- Elizabeth Larson
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Supervisors ratify Pawnee fire emergency declaration; work on fire lines continues
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – As dozers continued to cut fire line around the Pawnee fire and tankers worked from overhead on Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors ratified a local emergency declaration for the fire.
Sheriff Brian Martin had originally made the local emergency declaration on Sunday, the day after the Pawnee fire began in the Spring Valley Lakes subdivision east of Clearlake Oaks.
The Board of Supervisors is required to ratify the declaration, which they did with California Office of Emergency Services representatives in attendance.
At the time the board voted, Cal Fire had an estimate of 11,500 acres and 5 percent containment on the fire, up by 1,000 from the size given Monday night.
More than 1,400 firefighting personnel are assigned, along with 110 engines, 10 water tenders, 15 helicopters, 35 hand crews and 58 dozers, Cal Fire reported.
The number of destroyed structures remains at 22, with four additional structures damaged, based on the Cal Fire damage assessment team’s work.
Click on the planes for information and flight path. Featured with permission of Flightradar24, www.flightradar.com .
Spring Valley and the nearby Double Eagle Ranch subdivision both remain under mandatory evacuation orders, officials said, with 600 structures threatened and about 1,500 residents impacted by the evacuations.
Also on Tuesday, the fire’s smoke settled into a thick haze over much of Lake County .
In addition to the assigned helicopters, numerous air tankers have been flying over the incident, based on radio traffic.
The dozers continued on Tuesday working around the fire, including cutting safety zones and fire line north of the fire on Hough Ridge.
Cal Fire said the fire continued to burn actively overnight.
On Monday night, the fire jumped Walker Ridge and moved into the Bear Valley area in eastern edge of Colusa County, according to reports from the scene.
Overnight Wilbur Hot Springs was reported to have been fully evacuated.
On Tuesday afternoon, the Colusa County Sheriff’s Office issued an immediate evacuation advisory warning for areas east of Walker Ridge, the Wilbur Springs area, Bear Valley and Brim Road.
Cal Fire also reported on a number of Pawnee fire-related road closure updates on Tuesday.
In Lake County, Old Long Valley Road, New Long Valley Road, Walker Ridge and Mule Skinner Road are all closed at Highway 20.
In Colusa County, Bear Valley Road at Highway 20, Bear Valley Road at Brim Road and Leesville Lodge Road at Brim Road are closed.
Cal Fire said road closures in those areas are staffed by law enforcement personnel and public access won’t be granted.
Email Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.com. Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.