- Elizabeth Larson
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Supervisors to consider sales tax measure, courthouse project update
The board will meet beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27, in the board chambers on the first floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.
The meeting can be watched live on Channel 8 and online at https://countyoflake.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. Accompanying board documents, the agenda and archived board meeting videos also are available at that link.
In an untimed item, the board will consider an ordinance and tax measure allowing for a 1.5 percent sales tax in the unincorporated county to be placed on the June 5 ballot.
Earlier this month the board gave the go ahead to pursue the sales tax measure in light of the county government’s growing financial challenges, as Lake County News has reported: http://bit.ly/2ERA7j7.
At 9:10 a.m., the board will consider a staff report on the status of the Lake County Courthouse Construction Project. In order to move the project forward, the board will discuss the sale of two county-owned parcels at 934 and 946 Bevins Court in Lakeport as part of a larger land swap deal that involves the city of Lakeport and Lake County Tribal Health.
In an item timed for 10:15 a.m., the board – sitting as the Lake County Watershed Protection District Board of Directors 00 will consider a report on Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry’s recent securing of $15 million for the Middle Creek Restoration Project.
The full agenda follows.
6.1: Consideration of Contract Change Order #2 Between the county of Lake and Bridgeway Civil Constructors Inc. for the Harbin Springs Road at Harbin Creek Bridge Replacement Project, Federal Project No. BRLO-5914(106); Bid No. 17-04 for a Decrease of $6,276.32 and a Revised Contract Amount of $1,272,480.84; and authorize the chair to sign.
7.1: (a) Approve bylaws for the Western Regional Town Hall; (b) adopt resolution amending Resolution No. 2017-80 and 2017-109 establishing the Western Regional Town Hall Known as “WRTH” for the Upper Lake, Blue Lakes and Lake Pillsbury areas.
7.2: Authorize county administrative officer to approve step advancement for non-management, confidential unit deputy county administrative officer I/II/III – hourly employee, retroactive to Jan. 23, 2018.
7.3: Approve to waive the 90-day termination requirements in the Jan. 4, 2011, fire dispatch agreement allowing the fire districts to terminate effective March 1, 2018.
7.4: (a) Approve facility space license agreement by and between the county of Lake (licensor) and Kelseyville Fire Protection District (licensee) to lease tower and vault space on specified county communication sites for an annual fee of $18,600, and a one-time payment in the amount of $2,500 to reimburse the administrative office for expenses, and authorize the chair to sign; and (b) approve spectrum manager lease agreement between the county of Lake (lessor) and the Kelseyville Fire District (lessee) allowing the "Red Net" frequencies to be shared with the fire districts for a one-time payment of $5,000 to reimburse the administrative office for expenses, and authorize the chair to sign.
7.5: Approve amendment no. 1 to the agreement between the county of Lake and North Valley Behavioral Health LLC. for acute inpatient psychiatric hospital services for fiscal year 2017-18 for a decrease of $100,000 for a new contract maximum of $100,000 and authorize the board chair to sign the amendment.
7.6: Approve the commercial lease agreement between the county of Lake and Big Oak Center LLC for the lease of property located at 13340 E. Highway 20, Clearlake Oaks, CA 95423 in the amount of $1462.50 per month.
7.7: Approve amendment no. 1 to the agreement between the county of lake and Gary Ernst for professional fiscal consulting services FY 2017-18 for an increase of $15,000 and a new contract maximum of $30,000, and authorize the board chair to sign.
7.8: Adopt resolution authorizing the 2018-19 Grant Project - Lake County Child Advocacy Center Program and authorize the chair to sign the certification and assurance of compliance.
7.9: Sitting as Lake County Sanitation District Board of Directors, approve right of way contract and grant deed for Caltrans' acquisition of a portion of the Middletown Wastewater Treatment Plant along State Highway 175 and authorize the chair to sign the right of way contract and the grant deed as well as provide direction to the clerk to notarize and record the grant deed.
7.10: Approve amendment no. 1 to agreement between the county of Lake and Far Western Anthropological Research Group Inc. in the amount of $19,695.64 for the Eastlake Elementary Safe Routes to School & Community Development Block Grant Project in Clearlake Oaks; and authorize the chair to sign.
7.11: Approve advanced step hiring of Celia Hoberg, at third step retroactive to Oct. 17, 2017, for right-of-way agent/airport operations coordinator.
7.12: Approve letter of agreement between the Lake County Sheriff's Office and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) in the amount of $210,000 for the period Oct. 1, 2017, to Sept. 30, 2018; and authorize sheriff to sign the agreement and chair to sign workplace certifications and grant assurances.
7.13: Approve acceptance of easement deeds on multiple parcels in Anderson Springs for the Anderson Springs Septic to Sewer Project and authorize clerk to sign.
8.2, 9:06 a.m.: (a) Consideration of waiving required standards of Chapter 12, Section 8, Part III (c) 3 of County Policies for "Commemorative Names Honoring Former County Officials and Employees"; and (b) consideration of resolution of intent to supersede Resolution No. 90-306 naming, renaming, and extending the length of existing roads within the area of the county jail facility in the county of Lake.
8.3, 9:10 a.m.: (a) Consideration of staff report on the status of the Lake County Courthouse Construction Project; and (b) consideration of appointment of the county administrative officer or her designee and the Public Works director to serve as the negotiating team for the possible sale of the two county-owned parcels at 934 and 946 Bevins Court in Lakeport.
8.4, 9:20 a.m.: Hearing, nuisance abatement assessment confirmation and proposed recordation of notice of lien in the amount of $17,327.72, for 12545 Lakeview Drive, Clearlake Oaks (APN 035-152-65 - John J. Danuck) .
8.5, 9:25 a.m.: Hearing, nuisance abatement assessment confirmation and proposed recordation of notice of lien in the amount of $13,069.00, for 7271 Sierra Street, Nice (APN 031-142-05 - Dominique L. McGowen).
8.6, 9:30 a.m.: Public hearing, consideration of appeal (AB 17-06) of the Planning Commission's denial of Use Permit (UP 17-06) and Design Review (DR 17-07) for an off-site billboard sign, property located at 2325 East Highway 20, Nice (APN 004-055-37); appellant is Stott Outdoor Advertising, on behalf of property owners Larry and Francis Montgomery.
8.7, 10 a.m.: Public hearing, consideration of appeal (AB 17-05) of Planning Commission's Denial of Major Use Permit (UP 17-10) and Design Review (DR 17-05) to allow a new off-site billboard sign; project located at 13550 East Highway 20, Clearlake Oaks (APN 006-510-31); appellant is Richard Kuehn .
8.8, 10:15 a.m.: Sitting as the Lake County Watershed Protection District Board of Directors, consideration of report on the new funding for the Middle Creek Restoration Project.
9.2: Consideration of the following appointments: Kelseyville Cemetery District Western Region Town Hall.
9.3: (a) Consideration of resolution adopting memorandum of understanding by and between the Lake County Employees Association, Unit 3, and the County of Lake for Jan. 1, 2017, to Sept. 30, 2018; and (b) Consideration of resolution adopting memorandum of understanding by and between the Lake County Employees Association, Unit 5, and the County of Lake for Jan. 1, 2017, to Sept. 30, 2018.
9.4: Consideration of option and lease agreement with verizon wireless to develop a communications site.
9.5: (a) Consideration of an Ordinance Adding Article VII to Chapter 18 of the Lake County Code imposing a general transactions and use tax establishing a general tax of one and one-half percent in the unincorporated area of the county of Lake; (b) consideration of a tax measure, a transactions and use local revenue measure, for the June 5, 2018 General Election; and (c) consideration of a resolution placing the tax ordinance and the ballot measure statement on the June 5, 2018 Election.
9.6: Consideration of agreement for oak mitigation services for the Cole Creek at Soda Bay Road Bridge Replacement (14C-0127) and the Highland Creek at Highland Springs Road Bridge Replacement (14C-0125) projects with Hanford ARC in the amount not to exceed $342,446.97; and authorize the Chair to sign.
10.1: Conference with legal counsel: Decision whether to initiate litigation pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54956.9(d)(4): County of Lake v. Martin Scheel, et al.
10.2: Conference with legal counsel: Existing Litigation Pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54956.9(d)(1): Shikman v. County of Lake, et al.
10.3: Public employee evaluations: Registrar of Voters Diane Fridley, Agricultural Commissioner Steve Hajik.
Email Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.