“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.” – John Muir
KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Clear Lake State Park is one of two state parks in Lake County, with Anderson Marsh State Historic Park being the other.
According to the brochure put out by California State Parks, “The Mission of California State Parks is to provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation.”

The park does indeed function as a grand outdoor classroom, being set upon California's, if not North America's, oldest natural lake, dating back over one and a half million years to the early Pleistocene era.
Clear Lake State Park is located at 5300 Soda Bay Road in Kelseyville, on the southwestern shore of Clear Lake.
The park has something for everyone with boating and water skiing opportunities, camping, cabins, a swimming beach, picnic areas and hiking trails.
Lake County is rich in cultural history. Here by the shores of Clear Lake the Pomo Indians lived. It 's easy to understand why this area was selected by the Pomo, with the bounty of the waters, forests and streams around them.
Proud Mt. Konocti watched over the lake and was considered a sacred site. Mt. Konocti, a dormant volcano, provided useful igneous obsidian rock used to form a variety of tools and arrowheads.

Once upon a time the lake was encircled by tule reeds – nature's filter.
The abundant tule reeds were a fish spawning area and provided safe and secure nesting places for a variety of water fowl.
Tule reed boats were constructed by the Pomo Indians, and the reeds and many other uses then.
Once on the lake you'll have the opportunity to come up close and personal to thermal vents which bubble up near the swimming beach at Soda Springs.
The park has a fantastic visitor center, which is situated by the boat launch parking lot.
The center has displays which depict the area's cultural past, a large aquarium, and interpretive dioramas to inform you on wildlife which lives in the park and the surrounding area, panels on the remarkable geology of the lake, as well as a gift shop.
Activities at the lake include bird watching which is sometimes let by the local Redbud Audubon chapter.
Hiking trails abound in the park, including the moderately difficult-to-climb two-mile Dorn Nature Trail with its lofty oaks, manzanita and colorful native wildflowers, during springtime.

The Indian Nature Trail is an easy half-mile trek, which informs hikers of the native plants used by the local Pomo Indians when the lake lands were their domain.
Campers can reserve a site from among 147 sites, along with two hike/bike sties and cabins. There is a fire ring and food locker at each site. With the group camp site you will have at your disposal campfire rings, barbecue stoves and picnic tables. Most of the campgrounds have restrooms and showers.
Ask the ranger about activities which occur at the park, such as nature walks and campfire programs.
The lake is a fishing paradise. Fisherman enjoy catching largemouth bass, catfish and crappie.
Clear Lake State Park's boat launch and marina are situated by Cole Creek, and boast battery charging outlets for boats, and a well-lit parking lot with a restroom.
For more information on Clear Lake State Park, you can view the park brochure at http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=473 .
Kathleen Scavone, M.A., is an educator, potter, writer and author of “Anderson Marsh State Historic Park: A Walking History, Prehistory, Flora, and Fauna Tour of a California State Park” and “Native Americans of Lake County.” She also writes for NASA and JPL as one of their “Solar System Ambassadors.” She was selected “Lake County Teacher of the Year, 1998-99” by the Lake County Office of Education, and chosen as one of 10 state finalists the same year by the California Department of Education.