- Elizabeth Larson
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Supervisors to consider second reading of cannabis cultivation ordinance, discuss deputy hiring incentives
The board will meet beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 20, in the board chambers on the first floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.
The meeting can be watched live on Channel 8 and online at https://countyoflake.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. Accompanying board documents, the agenda and archived board meeting videos also are available at that link.
In an untimed item, the board will consider the second reading of an ordinance governing commercial cannabis cultivation. The ordinance is not on the consent agenda, where there had been indications it would be placed during the discussion at last week’s meeting.
Also untimed is a resolution proposed by Sheriff Brian Martin that would authorize him to offer hiring incentives for the deputy sheriff I/II job classifications.
Martin’s report to the board explained that his budget has 66 full-time deputy sheriff classification positions allocated, with 47 of those positions filled and another deputy expecting to give his resignation soon because he has a conditional job offer at a local police department.
“In an effort to attract more candidates, I am proposing this resolution to offer hiring incentives to applicants who have already completed an academy, or are already currently certified and eligible to be hired as deputy sheriffs,” Martin wrote.
Citing hiring incentives offered by other agencies – including a $5,000 hiring bonus and a $20,000 college loan reimbursement given by the Napa County Sheriff’s Office, the Santa Cruz Police Department’s $10,000 hiring bonus and a $15,000 hiring bonus for laterals available at the city of Modesto – Martin is asking to offer $5,000 hiring bonuses for up to 10 deputy sheriff candidates.
“It is my recommendation that funds from Rural Sheriff’s Budget Unit 2206 be used to fund these hiring bonuses,” said Martin, explaining that, pursuant to state law, Lake County is allocated $500,000 each year for our Rural Sheriff’s Budget. “The funds are specifically earmarked to enhance law enforcement efforts and recruiting and retaining qualified Deputy Sheriff staffing will most certainly meet this goal.”
The full agenda follows.
7.1: Adopt proclamation designating March 20, 2018 as National Agriculture Day in Lake County.
7.2: Approve minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting held Feb. 6, 2018.
7.3: Adopt Resolution consolidating the Human Resources Department into a division of the Administrative Office and amending Resolution No. 2017-25 Establishing Position Allocations for Fiscal Year 2017-2018, Budget Unit No. 1012, Administrative Office.
7.4: Approve letter to Bruce Wilson, executive director of the Workforce Alliance of the North Bay, urging that the Lake County Employment Development Office remain open.
7.5: Approve request for advance step hiring of Mental Health Specialist II, Step 5 for Dr. Peter Galagar.
7.6: Adopt resolution authorizing access to state and local summary criminal history information by the Department of Child Support Services.
7.7: Sitting as the Kelseyville County Waterworks District No. 3 Board of Directors, (a) waive the normal sealed bid process under Ordinance No. 2406, Section 38.2 because there is no economic benefit to the county, for the purchase of a vehicle to be utilized within the Kelseyville County Waterworks District No. 3; and (b) authorize the Special Districts administrator/assistant purchasing agent to issue a purchase order through the statewide bid contract to Downtown Ford of Sacramento in the amount of $33,067.50.
7.8: Sitting as the Lake County Sanitation District Board of Directors, (a) waive the normal sealed bid process under Ordinance No. 2406, Section 38.2 because there is no economic benefit to the county, for the purchase of a vehicle within the Lake County Sanitation District Southeast division; and (b) authorize the Special Districts Administrator/assistant purchasing agent to issue a purchase order through the statewide bid contract to Downtown Ford of Sacramento in the amount of $33,067.50.
7.9: (a) Waive the normal sealed bid process under Ordinance No. 2406, Section 38.2 as it is not in the public interest due to the unique nature of the goods; and (b) approve to issue a purchase order in the amount of $30,700.31 to ProForce Law Enforcement for the purchase of 25 - X26P Taser units.
7.10: Approve waiver of the 900 hour limit for certain janitorial positions within the Department of Social Services.
7.11: Approve waiver of the 900 hour limit for certain facility maintenance positions within the Department of Social Services.
7.12: (a) Waive the normal sealed bid process under Ordinance No. 2406, Section 38.2 because there is no economic benefit to the county, for the purchase of a vehicle within the Special Districts administration division; and (b) authorize the Special Districts administrator/assistant purchasing agent to issue a purchase order through the statewide bid contract to Winner Chevrolet in the amount of $24,005.40.
8.2, 9:10 a.m.: Presentation of proclamation designating March 20, 2018, as National Agriculture Day in Lake County.
8.3, 9:15 a.m.: Public hearing, continued from March 6, consideration of a resolution imposing the county’s last, best, and final offer to Lake County Employees Association, Unit 4.
8.4, 9:30 a.m.: Public hearing, consideration of resolution approving resolutions and capital fire facility and equipment plans submitted by Lake County Fire Agencies and updating the Lake County Capital Fire Facility and Equipment Plan. (Staff requesting continuation of this item to March 27 at 9:30 a.m.)
8.5, 9:45 a.m.: (a) Consideration of waiving the normal sealed bid process under Ordinance No. 2406, Section 38.2 as it is not in the public interest due to the unique nature of goods; and (b) consideration of the Everbridge Mass Notification User agreement.
9.2: Consideration of staff recommendation to adjourn the April 19 cannabis workshop and reschedule the May 17 cannabis workshop.
9.3: Second reading, consideration of ordinance for proposed amendments to Chapter 21, Article 27 of the Lake County Code to regulate the cultivation of cannabis.
9.4: Consideration of a resolution expressing the intent of the Board of Supervisors in its adoption of Urgency Ordinance Number 3071.
9.5: Consideration of a resolution authorizing hiring incentives for deputy sheriff I/II Job classifications.
10.1: Employee disciplinary appeal (EDA 16-04) Pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54957.
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