Tuesday, 18 March 2025


LUCERNE, Calif. – Recently, tuition for students attending Marymount California University’s Lakeside Campus in Lucerne was reduced substantially for residents of Lake, Mendocino, Sonoma and surrounding counties.

In the University’s efforts to increase access to achieving a bachelor’s degree, the reduced tuition will allow local students to complete their degrees while working, raising families and without relocating.

Prospective students and members of the community are encouraged to visit the campus, also known as the “Castle,” during one of the weekly open house events being held throughout the summer.

Every Wednesday, from 4 to 6 p.m., anyone interested in a tour, information on MCU Lakeside bachelor’s degree programs or general use of the facility is encouraged to drop in. Reservations are not necessary. People are invited to bring friends who are also curious about the programs and the facility.

Upcoming open house events are scheduled for July 13, 20 and 27, and Aug. 3, 10 and 17.

Prospective students are particularly encouraged to stop by to tour and learn more about the degree programs and educational opportunities available.

The campus is located at 3700 Country Club Drive in Lucerne.

For more information, call Enrollment Coordinator Kathy Windrem at 310-303-7699.

Visit the university online at www.marymountcalifornia.edu .

LUCERNE, Calif. – Friends of Locally Owned Water, or FLOW, will meet on Saturday, July 16.

The group will meet for its board meeting at 11 a.m. at the Northshore Community Center – formerly the Lucerne Alpine Senior Center – located at 10th and Country Club.

Public comment is welcome.


There have been so many films and television shows about the legendary character of Tarzan created by Edgar Rice Burroughs that it might be a fool’s errand to catalog them all with a degree of certitude.

“The Legend of Tarzan,” though it begs the question of why this reincarnation should be necessary, is certainly much better than other recent creations. Aside from the palpable erotic charms of a young Bo Derek, “Tarzan, the Ape Man,” directed by John Derek, was just silly.

Did Travis Fimmel become a household name after remaking the titular role in the 2003 version of “Tarzan,” where he was loose in the urban jungle of New York City and Jane was an NYPD detective inexorably drawn in a primal passion to the dangerous Tarzan?

Alexander Skarsgard, now in the part of the man once known as Tarzan, is not likely to suffer the same fate as Fimmel.

The story begins with Tarzan having left the jungles of Africa behind for a gentrified life as John Clayton III, Fifth Earl of Greystoke, and a member of the House of Lords.

Skarsgard’s Lord Greystoke, as they call him in the rarefied circles of London society, is summoned to Number 10 Downing Street (an address in the news recently as the result of the political fallout of the “Brexit” vote in the United Kingdom).

The late 19th century version of the prime minister of England looks nothing like David Cameron, or any number of Tory members of Parliament likely soon to take his place. Instead, the British leader and his cabinet look like central casting’s idea of “Downton Abbey.”

The British government convinces Lord Greystoke to return to his homeland at the invitation of King Leopold II of Belgium to witness all the good and charitable works the king has ostensibly undertaken in the Congo.

In fact, the grand gesture is a ruse and, effectively, a trap. Tarzan is being lured back by the king’s treacherous envoy, Captain Leon Rom (Christoph Waltz, an evil schemer picking up, at least thematically, where he left off as the Bond villain in “Spectre”).

Rom’s nefarious plan is to capture Tarzan and deliver him to an old enemy in exchange for a fortune in diamonds found in the Opar region. The vengeful Mbonga (Djimon Hounsou) holds a grudge for something terrible that happened in the past.

Making a deal with Leon Rom to lure Tarzan back to Africa, the African tribal chief Mbonga is blinded by revenge and doesn’t realize he’s making a deal with the devil.

But Lord Greystoke, now married to the beautiful Jane (Margot Robbie) who also was raised in Africa by her missionary parents, is not so eager to return to the Dark Continent.

An American envoy of President Benjamin Harrison, Civil War veteran George Washington Williams (Samuel L. Jackson) entreats Lord Greystoke to accept King Leopold’s invitation, but his motive is entirely different than Rom’s.

Williams, who fought in the war to abolish slavery, suspects that the Belgian king is colonizing the Congo for more reasons than merely exploiting its natural resources. He wants proof that the Africans are being enslaved and used to generate wealth for the royal coffers.

Meanwhile, Jane proves to be a strong-willed, independent woman who has no intention of being left behind in England while her husband returns to the homeland. That she’s no damsel in distress becomes evident soon enough when Rom holds her hostage in order to get to Tarzan.

A backstory seems essential to establish the adult Lord Greystoke’s credentials as the once feral child and legend of the jungle, a man whose physique is not only impressive but the necessary product of being raised by gorillas.

To great effect, flashbacks are deliberately sprinkled through the story to show how Tarzan survived his time in the African jungle and came to know and love the strong-willed Jane after saving her life.

At first, the return to Africa is a thing of beauty, as Tarzan and Jane, joined by Williams on the journey, enjoy the panorama of mist-covered mountains and landscapes, and then reunite with their extended family, the Kuba tribe, who welcome their return in joy and song.

What unfolds in the story is something less than joyous when Tarzan is nearly killed and Jane abducted by Rom and held prisoner on steamboat headed to the coast.

Boiled down to the essentials, the story of this new “Tarzan” turns on a rescue mission and the climactic assault upon the Belgian army’s encampment on the African coast, where the King’s reinforcements must be stopped.

Looking fit for the role, Skarsgard’s Tarzan, full of primal passion, swings wildly on the jungle vines to great visual effect, before gathering his friends, including stampeding wildlife, to stop the coastal invasion.

This may not be a ringing endorsement, but “The Legend of Tarzan,” lifted by some good special effects, is smarter and more sophisticated than some recent superhero films. For that, we can thank a good cast and a decent story, even when it gets a little muddled.

Tim Riley writes film and television reviews for Lake County News.

Shooting deer across a lake?

Question: Is it legal to shoot my rifle across open water to the other side?

Say I am on one side of a lake and see a legal deer on the other side (let’s assume it’s 200 yards, not a good long range shot).

Can I shoot across the lake or pond or river? (Larry E.)

Answer: It is never advisable to shoot over water due to the potential for a ricochet. But, it is legal to shoot the deer as long as both you and the deer are on property where it is legal to hunt and you have permission to hunt the area.

Sport fishing from a commercial boat?

Question: I have a friend with a commercial urchin boat who invited me to come out with him.

Would it be legal for me to fish off the boat and to maybe even dive and do some spearfishing from the boat?

I would stick to fish and not take any urchin while down diving. (Anonymous)

Answer: No. Under Fish and Game Code, section 7856(f):  “A person shall not take or possess a fish on a commercial fishing vessel under a sport fishing license while that vessel is engaged in a commercial fishing activity, including going to or from an area where fish are taken for commercial purposes.”

Commercial boat captains may take friends and family out to fish from their boats when they are NOT engaged in commercial fishing.

All commercially caught fish or invertebrates must be off the boat before the boat leaves the harbor for a trip where the captain and passengers will be engaged in sport angling, diving, hoop netting or setting traps for crabs. They must commit to one or the other type of trip ahead of time.

Oh deer, oh road kill

Question: I hit a deer while driving a few nights ago. The dang thing jumped right out in front of my car at the last minute while I was only going 35 miles per hour. It lived but it got me wondering whether I could have legally taken it home.

If I field dress a freshly killed deer that’s been accidentally hit by a car, and even if I don’t have a deer tag, I don't see why I could not take it. Otherwise, it would just rot on the side of the road and go to waste.

I’m not a road-kill eater, but if I killed a deer by accident, I wouldn’t mind taking it home and eating it and keeping the skin. (Anonymous)

Answer: Unfortunately, this would not be legal. Road-killed wildlife may not be retained. Only authorized personnel of state and/or local agencies are permitted to dispatch and remove injured or dead animals.

Even if you were a licensed California hunter with the appropriate tags to take the deer, you cannot legally tag that deer and take it home.

Deer may only be taken with rifles, shotguns, pistols and revolvers, muzzleloaders and archery equipment. Motor vehicles are not included in this list of legal methods of take.

Although FGC, section 2000.5(a), states the accidental taking of game by a motor vehicle is not a violation of the law, it does not authorize the possession of animals taken by a collision with a vehicle.

You may wonder why this is the case since it seems like it would be a waste of a deer to not be able to place a tag on it and perhaps save another from being taken.

The reason is that some poachers would use the “collision” excuse to take deer at night with their vehicle and just attach their tag to justify the action.

Using two rods to reach bag limit?

Question: If I am using a two-rod stamp and I have four fish in my bag (daily bag limit is five fish), can I still use two rods or do I have to only fish with one rod as I only need one more fish to reach my limit? (Kyle M.)

Answer: You may continue using two rods in the scenario you describe but once you catch the last fish in your limit, you must immediately pull in the other rod.

Stocking my home aquarium?

Question: Is it legal to take any marine life or rocks from the California coastline for use in an in-home aquarium? (James H.)

Answer: Finfish may not be transported alive from the water where taken except under the authority of a scientific collecting permit or a marine aquaria collector’s permit.

The removal of live rocks (rocks with living marine organisms attached) is also prohibited in some areas, including marine sanctuaries and state parks.

Carrie Wilson is a marine environmental scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. While she cannot personally answer everyone’s questions, she will select a few to answer each week in this column. Please contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


CLEARLAKE, Calif. – St. Helena Hospital Clear Lake’s 12th annual Charity Golf Tournament & Silent Auction, held on May 26, grossed more than $69,000 for More Than Wheels, a fundraising campaign to enhance patient transportation in Lake County.

The event at Hidden Valley Golf Course raised funds to purchase additional patient vans and to establish an “After Hours Fund” to ensure that patients have a ride home upon discharge, day or night.

“If patients cannot access vital wellness and disease prevention services, our highly-trained specialty physicians and advanced technology can’t work to move the wellness dial in our community,” explained Rebecca Southwick, Development Officer for St. Helena Hospital Clear Lake. “Through the generosity of the sponsors, players and silent auction donors, we are focusing on addressing the need for patient transportation services.”

While community members without reliable transportation were the real winners, two teams had exceptional days on the course.

The winning team of the A flight were Tony Aherich, Geof Ergo, Ted Hollen and Jeff Komar. Winning the B flight were Jack McManus, Judy McManus, Allen Thomas and Donna Thomas.

The Golf Tournament & Silent Auction brought the More Than Wheels Campaign closer to its $135,000 fundraising goal.

Two generous Eagle Sponsors, Affiliated Pathologists Medical Group Inc. and Kim and Scott Welker, MD, contributed to the tournament.

Birdie Sponsors included Lake Pharmacy, St. Helena Hospital Napa Valley, Falck/VeriHealth, Acute Medical Providers and Chic Le Chef.

Gold Sponsors were Paramount Anesthesia Inc.; David and Denise Santos; Audrey and Bruce Anderson, MD; California Medical Group; John Clarke; Feather River Hospital; Jones, Lang, LaSalle Americas; Pacific Union College; REACH Air Medical Services; Redbud Health Care District; Coastal Mountain Electric; Sodexo; and Ukiah Valley Medical Center.

Silver Sponsors were CMRE Financial Services Inc.; Healthcare Revenue Management Group; and Helmer & Sons.

Tee Sign sponsors included Credit Bureau of Ukiah; Carlton Jacobson Family; Southern Smiles Dental Practice; Dr. Marc Shapiro, MD; Mendo-Lake Home Respiratory Services, Inc.; Jeon Sik Park, MD; and Twin Pine Casino & Hotel. Additional generous companies and individuals gave cash gifts and donated to the Silent Auction.

To learn more or give to the campaign, contact Development Officer Rebecca Southwick at 707-995-5677 or visit www.sthelenahospitalclearlake.org .

COBB, Calif. – The portion of Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest behind Cobb Elementary School will be temporarily closed to the public due to the presence of logging machinery and clearing operations over the next few months.

The Friends of Boggs Mountain will pass on any information as to when Cal Fire plans to reopen any part of the forest.

Until then, all trail maintenance will be on hold until they are allowed back to do work.

For questions regarding Boggs, please contact the forest manager or forest aide at 707-928-4378.

For updates on Boggs, follow Friends of Boggs Mountain on Facebook at www.facebook.com/fobmca .

John D. Grutzmacher
June 28, 1933 - July 7, 2016

John David Grutzmacher passed away on July 7, 2016, in Roseville, Calif., after a brief period of declining health.

He is survived by his loving wife of 59 years Carmalita (Carm), and their three children Daniel, Martha and Raymond, and their spouses.

After an early career with the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Descanso Gardens, John decided that working for himself would be more rewarding and he became a successful piano tuner and enjoyed his many individual clients and most notably was proud to tune for the L.A. Music Center.

After retiring to Kelseyville, Calif., in the mid-1990s, John and Carm successfully raised seven guide dog puppies for the San Rafael chapter of Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Family prefers donations in his memory may be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital at www.stjude.org .

Memorial Mass will be held at St. Mary Immaculate Catholic church in Lakeport on Thursday, July 14, at 1 p.m.

For further information please contact Chapel of the Lakes Mortuary at 707-263-0357 or 707-994-5611, or visit www.chapelofthelakes.com .

LOWER LAKE, Calif. – On Tuesday, July 12, the Lake County Democratic Club will have as its guest speaker Larry Allen, a retired Lake County teacher and former member of the California Teachers Association Board of Directors.

He will address the club on charter schools and related issues.

A short business meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by the speaker at approximately 7 p.m.

Democratic Club meetings are held in the social hall of the Lower Lake Community United Methodist Church, 16255 Second St., on the second Tuesday of every month.

All meetings are open to the public. Membership is open to registered Democrats.

The Lake County Democratic Club is an officially chartered club of the Democratic Party of Lake County.

Visit www.lakecountydemocraticclub.org or contact the club at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – As part of its ongoing efforts to provide special services to the community, Hospice Services of Lake County is offering a free volunteer orientation and training for adults aged 18 and over who feel like making a difference.

Orientation begins on Wednesday, Aug. 10, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. The orientation is followed by two days of training on Saturdays, Aug. 13 and Aug. 20, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Orientation and trainings will be held at the Hospice offices at 1862 Parallel Drive in Lakeport. All training materials and lunch on both Saturdays will be provided free of charge.

This non-medical training provides the new volunteers with knowledge and skills for visiting patients in hospice care and offering bereavement support to the patient’s loved ones and family members.

Patient support volunteers give non-medical support, companionship and practical, caring help to hospice patients and offer respite to the caregivers.

Bereavement volunteers provide support to loved ones and grieving family members at camps and support groups.

Training is provided by guest speakers who are experts in their respective fields. The new volunteers will learn new skill sets and practical information to become successful hospice volunteers.

To reserve space and for information contact Hedy Montoya at 707-263-6270, Extension 136, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


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