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Symphony members seek owner of cat left behind during fire evacuation

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Members of the Symphony Wine Club are attempting to locate the owners of a friendly cat who they found following the Mendocino Complex evacuation.
When Bill and Melanie Fine returned to their home near Highland Springs Road and Bell Hill Road after the evacuation order was lifted, they were welcomed by a starving young cat, on the roof of their barn, which is usually only visited by fellow members of the Symphony Wine Club.
“This is where we get together to process grapes and make wine for our yearly WInefest that supports the Lake County Symphony,” said Bill Fine.
No club members had visited the barn for a while and it was obvious the cat was yowling with hunger and asking for help, Fine said.
“He was maybe 4 months old and very weak and skinny. We are not sure how long he had been near our place, because we were out of the country when the fires were going on,” Fine explained.
After a good meal, and some ear rubs, it was apparent that this was no feral cat. “He was very friendly and really wanted to be in the house,” said Fine.
They gave him the name “Stripy,“ and waited for someone to come looking for him.
“He is really sweet and someone must be missing him,” said Melanie Fine. “Unfortunately, we cannot keep him. We already have a cat and they do not get along.”
In the meantime, they are feeding Stripy and he has access to the barn for a safe place to sleep.
Stripy’s photograph is posted on the Lakeport Animal Control website with a ”found” date of Aug. 5.
Bill Fine can be reached at 510-375-6171.