce toxins that can pose a range of health risks to people and animals when they are exposed to them in large enough quantities.
Pets, such as dogs, are particularly at risk because they are not deterred by the disagreeable odors of decaying algal mats, they are prone to swallowing water while swimming, and they can ingest cyanobacteria while self-cleaning their coat following contact with the lake.
County officials urge the community to use appropriate precautions while this scientific testing is completed to determine if any potential health risks associated with cyanobacteria exist.
Regardless of any eventual findings in the dog's case, Scott De Leon, director of Lake County Water Resources and Karen Tait, MD, Lake County health officer, urged the public to observe important safeguards to avoid harmful effects of cyanobacteria.
These include:
- Avoid contact with water in areas with surface foam, scum, or a pea soup appearance. This is particularly important for small children and pets.
- Avoid generating aerosols (water skiing, jet skiing, etc.) in areas of the lake where there are signs of blue-green algae.
- After swimming, towel off promptly. Even better, shower with fresh water. After pets swim, rinse with fresh water and towel them dry to prevent them from ingesting the blue-green algae while self-cleaning.
- Never drink untreated lake or other surface water. Boiling water does not guarantee that it is safe to drink.
- If unexplained illness develops following direct exposure to water in a lake, pond, or stream, see a doctor (or bring your pet to a veterinarian) promptly and be sure to mention the exposure that occurred.
For more information, see http://www.co.lake.ca.us/Government/Directory/Environmental_Health/Blue-Green_Algae.htm or http://www.cdph.ca.gov/healthinfo/environhealth/water/pages/bluegreenalgae.aspx .