- Elizabeth Larson
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Supervisors approve letter to support expanding Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The Board of Supervisors this week voted to send a letter in support of a new federal bill to expand the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument.
Congressman John Garamendi’s Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act would add the 4,000-acre Walker Ridge area in Lake County to the 330,000 acre national monument, which President Barack Obama created in July 2015.
The letter is addressed to Garamendi, who represents the northern portion of Lake County, but also is being sent to Congressman Mike Thompson, who represents the county’s southern portion, and to the county’s state legislators, Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry and Sen. Mike McGuire.
Walker Ridge — which is owned by the Bureau of Land Management — was in the monument’s original footprint but was not in the final declaration, board members EJ Crandell and Bruno Sabatier explained in their memo asking their fellow supervisors to support the letter.
“We bring this letter of support for the Expansion Act for the board’s consideration, believing that this expansion will enhance the opportunities that this National Monument brings to our county both for conserving our precious surroundings and for the economic advantages that a National Monument destination brings to local jurisdictions,” Crandell and Sabatier explained in their memo.
During Tuesday’s meeting, Crandell said he had struggled with some of the other things that have been proposed for Walker Ridge, an apparent reference to large wind turbine projects that have been on the drawing board over the past decade.
By adding Walker Ridge to the monument, Crandell said they can now concentrate on preserving the area the way it should be.
Sabatier said he was invited by Tuleyome, the nonprofit organization that has advocated for the national monument, to fly over Walker Ridge, which he said is a stunning area filled with rare plants, and also is the flight path for many migrating birds.
He said it’s an amazing area that needed to be part of the original monument.
Tuleyome representative Victoria Brandon of Lower Lake said she was delighted the county is taking this position.
“This is a wonderful resource for our county, and it’s underutilized and under-recognized,” Brandon said of Walker Ridge.
By adding Walker Ridge to the monument, it will be included in the comprehensive monument planning which will give it the opportunity to be recognized for what it is.
The letter explained, “Walker Ridge is a remarkable ecological treasure in need of conservation. The landscape supports many habitats including chaparral, grasslands, unique low elevation forests of pine and cypress, and oak woodlands. Rare and endemic plants have evolved to grow only on unusual serpentine soils derived from ancient sea floor. Walker Ridge is also home to imperiled wildlife such as bald and golden eagles, badger, ringtail, and peregrine falcon among a long list of others, besides being a recognized wildlife migration pathway for a multitude of
species, including deer, elk, mountain lion, black bear, and bobcat. Walker Ridge is steeped in thousands of years of rich history and culturally significant to several Native American tribes.”
It also noted that it’s in Lake County’s interest to permanently preserve Walker Ridge, which is used for everything from outdoor recreation to scientific and nature study.
“Special designations such as National Conservation Area and National Monument have been shown to help local communities diversify their economies and increase tourism, as well as
helping attract businesses, thereby generating economic benefits for nearby communities through local employment and tax revenue,” the letter said.
Crandell moved to approve the letter of support, with Supervisor Jessica Pyska seconding and the board voting 5-0.
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Letter of Support - National Monument Expansion by LakeCoNews on Scribd