Saturday, 15 March 2025



You can’t go too far wrong pairing the hulking, powerful Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and the diminutive funnyman Kevin Hart as mismatched partners in a buddy action comedy, and “Central Intelligence” has enough smarts, in dialogue and action, to deliver the goods.

Johnson and Hart, who for lack of a better definition could be called the Mutt and Jeff of action comedy, develop into the bickering partners that bring to mind the “Rush Hour” franchise and “Midnight Run.”

I suspect that the former reference is more familiar to most than the oddball comic road trip of “Midnight Run” in which Robert DeNiro’s taciturn bounty hunter has to lug a talkative mob accountant Charles Grodin cross country. If you haven’t seen this film, it’s a must-see.

OK, back to “Central Intelligence,” where the essential premise rests on life twenty years after high school, during which Johnson was, it would seem so improbably, an extremely chubby geek with the unfortunate name of Robbie Weirdicht.

As the hopelessly uncool high school senior, Robbie, the supersized kid with a gentle soul, was an easy prey to campus bullies and suffered the ultimate humiliation when he was hurled, naked, into center court at a school pep rally.

Hart’s character, Calvin Joyner, also known by the impressive nickname, the Golden Jet, was the Big Man on Campus, the King of the Prom and voted “Most Likely to Succeed.” Despite all that, Calvin displayed an act of kindness to the sad sack Robbie that was never forgotten.

Jump to the present day, Robbie has been transformed by six hours a day of training into the physical specimen for which Dwayne Johnson became known as “The Rock” during his early career in the WWE world of wrestling.

Fittingly, Robbie has jettisoned his old name for that of Bob Stone, a moniker that suits his new role as a confident charmer with a rock-hard physique and a daring, skilled CIA operative with an exciting life that Calvin can only imagine.

Sadly, Calvin has become a risk-averse accountant stuck on the middle rung of the corporate ladder and commanding zero respect from his colleagues. His marriage to high school sweetheart Maggie (Danielle Nicolet) has hit a rough patch.

As the high school reunion looms, Calvin takes stock of his life and ponders what might have been. Suddenly, Bob shows up and invites Calvin for a beer a couple of days prior to the big reunion.

Maybe he’s a tough guy, but Bob still has a few quirks. He wears a unicorn T-shirt and an unfashionable fanny pack. His love for “Sixteen Candles” serves as a reference point apropos of nothing of significance, but provides a soft edge to his gruff exterior.

Within hours, Bob’s seemingly casual request for Calvin to analyze some financial data takes a suspicious turn, leading to a shaky path of underground transactions and high-stakes plot over stolen encryption codes that pose a threat to national security.

Bob’s superiors, including a tenacious Agent Pamela Harris (Amy Ryan) with a sadistic streak abetted by her own goon squad, believe Bob is behind a scheme to sell state secrets, while Bob claims to be tracking the real villain, code-named Black Badger.

Meanwhile, the funny part of the cloak-and-dagger mischief is that Calvin, despite his vigorous denials of involvement with Bob, is suspected by the government spooks of being in cahoots with a rogue agent, such that his home and office are invaded by gun-wielding agents.

“Central Intelligence” sets a nice rhythm to the action by exposing Bob and Calvin as polar opposites. Bob thrives on action and brute force, a trait demonstrated on the first night at the local tavern when Bob takes down four bullies with hardly a sweat.

Meanwhile, Calvin hates action and violence. When Bob reminds Calvin that “he’s in” on the caper to clear his name, Calvin insists that he’s not a part of it. The difference between these two is a classic set-up for a buddy, action comedy.

There’s more to it when Bob reveals that he still has a real affection in a hero-worship way toward Calvin. While Bob has become the strong, powerful dude, he still looks at Calvin like he’s the big hero from high school days, reminding him that he’s still the Golden Jet.

At some point, and not too surprisingly, Calvin may have to summon his dormant inner-hero to come to the rescue. The script has some good zingers, with one of them being Bob saying to Calvin, “You’re like a black Will Smith.”

For the most part, “Central Intelligence” thrives and succeeds on two central points. First is the dynamic chemistry between Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart; they need to reunite in another adventure. Second is the breezy pace of the action itself.

Don’t expect any big deal with “Central Intelligence.” Go along for the ride, giving little thought to the plot itself, and enjoy the entertainment value provided by the very likable lead characters.

Tim Riley writes film and television reviews for Lake County News.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Lake County Public Services announced that the Eastlake Landfill and the Lakeport Public Services office will be closed Monday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day.

Residential and commercial collection for Monday will be on Tuesday.

Normal collection schedules will resume the week following the holiday.

The Eastlake Landfill and the Public Services office will reopen on Tuesday, July 5.

Normal operating hours at the landfill are 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. The Public Services office is normally open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For more information visit the county Web site at or call 707-262-1618.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – After 17 years with Rev. Shannon Kimbell-Auth as their pastor, on this Sunday, June 26, members of United Christian Parish will say goodbye to the longest serving pastor in the history of the church.

Kimbell-Auth led her first Sunday worship service at United Christian Parish in July 1999, although she had already led two funerals for the Lakeport church before then. She has officiated at hundreds since and is particularly well known for her uplifting memorial services.

On June 26 she will share highlights of her ministry here using the theme “Stones of Remembrance.”

From the “stone that was rolled away” in Luke’s Easter account, to the stones of Iona, Scotland, to the stone thrown through her car window after a particularly contentious church meeting, stones have been a significant image for Kimbell-Auth.

She will tell of headstones and wedding stones, cornerstones and youth … on a rock. She has also led trips to explore church history, mission trips to help Louisiana rebuild after hurricanes Katrina and Rita and is now part of the fire recovery work of Team Lake County.

The public is invited to join the church for her final Lakeport celebration, Sunday at 10 a.m. at the church, located at 745 N. Brush St. in Lakeport.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild will hold the hold 15th annual Falling Leaves Quilt Show on Saturday, Oct. 1, and Sunday, Oct. 2.

Hours for the show are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 pm. Sunday at the Lake County Fairgrounds, 401 Martin St. in Lakeport.

The featured quilter for this year's show is Tami Graeber, who grew up in Lakeport and continues to have family ties in Lake County.

Graeber, an art quilter, this year took second in the Best of Show Category at Road to California and has been accepted to the Houston Show. 

She will be giving one of her lectures on the textile painting technique for which she is known. Graeber’s award-winning painted quilt “Moroccan Moonfire” is the best known of that type and is on the cover for the HMQS catalog show this year.

This is a judged, open-entry show of 200-plus quilts. Download entry forms and get entry information from the Web site, . Mail forms and show entries to: LLQG, P.O. Box 875, Kelseyville CA, 95451.

The entry deadline is Aug. 13. Quilts must be ready to hang on Thursday, Sept. 29.

The show also will feature a vendor mall with quilt fabric, books, patterns and notions; a Country Store; the opportunity quilt raffle; challenge, baby quilts and round robin exhibits; door prizes; a silent auction; demonstrations; and food by the Martinez family will be available at Barty’s.

The admission price is $10 for adults, $2 for children under age 12.

For more information visit the guild's Web site at .


Diane Kay Curran, beloved wife of Stan Curran and mother of four children, passed away on June 21, 2016, in Sandpoint, Idaho. She will be inurned in Kelseyville, Calif., at a later date.

Diane was born in Inglewood, Calif., on Jan. 17, 1933, to Roy and Lohene Boyd.

Diane leaves behind her husband of 62 years, Stan; her children, Michael (Denise) Kelseyville, Susie (Roy) of Benicia, Calif., Steve (Debbie) of Puyallup, Wash., Barbara (Bruno) of Merrimack, NH; eight grandchildren; and many great-grandchildren. She also leaves behind her former daughter-in-law, Linda Curran, of Houston, Texas.

Diane graduated high school in Chico, Calif., in 1950. She attended Kaiser Permanente School of Nursing in Oakland, Calif., graduating in 1954. Diane and her family relocated to Lake County in 1959.

She later graduated from Chico State University in 1985 with a BSN, PHN, and school nurse credential. She worked as a school nurse for 15 years.

She and Stan retired in 1991 and in 1996 they left Lake County to begin 11 years of full time RV travel over the U.S. and Canada.

Diane enjoyed making afghans for her children and grandchildren. She collected coats for Coats for Kids, clothing for LOV Inc. and Kinderhaven until age slowed her down.

She considered her greatest and most rewarding achievement to be her four children, each of whom have achieved higher education and excelled in their chosen careers.

Eight years ago, Diane joined her First Lutheran Church family. She thoroughly enjoyed her family at First Lutheran.

There will be a service at First Lutheran Church at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 25, officiated by Pastor Lori Morton and Pastor Steve Neuder.

In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Kinderhaven, 900 Spruce St., Sandpoint, ID 83864. Kinderhaven is a community organization dedicated to supporting children in crisis.

Family and friends are invited to sign Diane’s online guest book at .

Arrangements are entrusted to the care of Coffelt Funeral Service.

HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE, Calif. – The Hidden Valley Lake Ladies 40-9ers Golf Club held a nine-hole scramble on Thursday, June 16.

The results are as follows:

– First place team, score 22.5: Nancy Erickson, Julia Yamashita, Floydean Greenlow and Darcy Miller.

– Second place team, score 23.8: Mariana Bendinelli, Michelle Harbeson, Gwen DeRosa and Pat Bright.

– Third place team, score 25: Joy Ryan, Liz Cummesky and Linda Millard.


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