- Elizabeth Larson
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Supervisors to consider continuing Friday office closures, hazardous vegetation abatement ordinance
The board will meet beginning at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 12, in the board chambers on the first floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.
The meeting can be watched live on Channel 8 and online at https://countyoflake.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. Accompanying board documents, the agenda and archived board meeting videos also are available at that link.
In an untimed item, county staff will ask the board to extend a pilot program that closes most county offices located within and surrounding the Lake County Courthouse to the public on Fridays.
The board approved the initial pilot on Aug. 28, as Lake County News has reported.
County Administrative Officer Carol Huchingson’s report to the board noted that the closures initially were granted for those specific offices “due to high employee vacancy rates, generally heavy workloads and disaster impacts.”
The board’s acceptance was based on the closures being allowed for a six-month period to focus on backlogs of work, Huchingson said.
“It was agreed that my office would convene a committee of Department Heads to monitor the effectiveness of the pilot,” according to Huchingson’s report.
“The committee of Department Heads tasked with monitoring met in the initial months, resolved a few minor issues, and determined that there was no further need to meet since the pilot appeared to be working without complications,” Huchingson wrote.
She added, “Since, heavy workloads and employee vacancy rates are essentially unchanged and the pilot appears to be working without complication, staff recommends your Board extend the pilot for another six month period through September 10, 2019, with the exception of June 28, 2019, the last day of the Fiscal Year. Staff will return to your Board on or before September 10, 2019 with an update.”
One of the justifications Huchingson offered for keeping the program in place is that the cities of Clearlake and Lakeport have had similar closures in effect for several years.
In other business, the board will hold a second reading of a proposed ordinance regarding hazardous vegetation abatement. That discussion also is untimed.
The full agenda is published below.
5.1: Adopt proclamation designating March 14, 2019 as National Agriculture Day in Lake County.
5.2: Adopt proclamation designating the Month of March 2019 as Meals on Wheels Month.
5.3: Adopt resolution pertaining to tax revenue exchange for annexation to Callayomi County Water District (Annexation - LAFCO Project #2019-01).
5.4: Adopt resolution pertaining to tax revenue exchange for annexation to Hidden Valley Lake Community Services District (Annexation – LAFCO Project #2019-02).
5.5: Approve letter to Sen. Mike McGuire to express appreciation for his support of AB 72, to be signed by all five board members.
5.6: (a) Waive the formal bidding process, pursuant to Lake County Code Section 38.2, as it is not in the public interest due to the unique nature of goods or services; and (b) approve the agreement between the county of Lake and Adventist Health St. Helena and Adventist Health Vallejo for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 for a contract maximum of $125,000; and authorize the board chair to sign the agreement.
5.7: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the agreement between the county of Lake and Clover Valley Guest Home for adult residential support services and specialty mental health services for Fiscal Year 2018-19 for the amount of $92,400 and authorize the board chair to sign the amendment.
5.8: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the agreement between the county of Lake and Davis Guest Home for adult residential support services and specialty mental health services for Fiscal Year 2018-19 for the amount of $133,200 and authorize the board chair to sign the amendment.
5.9: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the agreement between the county of Lake and Kings View Corporation for MIS support services for Fiscal Year 2018-19 in the amount of $73,360 and authorize the board chair to sign the amendment.
5.10: (a) Approve waiver of the 900-hour extra help limitation for extra help district attorney investigator aides Robert McPherson and Billy Newsom; (b) approve waiver of the 900-hour extra help limitation for extra help information tech support tech I Ryan Clair; (c) approve waiver of the 900-hour extra help limitation for extra help office assistant, Myriam Ivette Herrera; and (d) approve waiver of the 900-hour extra help limitation for extra help victim advocate Mariela Soto.
5.11: Approve the award of bid for the Cycle 7 and Cycle 8 Signs and Striping Project, Bid No. 18-22, Federal Aid Project No.'s HSIPL-5914(104) & HSIPL-5914(113) to McGuire Pacific Constructors of Auburn in the amount of $1,239,526 and authorize the chair to execute the notice of award and agreement.
5.12: Authorize long distance travel from April 1 to 3, 2019, for Sheriff Brian Martin to attend a private tour of the El Paso Intelligence Center, or EPIC.
5.13: Approve the 2019/20 Department of Boating and Waterways Financial Aid Program agreement in the amount of $315,312 to fund the Sheriff/Marine Patrol Budget Unit 2205 and authorize the sheriff to sign.
5.14: Approve the Everbridge mass notification user agreement in the amount of $18,207.91 from March 20, 2019, to March 19, 2020, and authorize the chair to sign.
5.15: Adopt resolution amending Resolution No, 2018-132 establishing position allocations for Fiscal Year 2018-2019, Budget Unit No. 2202, Sheriff-Central Dispatch and Budget Unit No 2301, Sheriff-Jail Facilities.
6.2, 9:10 a.m.: (a) Presentation of proclamation designating March 14, 2019, as National Agriculture Day in Lake County and (b) presentation of proclamation designating the month of March 2019 as Meals on Wheels Month.
6.3, 9:30 a.m.: (a) Activity report from the Lake County Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee activities; and (b) consideration of Lake County Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee's recommendation to purchase two interpretive signs to be placed at the Lakeside Community Park.
7.2: Consideration of resolution amending Resolution No. 2018-118 establishing temporary alternate office hours for county offices located within and surrounding the Lake County Courthouse building.
7.3: Second reading, consideration of an ordinance adding Article VIII to Chapter 13 of the Lake County Code regarding hazardous vegetation abatement.
8.1: Employee disciplinary appeal (EDA 19-01): Pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54957.
8.2: Employee disciplinary appeal (EDA 19-02): Pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54957.
8.3: Conference with legal counsel: Existing Litigation pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54956.9(d)(1): County of Lake, et al. v. PG&E, et al.
8.4: Conference with labor negotiator: (a) Chief negotiator: M. Long; county negotiators: C. Huchingson and P. Nichols; and (b) employee organizations: LCEA, LCSEA, LCDSA, LCCOA, LCDDA and LCSMA.
Email Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.com. Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.