- Elizabeth Larson
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Supervisors to discuss possible split of Public Works and Water Resources, spending plan for federal recovery funds
The board will meet beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 21, in the board chambers on the first floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.
The meeting can be watched live on Channel 8, online at https://countyoflake.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx and on the county’s Facebook page. Accompanying board documents, the agenda and archived board meeting videos also are available at that link.
To participate in real-time, join the Zoom meeting by clicking this link.
The meeting ID is 939 7015 1338, pass code 797313. The meeting also can be accessed via one tap mobile at +16699006833,,93970151338#,,,,*797313#.
All interested members of the public that do not have internet access or a Mediacom cable subscription are encouraged to call 669-900-6833, and enter the Zoom meeting ID and pass code information above.
To submit a written comment on any agenda item visit https://countyoflake.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx and click on the eComment feature linked to the meeting date. If a comment is submitted after the meeting begins, it may not be read during the meeting but will become a part of the record.
The board will get an update on COVID-19 from Public Health staff at 9:06 a.m.
At 10:30 a.m., the board will consider a proposed resolution from Chair Bruno Sabatier to memorialize the board’s support of the Community Development Department in its discretion in applying the appropriate standards under the California Environmental Quality Act to determine the necessary level of environmental review for all projects.
“Cannabis projects are becoming more controversial in our communities. The projects are getting closer to rural communities. The growing number of acres already approved, the drought concerns, and the proximity to communities has aided in increasing public participation in questioning these projects,” Sabatier wrote in his memo to the board.
He added, “The environmental impacts being reviewed are not limited to solely flora and fauna. It is also ground water sustainability analysis as well as community impacts, such as odor, increased traffic and activity.”
He said he wants to assure the Community Development director and staff that “the Board of Supervisors holds our environment (nature and community) as the highest of priorities to protect. The department's exercise of discretion to utilize a more stringent CEQA process (i.e. Environmental Impact Report), for those projects that may not have impacts reduced to less than significant, will be supported by the Board of Supervisors.”
At 10:45 a.m., the board will have a discussion regarding potentially separating Public Works and Water Resources.
The two departments have been consolidated since 2019; before that, they had been standalone departments for several years.
County Administrative Officer Carol Huchingson’s report to the board explains, “The basis for the present discussion is the impending, extraordinary surge of federal infrastructure funding coming to Lake County and whether local need can be best served by again separating PW [Public Works] and WR [Water Resources], thus enabling PW to focus on the advancement of critical infrastructure projects.”
She said staff will present the board wil options and return on a future date with necessary actions.
In an untimed item, the board will consider the Recovery and Revitalization Plan proposed by staff to allocate the $12.5 million the county is receiving through the American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA.
The plan’s priorities include building sustainable housing and long-term planning, removing barriers to childhood success and dignified aging, acting now on water and infrastructure projects, and preparing to effectively meet emergent public needs.
In other untimed items, the board will consider approving the proposed findings of fact and decision in the appeal of Don and Margie Van Pelt’s appeal of the Sourz HVR Inc. project on High Valley Ranch in Clearlake Oaks, which the board approved in November, and will consider amending the micro home kitchen operation ordinance.
The full agenda follows.
5.1: Approve correction to the start date of the appointment of Jonathan Portney to Health Services Director to be effective Jan. 11, 2022.
5.2: Approve agreement between county of Lake and AirMedCare Network for air ambulance services, and authorize the director of Human Resources to sign.
5.3: Second reading of ordinance rescinding Ordinance Number 2958 which amended Article II, Section 2-4, of Chapter 2 of the Lake County Code establishing the boundaries of the supervisorial district for the county of Lake, Pursuant to Sections 21500 Et Seq of the California Elections Code.
5.4: Adopt resolution approving Agreement No. 21-0516-009-SF with California Department of Food and Agriculture to authorize execution of the Asian Citrus Psyllid Winter Trapping Program in the amount of $9,107 beginning Oct. 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022.
5.5: Approve Board of Supervisors meeting minutes Oct. 19, Dec. 9 and Dec. 14.
5.6: Approve continuation of resolution authorizing teleconferenced meetings while a state of emergency continues to exist.
5.7: Adopt resolution amending Resolution 2017-79 that approved a request from county of Lake Health Services Department to submit a renewal application for the California Department of Public Health Immunization Assistance Grant Program for fiscal years 2017-18 through 2021-22 in the amount of $197,715, and authorized the Health Services director to sign.
5.8: Approve the continuation of a local health emergency related to the 2019 Coronavirus (COVID-19) as proclaimed by the Lake County Public Health officer.
5.9: Approve the continuation of a local health emergency and order prohibiting the endangerment of the community through the unsafe removal, transport, and disposal of fire debris for the LNU Complex Wildfire.
5.10: Adopt resolution approving the renewal application and certification statement for the state Department of Health Services, CMS Branch’s Child Health & Disability Program, Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care Program, monitoring oversight of Foster Children Treated with Psychotropic Meds and Caseload Relief grant for fiscal year 2019-20 and authorize the board chair to sign said certification statement.
5.11: Approve continuation of a local health emergency by the Lake County Health officer for the Cache fire.
5.12: a) Waive the formal bidding requirement; and b) authorize the IT Director to issue a purchase order to AMS.net for Cisco Networking Switches for Behavioral Health locations in the amount of $49,085.42.
5.13: Approve the continuation of a local emergency due to the Pawnee fire Incident.
5.14: Approve the continuation of a local emergency In Lake County in response to the LNU Lightning Complex wildfire event.
5.15: Approve the continuation of an emergency declaration for drought conditions.
5.16: Approve the continuation of a local emergency due to COVID-19.
5.17: Approve the continuation of a local emergency due to the Mendocino Complex fire incident (River and Ranch fires).
5.18: Approve continuation of a local emergency by the Lake County Sheriff/Office of Emergency Services director for the Cache fire.
5.19: Approve the continuation of a local emergency In Lake County in response to the LNU Lightning Complex wildfire event.
5.20: Adopt resolution authorizing the acceptance of the 2022-23 Boating Safety and Enforcement financial aid funding from the state of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways in the amount of $315,312.
5.21: (a) Waive the formal bidding process, pursuant to Lake County Code Section 38.2, as it is not in the public interest due to the unique nature of goods or services; and (b) approve agreement between county of Lake and Harmony Research, for fiscal year 2021-22 for professional research services related to tax default land sales in an amount not to exceed $147,750.00 and authorize the chair to sign.
5.22: Sitting as the Board of Directors for the Lake County Watershed Protection District, consideration and approval of memorandum of understanding between Lake County Watershed Protection District and Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake to execute a Bureau of Indian Affairs Endangered Species Hitch Study Grant in a shared amount not to exceed $43,912.60 and authorize the Board Chair to sign said MOU.
6.2, 9:06 a.m.: Consideration of update on COVID-19.
6.3, 10 a.m.: Public hearing, Greg Hanson, general plan amendment (GPAP 20-02), rezone; (RZ 20-02), initial study (IS 20-91).
6.4, 10:30 a.m.: Consideration of resolution supporting the Community Development Department in processing commercial cannabis permits while ensuring appropriate environmental protection to our communities.
6.5, 10:45 a.m.: Discussion/consideration of making Public Works and Water Resources separate, standalone departments.
7.2: Consideration of ordinance amending the micro home kitchen operation ordinance.
7.3: Consideration of recovery and revitalization plan for Lake County, an American Rescue Plan Act Spending priorities statement.
7.4: Consideration of MOU between CalMHSA and participating counties and the California Department of State Hospitals for the purchase of state hospital beds for fiscal year 2021-22.
7.5: Consideration of participation agreement Between Lake County Behavioral Health Services and the California Mental Health Services authority for the Superior Regional Partnership, OSHPD WET Grant FY 2021-25.
7.6: Consideration of extension of the use of County Juvenile Hall Facility for a temporary support shelter targeting Lake County’s chronically homeless population through March 31, 2022.
7.7: Consideration of the following advisory board appointments: Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Advisory Board.
7.8: Consideration of planning services contract amendment No. 1 between the county of Lake and LACO to extend the term of the contract and increase the compensation.
7.9: Consideration of proposed findings of fact and decision in the appeal of Don and Margie Van Pelt (AB 21-04).
7.10: Consideration of agreement with the Regents of the University of California on behalf of the Tahoe Environmental Research Center for Clear Lake sediment sampling analysis for a 16-month period not to exceed $74,995 and authorize the Water Resources director to sign.
7.11: Sitting as the Board of Directors, Lake County Watershed Protection District, presentation of Big Valley Groundwater Basin Sustainable Groundwater Management Act progress and next steps.
8.1: Public employee appointment pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957(b)(1): Appointment of Public Health officer.
8.2: Conference with legal counsel: Existing litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (d)(1): Nichols v. County of Lake, et al.
Email Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.com. Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.