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Space News: What’s up in April
What's up for April? The moon, Mars, and Saturn and the Lyrid meteor shower.
“You won't want to miss red Mars and golden Saturn in the south-southeast morning skies this month,” said Jane Houston Jones from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
She said Mars shines a little brighter in April than in March. By April 7, the moon joins the pair. From a dark sky you may see some glow from the nearby Milky Way.
Midmonth, start looking for Lyrid meteors, which are active from April 14 through the 30, Houston Jones said. The meteors peak on April 22.
“In the early morning sky, a patient observer will see up to more than a dozen meteors per hour in this medium-strength shower, with 18 meteors per hour calculated for the peak. U.S. observers should see good rates on the nights before and after this peak,” she said.
A bright first quarter moon plays havoc with sky conditions, marring most of the typically faint Lyrid meteors. But Houston Jones said Lyra will be high overhead after the moon sets at midnight, so that's the best time to look for Lyrids.
Through a telescope, Jupiter's clouds belts and zones are easy to see. And watch the Great Red Spot transit – or cross – the visible (Earth-facing) disk of Jupiter every eight hours, according to Houston Jones.
Houston Jones said the Juno spacecraft continues to orbit Jupiter. And Juno's JunoCam citizen science team is creating exciting images of Jupiter's features based on the latest spacecraft data.
Next month Jupiter is at opposition – when it rises at sunset, sets at sunrise, and offers great views for several months, she said.
You can catch up on solar system missions to Jupiter (like Juno) and all of NASA's missions at: www.nasa.gov.