Thursday, 06 March 2025


The full Moon has a reputation for trouble. It raises high tides, it makes dogs howl, it wakes you up in the middle of the night with beams of moonlight stealing through drapes.

If a moonbeam wakes you up on the night of Saturday, May 5, you might want to get out of bed and take a look.

This May’s full Moon is a “super Moon,” as much as 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than other full Moons of 2012.

The scientific term for the phenomenon is “perigee moon.” Full Moons vary in size because of the oval shape of the Moon's orbit.

The Moon follows an elliptical path around Earth with one side ("perigee") about 50,000 kilometers closer than the other ("apogee").  Full Moons that occur on the perigee side of the Moon's orbit seem extra big and bright.

Such is the case on May 5 at 11:34 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time when the Moon reaches perigee.

Only one minute later, the Moon will line up with Earth and the sun to become brilliantly full. The timing is almost perfect.

Okay, the Moon is 14 percent bigger than usual, but can you really tell the difference?

It's tricky. There are no rulers floating in the sky to measure lunar diameters. Hanging high overhead with no reference points to provide a sense of scale, one full Moon can seem much like any other. The best time to look is when the Moon is near the horizon.

For reasons not fully understood by astronomers or psychologists, low-hanging Moons look unnaturally large when they beam through trees, buildings and other foreground objects.

On May 5, this Moon illusion will amplify a full Moon that's extra-big to begin with. The swollen orb rising in the east at sunset should seem super indeed.

Folklore holds that all kinds of wacky things happen under the light of a full Moon.

Supposedly, hospital admissions increase, the crime rate ticks upward, and people behave strangely. The idea that the full Moon causes mental disorders was widespread in the Middle Ages. Even the word "lunacy," meaning "insanity," comes from the Latin word for "Moon."

The majority of modern studies, however, show no correlation between the phase of the Moon and the incidence of crime, sickness or human behavior.  The truth is, the Moon is less influential than folklore would have us believe.

It's true that a perigee full Moon brings with it extra-high "perigean tides," but according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration this is nothing to worry about.

In most places, lunar gravity at perigee pulls tide waters only a few centimeters (an inch or so) higher than usual. Local geography can amplify the effect to about 15 centimeters (six inches) – not exactly a great flood.

Super perigee Moons are actually fairly common. The Moon becomes full within a few hours of its closest approach to Earth about once a year on average.

The last such coincidence occurred on March 19, 2011, producing a full Moon that was almost 400 kilometers closer than this one. As usual, no trouble was reported – unless you count a midnight awakening as trouble.

If so, close the drapes on May 5. Otherwise, enjoy the super-moonlight.

Dr. Tony Phillips works for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – Need a fun friend for your home or office?

If so, meet “Chloe,” a 9-month-old gray tabby.

She is playful – she especially likes to play with pens and pencils, and other office supplies – and also likes to hang out.

Chloe has green eyes and a short coat, and she has been spayed.

If you would like to meet her, you can find her in cat room kennel No. 63, ID No. 32327.

To fill out an adoption application online visit .

Lake County Animal Care and Control is located at 4949 Helbush in Lakeport, next to the Hill Road Correctional Facility.

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday. The shelter is open from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and on Saturday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Visit the shelter online at .

For more information call Lake County Animal Care and Control at 707-263-0278.

Email Elizabeth Larson at .

LAKEPORT, Calif. – The judge presiding over the trial of two local men facing charges for a June 2011 shooting that claimed a young boy's life and wounded five others has deferred a ruling on mistrial motions submitted by the defense.

Judge Doris Shockley said Wednesday morning that she will entertain the motions again – filed on behalf of defendants Paul William Braden, 22, and Orlando Joseph Lopez, 24 – once she's heard testimony from two additional witnesses.

In addition, Shockley said she wants to address the case's Miranda issues – which involve law enforcement notifying a suspect of their rights at the time of questioning – before making a ruling on the motions.

Braden and Lopez are accused of having shot into a crowd of people at a barbecue at a Clearlake home late on the night of June 18, 2011, killing 4-year-old Skyler Rapp, wounding his mother and her boyfriend, and leaving three others wounded as well.

Last week, District Attorney Don Anderson had questioned Clearlake Police Sgt. Tim Celli about statements made by Lopez during the investigation. Lopez is alleged to have told investigators that he and Braden both were riding in a car driven by a former codefendant, Kevin Stone.

Braden's defense attorney, Doug Rhoades, objected on the grounds that it violated case law established by People v. Aranda and Bruton v. United States, which prevent the presentation of testimony by a defendant that incriminates a codefendant.

Rhoades and Lopez's attorney, Stephen Carter, filed mistrial motions on Monday, with Anderson filing his response on Tuesday.

In a hearing that ran just over an hour, the defense attorneys argued that Celli's statement in front of both juries was prejudicial to both defendants.

“I don't think the court has any doubt an error occurred, it's what's the impact,” Rhoades said.

Carter argued that Judge Stephen Hedstrom, who had ruled that the two cases be joined for trial, erred in doing so. “The joinder set us up for where we are now,” said Carter, arguing that the defendants had inconsistent defenses.

The court worked hard to create a two-jury trial to satisfy all of the concerns, but Carter said Anderson's mistake affected Braden's rights to confrontation and also impacted Lopez's rights.

He said Lopez was asking for a finding of prosecutorial misconduct by Anderson. He said improper questioning is misconduct that becomes egregious if it violates a previous court ruling.

Carter said Miranda hearings were scheduled to deal with the clients' statements during the investigation. “Mr. Anderson bulldozed that last week.”

If a mistrial were granted in Braden's case and not Lopez's, Carter said there would be an impact on the remaining jury, which would wonder where Braden, his attorney and the other jury went.

“The fairness of the process is so heavily impacted by what Mr. Anderson did last week that I fear it is impossible for Mr. Lopez to get a fair trial in this trial if it continues now,” Carter said.

In response to the mistrial motions, Anderson said he wasn't trying to hide the fact that he erred during questioning.

“It was an error, it was a mistake, and I will take full responsibility for the mistake,” he said.

However, Anderson argued that it was a harmless error and that the testimony that came out during his questioning did not necessitate a mistrial.

“In this case there is overwhelming evidence of two things,” he said.

First, Braden was in the car with Lopez and Stone, Anderson argued. Second, he alleged that there was “overwhelming evidence” of Braden's guilt in the case.

Anderson suggested that the court could take one of two actions – deny the mistrial motions outright and give an admonishment to the jury to disregard Celli's statement, or defer a ruling to a later time after more evidence is in.

He also argued regarding the joinder issues Carter raised that it's done and it's time to move forward.

“This motion is premature at this time,” he said.

Carter, in responding to Anderson, said regarding the joinder issue, “That's it? It's done, time to move forward, after they've trashed the case?”

He added, “Where is the concern for a fair trial for my client?”

Shockley, in discussing the motions, first addressed Judge Hedstrom's decision on joining the cases.

She said it was within Hedstrom's right to do. “I'm not going to relitigate that issue here,” she said, adding that an appellate court could take it up later if it wished.

“That leaves us with addressing what's happened in the context of this dual jury,” she said.

The trial had been set up in such a manner as to avoid Aranda error, Shockley said. She said Aranda error clearly took place, noting that Anderson conceded that.

She said she found there had been prosecutorial misconduct; while not malicious, it was “error so obvious” that it should not have happened.

Shockley said she did not feel that the defense's position was as clear cut as they would have liked due to the case law.

She said she would defer a ruling on the mistrial motion until she had heard testimony from jailhouse informant Daniel Loyd and former codefendant Kevin Stone, and after she had held hearings on Miranda issues with the prosecution and defense.

She said she was prepared to give an admonition to the jury to ignore Celli's testimony in its entirety.

After a break, the juries were brought in briefly to be instructed on when next to appear.

“I am so grateful for your patience,” Shockley told the jurors. “We have been working hard on this case.”

She ordered the Braden jury to be back at 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 9, and at 9 a.m. Thursday, May 10. The Lopez jury will appear alone at 9 a.m. Friday, May 11.

Then, “we will all be together again” at 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 16, Shockley said.

She reminded jurors that they are not to speculate about why they are called at certain times and not others.

Shockley apologized for the delays and again thanked jurors for their patience.

When one juror asked about an end date, Shockley estimated May 25.

The prosecution and defense will work on Miranda issues regarding Lopez out of the jury's hearing on Wednesday afternoon and will discuss jury instructions on Thursday, Shockley said.

Email Elizabeth Larson at .

SACRAMENTO – The California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) on Thursday released results of the first-ever survey of California motorists and motorcycle riders on the subject of “lane splitting,” where motorcycles travel between two lanes with other vehicles traveling the same direction.  

At the same time, OTS and the California Highway Patrol announced that they are joining with other federal, state and local traffic safety, law enforcement, and motorcycle organizations in proclaiming May as “Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.”  

After more than a decade of steady increases, motorcycle fatalities in California began a decline in 2009.

Lane splitting has been a subject for controversy and confusion for years.  

The OTS survey showed that only 53 percent of vehicle drivers knew that lane splitting is legal in California.  

Eighty-seven percent of motorcycle riders say they lane split, while seven percent of vehicle drivers admit to having attempted to prevent it.

The key to legal lane splitting for motorcycle riders is doing so in a safe and prudent manner, being cognizant of overall traffic speeds, speed differences, spacing and lane changing patterns of surrounding traffic.  

Riding too fast is one of the most common things that motorcyclists do to make lane splitting unsafe.

Motorists and other road users are reminded to safely “share the road” with motorcycles during May, and throughout the year, and to be extra alert to help keep motorcyclists safe.  

Changing the driving habits of motorists and motorcyclists alike will help decrease the numbers of motorcyclists killed and injured in crashes.

Motorcyclists are reminded to make sure that they are visible to motorists, and that they follow the rules of the road.  

All road users are reminded to never drive, ride, walk or bicycle while distracted or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

 “As the weather improves, more and more motorcyclists are enjoying California’s roads,” said Christopher J. Murphy, Director of the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). “And with that in mind, pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers of all vehicles, including SUVs, passenger cars and trucks, need to be extra attentive and make sure they ‘share the road.’  A motorcycle is one of the smallest vehicles on our roads, often hidden in a car or truck’s blind spot. Every driver needs to aggressively look for them before changing lanes or merging with traffic.”

Those traveling the state’s highways will notice the electronic Caltrans signs with the “SHARE THE ROAD.  LOOK TWICE FOR MOTORCYCLISTS” message.  

Motorists and bicyclists should perform visual checks for motorcyclists by checking mirrors and blind spots before they enter or exit a lane of traffic, and at intersections.  

Pedestrians should also get into the habit of scanning for motorcyclists who might be hidden by other traffic.  

Motorcycle riders should select lane position to better see the road ahead and to be more visible to other vehicles.

The latest survey results will be incorporated into the California Strategic Highway Safety Plan to help develop additional strategies to reduce motorcycle fatalities and injuries. A motorcyclist is more vulnerable than a passenger vehicle occupant in the event of a crash.  

Research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists are about 39 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in traffic crashes.

Remember, a motorcycle is a vehicle with all of the rights and privileges of any other motor vehicle.

OTS and CHP offer the following tips for drivers to help keep motorcyclists safe on our roadways.

  • Perform a visual check for motorcycles by checking mirrors and blind spots before entering or exiting a lane of traffic, and at intersections.
  • Always signal your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic.
  • Don’t be fooled by a flashing turn signal on a motorcycle – motorcycle signals are often not self-canceling and riders sometimes forget to turn them off. Wait to be sure the motorcycle is going to turn before you proceed.
  • Allow more following distance – three or four seconds – when behind a motorcycle so the motorcyclist has enough time to maneuver or stop in an emergency.
  • Never tailgate. In dry conditions, motorcycles can stop more quickly than cars.
  • Never drive while distracted or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Motorcyclists can increase their safety by:

  • Avoiding riding in poor weather conditions;
  • Wearing brightly colored protective gear and a DOT-compliant helmet;
  • Using turn signals for every turn or lane change, even if the rider thinks no one will see it;
  • Combining hand signals and turn signals to draw more attention to themselves;
  • Using reflective tape and stickers to increase conspicuity;
  • Positioning themselves in the lane where they will be most visible to other drivers; and
  • Never driving while impaired.

The message to all drivers and motorcyclists is: share in the responsibility of keeping all road users safe, and do your part by safely “sharing the road.”

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – When it comes to traffic safety, some actions bear repeating.

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and the California Highway Patrol (CHP) reminds all motorists to safely share the road and look twice for motorcyclists.

California is home to more than one million licensed motorcycle riders and an environment that lends itself to near perfect riding conditions year round.

For this reason, it is important that every motorist remain vigilant while traveling on the state’s roadways.

“Whether a driver is at an intersection or changing lanes, they should always keep an eye out for motorcyclists. Because motorcycles have a much smaller profile than other vehicles, it can be difficult for drivers to judge the distance and speed of an approaching motorcycle,” said Commissioner Joe Farrow.

In 2010, the most recent year for which data is available from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System, 361 people died in California and nearly 11,000 others were injured as a result of a crash involving a motorcycle.

“In addition to outfitting themselves with the necessary safety equipment and riding gear, it is highly recommended that motorcyclists seek proper and professional training before beginning to ride,” added Commissioner Farrow.

Administered by the CHP, the California Motorcyclist Safety Program (CMSP) offers the Basic RiderCourse for beginning motorcyclists and Basic RiderCourses 2 for riders who are interested in improving their skills.

The CMSP expects to train 65,000 motorcyclists this year and operates more than 120 training sites throughout California. Course information and locations may be found at .

Helping the CHP spread the word about motorcycle safety awareness throughout the month of May, the California Department of Transportation will display an important message statewide on their changeable message signs: “Share the Road, Look Twice for Motorcyclists.”

LAKEPORT, Calif. – Even a Princess can end up homeless.

Such is the case with Princess, a domestic long hair mix who recently arrived at Lake County Animal Care and Control.

The friendly calico came to the shelter after her owner died and now she’s hoping for a new life in a new home, where there is plenty of companionship and chin rubs.

Princess has been spayed and is ready for adoption.

She’s in cat room kennel No. 77, ID No. 32537.

To fill out an adoption application online visit .

Lake County Animal Care and Control is located at 4949 Helbush in Lakeport, next to the Hill Road Correctional Facility.

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday. The shelter is open from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and on Saturday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Visit the shelter online at .

For more information call Lake County Animal Care and Control at 707-263-0278.

Email Elizabeth Larson at .


UKIAH, Calif. – Mendocino College has a new interim college president/superintendent.

On Wednesday, May 2, the Mendocino-Lake Community College District Board of Trustees officially approved a contract for Dr. Roe Darnell to become interim superintendent/president.

Darnell succeeds Superintendent/President Kathy Lehner, who is leaving to take over the leadership of the College of the Redwoods in Eureka. Lehner was the sixth president at the college.

Darnell will serve in his interim position at Mendocino College until February 2013.

The board also approved a process for hiring a permanent superintendent/president at the May 2 meeting.

Before approving Darnell, the board recognized Lehner’s accomplishments during her six years as superintendent/president with a resolution highlighting her accomplishments.

The resolution mentions, among other achievements, her leadership in passing Measure W, which is allowing the college to build permanent facilities in Lakeport and Willits as well as a Library/Learning Center on the Ukiah Campus; her “outreach to the community and community relations”; her talent at “developing a unified team as well as building trust”; and her focus on student success during difficult budget times.  Lehner was also praised for making the college a statewide leader in the accreditation process and positioning the institution as well-respected at the state level.

Dr. Darnell earned an Ed.D. from the University of La Verne, a master's degree in history from Pepperdine University and a bachelor's degree in history from Oklahoma Christian College.

He also has completed additional graduate courses at the University of Southern California in Higher Education Curriculum and Administration.

Most recently, Dr. Darnell was employed by the Yosemite Community College District. He retired in 2010 after serving as chancellor for three years.

Previously he was the superintendent/president for West Kern Community College District (2001-07) and President at Cerro Coso Community College (four years) where he also served as vice-president of instruction (14 years) and associate dean of instruction (four years).

Note: This story has been updated - KPFZ is online

LAKEPORT, Calif. – Lake County Community Radio KPFZ 88.1 went offline for unknown reasons Wednesday, and the station’s manager identified the problems and got the station back on the air at approximately 3:30. Earlier in the day the issue was believed to be related to the transmitter site on Buckingham peak but it was later found to be a localized issue that has been resolved.

The station went off the air at around 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. Station Manager Andy Weiss said later in the afternoon that an estimated time for resuming broadcasts was unknown.

Weiss also reported that the transmitter is not believed to be at issue. “We don't know what it is, it's up on the mountain," he said, referring to the transmitter location on Buckingham Peak on top of Mt. Konocti.

Weiss said the station was still fact finding. “I think it's pretty serious."

He said station's technical support may be able to resolve the issue remotely and is hopeful that the station will be back online promptly.

Weiss speculated that it might be a major piece of equipment that "had run its course.”

Unsure of how long it might take to repair, he said he was canceling Thursday's programming.

"I've never had to do this before, so that's how serious it is,” he said.

Despite regular fundraisers the station does not have extra money or equipment to address the situation.

“Inevitably this was going to happen,” Weiss said.

He hopes to have the station restored quickly. “This is an important asset to the community."

A wide variety of programs will be affected should the station remain offline for a prolonged period.

Buck Bouker, who produces the Thursday show “Senior Moments,” said he was disappointed his show would not be on the air tomorrow night.

Other live programs scheduled for Thursday broadcast include:

7 a.m.: The Bluegrass Traveler/Hitchhiker – Don Coffin or Buck Bouker
9 a.m.: Women’s Voices – Lenny Mathews, Rae Eby-Carl, Loretta Macarthy and Kay Vohren
10 a.m.: Gorilla Radio – Conrad RadicalJusticeMan
11 a.m.: Esoterica – Linda Schreiber and Deon Pollett
2 p.m.: New Dimensions – Michael and Justine Toms
3 p.m.: Easy Rollin’ – Tim Hoff
7 p.m.: Lost Treasures – Pop
9 p.m.: Karma Cola – Andy Weiss.

Lake County Community Radio has been broadcasting since 1996. It began originally as pirate radio and low power FM station before transitioning to a full-power license in April 2008.

Email John Jensen at .


CLEARLAKE, Calif. – Firefighters from around the county were called in to respond to a fire that reportedly destroyed two homes in Clearlake late Tuesday night.

The fire was reported at 10:55 p.m. in two residences located behind businesses in the 14400 block of Lakeshore Drive, according to witnesses and radio reports. Initially, radio traffic indicated four structures were involved.

Firefighters arriving at the scene were warned about propane relief valves going off and power lines down.

Lakeshore Drive was closed as firefighters and police worked at the scene.

At one point early in the fire, incident command warned firefighters to take defensive actions only due to the severity of the situation.

Lake County Fire Protection, the lead agency, called in mutual aid from fire agencies around the lake, and asked for ladder trucks. The Office of Emergency Services also responded.

The fire was reported contained at about 12:20 a.m., with incident command estimating several hours would be needed for mop up.

Red Cross also was called to the scene to help with several displaced residents, according to radio traffic.

Lake County Fire Protection District Chief Willie Sapeta said just after 1 a.m. that he expected mop up would continue for most of the night.

Sapeta said more details about the fire would be available Wednesday morning.

Email Elizabeth Larson at .

LAKEPORT, Calif. – Congressman Mike Thompson hosted local veterans leaders and Department of Veterans Affairs officials at a Monday roundtable in an effort to find out how the agency can be improved to better serve its veteran clients, including the thousands of veterans who reside in Lake County.

The meeting took place on the same day that Thompson’s office announced that he had secured commitments from the VA that it will make improvements at the VA Oakland Regional Office, one of the slowest regional offices in the nation for claims processing.

The Monday afternoon roundtable at the Lake County Courthouse in Lakeport featured representatives from veterans’ organizations around the lake – Vietnam Veterans of America, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, United Veterans Council and the Military Funeral Honors Team – as well as Lake County Veterans Service Office staff, county Supervisor Jim Comstock, staff from the VA Clinic in Clearlake and the Employment Development Department.

Making the trip to meet with the vets and local leaders were Lawrence Carroll, director of the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and VA Oakland Regional Office Director Douglas Bragg.

“I can't tell you how important this is to the community,” said Thompson, who along with the VA officials had held a similar roundtable with veterans in Sonoma County earlier in the day.

Approximately 11 percent of Lake County’s total population – or 7,293 people – are veterans, according to Thompson’s office.

“Generally a veteran doesn't call my office until they're at their wits' end,” said Thompson.

The VA has a large number of claims pending nationwide, “and the numbers reflect even worse in our area,” Thompson said.

However, at a meeting he and Congressman Wally Herger had with VA officials last month, he said the VA came forward with what he believed was a good proposal – including training for staff – to address that claims backlog.

“They’re making some very substantial efforts to clean that backlog up,” he said.

Carroll, who like Bragg is a veteran, told the vets they would try to get them answers to their issues.

He said they work for a big bureaucracy. While that’s not an excuse, it helps to understand their challenges.

Carroll said they were going through some transformational changes, and as a result sometimes it looks like things are getting worse.

He also shared with the group that a family member of his, a three-tour Vietnam veteran, had fought for years to get health services through the VA, which did not believe the man had served in Vietnam.

Bragg, a 36-year federal employee, arrived in Oakland six months ago, and said he is there to fix the problems.

Thompson told the vets Monday that the training that VA staff is scheduled to be given is meant to make the Oakland Regional Office more responsive and help them catch up on claims processing.

“I want everyone to know we're here as allies, not adversaries,” Thompson said.

Bragg said the VA is going to train more people in more skills, which will give them flexibility.

“We are going to get better,” he said.

Addressing a larger problem

Thompson, a Vietnam veteran, said he and Congressman Wally Herger met in Washington, DC last month with VA Under Secretary for Benefits Brigadier General Allison A. Hickey to discuss the VA’s claims processing issues, which the agency said has resulted from workload and performance issues.

Hickey oversees all nonmedical benefits and services provided to veterans and their families, including all operations at the VA Oakland Regional Office.

Oakland has 30,765 pending disability claims, according to the VA. On average, the wait time on these claims is more than 263 days, 50 days longer than the national average. Of those disability claims, more than 9,200 have been pending for more than a year.

On Monday Thompson shared a copy of a letter from Hickey, who outlined the elements of a plan to improve services delivery that began at the Oakland Regional Office on March 27.

“Our goal is to achieve significant improvements in the quality and timeliness of claims processing,” Hickey wrote. “We have also made it a priority to enhance our communications with congressional stakeholders.”

The performance improvement plan will include “Challenge” training for the entire regional office in June to improve employee skill levels and decision quality, as well as technical, team, supervisory and communications training. It’s the first effort to retrain an entire regional office, according to Hickey.

The VA also is shifting 27 employees to the Rating Veterans Service Representative position and four employees to the Decision Review Officer position to increase the number of employees assigned to its congressional liaison staff in order to improve service and responsiveness to congressional inquiries, Hickey reported.

A new Simplified Notification Letter process (SNL) is being recently implemented at the Oakland Regional Office as part of the Veterans Benefits Administration’s Transformation plan, and the office also is establishing a Quality Review Team to eliminate errors at the earliest possible stage of the claims process, according to Hickey.

In order to reduce its pending claims inventory, Hickey said the Oakland Regional Office is receiving brokering assistance from other VA regional offices in Lincoln, Nebraska, and Muskogee, Oklahoma, an effort that began in March.

Hickey said Bragg, the new Oakland Regional Office director, also will engage in face-to-face discussions with each of the 21 Northern California congressional district offices over the coming months.

Email Elizabeth Larson at .


CLEARLAKE, Calif. – Lake County Fire Protection’s chief gave a report on Wednesday morning regarding a late Tuesday night fire that destroyed three homes.

Chief Willie Sapeta said firefighters came from all of the agencies around Lake County to assist with battling the blaze, which burned three homes located off of the 14400 block of Lakeshore Drive next to the lake.

He said firefighters were dispatched at 10:53 p.m. Tuesday, with the first unit on scene at 11 p.m.

A total of six engines, one water tender, a rescue unit, a ladder truck, seven overhead command positions, and 30 to 35 firefighters responded to the fire, Sapeta said.

Sapeta said the winds coming off the lake were clocked at 35 miles per hour, and contributed to the spread of the fire from one building to another.

The winds sent flames 30 to 40 feet into the air, Sapeta said.

Also making it dangerous and challenging for firefighters was a propane tank’s relief valve that went off, along with a downed power line on the side of one of the residences, Sapeta said.

The homes were located behind a business that sits on Lakeshore. “It never reached the commercial structure,” Sapeta said.

The fire was contained at 1:15 a.m., Sapeta said. Mop up went on until early Wednesday morning, with his firefighters returning to quarters at about 3:45 a.m.

Three people were displaced from their homes due to the fire, he said. No injuries occurred.

Sapeta said the cause remains under investigation, with one of his staff working with the Clearlake Police Department to reach a conclusion.

Email Elizabeth Larson at"> .


CLEARLAKE, Calif. – The 18th Annual Heron Festival, presented by the Redbud Audubon Society will be held at Redbud Park in Clearlake this Saturday, May 5, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.

The festival will feature nature booths, fascinating programs and children’s activities.

It is free and open to the public.

Pontoon boat rides will leave from Redbud Park to view the Great Blue Heron Rookery in Anderson Marsh; however tickets for the boat rides are now almost sold out although some may be available the day of the event.

The keynote speaker is internationally-honored nature photographer Philip L. Greene from Point Reyes.

Greene has studied and photographed herons and egrets for over two decades. His spectacular photos and delightful lecture focus on the nesting cycle of herons and egrets, with special emphasis on mating behaviors, nest building, and fledging.

Greene will present his program at 11 a.m. in the event tent at the park.

The very popular live owls and raptors show will be offered at 1 p.m. and repeated at 2 p.m. This special talk and demonstration by Native Bird Connections is one of the activities designed especially for families with children.

Dr. Harry Lyons again offers his “Myths and Music of Clear Lake,” combining an entertaining mix of music, science, and humor to tell the story of Clear Lake. Dr. Lyons will speak at 9 a.m.

Redbud Audubon will show a video and slide presentation on the amazing courtship “dancing” behaviors of the beloved grebes that frequent Clear Lake by the thousands every year during the breeding season.

Exhibit booths highlight educational displays and information from nature-related government agencies, local environmental nonprofit groups, and a wide range of nature-related artists and crafts vendors.

A wide range of fun educational activities for children will be presented, helping children to learn about nature. There is also a Children’s Heron Art Show where local school children’s creative gifts to the festival will be displayed in the Children’s Activities Area.

Food vendors will also be on hand, providing soft tacos, pulled-pork sandwiches, sodas, lemonade, cookies and desserts.

For photos and details on all festival events and to purchase tickets for the pontoon boat tours, please visit or call 707-263-8030.


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

